"Plenty of lost potential I see for this game too, and things that could have made it better and been put in the game, all the definite cut content"
Reading comprehension is a hell of a thing. That whole paragraph above is clearly me only "glazing" the developer and just "accepting bugs". Aka just "coomsooming" It's clearly not me being frusrated at what could have been. The difference is I know it is what it is, and can move on to other games and not have this game and all those things live rent free in my head, that's just sad.
And what do you mean "nobody wants to be critical and negative of their favorite", people are all the time lol, on god knows how many games. On this game alone, I see the same talking points, some done constructively, some deconstructively.
This is literally the far cry 3 insanity quote lol.
No game is ever perfect. There's also no appealing to everyone.
Everybody here see the potential this and that of the game, that's why we're here and staying in the first place. You're not alone, you are not special, you are not an intellectual, drop the thinking cap. You really thought you made something there lol?
This is what I like, I dont care about other game, do I have to say that again? I dont care about other fishes in the sea, I choose this one. What I like, what i seek is here and I go on with it, wherever better or worse or nothing. It's rent free in my head and it stays because It's my favorite.
If i don't love it i don't swallow.
Are you sure it's not you to have comprehension issues, Or you're double down on strawmaning your way through, talking about insanity on repeating thing over and over again? I let you choose what to proceed because it's not looking good on you either way.
While one can do both, consooming and glazing is two different things, also there're little to bring that up here. Frustration requires having a point to be frustrated to, which you dont.
You can continue to convince me that I actually hate the game and wank to the thought of it failing, or it's not even a marriage that I dont need to commit to but God permit not a man to like something and stick to it.
When you get a boner and your mind occupied, It doesnt necessary has to be with something you hate, for the healthy and general population it's actually other way around. If that's your experience then you cant say the same for everyone in the room, talking about negativity, and sad.
I see you interact with other folk from other games threads as well, again you cant just assume yourself on other. I tell you right now if it's not what they like, not what they're interested in, they wouldnt even be there. And criticism is Criticism, if it sticks, it sticks, as you say nothing is perfect, so nothing can be void of negativity and a complete critic is to be both constructive and deconstructive, which is more than a "Oh good review is good bad review is hate" that you can compile.