
Oct 5, 2017
Someone should update the sample pictures in the OP. I just realized I originally tried this out on a whim (wasn't a fan of Melty's quest) and thought it would just be another run-of-the-mill RPGM game. I think it would make sense if there were pics showing the fighting scene, the minigames and at least one sex scene.


Active Member
Jan 19, 2018
You dumb as fuck.
Did you read my post?
"What I want, and what I assume the majority of the games fans and supporters want, is for them to continue as planned, finish the Gloryhole job, level3 defeat, subjugation 3, Stripper job, then level 4. "
That's the same thing I want.
What Rem is doing useless balancing instead of the things you and most of us want.
Did you read my post?
Stop firing at someone with the same standing point, OK?
Did I try to stop Rem doing all this?
Hell NO!
He decides to postpone all this, behind the balancing.
Balancing before the finishing of the whole story is a waste of time! He will have to balance it again!
Did you really read my post?

Sending suggestion = harrassing?
What is your logic?
200 thousand death is 100% not a politic issue, it's a public health care issue, it is just becuz those dumbs don't wear masks and trust that stupid leader, causing Rem has to hide in his room even suffer the cold, the muscle soreness, the headache, the health issue that pulled him away from what he loves. If you give 1% more respect to "science", things will be different.
Ok, look, I don't care about your argument with the others, but balancing now, is not a waste of time. If you have any idea about development, the last thing you wanna do, is just adding stuff over and over again, without balancing anything and ending up, with a shitfest at the end, that you now have to balance. You would have to start again from the start to now slowly balance everything. Meanwhile making the game + keep somewhat of a balance does many things.

1. It shows you early issues, that you can fix early. Easy example Overblown Protection. This was implemented because of a balanced build, that showed issues with the game. So now they could move forward, with this system in place.

2. Actual Playtesting. If they wouldn't balance the game, nobody could really give feedback, on things, since nothing would mean anything.

3. Keeping your community engaged in actual playing the game, since it is in a very playable and polished state. Nobody would play the game, if it was just a hot mess.

4. The public Demo. You want the Demo to be as representativ as possible to the finished product. If, once again, it was just a hot mess, people would rightfully think, that the entire game is that way.

In the end, as I said, I don't give a damn about things you want in the game. You are not the first and you will be not the last. But don't act like, you understand gaming develeopment.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2018
Yeah, drchainchair2 is working on and mamaboiii is providing lots of useful information and help with tweaks(both do, actually. They also chose to make their profiles private, but you can use search option and use "By: Member". Pregnancy mod doesn't have art for now.
A few people already trying to work on art with photoshop or whatever skills.
Thanks man


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2019
Second on the lactation. The game constantly focuses on how huge her tits are, people play with her nipples all the time, but nobody even tries to suck one (except for her, in the masturbation scene)? Unrealistic.
Ideally this would be added in the same update as a female/futa enemy or the ability to play with your lady fans in reception, so Karryn can reciprocate.

Never push unsolicited suggestions on a creator.
Yeah just say things like "damn! them big ole boobies would make one hell of a milk shake", and leave it at that.


Nov 4, 2017
If you are a large contributing patreon and are happy with the game development. Then it's ok to make a suggestion directly to the author; if they are undecided about part of the game.

However, if the game creator has specifically stated, I will never do this multiple times, regardless of any contribution, asking them to do something they are firmly against is harassment.


Sep 27, 2019
Does any body know what is the max sensitivity in this game? Cos i have a pussy sensitivity of 300% and its really hard to manage fights that i don't want to have sex it. Makes me want to just end the game so that i can start a new one with all the titles intact


Apr 21, 2020
Is there a up to date list of passives and titles?
There is a list in the OP - right under the download link. But I'm not sure if its up to date.

On another note: a question. How do you initiate sex in the receptionist job? All I get is


Apr 24, 2020
Anyone have an idea on when level 4 and 5 are coming? I've skimmed through the game code and found there was data on things that would appear on those levels, but after clearing level 3 I saw that they weren't actually implemented yet.


Mar 9, 2018
Anyone have an idea on when level 4 and 5 are coming? I've skimmed through the game code and found there was data on things that would appear on those levels, but after clearing level 3 I saw that they weren't actually implemented yet.
I'd say the next year. And until all the bugs are fixed, the game is balanced and maybe some other stuff are added in like titles and passives, it should be next year, or year and a half tops until the game is finished. We shall see.

Alicja Erberg

Jun 28, 2017
There is a list in the OP - right under the download link. But I'm not sure if its up to date.

On another note: a question. How do you initiate sex in the receptionist job? All I get is
Need to have passives like "sketchy receptionist" or "rumored receptionist" which lower desires in the job. Then with about 100 desires for pussy or ass you can get vaginal/anal sex with a goblin. To get those passives raise notoriety.
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May 18, 2020
I'd say the next year. And until all the bugs are fixed, the game is balanced and maybe some other stuff are added in like titles and passives, it should be next year, or year and a half tops until the game is finished. We shall see.
If I had to guess I'd say we get a november/december release with level 4. But I decided to wait for full release now. With every bit of gameplay I just get spoiled. I already spent around 100 hours in this which is impressive and I crave more. It will be easier to skip ver.7 cause cyberpunk thankfully. Also doom expansion around november. Can't wait!


Active Member
Oct 13, 2018
Is there a up to date list of passives and titles?
There is a list in the OP - right under the download link. But I'm not sure if its up to date.
They include all passives up to v0.5. I made an update with all new ones in v0.6 here.

On another note: a question. How do you initiate sex in the receptionist job? All I get is
Need to have passives like "sketchy receptionist" or "rumored receptionist" which lower desires in the job. Then with about 100 desires for pussy or ass you can get vaginal/anal sex with a goblin. To get those passives raise notoriety.
Have look at your desire requirements while working. They are massively increased without the mentioned passives. Try to get the those two passives, get the usual get-sexed-and-thus-lower-desire-requirement passives for vag/anal sex and put on accessories that reduce the requirements (high heels/cashmere scarf).

will be an x32 ver. game?
Highly doubt it. There really is no reason for that.
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May 12, 2018
Sorry if it's been asked before, but I really (really) dig the game (probably one of my all time rpgmaker favorites), and wanted to try the for a new play-through. I learned about the mod from this thread btw, and downloaded it from GIT.

Anyway, last time I played with (just) this mod enabled, I was unable to save the game, which makes it unplayable to me.

Does anyone know if this is a documented/known issue with the mod ? I'm currently playing the latest version of the game that I'm aware of, Karryns_Prison_v.6n.2_EN.

Also, is there a version of the mod that just adds pregnancy features, without all the other gameplay tweaks that I'm not too fond of ? I don't mind clothes remaining destroyed, but keep getting *insane* stamina regeneration while doing reception job. Also I'm able to just sit and regen my stamina after being tripped during battle, which is not vanilla (and quite frankly unwelcome) behavior.

Thank you for any assistance.
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Oct 14, 2017
Wait, days passed don't reset with NG+?
There's no way to avoid enemy scaling?
I recommend justplaying on easy xd
Unless you want to finish game leaving her a virgin, the difficulty and enemy scaling does not really matter.
Game is really well balanced to not get you stuck, unless you are purposely doing everything for it to happen.

Sorry if it's been asked before, but I really (really) dig the game (probably one of my all time rpgmaker favorites), and wanted to try the for a new play-through. I learned about the mod from this thread btw, and downloaded it from GIT.

Anyway, last time I played with (just) this mod enabled, I was unable to save the game, which makes it unplayable to me.

Does anyone know if this is a documented/known issue with the mod ? I'm currently playing the latest version of the game that I'm aware of, Karryns_Prison_v.6n.2_EN.
1. Thanks for sharing the link
2. You might get much better result posting your issue there -
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May 12, 2018
@Dim342 - about sharing the link, you're very welcome, but it's the mod author who we should thank really.

About reporting the bug, I wanted to get some feedback first, but will probably do it if someone here among the "long time players" could confirm it.
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