
Apr 17, 2018
I think there's a difference between the sub path before Sierra Lee left and the sub path after her influence in the writing was drawn out. I believe a lot of people who are having issue with the latter actually liked the former.

And finding out what exactly is done differently is more of a key here.
Sierra has been out long enough for anyone that liked that brand of the sub path to understand it isn't coming back. It's obvious what you're gonna get now, especially if you do stuff like the ritual or choosing to help Tekrok as a sub. I just hope distractions like the bandits, minotaur, and human scenes are going to be over soon since this game premise is about orcs.


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Sep 28, 2018
Sierra is an inetersting topic. Just by what i can quickly recall from this thread if she came back to the project we would have:

-Same sized updates every 2 month.
-More focus on dom.
-More focus on sub.
-Finally moved away from the orcs to other regions.
-More content with orcs.
-More scenes with Sabia.
-More scenes with the other girls.
-Less other girls.
-More choices.
-More story progression.
-More story paths.
-More hardcore themes despite regulations.

Each of these things have been said by different people and naturally some of this is absolutely true, but i don't know which ones.
I'm just saying that even the return of Jesus doesn't have this many expectations attached to it.


Aug 14, 2018
Sierra has been out long enough for anyone that liked that brand of the sub path to understand it isn't coming back. It's obvious what you're gonna get now, especially if you do stuff like the ritual or choosing to help Tekrok as a sub. I just hope distractions like the bandits, minotaur, and human scenes are going to be over soon since this game premise is about orcs.
Yep, she's been out for a long time but there was a way they could have course-corrected. But they haven't and I'll stop complaining about it and playing it from here on out.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2018
While i'm here, i'm still collecting my thoughts on 0.12 and i might wait for a final summary for those missing scenes to get included, but i feel like writing down where i stand now.

Warning: i can change my mind and these are just my opinions anyway, so they don't matter.

This patch somehow managed to give me what i wanted to see based on the promises and at the same time not. Basically everything i can think of comes with a "but" included.

For example, the updated reusable art is juicy and with the tons of scenes included they already showed the advantage of this format: lots of quick scenes to spice up the storyline.
But due to the format of going patch by patch, all of the scenes are currently dumped into a large chunk instead of being spread out in the story...

The story moved forward and this time Sabia got the scenes just like i said she should just before the update.
But every story progression can be summed up as "Sabia got a ledger for Vehlis to read"...

We finally, finally got scenes in the pleasure tents again after 10 patches of waiting and they are sexy.
But on the sub path currently Sabia lost her raiding team and it's appointed leader, her connection to the chosen captain is undermined by the shaman (or you miss out on a lot of good scenes) and now she lost control of the tents too, which basically puts her back to square one as it stands...

They followed up on the collar-scene with the shopkeeper which was a highlight for me when it came out.
But due to the cuts it's currently 3 lines long...

I also don't think that the writing is bad, so to speak, but it can be quite inconsistent which can throw people off.

For example in the town when Sabia avoids being discovered by Jasmine by being fucked flat into the bed, that's i think is a fun way to include a scene in the story. Or still on the sub path when Bris gives Sabia a dog bowl to use, and they end the scene by saying that Sabia unceremoniously dumped it's content... but kept the bowl. Those are exaclty the small details that spice a good scene up to great.

But at the same time there is a scene where the tents' guard greets Sabia with "Oh. Hey Sabia. What do you want?". This is an orc greeting his boss. This is a boss greeting a woman he wants to fuck (and did so already). This is an orc and not a well mannered one. If Jadk or Rokgrid greet her like this, then that would be fine, but Tardak?

And finally one thing i would change if it was up to me: make the stamina requirement for the tent scenes in the sub path optional. If you don't have 200, then things go just like now and Bris scores some points. If you have 200, then after the same scene Sabia gets up, asks for a second round or promises something more to the orcs and she wins the round. That way the sub path won't feel just like Sabia is passively waiting for an opportunity, but you can actually do something about it. Even if the result doesn't matter these are flavor scenes anyway and using the sub side to gain advantage is a good flavor.


New Member
May 4, 2018
Hey y'all, decided to leave some thoughts on the game here. Came back to this after a couple years - chose an independent dominant Sabia. It was fun but I would have liked Sabia to become something equivalent to a Captain with subordinates to order around, but alas that feeling doesn't stick since you can only raid like twice and then you're back to basically being solo.

It's off-putting that pre-Kia, the game requires you to spend every drop of energy perfectly, but after Kia you can basically do whatever you want whenever you want and time doesn't matter. It's refreshing to not need a guide to micromanage time but the difference in game design makes later content appear less polished.

I got used to the simple combat and like it but after level 6 all I have to fight are 2-3 mooks at a time - sometimes they can't even damage Sabia. I feel like she could easily take on six or more goons at a time and it should be reflected in the story but oh well.

Screw that bandit puzzle btw...

I like all the quests but wish the main story was focused on more, or that content would just come out quicker. I was looking forward to confronting Lynn when I started playing but I guess I have to deal with Jasmine first. See y'all in 2023.


Jul 2, 2017
I'm just saying that even the return of Jesus doesn't have this many expectations attached to it.
well, pleasing everyone is obviously impossible but most of those points you mentioned boil down to people being displeased with what they got. in this case, when people ask for specific content, they feel like the devs spend a very limited time on each update (which I personally believe to be the case here) and they just want more content from their favorite fetish (or theme) to be focused in that time.

people want less orc content? yeah because some people wanted to see scenes without orcs and what they got wasn't good enough. "content without orcs" may be minotaur, lesbian, catgirls, etc.

people want more orc content? yeah because others wanted better orc scenes and instead got an out of proportions Sabia and scenes where 2/3 of the screen was left unused.

KoD has problems art-wise. I'm not even talking about the writing. if you start strong, you raise the expectations fast, and in this case KoD started as one of the most promising 2D projects around here. so yeah, I get what you mean but it's a by-product of Hreinn's inconsistency, both in quality and quantity of content they provide each update. why? I guess because they don't have a solid plan. they don't know what they want to do in the end and they just make up as they go, hence the ups and downs in different areas.

check Subverse here to see a similar problem. Studio F.O.W members basically have no clue what they want to do with their game and it created a thread full of vastly different demands, expectations and lots of kink-shaming. in comparison we have Seeds of Chaos or Karryn's prison. the devs know what they want, know where they want to go and fans know what to expect and it just creates a healthy relationship between the two sides. while there are preferences, it never gets like this that people complain like "x content this patch was terrible and this is the way the devs should fix this".
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Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
So I have some questions about this game. Is it possible to avoid all rape scenarios, and only choose sex on your terms? Also, is there a path to play as a fully dominant character (as in, you can dominate the orcs during sex, etc)?


Active Member
Nov 4, 2019
So I have some questions about this game. Is it possible to avoid all rape scenarios, and only choose sex on your terms? Also, is there a path to play as a fully dominant character (as in, you can dominate the orcs during sex, etc)?
If you follow the Dom route you can dominate the orcs at times but you can't avoid all rape scenes.
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Active Member
Sep 28, 2018
So I have some questions about this game. Is it possible to avoid all rape scenarios, and only choose sex on your terms? Also, is there a path to play as a fully dominant character (as in, you can dominate the orcs during sex, etc)?
In the first few minutes of the game the MC is very heavily encouraged to give some blowjobs for money, there is a mostly just annoyed dom version of this scene too. It is possible to skip these, but that can complicate things and as far as i know even the dom-only players choose to do it too. I played every path, so you might want to wait for the oppinion of someone else on this.

But after the first one or two scenes, yes, there is a full dom path and it gets to skip a lot of scenes too if you wish. On multiple occasions there is the option to beat some sense into the orcs with fists instead of sex too if that's what you prefer at the time.
And i might have missed something, but at a quick overview i can't find any scenes on the dom path that if against your criteria.
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Apr 18, 2018
Oh an Update! Its been 84 years... I may check it out later thou...

Hmm do you guys think this game would develop faster if they got a higher budget and hired more people to split into two teams for Dom/Sub Routes? I mean actually fuck it this would develop faster if ylthey aimed to finishing the main story once then adding routes to it after having more or less lay out every main story point in the game then adding said routes to give it different perspectives, well idk my dumbass is not really that creative, but do they have more than 1 writer?


Active Member
Nov 4, 2019
Oh an Update! Its been 84 years... I may check it out later thou...

Hmm do you guys think this game would develop faster if they got a higher budget and hired more people to split into two teams for Dom/Sub Routes? I mean actually fuck it this would develop faster if ylthey aimed to finishing the main story once then adding routes to it after having more or less lay out every main story point in the game then adding said routes to give it different perspectives, well idk my dumbass is not really that creative, but do they have more than 1 writer?

The two teams would need to coordinate to plot out the main story arc and the various side quests. Two teams, two writers. Then you need someone to make all the art assets. That requires a single person doing a ton of work or 2-3 artists who practice and train using the same techniques in order to maintain consistency. It's possible but it won't happen with this project.

Nomo's had three years to get his act together and take proper charge of his team. He has a writer with mediocre talent and a lazy programmer who procrastinates way too much. He also lacks the conviction to lay down a playstyle and a concrete story path and stick to it. They wander almost aimlessly through development seeking to appease a large demographic of their fanbase who just want more sexual content without much concern for a solid and consistent story.


Sep 24, 2019
Oh an Update! Its been 84 years... I may check it out later thou...

Hmm do you guys think this game would develop faster if they got a higher budget and hired more people to split into two teams for Dom/Sub Routes? I mean actually fuck it this would develop faster if ylthey aimed to finishing the main story once then adding routes to it after having more or less lay out every main story point in the game then adding said routes to give it different perspectives, well idk my dumbass is not really that creative, but do they have more than 1 writer?
If they are given more budget, then they will have more budget. This has nothing to do with the game and its development.

By the way, I built a time machine and flew 84 years ahead, they released only 0.292.6 (6 patches immediately after the release, as usual). There they changed the engine 6 times, added one more branch to the sub and dominance. It is called "normal". I could not play for it, did not have time to write everything, but it will definitely be in the next version.

And I also found out that Sabia is dead after version 0.7, and we make them wiggle her corpse.
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Jan 6, 2019
How do I help elmy with the merchants I tried to tell the chief and nothing happens with that and I tried to advertise. Nothing happens. Are the new scenes for a future update or am I missing something?


Jan 15, 2019
Hey so.. did I lock myself out of multiple quests by going for Enslaved Catgirls? Cant do Kia's Lessons since I cant talk to Elmy at all (It just takes me to the store), which also means any quest depending on Kia's Lessons is impossible
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