Whatever the content, I think that's an important thing. Creators and developpers of lewd stuff should follow *
their* creative vision and ideas, instead of people's complains, then assume when they do/did

I don't like the idea of patrons injecting their ideas just because they're paying to be honest. You pay for what the developper(s) create, because you like it, not because you want to push your own vision in the project.
Except, of course, if the so-called developper asks directly the community.
I'm glad Hreinn took a decision and didn't change their mind about it afterwards. But I totally understand it probably pissed some people off. It's never pleasant to see something we like being cut down... :FeelsBadMan: (that's why, again, I'm scared about the Hellhound sexual content).
All of this is just a personal opinion huh
On a side note, totally not related to this wall of text. Is there any good KoD signature for the forum? Like the GGGB ones I use right now?