
Sep 26, 2017
I'll assume you don't mean the topic selection option which should be #3, but the option that has the girl speak first. From what I can tell with option 2, you're just supposed to select whatever topic the girl mentions (colored text in her speech bubble). Of course, 90% of the time you aren't going to have that topic, and selecting the wrong topic will at best give you way less of a relationship boost than if you chose it for option #3, or do nothing; either way its a waste of a topic.

This is a massive downgrade from KK, where this option had the girl ask a question and you had a set list of responses, one of which was correct. At least with that you could figure out what she wants to hear through trial and error and at least somewhat emulate getting to "know" her. Now its just 100% dumb luck; either you have the correct topic or you don't. I would just avoid that option altogether. Use your topics for option #3.
You're in a massive advantage having many girls on your island so you can gather many "topic items" doing small talk with them. Also you get much more points which you then can turn into other "topics" at the Vessel / Shrine. Also having several topics more than once allows you to combine 3 into a higher star level topic at the Vessel. So I put in some girls I really like and the rest ist mostly for farming points and topics.


Sep 26, 2017
How do you load a save?? I click on it in the menu and it doesnt do anything, not even the autos. WTF?!?!
What version are you using? I'm using Koikatsu Sunshine [BetterRepack R1.2] and it works for me.
Or you seeing any saves at all or are the ones you are seeing not working?
And saves are yours or downloaded from somewhere?

Westside Juice

New Member
Jun 13, 2019
For me it is not a downgrade, before the dialogues were all random and sometimes I wondered where she came from with some dialogues, now you decide what to talk about or there is an option for random dialogues.
The topic thing itself is fine, I'm referring specifically to the new "respond" option, which is even more random and nonsensical than it ever was in KK.

Now instead of getting a weird question and choosing between the only reasonable responses, I get asked about teddy bears and can only respond by talking about fucking fiddler crabs? Then when the next girl asks about fiddler crabs, I can only stare in fucking silence because all my knowledge of fiddler crabs was consumed in the last conversation?

The whole idea of consumable topics is fine so long as you can abstract it away as the gathering points giving you some experience or insight relevant to the subject to relate to the girls. You can only use them once because trying to have the same conversation with multiple girls on a small island just makes you look like a poser or something.

The moment I have to respond like an idiot to a basic as fuck conversation prompt because my topic points have run out, the system collapses. I can't even pretend the topics are actual topics, they are now magical "relationship+" items with their own special rules completely disconnected from reality. They might as well be different colors of fairy dust at that point, in fact that would make more sense.

If Illusion was still in the business of making actual gameplay like they did with AA2, there's all kinds of things you can do with this system. You need to get a topic only once to have it always available: each gathering spot gives you an extra star in the relevant topic: using the topic consumes one star, and using a topic with no stars (abstracted as you having nothing interesting to say on the subject and being boring/awkward) results in negative/no approval, UNLESS its the correct response to a prompt, in which case no star gives tiny approval and more stars give more approval than if used normally, maybe stars arent consumed when used correctly in prompts as well.

Thus instead of being complete random bullshit that makes your character look like a retard 90% of the time you use it, the prompt option is a payoff for your investment in exploring the map and gathering as many stars as possible in all topics, while also cluing you in to the topics the girl likes, so you can use them normally if you want a guaranteed decent approval boost, instead of risking a prompt for a no/low-star topic. Getting a prompt for a no/low-star topic is now at worst a clue to what the girl likes, instead of almost always being little more than an indicator that your character has crippling damage to the speech center of the brain.

If you wanna go to the next level, you could get xp in each topic every time you hit a gathering point, or maybe only when used correctly in a prompt. enough xp and your stars for each topic can only be consumed to a point; you'll always have at least 1-star, 2-stars, etc. emulating you getting enough experience on the topic itself and how to use it in conversation to always have something interesting to say on it. We'll make girls' preferences have more impact in return, so you still have to know what the girl likes to talk about to really benefit from a maxed out topic. Xp should be gained slow enough that you can only max out all topics after hours upon hours of exploration; you gather a few topics each time period, slowly building up knowledge useful to your lustful machinations, only getting max topics after you've done things the hard way with most girls. A little bit of character progression here and there, actual engagement with SOME kind of conversation system instead of just mindlessly hitting whatever for each girl until they inevitably fall in love with you... that would go a LONG way.

Had enough yet? Not me. Let's give the girls their own xp levels in all the topics, or maybe topic categories (or both), editable in the maker like any other stat. The higher their level, the higher YOUR level has to be to get any benefit. This can be separate from what topics the girl actually likes; she can know a lot about a topic but still not actually like talking about it, or have a passion for it and appreciate it all the more when you can discuss it on the same level, or know nothing about it and not give a shit about it either. Now we have a whole new dimension to their personality without complicating the gameplay at all; you're still using prompts and topics to see what works for each girl, there's just more possible permutations to their tastes, making each girl feel more unique.

Given what's already been done in AA2 and the fact that everything I've presented is relatively easy to code and off the top of my head, the fact that KKS's simplistic, weird meta bullshit is what we got is quite disappointing. I can only hope more japanese people come to this site for illusion games instead of paying for them and force the company to start fucking trying again, but there's fat chance of that any time soon, so I'll keep dreaming I guess. They still provide better sex content than most actual women these days, probably doubly so in "land of the permanently unsatisfied battle-axe wife" japan, so I can at least understand why they have no pressure to improve.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2017
Now instead of getting a weird question and choosing between the only reasonable responses, I get asked about teddy bears and can only respond by talking about fucking fiddler crabs? Then when the next girl asks about fiddler crabs, I can only stare in fucking silence because all my knowledge of fiddler crabs was consumed in the last conversation?
You should not. Is a waste cause you gain no more affection points than with a small talk. If the girl talk about teddies you must answer with teddies. This is the way to get a decent amount of friendship with her. If she talk about a topic you don't have, you should drop the discussion selecting the last option.
Alternatively you can use the other dialog option and use the topics directly. This is less effective than responding to her, but still you gain more affection than a small talk.


Active Member
Oct 6, 2017
The topic thing itself is fine, I'm referring specifically to the new "respond" option, which is even more random and nonsensical than it ever was in KK.

Now instead of getting a weird question and choosing between the only reasonable responses, I get asked about teddy bears and can only respond by talking about fucking fiddler crabs? Then when the next girl asks about fiddler crabs, I can only stare in fucking silence because all my knowledge of fiddler crabs was consumed in the last conversation?

The whole idea of consumable topics is fine so long as you can abstract it away as the gathering points giving you some experience or insight relevant to the subject to relate to the girls. You can only use them once because trying to have the same conversation with multiple girls on a small island just makes you look like a poser or something.

The moment I have to respond like an idiot to a basic as fuck conversation prompt because my topic points have run out, the system collapses. I can't even pretend the topics are actual topics, they are now magical "relationship+" items with their own special rules completely disconnected from reality. They might as well be different colors of fairy dust at that point, in fact that would make more sense.

If Illusion was still in the business of making actual gameplay like they did with AA2, there's all kinds of things you can do with this system. You need to get a topic only once to have it always available: each gathering spot gives you an extra star in the relevant topic: using the topic consumes one star, and using a topic with no stars (abstracted as you having nothing interesting to say on the subject and being boring/awkward) results in negative/no approval, UNLESS its the correct response to a prompt, in which case no star gives tiny approval and more stars give more approval than if used normally, maybe stars arent consumed when used correctly in prompts as well.

Thus instead of being complete random bullshit that makes your character look like a retard 90% of the time you use it, the prompt option is a payoff for your investment in exploring the map and gathering as many stars as possible in all topics, while also cluing you in to the topics the girl likes, so you can use them normally if you want a guaranteed decent approval boost, instead of risking a prompt for a no/low-star topic. Getting a prompt for a no/low-star topic is now at worst a clue to what the girl likes, instead of almost always being little more than an indicator that your character has crippling damage to the speech center of the brain.

If you wanna go to the next level, you could get xp in each topic every time you hit a gathering point, or maybe only when used correctly in a prompt. enough xp and your stars for each topic can only be consumed to a point; you'll always have at least 1-star, 2-stars, etc. emulating you getting enough experience on the topic itself and how to use it in conversation to always have something interesting to say on it. We'll make girls' preferences have more impact in return, so you still have to know what the girl likes to talk about to really benefit from a maxed out topic. Xp should be gained slow enough that you can only max out all topics after hours upon hours of exploration; you gather a few topics each time period, slowly building up knowledge useful to your lustful machinations, only getting max topics after you've done things the hard way with most girls. A little bit of character progression here and there, actual engagement with SOME kind of conversation system instead of just mindlessly hitting whatever for each girl until they inevitably fall in love with you... that would go a LONG way.

Had enough yet? Not me. Let's give the girls their own xp levels in all the topics, or maybe topic categories (or both), editable in the maker like any other stat. The higher their level, the higher YOUR level has to be to get any benefit. This can be separate from what topics the girl actually likes; she can know a lot about a topic but still not actually like talking about it, or have a passion for it and appreciate it all the more when you can discuss it on the same level, or know nothing about it and not give a shit about it either. Now we have a whole new dimension to their personality without complicating the gameplay at all; you're still using prompts and topics to see what works for each girl, there's just more possible permutations to their tastes, making each girl feel more unique.

Given what's already been done in AA2 and the fact that everything I've presented is relatively easy to code and off the top of my head, the fact that KKS's simplistic, weird meta bullshit is what we got is quite disappointing. I can only hope more japanese people come to this site for illusion games instead of paying for them and force the company to start fucking trying again, but there's fat chance of that any time soon, so I'll keep dreaming I guess. They still provide better sex content than most actual women these days, probably doubly so in "land of the permanently unsatisfied battle-axe wife" japan, so I can at least understand why they have no pressure to improve.
Nobody thinks that KKS is a perfect game, but at least the dialogues work well and give you various possibilities to answer and are not random things and if you don't have the right topic you can drop the dialogue.and when you talk about various things they answer you
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Westside Juice

New Member
Jun 13, 2019
You should not. Is a waste cause you gain no more affection points than with a small talk. If the girl talk about teddies you must answer with teddies. This is the way to get a decent amount of friendship with her. If she talk about a topic you don't have, you should drop the discussion selecting the last option.
Alternatively you can use the other dialog option and use the topics directly. This is less effective than responding to her, but still you gain more affection than a small talk.
That doesn't address anything I said. I don't really care that I might waste a topic, my problem is that 90% of the time you select that option, the only course of action available to you is to say something retarded. If you just back out without choosing a topic, the girl always responds like you just went braindead for a second, which seems to be the only decent explanation for why someone would fail to correctly respond to the simple, mundane conversations they prompt you with that any 5-yr old could engage with. My problem is that instead of the old option where you at least kinda sorta emulate getting to know the girl, we now have a random approval+ generator completely based on RNG that feels WAY more meta and artificial than what we had. Given how pathetically simple and easy it is to get approval, I'd actually rather waste a topic and MAYBE get a response that somewhat feels like we had an actual conversation than constantly choosing the retard option and somehow winning their love anyway.

The topic system is clearly intended to give the player a pool of consumable items to play around with as another layer of gameplay, dressed up in such a way as to at least kind of emulate having distinct and diverse conversations so the girls feel less like sexbots you can randomly press buttons on until they fall in love with you. My issue is that it not only fails to dress itself up very well at all, but that the way its used actually makes the girls feel MORE like mindless sexbots, not less.

Like I said, if I were choosing the right color of fairy dust I could at least figure that's just how fairy dust works, but my brain knows very well that no one over the age of 2 ever needs to have physically seen a cat up close recently to have a conversation about them. The system is presented incredibly poorly, and in a game that is 90% presentation with little substance, such a basic, easily fixed failure in presentation is astounding.


Active Member
Oct 6, 2017
That doesn't address anything I said. I don't really care that I might waste a topic, my problem is that 90% of the time you select that option, the only course of action available to you is to say something retarded. If you just back out without choosing a topic, the girl always responds like you just went braindead for a second, which seems to be the only decent explanation for why someone would fail to correctly respond to the simple, mundane conversations they prompt you with that any 5-yr old could engage with. My problem is that instead of the old option where you at least kinda sorta emulate getting to know the girl, we now have a random approval+ generator completely based on RNG that feels WAY more meta and artificial than what we had. Given how pathetically simple and easy it is to get approval, I'd actually rather waste a topic and MAYBE get a response that somewhat feels like we had an actual conversation than constantly choosing the retard option and somehow winning their love anyway.

The topic system is clearly intended to give the player a pool of consumable items to play around with as another layer of gameplay, dressed up in such a way as to at least kind of emulate having distinct and diverse conversations so the girls feel less like sexbots you can randomly press buttons on until they fall in love with you. My issue is that it not only fails to dress itself up very well at all, but that the way its used actually makes the girls feel MORE like mindless sexbots, not less.

Like I said, if I were choosing the right color of fairy dust I could at least figure that's just how fairy dust works, but my brain knows very well that no one over the age of 2 ever needs to have physically seen a cat up close recently to have a conversation about them. The system is presented incredibly poorly, and in a game that is 90% presentation with little substance, such a basic, easily fixed failure in presentation is astounding.
Why do I have to talk about other things if they ask me about something? If they ask me about something I don't know, I'll close the discussion. And if you make random discussions, it increases the affection, the points, and you can have new topics with which you can talk to them.
You don't always have all the topics at your disposal, otherwise there's no point in wandering around the island,
and remember that you can always take the initiative on what to talk about.
in KK you have 2 options "yes" or "no" is that how you show know the girl? they look more like bots to me.
for the gameplay that is the weak point of KKS so we all hope for mods and updates.
Last edited:
Apr 10, 2018
Why do I have to talk about other things if they ask me about something? If they ask me about something I don't know, I'll close the discussion. And if you make random discussions, it increases the affection, the points, and you can have new topics with which you can talk to them.
You don't always have all the topics at your disposal, otherwise there's no point in wandering around the island,
and remember that you can always take the initiative on what to talk about.
in KK you have 2 options "yes" or "no" is that how you show know the girl? they look more like bots to me.
for the gameplay that is the weak point of KKS so we all hope for mods and updates.
if only there is a way to bring back some of the removed mechanics like anger, though it's nigh impossible to get it done. While u can dig up the files from kk for the removed voices, doubt the guide even have such line to begin with. Unless the dev is blueballing us by putting it under dlcs like how HS2 did.


Active Member
Oct 6, 2017
if only there is a way to bring back some of the removed mechanics like anger, though it's nigh impossible to get it done. While u can dig up the files from kk for the removed voices, doubt the guide even have such line to begin with. Unless the dev is blueballing us by putting it under dlcs like how HS2 did.
this is a mechanic that is missing, lets hope in illusion update, after all not only that, but also the dating. and i wish there was something like the prof. of KK, that if you let more than a certain number of girls into your club they have sex with you.


New Member
Jul 17, 2020
Well, at least the crashes are consistent. Every morning when I try to leave my lodging, game freezes. Luckily you can save before you try to leave.

I was getting random crashes during H scenes but it hasn't happened since I removed that POV mod. It sucked balls anyway.


Active Member
Oct 6, 2017
Been searching and still cant find out what all the new traits do, anyone know?
is complex to explain, there are those who say that they do what is written others that in addition to that they do other, I do not know what to answer
How can i add futanari? the dick n the balls doesnt apear on char moddeling!! anyone got a idea?
in kk was a mod that put futanari and now for KKS there is nothing
3.20 star(s) 22 Votes