I have to agree with you
|XenoN|, for a game that is trying to say the MC is a king, he tends to act more like a simp and/or a complete pushover more often than not.
I get that forgiveness is for the victim to let go of the pain, but honestly, I can say that I don't see it in this case. To forgive someone, they need to show remorse, and his father didn't.
I really like the idea's this story has, so I am holding on a bit longer to see if the dev gets over this unrealistic "Be the bigger person" bull that's been pushed lately, I learned in childhood that the only thing you can do to bullies is give them a taste of their own medicine, nothing else works and turning the other cheek really does result in nothing more than additional bruises. An eye for an eye leaves the world blind, is why most governments don't use proportional response, instead using escalating until they hit the point of M.A.D. (Mutually Assured Destruction) to keep people in line.