4.60 star(s) 28 Votes


Engaged Member
Jun 5, 2017
Another thing about adding sound to the CGs is that the pace of those is dependent on how quickly the player reads through it. And with it being just text and images, I imagine the pace that the player imagines it in their head will be different for everyone. Not a major concern, but just throwing it out there.


Fluffy ears!
Nov 9, 2018
Weekly Roundup - Week 34 - Wrapping up animations & Next build

Art Packs
Sketch Packs
Hi everyone!

Last week I finished two of the new 4 of the new animations for Kincaid:

Swimming up, down and idle


Next up I'll do an underwater dash, self-heal, walking into a door, air dash and shooting up&down.
I also did some sketches for new Kincaid illustrations. Lately I've been so focused on making pixel art and I need to shift the gears for a bit so I don't get too rusty. I feel guilty for making art that will not make it directly into the game, but I feel like it's important that I dedicate some time to drawing Kincaid and other characters, too, lest I lose touch with the concepting and design side of things.

Null has finished porting the game over to the new GameMaker version and blasted through most of the bugs you guys found! We also changed the wording on the quest to make it more clear where to find *that person*. ^w~

The Upcoming Build

Aside from some new sexy content the upcoming build focuses mainly on polishing what we made in the previous build. I want to make proper animations for all the abilities, touch up the UI a bit to include energy and currency and Null is working on a shader to make the water look nicer.

Cookie & Null
Consider if you enjoy the game!

Shura Matoi

Nov 3, 2017
Weekly Roundup - Week 34 - Wrapping up animations & Next build

Consider if you enjoy the game!
Though its been quite some time since you mentioned being sick how are you 'nd how ya been? Are you feeling any better compared to before/are you better now?
tenor shura.gif
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Reactions: Cul and Stuffie


Game Developer
Mar 24, 2019
Game desperately needs a "turn off kobold SFX" option. The noises they make sound like a constipated chihuahua.
That's funny. xD But yeah, separate sliders for different audio groups is something I want to do. As well as SFX for CG scenes. I have recorded a few soft sighs and moans with the voice actress but we haven't put it into the game yet.


New Member
Feb 25, 2019
call me silly dumb dumb but ... i been struggling over 2 hours trying to use the grapple swinging back and forward trying to get on top of the next area *where the big animation of the MC and the red tribe lizard is* and i still couldn't figure it out to get on top of that area!

either its too hard to do with keyboard or im doing something wrong (X

dont get me wrong i love challenges but i guess trying to get on top of that area seems to be quite hard D:
You should use both the air-dash and the double jump when you release the grapple.


Dec 26, 2018
tried using the cheat table but didn't work and i can't beat the wolf, max i can down is 50% his hp
Are you sure you were using the correct version of CT? (latest one has infinite jumps cheat and works with pre-hotfix 202008)
PS In retrospect I probably should have been including game version each cheat table is intended for inside it's name


Fluffy ears!
Nov 9, 2018
Update from September 2nd:

Hey, Null here.

I'm really sorry for the delay on this. There was a major GameMaker update. Their original plan was to make the installation availagle parallel to the previous version because so much stuff has changed.

Apparently they threw that plan overboard, so it replaced the version I was using. They also didn't offer downloads of any of the previous versions on their webpage either. So I decided "Screw it, I need to update to the new version at some point anyway, I'm just going to do it now".
Oh boy. I filed 7 original bug reports to YoYoGames. Most of the time was spent on fixing things that got broken during the project conversion process. Thankfully their support staff was very helpful and responsive.
The HTML5 build can't be done right now because some of the features I am using currently don't even work in the new GameMaker version, so that's out of my hands unfortunately. :/ I have narrowed down the problem.

If I can find a work around, I'll do it, otherwise I'll just wait for them to patch things. Sorry!! If you are on a Mac or Linux machine and pledged, just poke me and I will issue a refund.
Either way, it's done and now I can hopefully continue at my usual pace!

EDIT: How to carry over saves:

The folder changed, but the save games should still work. What you need to do is copy the files from C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Kincaid_Prototype to C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Kincaid_2_3
Here's the changelog. :3

2020.08 Hotfix 1
  • Added tutorials for minimap, self-heal, energy management and drop-down.

  • Upgraded the game to the new major GameMaker Studio 2 version
  • Increased blaster range slightly
  • Time before looking down activates is slightly longer
  • Flight instructor act now has zoom

  • A *PLETHORA* of bugs caused by the engine upgrade, undocumented changes and new bugs within GameMaker itself.
  • Slime sounds audible at max volume no matter the distance.
  • A spot in Glitchcaid where you could get stuck by sliding
  • Added "soft save spots" back in that got nuked somehow (new way Insta-Death is working)
  • A column of missing dark tiles in the flight school at the far right
  • Missing animation for yellowish acid
  • Removed uncoverable notes from the mini map. :(
  • Reworded the quest a bit so hopefully it is more clear now that you have to find the dude outside of the village.
  • Temple is in the west/east inconsistencies.
  • Some typos
  • Duck shooting now costs energy
  • A bug that caused Kincaid from falling off moving platforms sometimes
  • Defeated enemies appearing infront of everything (this one seems to reemerge for some reason xD)
  • Sometimes Kincaid would punch a kobold so hard their defeated remnants would slide across the room.
  • Some sound issues in the gallery.
  • A bug that caused Kincaid to run indefinitely into a wall when trying to talk to an NPC that is close to one.
  • A bug that caused Kincaid to get stuck in the spot, attacking indefinitely, when you smashed downwards the exact moment she would land.
  • Sometimes Kobolds got stuck near the temple entrance after getting excited about a threesome opportunity.
  • Energy didn't get saved/loaded.

Consider if you enjoy the game!


New Member
Sep 16, 2018
I was wondering how does 3-some works. When the health goes 0 around 3 kobolds, I don't see BJ scene ;-;


Fluffy ears!
Nov 9, 2018
Weekly Roundup - Week 36 - NEW Public Demo Out!

Art Packs
Sketch Packs
Hi everyone! ^w^

New Public Build is Out!

You can grab it here:

Highlights of the new build:

  • Threesome animation has been made available to everyone!
  • A gallery has been added where you can look at unlocked scenes!
  • Mini-Map has been added (TAB on the keyboard or SELECT/BACK on your controller)!
  • Explore the newly added Kobold Village and meet the cute kobold villagers!
Be sure to read the cover letter at the start of the game for a more detailled list of changes and additions as well as what to expect in the future! ^_^

Changes to the Legendary Explorer Tier

The main benefit of this tier used to be private streams where I work on new ideas together with the patrons. It worked great in the past and was a ton of fun, but lately it was near impossible to find good times where people can join and participate and even then, most patrons at this tier would be left out.

That's why I have made the final decision to change how the tier works.

The spirit of the tier has always been "behind the scenes", kind of like a studio visit experience, where you get to hang out with us while we work on concepts and designs and weigh in on ideas in real-time.

I want to keep the purpose of the tier the same, but change the format. Instead of doing it as a stream, I will create a new Discord channel specifically for this tier where we share our thought process and what kind of decisions we are making. Basically what we used to do while in voice chat during the streams! I will also just post the results on Patreon, so you can look at it and comment!

During this week's stream I was working on new enemy designs. Unfortunately, nobody could participate so I'll post the results today in a separate post.

This doesn't mean that everybody else will never get to see this. When things get more fleshed out, I will post them for everyone to see like I always have. ^w^

Art Progress

This week I continued working on new animations for Kincaid. Here's a list of what has been done and what I still need to do:

  • Pushing - DONE
  • Swimming - DONE
  • Swimming Idle - DONE
  • Swimming Dash - Sketched out
  • Dash - Sketched out
  • Self-Heal - Sketched out
  • Shooting up/down - Sketched out
  • Wire Shot - Sketched Out
  • Ground Smash - Sketched Out
  • Charged Melee - Sketchd Out
  • Boot Grind - Sketched Out
  • Pipe Grab - Sketched Out
  • Mid-Air Melee Attack - Not started
As you can see, I sketched out most of the animations. For most of them I have to wait for Null to put them in the game to see if they feel right in the raw state before I invest the time to refine them further. So that's "on hold" until we have them in the game!

In the mean time I started concepting new enemy ideas as well as sketched out sex animations for more of the Kobold villagers. Check out to see some of the sex scene ideas!

Weekly Sneak Peek - Week 36


Ruling a village full of horny kobolds is a tough job! So even a queen needs to destress every now and then. ^w~

Tree of Wisdom Guards

Tree guarding duty is hella boring. And it doesn't help if your guarding partner is kinda hot...

Other Villagers

Consider if you enjoy the game!


Fluffy ears!
Nov 9, 2018
Weekly Roundup - Week 37 - Cute Kobold Villagers (GONE SEXUAL!?)

Art Packs
Sketch Packs
Hi everyone!

So here's the stuff we've been working on!

New Encounter Ideas!
I brainstormed and sketched some future enemy ideas. Let me know what you think!

I posted the rest of the sketches in the , since some of them feature nudity.

Lewd Kobolds!

For obvious reasons, to see this stuff, hop over to the . And the complete set of sketches can be found in the !

I'm currently animating the ones we chose to include in the game, so stay tuned for new sexy animations! ^w^

Water Shader
At the moment water is just a simple colored surface. Null has been working on a shader to make the water a bit prettier:

It needs some additional layers and effects like bubbles and splashes to make it come to life, but this is a pretty good base I think! ^w^

Until next week!
Weekly Sneak Peek - Week 37

Lewd Kobold Sketches!

More Enemy Encounter Ideas

Consider if you enjoy the game!


Jun 13, 2018
I love all of those new enemy sketches so much. For the snake people, if it is a choice, I like the one on the right with the snake body instead of legs. If they are different subspecies then cool too but if not, I think the snake body makes them more unique. I especially like that big croc guy, I think there is a lack of characters like that in these kind of games.


Active Member
Aug 8, 2018
I especially like that big croc guy, I think there is a lack of characters like that in these kind of games.
You mean those sketches or the NPCs? Because the former looks like a tiger and the latter is literally mentioned to be as kobolds
4.60 star(s) 28 Votes