I have already begun working on a training program for the house slaves staff for etiquette training
I don't pay you to think. Come to think it, I barely pay you anyway, but that's not the point. You do as your told, explicitly and without question. Leave the thinking part to the people above your pay grade.
I think a threesome with mom and daughter would be super hot (even without the incest stuff you rightly mentioned). Plus, our @Dark Quean Olivia has already agreed to share her mom
Waoh woah woah there, I said happy to share her, not...that!!! Share, not share with me! I mean, I know I'm a pretty open-minded modern women but c'mon, really? You guys feel free to use her with each other whenever you like though (you never know, I may watch).
Just be sure she has some free time in the afternoons to conduct her legal duties though ok?
What you're suggesting seems logical, and it would work fine in a normal world where abstract lovers have sworn fidelity to each other and keep their word... but in a KG world where sexual bacchanalia happens, I highly doubt Olivia can be that for Kane. So she, like Kane, will likely continue to participate in Master/Mistress/servant/slaves scenes, simply because that's the norm here.
You're damn right I won't be. I be taking ALL the pleasures!
somewhere deep inside her lurks her true self as well - sweet Olivia, loving Kane, hugging Seth tightly around his shoulders and promising to have their backs
Wait...there is??? Hmmm, well, maybe, if I'm feeling particularly benevolent that day. ❤
She will have his back as long as he's loyal if not I don't think she wouldn't hesitate to flay him alive or give him a Blood Eagle or some other horrific type of execution
Olivia and Alessandra are two of my favorites
That's fair Dred, that's fair, Alessa is my bestie after all and she is super hot! I still wonder why she hasn't made a move yet, maybe I shall have to be the one to take the initiative. Mmmmm, could be fun, might even make Kitty watch as punishment.