In the first few minutes of the game the MC is very heavily encouraged to give some blowjobs for money, there is a mostly just annoyed dom version of this scene too. It is possible to skip these, but that can complicate things and as far as i know even the dom-only players choose to do it too. I played every path, so you might want to wait for the oppinion of someone else on this.So I have some questions about this game. Is it possible to avoid all rape scenarios, and only choose sex on your terms? Also, is there a path to play as a fully dominant character (as in, you can dominate the orcs during sex, etc)?
But after the first one or two scenes, yes, there is a full dom path and it gets to skip a lot of scenes too if you wish. On multiple occasions there is the option to beat some sense into the orcs with fists instead of sex too if that's what you prefer at the time.
And i might have missed something, but at a quick overview i can't find any scenes on the dom path that if against your criteria.