I'm not sure if these will be of any help. I'm not exactly a programmer but there is this function code in RemtairyEnemy.js:
Game_Enemy.prototype.checkIfStillErectedWhileInPose = function()
It has a comment line above that says "Now currently being called in post internal ejaculation". It seems to be calling the functions responsible for delaying pulling out after the internal ejaculation, take a look at it.
Also check out these two functions in RemtairyBattleManager.js:
BattleManager.pullOutAllEnemies = function()
BattleManager.pullOutEnemy = function(enemy)
I suppose you'll find what you're looking for in these two functions above. I'm guessing the code you need to change is most likelyactor.setAllowTachieUpdate(false);
but that's just my unedicated guess. Anyway, I was wondering the same thing for quite some time. If you manage to do it, feel free to share how you did it.
so far no luck. everything i try either does nothing or crashes the game. i'm still trying and will keep you posted. any other suggestions are welcome.That change was made around the 0.9 version. Before that, it would show the standing battle pic, then the creampie cut-in, and a couple of us on the Discord pointed out that it looked kind of silly. I don't know why he made it last to the end of the round, I just figured something in the code made that the easier way to go.