Well story reasons she had to, it seems was part of the Alexander deal. Maybe she was hoping he would 'rise up' and beat the odds and drag himself into power like Alexander did.
Yea she's not getting away with that reason she had other options and resources to protect Kane that she not only chose not to use, but sat on the information. It would be like being threatened by Musk when I had Beezos' grandchild. To make it worse, miss backup plan has a super small chance of success for that plan as dom good is the only Kane that would back her, any other alignment is either too weak or too evil to give a fuck about what she says.
Yea she's not getting away with that reason she had other options and resources to protect Kane that she not only chose not to use, but sat on the information. It would be like being threatened by Musk when I had Beezos' grandchild. To make it worse, miss backup plan has a super small chance of success for that plan as dom good is the only Kane that would back her, any other alignment is either too weak or too evil to give a fuck about what she says.
There's also the issue of what plans did Alexander have in place to force Callista to still go ahead even after he was dead. Too much missing information....as usual lol.
You're right though, will never dispute it...the whole thing has issues and holes. How much of those are attributed to our current lack of knowledge or not remains to be seen I guess. Hopefully the next couple of updates will clear up some these issues.
There's no certainty that they even existed. We don't know anything about it. So I think we should wait until there is more information about all of this.
That's for Ep.7 which again, makes me think Tess completely forgot the old SubKaneK5+ route because that sounds exactly what the new system will be like. In fact, I'm actually going to ask her and get this 'path' clarified because right now, it goes nowhere.
Also, Secret Sub can/does take part in the Game Show. Not sure why you thought they didn't...
Edit: Alright, asked on the Disco exactly what is going on with the old/current SubK5+ path, whether it will be scrapped, whether it will become more than it is (which is a Dom/SS path) or whether it will be merged with the new routes for TrustedSubs.
Maybe she was talking about that before, and she just ended up calling it the “total sub” paths for more clarification… when reaching k5 as a sub, ur automatically put into the option of the secret sub route with the outer appearance of being a dom… or going the dom path… For Total Sub, it’s entirely different…I’m thinking now that k1-3 are slave and k4 and above is servant and butler and also where the romance options are… anyways, we should probably just wait for Miss Tess to clarify hahaha
and for Moving up the ranks, I meant in a sense for the total subs, especially since your pretty much locked into the k1-k4 range, it’s extremely hard supposedly to get out of that range compared to if your already out of the k range… that’s why I find a total sub going up the ranks (and keeping that statues) by having to do tasks for specific characters (that have there own goals) for whichever faction you want to align yourself towards is interesting for me personally because of the choices you gotta make.. like, do I wanna do these tasks to go higher in the ranks, ultimately aligning myself for that specific faction? itll be interesting to see
that’s why I find a total sub going up the ranks (and keeping that statues) by having to do tasks for specific characters (that have there own goals) for whichever faction you want to align yourself towards is interesting for me personally because of the choices you gotta make.. like, do I wanna do these tasks to go higher in the ranks, ultimately aligning myself for that specific faction? itll be interesting to see
I actually completely agree with that Crow, those routes do seem interesting to me, if for no other reason that you're avoiding the really hard femdom stuff, you're not completely humiliated and you're most certainly not the pathetic creature the current <K3 Kane is but you're still a sub.
I'm actually looking forward to those to be honest and yes, we shall see exactly Tess had in mind and what she clarfies.
mother of the year put someone who had no chance of winning the gambit if players playing as sub Kane. I know it's getting repetitive but wtf was she hoping to accomplish? I get it if he's a dom but holy shit.
That's for Ep.7 which again, makes me think Tess completely forgot the old SubKaneK5+ route because that sounds exactly what the new system will be like. In fact, I'm actually going to ask her and get this 'path' clarified because right now, it goes nowhere.
Also, Secret Sub can/does take part in the Game Show. Not sure why you thought they didn't...
Edit: Alright, asked on the Disco exactly what is going on with the old/current SubK5+ path, whether it will be scrapped, whether it will become more than it is (which is a Dom/SS path) or whether it will be merged with the new routes for TrustedSubs.
Because Kane is irreplaceable and necessary for the "Karlsson Gambit" to take place. He is the only possible (for now) claimant to the throne, who has Callista's "unique" blood in his genes, and the only possible father of a child not yet conceived (with one of the Karlsson sisters), who will inherit the entire Karlsson Group in the future, after coming of age (according to Alexander's will).
So basically, the SubK5+ path 'is' the Alessa SS route. There's no difference. The only difference is whwther you start as a K4 Sub and move up or you start at K5/6 and specifically start Alessa's SS path.
I have 2 secret subs on the go. 1 where i chose the nice secretary & do everything Alessandra tells me & 1 where i chose the sadistic secretary & do everything wrong where Alessandra gets pissed off with me so am looking forward to see where both route s take me lol
I think you can delete it, but I didn't understood that is the same, what I understand is that at a later time will be a new variable diferentiating secret sub and true Sub Kane, she says that Alessandra Romance only can be in secret Sub, but says other females can enter in the secret sub path, when asks directly if is the same, she doesn't confirm it only says that will be a diferent flag, also the example is subk5 when at the moment the secret sub path is subk7, who knows, maybe i'm reading too much
sub Kane wouldn’t end up dead, that’s only the case of he gets the rank of k1… k2 and up is derived of characters that’ll want Kane to either by their Slave, a servant (which are two different things) and romances, which are Junko, Claudia, Veronica and Olivia (might change in the future)… oh and there’s that path where Kane doesn’t choose anyone and goes to Auction to where the side characters can bid for him
sub Kane wouldn’t end up dead, that’s only the case of he gets the rank of k1… k2 and up is derived of characters that’ll want Kane to either by their Slave, a servant (which are two different things) and romances, which are Junko, Claudia, Veronica and Olivia (might change in the future)… oh and there’s that path where Kane doesn’t choose anyone and goes to action to where the side characters can bid for him
i'm refereing a character like Sub Kane if he no entered the Karlsson company, as it seems the state of the world he would end dead in a dark street or in a very bad place.
So her mother maybe think he would live a better life at the Karlsson company as K "employer"
Is the same path. SubK7 is as high as you can currently get on the SecretSub or SubK5+ path. it's called the SubK5+ path because you start the game as a sub at K4.
Well, I liked it so much that I ended up getting mad at myself, wondering why the hell I was playing abandoned stuff . Definitely in my top 10 on F95 .
I take that sentence to mean, going forward, a M1+ or Z1+ Kane will have more autonomy, will do things 'on his own'...will do things with other female characters that are 'beneath him', but there will be no 'authority' figure above us present in the scene.
Kane, is finally starting to take control of his life and do shit away from the board.
The first thing I would do is remove the bloody chip that produces pain and electricity, and then I would bring feminine pads to the girls in my pod .
Silver_Crow117 Can you imagine there being something else underneath K1? I remember we all thought that above K10 was Z1 and Tess came out and invented the M ranks .
Is the same path. SubK7 is as high as you can currently get on the SecretSub or SubK5+ path. it's called the SubK5+ path because you start the game as a sub at K4.
K9 is the hard cap that the dev felt was appropriate storywise, you can't go beyond it at this stage of the game. We should be able to go beyond K10 by the end of ep.8 part3.
I have 2 secret subs on the go. 1 where i chose the nice secretary & do everything Alessendra Evil Dark Olivia tells me & 1 where i chose the sadistic secretary & do everything wrong where Alessandra gets pissed off with me and sends me to Evil Dark Olivia to be punished properly.
Nope, I will flat refuse to promote you any higher. K8 is the highest you can get after the first evaluation, and if it was up to me I wouldn't even give a pathetic worm like yourself that. At my second evaluation in my throne room if you somehow managed to impress me, I'm only inclined to give you an extra rank. As for logic, maybe leave critical thinking to those above you eh?
I'm not explaining it again, please re read my previous post. TrueSub is a completely, completely different path that has only just started in Ep.8. Not what I was referring to.