
Mar 17, 2020
I read somewhere that another update was comming this month (unlike usual update schedule), does someone has any news ?

Also, does anyone know how to raise your warden lvl ? I'm stuck at around lvl 40 and can't get it to raise, it keep saying "you need 5 more stats to raise your level"... Is there a cap or something preventing me from getting higher lvl of stats ?
as of now the creators are on break the first week of january and the update should come sometime after that.


Mar 11, 2018
yeah there's a stat cap right now, the cap gets raised for every floor you clear (only the first time, riots don't count).

I think you can remove a line in the code to remove the cap


Jun 21, 2019
New Remtairy post on Subscribestar

Happy New Year 2021!!
Hey everyone, Rem here! Happy New Year everyone!
As mentioned in previous posts, Remtairy will return to work after the first week of January.
I also mentioned that I would do a Retrospection on 2020, but the whole time I kept changing my mind on what to write and ultimately I decided not to write anything. Initially, I was going to write more about private stuff, but then I felt like it would be a bit tone deaf considering what a year 2020 had been for the whole world, and honestly, it would've held little to no literary value to read personal stuff about me when everybody went through their own episodes in 2020.
Then I thought to focus just on the accomplishments and setbacks Remtairy went through in 2020, but again, I don't really want to write negative stuff as the last piece that I would write for 2020, and when I was left with only positive accomplishments, I felt like it was a bit off to stroke myself in a $10 post, so I ditched that idea too.
I thought about just chronicling Karryn's Prison progress, but I also went through the effort of writing a Progress Report every week for the year before December, so it felt redundant. Finally, my last idea was to maybe write about what worked and what didn't work with Karryn's Prison, but I didn't feel right to write something like that while the game is still literally in development.
Long story short, no Retrospection ended up getting published! Maybe that's why I didn't write one for 2019 either.
Anyway, I still feel like doing something for people supporting us while we're on "vacation", so I'm going to re-open the Name Submission for the Visitors in the Receptionist Side Job for a week.
I hope everyone stays safe, and enjoys their weekend!
That's a lot of words explaining why he wrote basically nothing. Happy holiday Rem.


Dec 11, 2017
What does your slut level do anyway? Does it increase arousal damage when using sex skills?
Don't take my word for it, but I believe slut level doesn't do much on its own. (You gain 1 slut level for every passive you get)
its the passives that'll contribute to sex skills via what each individual passive bonus/nerf it gives you. If anything I believe slut level hinders Karryn because it lowers her charm. (I can't remember the exact ratio)
Random passive example: receiving anal creampies restores Karryns energy based on amount of cum, so combining that with other passives which increase ejaculation amount will give extra energy, thus keeping you in the fight longer.
You would be surprised(or not) how many times I have been able to swing a clutch victory because I was able to control internal ejaculation and get enough energy to not pass out and end up in solitary (not that that's a bad thing sometimes :p)

Which means it depends on HOW your raise your slut skill.
Personally in my playthroughs its good to try and have a fallback sex skill for once you are found in a position that you can't fight to win (for me its always the 3rd floor boss 2/2 wave).
By keeping desires down in some sex skills, you can game/rng the enemy to target the area you want, thus focusing the slut level gain/passives that you get.
Important to keep an eye on it early-mid game so you don't lose control.

Especially debatably important to keep slut levels down to a minimum until you have all floors subjugated that you can for the best possible reward from your NTR king (20 slut level per floor gives best(?) choiced rewards) AND until you get your side jobs set up.
P.S: I'd avoid engaging in the side jobs sexual aspects if you can while you are clearing because it takes fatigue and you may find yourself with such nasty passives (Doubling pleasure gains during side jobs is a ruffy one)

Sorry if I missed anything or this was unhelpful/already covered


For a full corrupted route do I need to lose all the time or use sex skills in the battle every time?
It's really up to you, you can go a full corrupt route by winning every battle. It depends on how you factor in all your stats and upgrades.
Example: Clear the first floor, getting the bar, and end up getting naively drunk.
Its hard to "clear" the game if you have the mindset of just being a doormat like in other games.(take exhausting drug, get battle raped, move on)
depending on your starting sensitivities, it'll help your corrupt route whilst also making progress.

As others have said, use your sex skills as they get more passives as you use them, such as cock stare/cock petting.
If you end up not paying attention to your gains, you may spiral out of control and not be able to win anything and will shoehorn yourself into a bad end 1.
I personally think its the best way to play as an initial naive warden so you can clear some content and get a solid grasp on order/control/upgrades/income/controlled passive gain.


I apologies if this has been asked before, but is there a way to increase how often enemies speak and is it possible to change what they and Karryn says? If it has been posted on how to do this I would appreciate know what page.
Only way I know without editing files is to have your desires balanced so it locks out the moves that you don't want, and enables the moves you do want.
Having horny/flustered enemies helps as well so they are less likely to attack and more likely to talk/jerk off
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May 26, 2020
Weirdly enough I found that a slut run is easier if you tryhard the "combat" route while taking slut edicts like endurance/mind training and healing thoughts, the last of which is basically a requirement.

Then it's almost like flicking a switch. You run out of stamina because your combat stats suck because you didn't build them up, but then you outlast the raping, get a ton of passives in the process, and don't actually lose because you have a lot of energy management in place already. Then it cascades from there, especially once you get cock stare or another pure sex skill. Also buy one of the items that reduces desire needed to do whatever sex skill to speed up the process.

Of course if you want the loss scenes then you have to, ya know, actually lose. With my weird method you always win but still get the slut build. Idk, I guess it satisfies both my ego and my dick?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2020
Yes, I don't understand what I'm doing wrong, in a few shifts they are already fucking me on the bar
Well, that's the whole point of the Bar Service. And the entire game. You did not send Karryn there just to serve alcohol to prisoners, did you? ;) Reception work is also not about filling paperwork and arranging visitations, really.

Just set her to refuse drinks while working, so they won't get her drunk and take advantage... too soon. Bear in mind that she will not be regenerating willpower that fast when working sober, so the patrons will wear her down eventually one way or another.
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Dec 11, 2017
What the above guy said.
Refuse drinks, keep your desires/fatigue low & hope for the best.
Early on you can have a couple drinks before getting drunk, but once you get the upgrades, one drink and you are over the bar.
Also keep note of your passives, the sidejobs can devolve to orgies very fast as soon as you get the passive that double-desire gains during side jobs.
As long as you don't end up with 0 energy, I'd consider the job a success. Failing = Ending up in in a different room.


Feb 25, 2017
um, not sure did someone ask/posted before
I remembered the complete gloryhole (with cg)was going to be released somewhere in the first week of Jan?
or did Remtairy postponed the release?


Active Member
Jan 19, 2018
um, not sure did someone ask/posted before
I remembered the complete gloryhole (with cg)was going to be released somewhere in the first week of Jan?
or did Remtairy postponed the release?
Is was never said first week, only that the aimed release is in January. If anybody here said something else, then it was misinformation.


Aug 30, 2018
Hey, could someone share a game with the pregnancy mod installed. I'm too stupid to get it to work and I really want it


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2020
What the above guy said.
Refuse drinks, keep your desires/fatigue low & hope for the best.
Why suppress desires, other than when playing a chaste Warden run? With enough slutty passives and maxed desires (boobs especially), Karryn will make a decent amount of money before she's drunk and gangbanged over the bar. She will be getting fat tips for flashing breasts and accepting drinks and kisses from inmates, so even with only a few rounds served before an early end she'll earn enough to consider a shift successful. She'll also be tipped when drinking beer/cum from the mug as she's fucked or after she's fucked. Plus she gets small tips from customers she satisfies with her body. The only downside of working a permissive shift is that she breaks whatever glassware she has on her tray when cumming, so you may find yourself with nothing to serve booze in.


Jun 19, 2017
How to win at the bar?
I've played a lot as a waitress

Here's what I found :

1. Ways to get tips :
- Boobs lvl > 50, clothes intacts (or a little displaced) she'll flash tits and get tips.
- Allow drinking, she'll get tips.
- Sometime while being groped, require clothes intacts or a little displaced, if a desire (boobs, pussy, butt) > 50, she get tips.

2. If you allow drinking/she's aroused, the timer to do things will increase, it's fine as long you continue to serve in time the customers, allow drinking means you'll have to refill them way more often! It will be more difficult to serve 10 customers correctly, personnaly I allow drinking when there's 5-8mn left.

3. You can be dead drunk, and not finish on the table as long as you keep Cock desire < 50. As soon as this desire goes over 50, you're fucked, in many ways :)

4. The more you arouse/flash the customers, the more they'll be demanding.

5. Playing right you can make ~800/1000 gold with the +35% tips title (20mn shift) with a bar reputation at 45 (But I think the Bar reputation have no incidence on that factor).

6. Just be careful with all desires (to prevent many orgasms), don't let them go over 50, especially Cock desire (see point 3), except Boobs desires who can reach the top (and the guys will reach the top!! XD).

There's not really a way to win.
Being a good waitress serving customers and making lots of tips, or drinking a mug full of cum, I see that as a win, both ways :)
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