Oof, if there ever was something I wish I could financially support.
I love the combat, I love the protagonist, I love the trouble she gets into, I love that you can reflect slingshot projectiles, I love the music and the sound effects are just right.
Probably first furry thing that got me excited too.
Too top it all off seemingly the developer is right here on this fora NOT throwing a fit of any sorts
You are a cool cookie, pun intended. Instant buy when it gets to Steam. Heck I might be one of the first to write a Steam guide because metroidvania, while extremely cool to me, can be extremely frustrating if your eyes fail to register that one off-ramp thingie.
Anyone have a gallery save?
I am 99% sure that in your %appdata% or Local ( ex : C:\Users\Anonymous\AppData\Kincaid_2_3 ) is a populated gameoptions.ini, open it, change the 0's under [gallery] into 1's and you are done.
I might actually go here a few times to do the opposite actually.
Oh, and I would not mind a gauntlet challenge mode in the final version. you know, 1 HP, no upgrades, bunch of enemies spawn in, Maybe a piece of concept art as reward for the gallery should you manage to not lose your pants. Nice/funny bit of lore on that one.
Thanks for reading my incoherent ESL mess.