...I was just trying to ensure you were not misunderstanding that there may be a problem with your site after you initally only showed download info (which I was trying to point out wasn't very relevant)...
And I was trying to point out that it is very relevant, considering the fact that you need to register and verify before you are able to download. That's why I included a comparison of how it looks like when there's a server side issue, causing download inactivity.
...clearly then, I am an outlier and I simply cannot create an account on your site. I'll continue to use mirrors moving forward since I already have 2 unverified accounts that it will not give me access to. Thanks again.
While the official source is the primary method of download which some may not have access to, Mirrors while more direct and convenient are the secondary method and my personal site is an alternative method which can be inconvenient but it will always be kept updated first. I provide multiple options for people to choose whatever they prefer.
But, If you have some time, you can fill out the contact form on the site with a link to the screenshot of error or preferably a recording of your process before the error, and I can look into it.