At most the main story, get more powers back and more usage for them, "resurrect" your granddaughter, maybe take a few powers from the other titans and capture the femals as little revenge, unlock new areas/timelines, ...
But also going on with the already started one. My first post here was error 1500 if you kill the townspeople in salem...meanwhile you dont get this error anymore, but you still cant free that witch, find the third or fight the dark lord...back then you also could already see were the other salem timeline will lead, but there is not a single step more to it, you just know what you want/need to do but cant do it.
Sure, additional scenes are nice, especially in the castle because there is nothing but free roaming nude girls, but if there is no story development you can just post some gif or video files. Not meant in a bad way, i'm just more into the storys of games.
Since i already write, can you fix the dead people that ambush you? After capturing the thief, oracle, witch, ... it dont makes sense to capture them again, but if you kill them they still move on the map and try to run into you...same as the bandit. Only wolves disappear from the map after you killed them.