2.00 star(s) 5 Votes


New Member
Nov 11, 2021
Next time, you need to run Fiddler only because the rule is imported!
Is there a way to replace the save file from 1.3a? I cant seems to find the save file in 1.3a and i dont know how to transition my save game from 1.3a to 1.4a. Any idea?


New Member
Mar 30, 2023
Is there a way to replace the save file from 1.3a? I cant seems to find the save file in 1.3a and i dont know how to transition my save game from 1.3a to 1.4a. Any idea?
Generally you want to try avoiding doing that as there is a high likelihood that the new build will not work with an older builds save game data but there is nothing that prevents you from trying. You'll want to find the save folders and swap the data here.


Hope that helps! <3


Nov 10, 2019
Just tested 1.4 and oh man does it still feel real jank. No explanation for half the things you can do. Sexytimes at the onsen is a nightmare for anyone who enjoys normal looking skeletons. Sexytime mission is still just a generic fade to black. Hopefully 2.0 actually adds some refinement and meat to this game otherwise it'll forever be a good idea that didn't amount to anything.

Also still mentions a geisha mechanic that doesn't exist.


Jul 21, 2017
Just tested 1.4 and oh man does it still feel real jank. No explanation for half the things you can do. Sexytimes at the onsen is a nightmare for anyone who enjoys normal looking skeletons. Sexytime mission is still just a generic fade to black. Hopefully 2.0 actually adds some refinement and meat to this game otherwise it'll forever be a good idea that didn't amount to anything.
unless they have just not mentioned it in the changelog/livestream it is just an update to the skeleton and how the models look and outfits. No new content to the missions, no better tutorial, or anything. So while it fixes your issue with how the current sex scenes should look. It does not fix fade to black and bad info about what to do. But they also have another game that is their main money maker, so this is more of a side project, so suspect it will take ages for large changes to happen.
Also still mentions a geisha mechanic that doesn't exist
it's there, but in 1.4 you need to put on the geisha hair, the dress, and the submissive stance and remove your weapon to enter that mode. In 2.0 they said just putting on the outfit would auto do it for you.

Also, this game started as 1.0, it's barely in alpha however so most of the game is not there. They are still tweaking the core gameplay which will be combat and stealth. So suspect sexy stuff to not get updated until way later.


New Member
Mar 30, 2023
Just tested 1.4 and oh man does it still feel real jank. No explanation for half the things you can do. Sexytimes at the onsen is a nightmare for anyone who enjoys normal looking skeletons. Sexytime mission is still just a generic fade to black. Hopefully 2.0 actually adds some refinement and meat to this game otherwise it'll forever be a good idea that didn't amount to anything.

Also still mentions a geisha mechanic that doesn't exist.
Thanks for the feedback. Just a head up though. Kunoichi is in the building block phase. We are working on core mechanics. There will be a great deal of unfinished mechanics as well as portions of the game that don't have explanations for things. This is to be expected. We're not rushing to make this game complete. Hope that helps to clarify!


Nov 10, 2019
Thanks for the feedback. Just a head up though. Kunoichi is in the building block phase. We are working on core mechanics. There will be a great deal of unfinished mechanics as well as portions of the game that don't have explanations for things. This is to be expected. We're not rushing to make this game complete. Hope that helps to clarify!
It does help, was more of referring to the slow dev cycle but hopefully this rapid set of updates is a sign of that changing.

Will be interested in seeing the skeleton changes, hopefully it also fixes your pencil thin back or adds a slider so you can get some meat back on your bones.

One major recommendation would be to make enemy health better scale with level/difficulty. As it stands anything above level 5 takes 10 years to murder and makes fights more tedious than fun. Also an option to remove durability on weapons would be nice. I understand there may be a system around armor durability later that involves sexytimes but there's no real point other than frustration to add it to weapons right now.


Jul 21, 2017
seeing maidengaming has joined the chat i doubt anyone will be uploading the new version any time soon
they have been here since 1.1, not really done anything yet. Would be surprised if they don't know that "punishing" us for getting a pirated version will not give them new subscribers. I for one won't get the game until it's fully out, not gonna support a game that could die at any time from a dev team I don't fully trust. The best they can do is let it be and hope it turns to subs, if not at least listen to suggestions.
Aug 29, 2017
The problem of the game is that it is assigned to your patreon account. That means if you even pay for the specific build, you will not be able to run when you patreon support is stopped. This makes people waiting for crack.
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2.00 star(s) 5 Votes