As for many others this game stuck in my mind as one of the very best.
I have asked myself why. There were several things not up to date even back then, let alone today.
The story also wasnt particulary original or the character developement (apart from corruption) even existing...
So what was it? What made this game so good and replayable althoug there were no real choices/alternatives that would essentially have made a difference (come on, how many play a lewd game fo the purity route...)?
I dont know the answer. But there definetly is something to this game.
My best guess is: Its our imagination.
The story lived long enough to show some exciting possibilities, but died early enough to not fuck any of it up, but leave it to our imagination. What else would she do, how deep she would fall and how bad it would end, that was still unwritten.
And secretly being written within our minds, making this game exactly what we wanted it to be, without (content-wise) remotely coming close to what we actually imagined already.
I mean... I was really looking forward to a path where Katie would get involved with Brandon and completely sucked into his world of crime and gang stuff.
Would she become a stripper? Would she become a prostitute? Would she become a drugdealer? Would she do porn?
How would it continue in her "office-job"? What would happen if all the guys knew about one another and started wanting her just for themselves... or getting mad at her instead of each other?
There were a number of things possible... and therefor a ton of new scenes and "choices"
I also wanna point out, another Fan made a short ending for this a while ago, including a twist: when you wake up after that "wasted-bar-night-double-trouble-scene" Katie reconsiders her life and choices and decides to get her life back on track.
I like the fact this got official endings now. I still miss a lot of content in this game, caus to me it feels like it was abandonned/finished at a point where the whole story should really get going, because at this point she was finally ready for the real deal. Now it feels like that got cut out.
But its better than nothing, and the magic of this game is still here ^_^
And I really really liked the new style Katie had within the Brandon-ending (except for the barking... that was... over the top for me
