
Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2017
Yeah, i just copy pasted the file you attached in its designated folder. I made a backup folder in the game folder for the original version to keep it just in case but I dont think that should interfere since its completely in a different place compared to where it should be.
If you installed it correctly then there shouldn't be any issues with it.

Maybe try again in a clean install of the game and see if the issue persists or not.


Oct 5, 2017
The ccmod is not restoring any kind of gameplay feature that has been removed. The edicts simply have always offered very imaginative descriptions, but obviously they are not implemented via gameplay and scenes, otherwise the development will take a hundred years.

All this critique by new people about an 'unfinished' game is honestly hilarious. And yes, I say 'new' here because everyone who has been following the update posts by the devs for years knows that they implemented exactly what they promised. You can critique the game obviously, but don't go calling it 'unfinished' when Remtairy has implemented their planned content exactly as they said they would.

For all the people here let me clear some things up:

1. The dogeiza pose image was datamined some years ago in what must have been version 0.4 or 0.5 or something. As far as I remember it was not even mentioned in any update post. It was obviously just some left over code of a concept idea that was not implemented for whatever reason. Ideas get scrapped during developement, is this news to you? There is probably a bunch more concept images and code that didn't accidently get leaked, so what?

2. Right from the start there were 4 minigames planned. 2 for the first floor and one each for floor 2 and 3. What was not planned was the kind of job that would be implemented. Remtairy left that up to whatever inspired them in the future. Obviously they implemented all kinds of rooms for all kinds of possible ideas and possible dlc (which we did get, albeit with disappointing gameplay). Why implement no minigames on the fourth floor? Because from the get go it was planned that after finishing the fourth floor there would only be the boss left, so there is no incentive to keep managing the prison. It's not designed to be an endless prison simulator. It is designed for the player to try to as quickly as possible clear the game. Before order reaches zero and, hopefully, without corrupting Karryn.

3. The same goes for edicts. Bth, it was already announced that level 4 would have no edicts when they were working on the level 3 edicts (feel free to dig up the development posts for me). Even then Remtairy said that that the level 3 edicts would be the last. For the same reason as explained in 2)

You want more minigames? You want to manage the prison forever? Too bad, cause that was never the goal for the game. The vision Remtairy had was that the player would try their best to keep Karryn uncorrupted while advancing in the prison, having to manage order vs karryn's corruption. You fight to lower order, but every fight slowly increases Karryn's corruption. When keeping this in mind, the decisions made make sense.

Now, was this vision actually properly realized and do players actually play the way as envisioned? Those are the questions you should ask and I agree that unfortunately the answer to both is no. There is a lot to critique. But stop it with that uninformed 'unfinished' game nonsense as if they had made promises that they didn't deliver on. The only thing would be the rework of the DLC which never came due to writers blog/a weird pride issue.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 2, 2017
well for me it's just a game. i did not pay a dime for it so i will not say any thing but i will state we can't make tem do anything they do not wish to do.
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Jun 1, 2022
Never got around to playing this one because of the unrealistic tit and ass size. Any mod that can help change the sizes?


Jun 8, 2020
Never got around to playing this one because of the unrealistic tit and ass size. Any mod that can help change the sizes?
All of the art is drawn, so no. Considering the sheer amount of poses the main character is in, it'd take a pretty ridiculous effort to redraw it all.


Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2021
The ccmod is not restoring any kind of gameplay feature that has been removed. The edicts simply have always offered very imaginative descriptions, but obviously they are not implemented via gameplay and scenes, otherwise the development will take a hundred years.
Ooops, caught lying literally in the first sentence. By the way chainchariot is the developer of original ccmod.
Untitled (3).PNG
Untitled (2).PNG
Too bad, cause that was never the goal for the game.
Hello, I'm a developer. I like to put dialogues in my game just to tell players they can't go to certain places. You might be wondering why I don't just put a wall in those places instead of writing a dialogue. It is because this is all part of my goal. My goal is to let the players wonder if I will ever complete my game or not. I'm so smart :geek:
Last edited:
May 18, 2020
Dafuq is going on here...

Look, the game had enough content before 1.0 to be called a decent complete hgame. Anything above that was extra.

On the other hand I won't even bother pirating the 2nd dlc. I am just that much of a degen, I wanted more spicy stuff, not Karryn being in control. Happy owner of the rest of the game though, hell I bought a lovense toy to enhance the experience.

When I saw the possibility of dlc, I instantly wished for more narrative content, more content tags (like: bondage, more toys, breastmilk, drugs,) or spicier jobs with their own outfit. I can 100% understand anyone being disappointed by the dlc content, but calling the game incomplete is a joke. Rem slapped on his stomach (saying in my native) and picked a floor number at the beginning of the development. He built the layout of the castle early that is why there are unused rooms. Sure more stuff could have gone there but this is exactly why bigger productions won't show you stuff from the production period of projects.

At this point I just want the game to receive a "final" patch so it is more worth looking into modding the game to my own taste.


Jun 22, 2020
I found a bug in the version In the night on the third floor the screen on dialogues don't appear only happen in the night...


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
Why can't we fellow fappers just get along eh?
lol innit, but *nom nom*... Action is heating up lol jk ok fine fine.../sigh ok guys lets all get along, I bet every one of you fapped at the same time with one game or another, at the exact same time you all held your private parts whilst playing either the same game or another, you look at the moon and the sun the same time while fapping, we all one on this planet let's all fap together! err preferably in different rooms unless your into that sort of thing, oh dear did I just create a fap swingers lounge o_O Can we get some girls in here too, so it's not awkward? :rolleyes:
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 2, 2017
ok i fined it one sided the enemy hit's you harder then you hit them then the fuckers can still your weapon with no fucking problem. so what is the point of haveing a reward system for not being slutty are raped when the enemy get's more moves then you and you are by your self. you should just say heres the warden you little fucking flash light.


Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
View attachment 2695046

Rather be a clown than histrionic.
Ok clown. You paid 4 Dollar DLC to get voice in a game that should be a part of her moves already. I bet EA games loves you as they like to cut content that should be part of game and DLC it over.
You people believe just because a game has an ending, it is complete. That doesn't make it fucking complete. Do you not fucking understand lack of content or unfinished content of a game?


I will give you some easy examples.

The game follows a pattern, a routine. But stops it at that point.
Now lets take in looter shooters. You get loot on every level. Now you got a level you don't get loot on.
Lets take racing games. You unlock new vehicles every level. Now you don't get a new vehicle.
Let's even take something classical to dumb it further down with lack of content in a stage. You know that frogger game? You avoid vehicles and cross the road in stages. Well guess what. The stage before the last stage you just cross the road not worrying about any vehicles. That still makes it complete, right? A core essence and part of the game removed. It is still done, huh?
Or another better analogy. You know. Most RPGs still have loot and rewards when dungeon delving. Guess what? No loot again, back to our Looter Shooter analogy. You just go in, fight some enemies, return home to get your superficial reward, and pat yourself on the back. But hey, totally it is a done game. Even though you spent time painstakingly crawling through that stage, you get nothing to go for it.

Karryn Prison followed a standard Edict Resource management on every floor. You do not have resource management on the 4th floor. Claiming the 4th floor is final floor and getting a free pass isn't going to cut it. MORE SO. As I MENTION BEFORE. When you are warped back to your room and not forced to go with the final boss outright. No, you rest up. You get your commonplace reward for clearing a floor. YOU DO NOT GET YOUR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR THAT FLOOR.


A dev slaps complete tag and ya'll eat it up like two+two=fish.

It is clear Rem gave up with the game around 4th floor. Hell, it was clear prior before that when he started removing other existing content and cutting it out. But hey, having a floor fully gutted beyond fighting and saying 'whelp, it is the final stage,' isn't going to cut it. Especially when the floor literally exists in the menu and you don't have your final fight there. If that was the case, they should have just made the final boss fight on Floor 4 and ended the game there then have a floor lacking content in the game, more so when you aren't really forced to go fight the final boss.
Last edited:
Sep 1, 2020
Ok clown. You paid 4 Dollar DLC to get voice in a game that should be a part of her moves already. I bet EA games loves you as they like to cut content that should be part of game and DLC it over.
You people believe just because a game has an ending, it is complete. That doesn't make it fucking complete. Do you not fucking understand lack of content or unfinished content of a game?


I will give you some easy examples.

The game follows a pattern, a routine. But stops it at that point.
Now lets take in looter shooters. You get loot on every level. Now you got a level you don't get loot on.
Lets take racing games. You unlock new vehicles every level. Now you don't get a new vehicle.
Let's even take something classical to dumb it further down with lack of content in a stage. You know that frogger game? You avoid vehicles and cross the road in stages. Well guess what. The stage before the last stage you just cross the road not worrying about any vehicles. That still makes it complete, right? A core essence and part of the game removed. It is still done, huh?
Or another better analogy. You know. Most RPGs still have loot and rewards when dungeon delving. Guess what? No loot again, back to our Looter Shooter analogy. You just go in, fight some enemies, return home to get your superficial reward, and pat yourself on the back. But hey, totally it is a done game. Even though you spent time painstakingly crawling through that stage, you get nothing to go for it.

Karryn Prison followed a standard Edict Resource management on every floor. You do not have resource management on the 4th floor. Claiming the 4th floor is final floor and getting a free pass isn't going to cut it. MORE SO. As I MENTION BEFORE. When you are warped back to your room and not forced to go with the final boss outright. No, you rest up. You get your commonplace reward for clearing a floor. YOU DO NOT GET YOUR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR THAT FLOOR.


A dev slaps complete tag and ya'll eat it up like two+two=fish.

It is clear Rem gave up with the game around 4th floor. Hell, it was clear prior before that when he started removing other existing content and cutting it out. But hey, having a floor fully gutted beyond fighting and saying 'whelp, it is the final stage,' isn't going to cut it. Especially when the floor literally exists in the menu and you don't have your final fight there. If that was the case, they should have just made the final boss fight on Floor 4 and ended the game there then have a floor lacking content in the game, more so when you aren't really forced to go fight the final boss.
See what I mean? Histrionics. All caps too :KEK::KEK::KEK:.

Have fun comparing a two person studio to EA, one of the largest producers in the general industry who don't even make H-games. Which btw, I don't like EA. But always happy to throw four dollars to a passion project indie title like the two people who developed this game. You sound cheap man. Keep crying tho.


Aug 7, 2017
Just for the record, Rem has released many progress reports about the design process, and even some after the game was released. And address this 4th Floor issue in this . Now people are free to say whatever they want, but at the end of the day the dev decides what their game will contain regardless of how many ideas they come up with.

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And really I think there are only 3 possible scenarios right now. It's possible I may have missed some, but these are the 3 most likely.

1. You are a person that followed the game development for a few years, and purchased the game to support the dev team, in which case you clearly enjoyed and liked what the game had to offer. And are free to make criticisms about the game and actually have a leg to stand on. There is quite a lot of content I would have absolutely loved to see added to the game. Am I disappointed it didn't get added? Of course I am. Does that make the game unfinished? No it does not.

2.You purchased the game without doing any research, in which case you are free to be disappointed the game isn't what you expected, but at the same time it's your own fault for not checking out the game before hand (there was a demo)., and you could have refunded within 2 hours. You complaints are still valid, but it doesn't really entitle you to claim the game is unfinished if you didn't follow the develpment process.

3. You pirated the game, and did nothing tosupport the developers. In which case you have absolutely no right to complain about anything not included in the game. You are entitled to absolutely nothing. Any complaints about what the game might have contained or had removed is irrelivant. You can discuss what the game contains and how it plays and whatever else, but complaining about what the game should have in it because you think it's unfinished should be disregarded.

We all pirate games on here for one reason or another, and I am in no way criticising that. I just don't think it right for anyone pirating the game to feel entitled to tell the dev what they should have put in there game.

None of us know exactly why content is cut, but according to Rem there was only ever going to be 4 jobs. Perhaps they put basic structure in place for numerous jobs, then picked the 4 best from what worked well in the game. Who knows. Could Rem have beenmore transparant about what was being added? Sure he could. Was he required to? Nope, not at all. And as far as dogeza was concerned I suspect it was scrapped because it doesn't really fit Karryn's Personality, nor the theme of the game IMO. Am I sad it didn't make it in, sure, I'd love to see more of Karryn no matter what it is(Except pregnant, though cumflation is okay.)


New Member
Jun 8, 2019
thanks a lot , I found it before 3 hours
now have another error
when I install CC_Mod 1.7.0 + KP Mod 3.0.4 + game steam newest ver (maybe
the game will error on loading save
did u have any suggestion ?
it will show " Cannot read property '16' of undefined "
I'd found detail on 's page
but didn't know how to fix it
thanks a lot , again :D


New Member
Jan 15, 2023
Is it possible to lose your virginity at the gloryhole? I've been able to make her lose her anal virginity at the gloryhole but vaginal sex requires like 20k stamina which is impossible. The only way to lower it seems to be to have her have vaginal sex outside of the gloryhole then come back and use it but that's obviously not possible. I've been fucked anally and given so many blow/handjobs in the gloryhole now but nothing seems to make the stamina requirement for vaginal come down. My max desire is stuck around 120-140
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