Revision: Kunoichi v1.4a
Release Date: May 2024
Patch Size: 29 Issues addressed
Review the build/patch/hotfix list below for a detailed list of resolved issues in the associated build/patch/hotfix.
1 - [COMPLETE] Improved walking animation.
2 - [COMPLETE] Improved ninja sprint running animation.
3 - [COMPLETE] Removed distance requirement for red highlight behind walls.
4 - [COMPLETE] Made a change to block inventory open on mission end.
5 - [COMPLETE] Bumped version number.
6 - [COMPLETE] Added water sound effects while swimming
7 - [COMPLETE] Added player character adult interactions in the Sento area (first iteration).
Players can now earn currency by offering adult services in the Sento at the expense of honor (covered in the new honor system).
8 - [COMPLETE] Mission Attempts system replaced with Honor Points system.
9 - [COMPLETE] Turn HP UI Red during low health. Remove auto health refill on map change.
10 - [COMPLETE] Added different rates for "offering services" in the Sento during the Day/Night scenes.
11 - [COMPLETE] Added a notification when the vendor doesn’t have enough currency to complete a purchase from the player.
12 - [COMPLETE] Add stamina bar system for melee and other actions.
13 - [COMPLETE] Added damaged weapon warning for players that continued fighting with a damaged weapon that didn’t deal hardly any damage.
14 - [COMPLETE] Fixed level progress bar on the inventory page.
15 - [COMPLETE] Removed no sprinting while injured. Also updated the interface to make it clearer when a player is in the injured state.
16 - [COMPLETE] Increased the penalty for attacking neutral npcs to mission failure and loss of honor.
17 - [COMPLETE] Combat has been revamped and now includes guaranteed "Precision Strikes". A Precision Strike occurs when a player attacks an enemy at the right time after an attack has been dodged.
18 - [COMPLETE] Dual Swords have been deprecated. May bring them back at a later date.
19 - [COMPLETE] Fixed the starting balance of available funds for Vendors to buy items from the player.
20 - [COMPLETE] Made a change to the Shrine mechanic to now refill player HP instead of access Crafting.
21 - [COMPLETE] Block has been disabled for now. Currently too buggy. Players can use dodge instead as this is more in line with the combat we are developing.
22 - [COMPLETE] Heavy attacks have been moved from SHIFT+Right Mouse to just using Right Mouse Button.
23 - [COMPLETE] Made a change to allow players to access the Crafting UI from anywhere instead of having to visit the Shrine.
24 - [COMPLETE] Voice overs have been added for the story text scenes. Current voice overs are temporary and will be replace later.
25 - [COMPLETE] Increased the potency of each Attribute point by 10x to better affect player stats.
26 - [COMPLETE] Increased the number of Attribute points earned when leveling up to 10 instead of 5.
27 - [COMPLETE] Cosmetics and Resources loot drop system has been completely reworked to make cosmetics drops more frequent.
**Further clarification on the new looting system. Now all bosses have a chance to drop any cosmetics that are listed in the Crafting UI. That includes event mid-bosses. Yokai bosses have a chance to drop their own unique cosmetic set items (along with other items) but any other non-Yokai boss from any event can drop any cosmetic available to craft. Players can now choose to work towards crafting a cosmetic or gaining it from any boss they kill. The list of crafting/drop cosmetics has also been significantly increased.**
We've also guaranteed that each boss kill will drop at least one cosmetic, one weapon, mon/gold and one accessory.
28 - [COMPLETE] A ton more has been updated. We'll leave the list here so that it doesn't get too long.
29 - [COMPLETE] HURRAY!!! The Warroom is now FULLY FUNCTIONAL!
**With the change to the looting system players can expect to acquire way more cosmetics rewards during a gameplay session. With that being said it made sense to invest time into getting the warroom working. With that said now players have a massive number of slots within warroom storage to store all of their new cosmetics!!!**