Jeez, someone's been playing H-games too long, way too long...
Yes, Karryn's Prison is just a collection of CGs, just like every other porn game here. And I assure you there more fapping material to be found on e-hentai than here. And more gaming material to be found in non-porn games. It's easy to realize that if you let off your 'thing' and think of it for a minute, harder that your erection. There is no 'writing your own story', pal. The truth is, you're not corrupting Karryn or any other woman for that matter. You're just sitting in front of a computer, wasting your libido away on a digital plaything with moveable parts written, drawn, directed and compiled by some other guy or two. This is Rem's wet dream come true, not yours really. You and the other players are merely trying to internalize that fella's wet dream and somehow relate to that, the thing which may become a problem when lacking one's own genuine sexual experiences, the imagination filled to the brim with cartoons, gaming terminology and not much else. Which is the essence of pornography, regardless of its medium and format: a supposedly more experienced fella titillates a greenhorn with barely believable stories of great debauchery.
Time to grow up, Spongebob fan, dreaming all day about fake-boobed bimbo barbie dolls! Porn games are a level below porn, which in turn is a level below prostitution, which is a level below free sex, which is a level below a committed sexual relationship. Accept it and move on, or keep on revelling in sexual entertainment of the digital age.
See. Wisdom here, would be too stfu. But here you go and went like a hypocrite potato exposing yourself some more.
"You're just sitting in front of a computer" <- And you are not? Why the indignance and the self-loathing. Yes, very interesting indeed, please tell me more my incel friend.
"Porn games are a level below porn, which in turn is a level below prostitution, which is a level below free sex, which is a level below a committed sexual relationship." <- This sounds like the Islamic hadith I laugh about from time to time, I quote;
Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs
"And from his narration on the authority of Ibn ’Abbas that he said regarding the interpretation of Allah’s saying ( Nun ): ’( Nun ) He says: Allah swears by the Nun, which is the whale that carries the earths on its back while in Water, and beneath which is the Bull and under the Bull is the Rock and under the Rock is the Dust and none knows what is under the Dust save Allah."
What the mulsims (lie) did however is in it's translation remove the part where it says, I quote; "Under the water, is earth, and under the earth is water, and under the water is earth, and under the earth is water, under the water is earth, and under the earth is water, and under the water is earth, and under the earth is water, and under the water is nun. I'm amazed you didn't go on a cyclical circle jerk to constantly feel good about yourself and how smart you are, oh yeah, that's what you are doing pickign fights about nothing on a popular thread on a porn forum, on the internet, on your computer, in your mom's basement.
So considering all your knowledge about taxonomy of the world of corruption and lies, you MUST be the brophet potato muhhammed (Police Be Upon Him). You also ignore the truth to confuse everyone with fraud, (plagiarized) fairytales and lies,
while you yourself being a filthy pervert, spitefull jerk, looking for fights on a public porn forum while kink-shaming and lecturing the uneducated, while in fact indulging yourself in the same (and worse) behaviour like a filthy false prophet. (I thought, might as well make this rebuttal interesting for onlookers by actually teaching people something usefull about mental illness, cults, and the evil dwelling this world).
But yes, I like spongebob, and I especially like how it is more mature than you. Little Dora the explorer potato brophet.
And I personally would put porn games all the way above the 'commited relationship' in your false prophet taxonomy. Because porn games;
1) Don't complain and whine about everything
2) Don't produce babies that warrant your unwavering atttention and full dedication
3) Don't spend endless money on make-up and clothes
4) Don't age out and become desperate for copmliments
5) Don't vote liberal while pretending they deserve tradwife benefits in the relationship
6) Don't take half your stuff when the relationship ends
7) Want me to go on for real?
Ah, the bliss of a good h-game and a community of like minded gooners, Jannah on earth

(Fun fact, the muslims believe Jannah/Heaven, which is all about sex, has a 'picture book in which men and woman can be selected and then you can go in the picture and have sex with it. Not kidding, their heaven is gooning in front of a pc screen. And offcourse having sex with little boys like a bunch of pedofile fags, also not a lie, ask them about the servant boys circling around their beds while they have sex with their see-through white blond woman, o fwhich everyone gets the same one, with the same face, singing the same song over and over for eternity. like it's some endless porn movie they watch together on repeat because they are too poor for internet connection. Oh, and yes, they get endless penis too, which is also a funny promise for a "god" to make. Muslims.).
But on the matter of Karryn's Prison, I think being cucked by Karryin for eternity is better than a committed relationship with you.
You sound like a bitch. I get you're an incel.
Edit: P.S. Prostitution is NOT closer to a committed relationship than a porn game, or any porn for that matter. Human Trafficking, hurting people, systematized rape, etc. It's all pretty much frowned upon since the dawn of man you know. Masturbation is what people do in committed marriages to avoid distastefull dynamics like 'being married only for sex' (mut'ah i.e. marriage/sex contract in Islam, again, what a coincidence, it's almost as if Islam is evil). You are evil if you believe what you said. But offcourse, you only did it to kinkshame and feel better about yourself, and you're just an idiot potato.