(So, interesting enough start, I like the idea of having the choice to be absolutely evil, or very good. I see potential, and hope to see more of this, hopefully with sex scenes. With that said... I do have concerns, especially with how you balance the 'good and evil'.
For example, hugging the mother. A 'good' action? I did it because even the evil know how to love their family. True, I could be a complete psychopath to people who are stated to be my loving family and childhood friends... but what if I don't want to be? Can the mother be an 'evil' person to, be brought in to agree with me being evil against others because she loves me? What about the friend, I want her to submit to me and serve, but is the only way to do that to hurt someone who is stated to be my friend?
That's a problem with inserting past relationships unfortunately. The story and setting would have me be 'nice' to them, regardless of my enjoyment of the suffering of others, and really, who would just SHOVE their mother, and Queen, away? How is that in any way smart?
Now I'm focusing on this because I fear moral railroading. If I can be nice, but slightly dominating, to people I care about, while truly cruel to pretty much everyone else, I'm good. Just like how I can enjoy being good later, and nice to everyone, or play a true psychopath later, and be truly evil.
To be clear, I'm interested in this. I hope it's good, and am interested in the promise of extreme content, something many games shy away from. However I'm cautious. The 'good or evil' morality set, is really easy to mess up when it comes to character choice, practically forcing characters to go 'all or nothing' to see content. That, right now, is what I would call my number one concern for the character. Oh, also, probably should have the 'ask her name' option before you actually have the character ask her her name, the 'meretrix' girl. If I was going to ask, why was the evil option 'I don't care'?
Oh, also, you need to work on spellchecking and grammar. It's workable, not engrish, but the flaws are noticeable.)