Sep 12, 2018
What Rem said is great and all but how does all this match up with the story?
Not being like other games with mechanics is fairly common differentiation, but subpar story will still put you with the rest.
Like all the situations so far force Karryn into situations that you can't control.
So it feels incredibly linear, the moment you arent playing the mini-games.
Still in testing phase so things are subjected to change.


Jul 8, 2020
October 26th, 2020: Progress Report and Surprise Dev Log (again??)
Hey everyone, sleepy Rem here with itchy eyes with this week's Progress Report!

I spent the last week working a bit on the Glory Hole as well as fixing some bugs with the Glory Hole and the sex position changeup thing I mentioned last week. And speaking of BUGS, turns out the pleasure damage issue with the Glory Hole I was talking about last week was just a display bug. I realized that when I was doing more tests and bugfixing with the sex position changeup thing and saw that the numbers were abnormally low only during the Glory Hole battle. Karryn's pleasure damage might even be too high now with all the new changes, but well, we'll see.

Anyway, the main thing I was, and am, focused on currently is the big overhaul I hinted about last week. While working on the Glory Hole and bugfixes and other stuff, I've been agonizing on whether to go through with my idea or not. And I'm going to go through with it.
The core idea is based off of three things:
  1. I want Karryn's descend into being a slut not be so fast, and more gradual. You might be screaming, 'What Rem, are you fucking crazy? Isn't it slow enough already compared to other games??' but hear me out later.
  2. I want _____ to matter more.
  3. More _____ in order to increase Karryn's sex skill damage. Since my original worry is now known to be based off a display bug, this point basically no longer matters, but it was always a minor reason compared to point 1 and 2, especially point 1.
Alright alright, so what is _____? It's Desires. I'm overhauling the Desires system. It's not a complete, full overhaul though. There's still the five Desires, sexual stuff will still increase Karryn's Desires, and certain amount of Desire is still required before Karryn will do this or that.
But instead what I'm changing are the following:
  1. Instead of having a max Desire value of 100, Karryn will start off with a max Desire of 50 for Mouth, Boobs, Pussy and Butt. And a max Desire of TEN for Cock.
  2. Certain Passives will gradually increase Karryn's Max Desire, and Max Desire can go beyond 100.
  3. Desires increases and decreases slower as it gets higher. It's much easier to go from 0 Desire to 50 Desire compared to 75 Desire to 100 Desire as an example.
  4. The Desire Requirements will remain static. Currently, it changes depending on the situation, such as if Karryn is working in a side job then the requirements will be higher, or if Karryn is in a vulnerable positions then the requirements will be lower.
  5. The Desire Requirements will be changed to generally be at 50 for the first tier of actions (light petting), 75 for the second tier of actions (heavy petting), and 100 for the final tier of actions (sex).
  6. Currently most passives reduce the Desire Requirement of this or that. Instead, most of them will now instead increase Max Desire or speed up Desire Gain.
  7. A secret. I thought about revealing this here, but as I will be recommending people to start a fresh playthrough to try out all the new changes to game progression, it would be wrong of me to rob those people the joy of seeing the new, changed effects of some Passives. But this #7 thing is a pretty big change, so in the changelogs I will be telling people who don't want to start a new playthrough to go look at the new effects of certain Passives.
Anyway, so what #4, #5, and #6 will hopefully do, is make it easier to learn the Desire system. Right now since the Desire Requirements change all the time, even in the same battle, you're kinda of beholden to going to Status menu and looking at the Desire tab to see why something isn't going as planned. It's just bad for learning. Instead now it will for example just be, 'Okay, I need Karryn's Mouth Desire at 100 and Cock Desire at 75, and that's one of the condition for giving a blowjob. And if she's still not willing to do it and I'm not equipping something that changes the Desire Requirements for a blowjob, then there's something else I'm missing but I'm always going to be 100% sure that it's unrelated to her Desires.'
And of course, currently veteran Karryns would just push all their Desires to 100, and then never give another thought to it. Which brings me to #1, #2, and #3, as well as how I mentioned earlier that I want Karryn's descend into being a slut to be more gradual.

This also goes with the new changes I talked about on not having Karryn start off with Cautious Stance (and by the way, the Wait Out Pleasure skill will also cost Energy now). Karryn at the start, should not be willing to just have sex with a random dude. That's the whole premise. It's the gap between Karryn at the start, and your current super slutty Karryn that has guys lining up in the bathroom to fuck her and cum inside her, that makes the journey so rewarding. The premise of Karryn's Prison, is that this isn't a game with virgin protagonist who then goes and has full on penetration sex in the first ten minutes.
But currently as it stands, if you know what you're doing then you can still make a fresh Karryn in the first couple of battles: lose her first kiss, give a random guy head, and allow some guy to finger her. It's just too fast. The thrill of corrupting something, is if it's not quickly corrupted. The image I want is of Karryn literally succumbing to increasing desire. First she will only allow light petting, but then she begins to think that maybe some more risky petting is fine too. After some time, she's beginning to entertain the idea of sex and we all know where that leads to.

To me, I'm perfectly fine with most people's first blind playthrough not leading to sex in the Level One. Level One was always supposed to be the tutorial experience. Unless Karryn is grinding for some reason, Karryn most likely will not even learn Taunt before the end of Level One, and most definitely should not unlock Cockiness yet. It's only starting with Level Two that side jobs and much more Edicts are available, you have better income, there's new enemies with new tricks and old enemies with surprisingly new stats and so on that really opens up the game.

Karryn is 100% intended to be able to stay a virgin and relatively pure and still beat the game. It's a super hard task, but it's suppose to be possible. So one or two accidents should not put her in a full on gangbang. But what it should do, is make her more vulnerable if she keeps getting into accidents and fuck ups and to me, that's fucking hot and the whole point of the Desires and Passives systems in the first place.

I have a confession though. While I had always talked about how I plan and design things out for the full game, even if only a part of that stuff is only available in the current released version or whatever, the shortcoming of the current Desire system is obviously an unconscious decision on my part to make it easy for Karryn to have sex in the very first version of the game when Level One was the only content available and I really, really wanted to show off the battle fuck system that I spend months creating. It's a human weakness to want to impress, even at the cost of a slightly worse design.

What I'm about to do, is actually the first time I'm going to be changing the effects of most Passives. Because when I say overhaul the Desire system, it really means going into each Passive and changing most of them. Like, most of these Passives are stuff I coded into the game two years ago and have remained untouched because I had planned them all out from the very beginning. So it's going to be a massive amount of work to go back and change them. Which is why I agonized on whether or not to just leave it all alone. But since the Glory Hole battle requires so much art to be drawn by Sachinama AND I managed to implement tooltips into the game, I figured now is the only realistic time to do it if I'm ever going to do it.

The ultimate end goal is to make the early game progression more gradual and immersive, and also more newbie-friendly from the Desire system being easier to learn and process. This might? seem like a disappointing, maybe even unnecessary decision on my part? for someone who already has a fully slutted out Karryn, but as always for everything I try to do, I think it leads to a better game, and also a much better game for someone who has yet to play Karryn's Prison.

And I hope this does lead to a better game experience for current and future new players!
added subreddit link

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Aug 13, 2017
Quick question, but is there something of a mini-guide for the game ? I'm not the greatest at mangaging my ressources, wanted to know if there was like, TOP Priority upgrades to take (Beside the Mess hall), I really have a hard time managing my expenses.

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
Quick question, but is there something of a mini-guide for the game ? I'm not the greatest at mangaging my ressources, wanted to know if there was like, TOP Priority upgrades to take (Beside the Mess hall), I really have a hard time managing my expenses.
There's a trick that makes money very manageable on Warden mode, and it's not cheating or an exploit: let Order get low. That increases subsidies. Try to keep it as low as you can without risking a Game Over from random riots (which can start from Floor 2). I don't even get the mess hall until sometime into Floor 2. The early no-brainer edicts I get on Day 1 include self-paid equipment and prison guards for office. Bed upgrade and the Rope item on Day 2. And switch out your starting title for literally anything else.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2020
Im kinda lost on how updates work since its using exclusively subscriberstar.

what's the usual period of time to wait between updates? just to be clear that i'm playing the lastest version and not an older one?


Active Member
Jan 19, 2018
Im kinda lost on how updates work since its using exclusively subscriberstar.

what's the usual period of time to wait between updates? just to be clear that i'm playing the lastest version and not an older one?
Bugfix versions aside, a big update, was so far always around 4 months. Current version is v.6n.2

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
Im kinda lost on how updates work since its using exclusively subscriberstar.

what's the usual period of time to wait between updates? just to be clear that i'm playing the lastest version and not an older one?
4-6 months for content updates, though this is followed up by rapid-fire hotfixes until the bugs are ironed out. The 6n.2 in the OP is the latest version.


Oct 5, 2017
Im kinda lost on how updates work since its using exclusively subscriberstar.

what's the usual period of time to wait between updates? just to be clear that i'm playing the lastest version and not an older one?
Judging by the weekly updates, the next update should be in december. Hopefully early, but we'll see.

Neo Nocturne

Aug 13, 2019
It actually doesn't really. Once you know how to do it, you can finish all 3 Levels without any Side-Jobs with an income of over 1k each day in 2-3 hours. Just takes a lot of trial and error to get there, at least on Prisoner Mode.
Trial and error? Prisoner Mode is bascially Iron Man mode with a single save. Are you on a different game?

Just in case, we are trying to do a near perfect run keeping Slut level low; getting harassed to a minimum and lowest Corruption level possible. It's easy to get to Level 3 even in Prisoner mode, but not as easy if you are trying to accomplish that with certain conditions. But yes, if you have already figured how to achieve a Level 3 subjugation with less than 10 Corruption, 10 Slut without doing bar waitress job//repair the bar and avoid getting harassed (keeping the history as clean as possible), do tell us how with the details. We really need it.

I was trying to get to lvl 3 without cheating but its too hard and I'm a pro gamer. Well..... hard isn't the right word. It takes too much time. Starting over is a bad idea after you lose at 0 order and keep your lvl. If you keep your lvl, you still have to fight enemies around your lvl and you will only be weaker without your edicts.

The cash you get is really limited even with low order. The waitress is the best way to get money, but you have to spend 40 minutes there and I'm only getting around 900 with my current reputation. So, its possible.... but its kinda dumb. Not to mention the game isn't fully optimized so it can take longer depending on your computer.

The game isn't finish and I expect them to continue to make balance changes. So there is nothing wrong with making balance changes for yourself. For ex, I doubled the income from tips and its still imo a bit too long but I think this is fair and I'm still at lvl 2. For reception, I raised the amount of order you can get slightly. In this case, double is too much.

I used the mod and revert it back almost to the original state. I left some of the mods enabled. I left self save on because I had to start over cause it saved while the game was frozen, and I leaned my lesson. Playing on prison mode atm.

I thought about reducing the damage sexual attacks take on your stamina, but I decided not to because there are items to help with that.
Yeah, I know the game isn't finished and that's why I am trying to do the nearly perfect h-free run. We need to at least know if that is even possible. Assuming this game may have a branch for endings, by testing out these conditions helps the dev to re-balance the game accordingly in case it is impossible to clear the game with such harsh conditions. That's what I have in mind when I was testing this game.

I can barely finish Level 2 in Prisoner mode with just enough Control, but the income nearly crashed after Level 2 Subjugation. It's hard to be a humane Karryn (yeah, I went with humane Karryn, so she built good facilities for prisoners and guards...INCOME FAILED)
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Neo Nocturne

Aug 13, 2019
That's actually true, but the Waitress Job definitely becomes harder if you don't have 0% fatigue. Also whether you're able to keep the desire low at a full bar depends on the your willpower level in the first place. I didn't mention it but I mostly did my shifts after clearing enemies, putting me at 15-25% fatigue. Otherwise its sadly too easy, yes.

For the receptionist job, the desire pretty much doesn't matter, because who cares if Karryn has 100% mouth desire if the pervert still *asks* her whether he can kiss her. And who cares if you have 100% butt desire if you can just shove the goblin away in the first place?

The problem is that willpower doesn't matter in the receptionist job. You lose it anyways doing paper work, so keeping your desires low is impossible after x minutes of work. At that point you *have* to shove the goblins away if you don't want to get groped, which costs stamina. Now you might think 'Hey, you have to decide between spending time and stamina between doing paper work which grants control or keeping the goblins away to remain pure', but that's not even true because the goblins will deal stamina damage once they reach anyways. So just showing the goblins away and not getting a lot of work done becomes the best play, which obviously super boring. Every now and then you're stuck shaking someones hand which will enable a goblin to come closer and strip you, but otherwise there is no exitement.
Finally! I have been doubting myself on the receptionist job issue, it's great to see someone else is coming to the same conclusion.

I think Receptionist mini-game is just a good way to add in more h-scenes. It's not fun unless you enjoy seeing Karryn getting very busy and involved tricks? lol


Active Member
Jan 19, 2018
Trial and error? Prisoner Mode is bascially Iron Man mode with a single save. Are you on a different game?

Just in case, we are trying to do a near perfect run keeping Slut level low; getting harassed to a minimum and lowest Corruption level possible. It's easy to get to Level 3 even in Prisoner mode, but not as easy if you are trying to accomplish that with certain conditions. But yes, if you have already figured how to achieve a Level 3 subjugation with less than 10 Corruption, 10 Slut without doing bar waitress job//repair the bar and avoid getting harassed (keeping the history as clean as possible), do tell us how with the details. We really need it.
Yes, Trial and Error. You can start always fresh and try again.

And keeping Corruption and Slut Level below 10 finishing Level 3 Boss, seems unnecassary hard. Even the Reward for beating Level 3 Boss with the lowest Slut Level is nowhere near 10. Now I am not saying that this is impossible, since in my last run I had at the end Slut Level 15 but that is low enough for me. Corruption dunno, that is a Stat I don't care about, since it does nothing so far aside from Blackmail of Nerds that I don't care about. If I would have to make a guess, I would say, around 20 Corruption should be doable. Anything below and we are getting into the once again unnecassary hard in my opinion.
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Neo Nocturne

Aug 13, 2019
Yes, Trial and Error. You can start always fresh and try again.

And keeping Corruption and Slut Level below 10 finishing Level 3 Boss, seems unnecassary hard. Even the Reward for beating Level 3 Boss with the lowest Slut Level is nowhere near 10. Now I am not saying that this is impossible, since in my last run I had at the end Slut Level 15 but that is low enough for me. Corruption dunno, that is a Stat I don't care about, since it does nothing so far aside from Blackmail of Nerds that I don't care about. If I would have to make a guess, I would say, around 20 Corruption should be doable. Anything below and we are getting into the once again unnecassary hard in my opinion.
Thanks! I just read the update by Rem, I am guessing they will be doing a fine-tuning soon//once things are settled. I just want to see how far/how hard we can go/try for the virgin end. If the condition is really impossibly harsh, I don't even know whether I will still buy the game in the end.

BTW, I was setting a higher bar for myself & Karryn, trying to be a humane warden, so I did get into that unlikely undoable situation. Thanks for being the pioneer. Salute!

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
I think Receptionist mini-game is just a good way to add in more h-scenes. It's not fun unless you enjoy seeing Karryn getting very busy and involved tricks? lol
You're far from alone, others have said the receptionist job is undercooked and unfun compared to waitress. For me, the cum splatters alone ruin it, because believe it or not, I'd rather be looking at Karryn's assets than mostly just goblin jizz. Hm, I wonder how feasible it would be to mod a "wipe off" ability into the job.


Active Member
Jan 19, 2018
Thanks! I just read the update by Rem, I am guessing they will be doing a fine-tuning soon//once things are settled. I just want to see how far/how hard we can go/try for the virgin end. If the condition is really impossibly harsh, I don't even know whether I will still buy the game in the end.

BTW, I was setting a higher bar for myself & Karryn, trying to be a humane warden, so I did get into that unlikely undoable situation. Thanks for being the pioneer. Salute!
Well at least for now, Virgin Run is very doable. Even keeping her actually untouched. My Slut Level 15 was just Sadist stuff and guys looking at her/talking to her/getting themselves off, which with time will get you a Passive here and there or the Passive you will always get at the Level 2 Boss. With the new Desire System, it should in theory even be easier to keep her a Virgin, since 1 fight cannot fuck everything up right away. But we will see.

Neo Nocturne

Aug 13, 2019
You're far from alone, others have said the receptionist job is undercooked and unfun compared to waitress. For me, the cum splatters alone ruin it, because believe it or not, I'd rather be looking at Karryn's assets than mostly just goblin jizz. Hm, I wonder how feasible it would be to mod a "wipe off" ability into the job.
I wish to see her sign a name for a normal fan (get tipped for $5) or get photo with her (get tipped for $10) as some variations. I don't mind her having female fans asking her to give her services too lol! I did get a lot of female fans wanting to shake her hands in one of my runs. Sad to not see 2 goblins going after Karryn as a team-up. It wil hilarious if the guard comes join in for the fun if they overhear her moaning over the PA. The waitress job, I still can't get her to have sex/offer blowjob/titjob/anal without getting drunk, not sure if that is possible, but yeah, waitress is still fun.

Well at least for now, Virgin Run is very doable. Even keeping her actually untouched. My Slut Level 15 was just Sadist stuff and guys looking at her/talking to her/getting themselves off, which with time will get you a Passive here and there or the Passive you will always get at the Level 2 Boss. With the new Desire System, it should in theory even be easier to keep her a Virgin, since 1 fight cannot fuck everything up right away. But we will see.
Keeping virgin is easy. Not to get any fetishes at all, that's really hard. I really tried hard to keep Karryn completely clean, it's so impossible T-T Willpower falls too fast and things spiral fast. Same, hopefully the re-balanced update will keep her from getting screwed/getting weird fetishes too easily.

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
I wish to see her sign a name for a normal fan (get tipped for $5) or get photo with her (get tipped for $10) as some variations. I don't mind her having female fans asking her to give her services too lol! I did get a lot of female fans wanting to shake her hands in one of my runs. Sad to not see 2 goblins going after Karryn as a team-up. It wil hilarious if the guard comes join in for the fun if they overhear her moaning over the PA. The waitress job, I still can't get her to have sex/offer blowjob/titjob/anal without getting drunk, not sure if that is possible, but yeah, waitress is still fun.
Yes, photos would be great for a bit of exhibitionism content, though the game's plot could only allow it to go so far. I'm pretty sure goblin DP in that job is actually doable, I could have sworn I saw a pic of it but haven't played it enough to make it happen. And yeah, you can't do sex acts as a waitress outside of the "bent over the counter" segment. Only fondling, spanking and such. Though it's probably possible to get to that point without actually being drunk if Karryn is slutty enough.
Last edited:


May 11, 2020
Only interested in learning the way to get to level 3 meeting those criteria without using cheats, I don't need a save where you edit the parameters to get those.
Lel, I've just used pure natural progress, but I see some people like to use cheats, too bad @_@.
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