Balancing is one thing and for sure it's needed but only can be done when all mechanics are present.
Here it's replacing a mechanic because the result seems bad by another that, finally, will produce the same result after a nerf.
Don't know if you wait until the end, as you break the early part of the game.
Day 0 Goals, the way the balance in the game is currently you would never ever get that goal of spread your seed, and would never advance you sex skills, so why is it even offered as a goal on Day 0?? this snowballs into one of the more important Currencies early game, and that is Clarity. you can waste several game days cycling thru goals. to get to the one or 2 that are feasible early game to advance Clarity production. Especially as game time sensitive early game is to keep the business going,
I would even counter that the fresh new blood (if it isn't automatically achieved with Steph) is becoming a goal that should't be offered as a first goal.
Creating Contracts that can't be achieved no matter here you are in the game,
These are the game balance issues (bugs?)you resolve as the game is in development, precisely because as guides you as a new mechanic is added. We had already been complaining how grindy the game was becoming in early game, before 47, mostly because those systems mechanics where getting out of sync, Clarity was devaluing, Goals out of line to what is achieveable during game play etc. etc.
Not talking a full on final game balance. But first 6 months of the game mechanics should be far enough along, to do a game balance to figure out where the game starts to break down in mid and late game, (late game will always break down in an open ended game IMO, but try to make it playable as long as possible.)