Hi everyone!
I am keeping this one a little shorter so I can get back to work as there isn't really something super major to report from the one I did a few days ago as a public post.
I am currently about 2000+ renders in on edits, and I have been fixing some of the worst offenders. One problem I have run into is that when my computer crashed (the SSD) I lost a lot of what are called "duf" files. They are the raw image files I can edit in Daz Studio, the program I use to make pictures/renders. So while I was lucky that the raw pictures were saved, I did lose a lot of the earlier render files that created those images. So if I am finding mistakes on earlier scenes, my editing options are either try and fix what is there or having to recreate the entire scene again (this can take easy 2-3 hours) which I am trying to avoid unless it's an absolute necessity. The "earlier" files are generally early in the story and/or dom path renders while more of the sub files are saved since a lot of that work came after the crash.
Here is a great example of an earlier render I can't edit in the program so I had to either recreate the entire scene with the same lighting too (tricky) and such...or try and cheat edit a less elegant solution. So the top is the mistake and the bottom is what I did:
Some edits I can do this but others I am going in and editing -- I can't literally correct every single little tiny detail I see (I often see something barely a millimeter clipping for example way in the background or something) but I try to fix things that bother my own eye. Another minor example:
It's small but I have moved Charlotte's hand a little bit around the gun more cleanly.
I should be getting through the renders in the next day I hope, then I will formally create saves of 8 slots (to transfer from 7 to 8) and start playing every path and checking dialogue, save paths, flags working, and anything else I can catch that is wrong.
I never know how each step of this process will go and how long it will take because I don't know what I will find until I do it. But, so far it's been about what I expected with the renders with the added complication of not having some earlier dufs. So...a few earlier scenes in the game may have a few minor errors that I might have quickly fixed before but might kind of prioritize by how serious it is, etc. An unfortunate situation from the crash, I currently have FIVE SSD's backing up every week heh. And after this update is out, doing a more high-tech solution with better saving for my new PC. (didn't want to try switching anything funny this close to an update)
I'm not super great at responding right now so sorry if I am missing anything, I'm kind of in that mode now! (sprinting puff puff!)
Please have a great week all!