Aug 12, 2018
"Just getting started"... I certainly hope not. If that were the case than our great grandchildren will be the first to see the finished product.
Personally i am hoping for a "Re-vamp" where they get rid of at least half the areas on the map since there is no reasonable chance of them utilizing these areas. Then get back on track with the already established characters/plot. They keep adding new areas/characters with what seems to me no forethought into how they will play into the long game or how they will fit into the story in a meaningful way.
It seems at least to me that the heart and soul have left this game. Folks that have been around for a while know what i mean by that. I used to support the dev but i just couldn't do it any more. I truly doubt the devs are attacking the development of this game with the same zeal they once had. They don't even communicate with their patrons really. There are plenty of 1 man devs or small teams that communicate with their supporters regularly. And IMO when communication all but stops, that says to me that their heart aint in in anymore. Unless there are some serious changes the only end to this i can see is them dropping the game or rushing an ending. Cant realy tell which would be worse considering a rushed end would necessarily invalidate a lot of/most chocies you made in this "choice matters" game. I made a post on this some pages back and since then im even more certain there wont be a happy end here.
Such games are not meant to be finished, instead to keep the patrons engaged for as long as possible and to generate constantly new ones. Once the coding of the base game is finished, only text and images have to be added in the course of development.
With very few exceptions, most of these games have been in development for 2, 3 or even 4 years, which is absolutely ridiculous given the "content" they offer.
They are the epitome of service games and only there to generate a steady flow of income. It's like EA's wettest dreams come true. A customer with a boner is the best customer u can get.
Anyone who believes otherwise is an unrealistic fool...


New Member
Mar 9, 2020
What would be reasonable as far as using most of the world map would be to do a final 'recruitment' segment, where you have limited journeys you can make, and you have to go to areas that have been unlocked by choices that you've made in order to gain an ally.

For instance: do you have high Avion relationship? Then going to the Minotaur area could net you a Minotaur unit for the final battle. Do you have a higher human relationship than orc? then maybe going to an allied human governor can get you a human unit to use in the final confrontation. Do you have a high slavery rating and have a positive Kira relation? Maybe you can go with Kira to pick up some cheap slave units that can be sacrificed easily in a hectic moment in the final battle.

A wasted trip to an area that rewards different ratings would limit your chance of success/partial success/abject defeat and game over in the final battle.

A decent way to end the game without having to write years' worth of story for all those world areas.
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Aug 19, 2018
I seem to have opened a huge ass can of worms with the statement....Interesting lol. Ok so then am I at the end of the content right now because I am on tekrok's route right now and I have reached the part where I have done his raids and there is now an arrow that says base encampment above it and when I go there it just says I can test formations or leave and I do not know how to complete whatever it is I am supposed to do at this point. Anyone know what to do, or am I at the end of the content?


New Member
Mar 9, 2020
I seem to have opened a huge ass can of worms with the statement....Interesting lol. Ok so then am I at the end of the content right now because I am on tekrok's route right now and I have reached the part where I have done his raids and there is now an arrow that says base encampment above it and when I go there it just says I can test formations or leave and I do not know how to complete whatever it is I am supposed to do at this point. Anyone know what to do, or am I at the end of the content?
There's a link to a walkthrough/guide on the OP that you can check to see if you've covered everything. It's updated and fairly comprehensive.


Oct 15, 2019
I think they could finish the game in one year or so by rushing some routes, and instead developing the endings right now. For example with some hidden content, like for example finding the Warchief and siding with him, which will give you huge boosts for the final battle but lock some endings. And giving the slavery and freedom some influence over the world. Like, if they plan a few big battles before the final one, then with freedom you can offer to some women to work in the relief tents. If you instead focused on slavery, you may enslave them instead. Or, if you're submissive enough, you can walk around naked. If you both developped submissiveness and slavery, you'd end up as a voluntary orc slave with a possible twist: you may be given the choice to betray Neve so that she will join you in slavery and if you fail instead end up as her slave. If you're a dominant, but chose Tekrok, then have to fight at the end for your freedom because he will try to enslave you, if you chose freedom and submissive you might end up traveling with an Lutvrog as his mate, etc for the different choices you made. You may also discover the joys of bestiality with Tijana in a cutscene, etc.
Aug 12, 2018
Their pace a bit? One update every 3 - 5 months with just minor content isn't quite worth to toss a couple of thousands dollars to them, isn't it?
And as i wrote, after scripting the base game, the frame, there isn't much more script work to do, only pic's in various layer's and text. One or two layer's are easely done in one day and for a complete scene u will roughly need one week. An other week for story, texting and scripting. So there should be at least 5 new scenes for every update, including story and lore...
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Jan 29, 2020
Matter of personal taste I suppose. I feel like the quality improved after Sierra Lee's departure, as the focus returned to actually progressing the main storyline. The prior few updates felt meandering and almost pointless. We'll see how it goes as more content is released though.
Well, check the game now and say it once more: 'The quality improved after Sierra Lee's departure, as the focus returned to actually progressing the main storyline.'

You won't be able to, right?
Jan 18, 2018
Well, check the game now and say it once more: 'The quality improved after Sierra Lee's departure, as the focus returned to actually progressing the main storyline.'

You won't be able to, right?
Wasn't sure what you were referring to but I see that quote was my comment in February of 2019. Subsequently I've commented a number of times about how the project has gone downhill significantly. The very first release after Sierra left actually pushed the main story along which seemed like a good indication of improvement. Every release since has been of declining quality. So yeah, Sierra was holding it all together it seems.


Oct 14, 2019
I think they could finish the game in one year or so by rushing some routes.
The problem is that the patreon model really disincentivizes people from actually finishing a game. Once the game is finished they need to come up with a new thing which in itself a challenge but add to it: Will the existing people like it, will they keep on supporting or will most leave. While they know for sure how many people like the current game. So that's why everyone stretches out their games for as long as they can and constantly reworks them and adds 500 different paths and variations.
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Oct 15, 2019
Not that I mind. Linear games are really good when they're well-written, otherwise they can become boring. On the other hand, games with hidden contents are like treasure hunts with hints scattered here and there across the game, and I like thse kind of things.


Jan 6, 2018
The july "update" was nothing more than a scene which should've been included in the march proper update, and a slight rework of a quest. So yeah, the actual update was 7 months ago.
They're free to release it at whatever pace they want, if idiots want to throw their money at a CLEARLY stalled project, they can. However, since sierra left KoD has started to slow to a crawl and I wouldn't be surprised if they plan on killing it soon. I don't want them to, I LOVE nomo's art, but there is clearly no love behind this anymore.
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