
Oct 20, 2016
This game could be awesome if it actually had any sex animations or even just pics. Too bad, I really enjoy management games.


New Member
Jan 11, 2018
Development here is basically similar to how he made Lab Rats 1.

That is, it was a very bad game at the start, because he was focusing on technicals and the backstage materials as he figured out what he wanted in the game, how it would fit in the game, and then how to make them work. In the end, I expect Lab Rats 2 will end up being great, because if he follows his previous path, and he seems to be, after he gets all the technical matters worked out, he'll throw all his effort at improving the gameplay, models, writing and the like.

It's just that unlike a lot of games which look shiny upfront but end up being meh, his work looks clunky as hell at upfront, but becomes great at the end.

Piter Georg

May 4, 2017
If you want to make your lovely favorite characters with eyes color, body, hair color and tits.
Just open script ( don't forget to archive original before edit ) random_lyst.rpy inside game basic folder with Notepad++ and down to lines from 411 to 419. This line for your 9 girls candidates for interview.
def generate_premade_list():
list_of_premade_characters.append(create_random_person(body_type = "curvy_body", height=0.99, skin="white", tits="FF",hair_colour="black",hair_style=messy_hair))
Posible to change also your another characters and their wears like Midari, Dynah, Mom, Paige, Stephanie, Sylvia and Mom. Will see this in line 428 to 473.

All models hair color will see in line 202: ( blond, brown, red and black )
For skins colors in line 211: ( white, black, tan )
For random faces in line 219: ( Face_1, Face_2, Face_3 ..... to Face_6 ) If you want to see witch faces are good for your open image folder and find picture face with semi name.
For random eyes in line 230: ( blue, green, brown, grey )
For random tits in line 239: ( AA, A, B, C, D, DD, DDD, E, F and (bigger melons) FF )
For random body in line 281: ( thin_body, standard_body, curvy_body )
For hair models: ( long_hair, short_hair, ponytail, messy_hair, messy_ponitail and twintail )
For character might like or dislike in line 319 to 341.
If you want to disable your unlike parameters just use symbol - # before line, that never see this person inside game.

All different models wardrobe and accessory will see in scrypt clothing_lists.rpy. If you want to remade your favorite clothes edit in Master_Default_Wardrobe.xml file in folder wardrobes. My advice is to make your favorite clothes and colors before in the game and export them to semi folder in *.xml standard. The files Master_Default_Wardrobe.xml is a basic wears pack for all characters inside games.
The game generates randomly like lottery the characters, name and their clothes without Midari, Dynah, Mom, Paige, Stephanie, Sylvia and Mom.
After resave script delete *.rpyc files with semi name, game will recovery this file after restart.
Recommended to start new game after all operation.


Aug 26, 2017
----- Character and Leveling stats -----

On your character creation screen just start with raising each stat to 1 and the rest of the points into forplay. When you started the game go to your character sheet. Main stats and work skills will help you being more efficient in your business, but you should reach pretty fast a point where your business is more relient on the skills of the employees then on your own skill.
When the character sheet button turns green, you have reached a level. You can click on character sheet and click on reward then. Raising those skills balanced should do the job. With the main stat Charisma it's different, it gives you some advanteges talking to others, but at the beginning I wouldn't prefer Charisma over the other main stats when leveling, cause leveling stats should be pretty fast and you should get Charisma high enough fast enough. With sex skills, at the beginning just level stamina and foreplay are important, so you can raise them first before the others. If you see one of the goals is to difficult to solve just click on Replace goal.

----- Business -----

The first task is to get the serum created
Go to the R and D Division on the map
-> Do Something -> Asign Research Focus -> Basic Medical Application
-> Do Something -> Spend time researching in the lab
Repeat this step until Basic Medical Application is researched (4 times should do it)
If it is night, you may need to go to sleep and return to the R and D division the next day
-> Do Something -> Create New Serum Design -> Basic Medical Application -> Create Design
You can name the serum how you like to e. g. Test1
-> Do Something -> Asign Research Focus -> Test1 or however you called your serum
-> Do Something -> Spend time researching in the lab
Repeat until the serum is designed
-> Do Something -> Asign Research Focus -> (Whatever you like to research next)

Get the production running
Go to the production division
-> Do Something -> Review production settings
Click on Production Line 1 and Choose Test1 as the serum to produce
At the Auto-sell Threshold click +1 so the Auto-sell shows 0 instead of None so every serum you produce is automatically marked

for selling.
Go to the main office
If it's already evening -> Do Something -> Spend time ordering supplies until night
Now comes the tricky part it's best to save first
-> Do Something -> Hire someone new -> Yes, I'll pay ...
For the start 2 people should be sufficient, one with a good production value under expected production and one with a good supply production value under expected production. 30 or better. If you found the right people -> Hire -> Production or Supply Procurement. You might need to reload a few times before you find someone somewhat attractive with the right skillset
-> Do Something -> Purchase new business policies -> Serum Policies -> Batch Size Improvement 1

Now follows a bit of daily routine
Once a day you should get the paperwork done Main Office -> Do Something -> Spend time organizing your business (To keep Company efficiency high)
And probably once a day you should sell your serums (At Check Stock you can see how many you have) Marketing Division -> Do something -> Spend time shipping ...
In the remaining two timeslots either spend time getting some more supplies, if 'Current Raw Supplies' are low: Main office -> Do Something -> Spend time ordering supplies
Or help in production if 'Current Raw Supplies' are high: Production Division -> Do Something -> Spend time producing
If the lower left display shows 'Current Research: None!' go the the R and D division and asign a new research focus.
Do it a few das until you have enough money to be on the save side for hireing a second person for production and a second person for supply procurement.

Advanced Research
If you are done with all research options go to the Main office, you should have some serums in stock, if not proceed with your daily routine until you have some then do Do Something -> Mark Serums und more one serum from the marketing to the production pile. Go to the production divion Do Something -> Access the serum ... and move one serum from the business stockpile to your personel stockpile.
Now go to the R and D Division
-> Talk to someone -> Stephanie -> Special Role Actions -> Ask about advancing ... -> Assist ... -> ...
You should have access to the next level of research options now.
(Later in the game you need to talk to Stephanie again when you have reached all research options again to get to the next level. At the Special Role Action she will tell you what you have to do in order to advance the research again. Ad some point you may need to remore her from the position of head scientist and replace her with a scientist with intelligence 5 in order to proceed to the next level)

Proceed your daily routine until you can buy the next batch size improvent and the first employee count improvement for your business policies. Make sure you have some cash in reserve before doing each step.
After that you can hire one person for marketing and one person for HR. After that your business should run more or less automatically.

----- Leveling the girls -----

Produce an new serum
When your business is working better go to the R and D devision and create a new serum and add a trait with suggestibility and then reserch the serum and then research the serum. Then go to the production division and review the production settings. Reduce the serum in production line one to 90% or 80%, then add your new serum to Production Line 2 and increase the production to 10% or 20%. Keep the Auto-sell threshold at None. May take sone time till the new serum is produced, but you can acess the serum stockpile then and move the new serum to your inventory.

Talking to a person
You will see sluttiness with 5 hearts as progress bar, black is nothing, dark red is the max sluttiness, red the current sluttiness and yellow the core sluttiness. Your actions (Flirt with her, Complement ...) can increase the temporaty sluttiness. but not above the value of the max sluttiness, but with a serum you can increase the max sluttiness and temp sluttiness may become core sluttiness over time. Happiness and obedience can be increased by other dialog options like make small talk or insult her recent work. Keeping both high will make sure your employees don't want to leave the company. Seduing her requires 3 quartes of the first heart sluttiness. With low charisma it may take a while getting there with some employees. But there is no need to rush here, until the stamina is high enough your options are pretty limited.

After sucessfully seducing a person you get several sexual options. Some are unavailable because of the anount of clothing she is wearing. Each options shows how much sluttines she should should already have and the maximum value you can increase sluttiness by this action. You can undress her during one of these actions if sluttiness is high enough to enable the other sex options. The most reliable way to push the first 40 percent core sluttines was to level foreplay to 8 and grind kissing. Each time arousel is above 100 she will gain one point of core sluttiness. It takes some time till you will have the better serums.


Oct 4, 2017
The business side of the game is slowly becoming less of an annoyance, to the point I don't mind going through it whenever I replay the game. But the sexy times part is still such a huge fucking hassle! The "sex" sucks, which I guess is to be expected from the guy who made Lab Rats, but the outfits (which seem to be the biggest draw apart from the actual sex) are such a chore. There needs to be more pre-made outfits, maybe even procedurally generated. Or let us add clothes to their outfit rotation instead of us having to make individual outfits one by one. I know some people out there probably enjoy obsessing over individual outfits but to me it's way more effort than it's worth.


Jun 16, 2017
I'd recommend using this:

you put unren.bat into your lab rats 2 folder with the executable Lab_Rats_2.exe. Then run unren.bat and press 3, then enter... then press enter again to close unren.

This will modify your configuration to enable the console (works on any renpy game). Then while in-game hold SHIFT and press O to open the console.
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Active Member
Jun 23, 2017
1) Interaction With NPC's IE. complements & flirting Etc.
2) this can be done by giving them Doses of drugs"that have a certain side effect" & Sex the more sex raises the Yellow hearts Yellow Count.
3) Sorry I've just started a new game myself :)
Thnx for the info dude,plz it would be really helpful if yu send the saves after playing.


Selectively Active Member
Sep 13, 2017
how can i hire new head researcher?
So, you Bimbofied Stephanie ;D... Not good idea, Production and Marketing can be Bimbofied but Research needs some brains left...
Talk to previous one (Special Role Actions). In Research Department Do Something (Select a Head Researcher)


Mar 24, 2017
So, you Bimbofied Stephanie ;D... Not good idea, Production and Marketing can be Bimbofied but Research needs some brains left...
Talk to previous one (Special Role Actions). In Research Department Do Something (Select a Head Researcher)
no one has the Special Role Actions...:confused:


Selectively Active Member
Sep 13, 2017
no one has the Special Role Actions...:confused:
Well, then you don't have Head Researcher right now. So, Part two then...
Or: What on what OS and device you're playing? That previously said is for PC. And don't ask about others, I don't know...


Mar 24, 2017
Well, then you don't have Head Researcher right now. So, Part two then...
Or: What on what OS and device you're playing? That previously said is for PC. And don't ask about others, I don't know...
im playing on pc and somehow i dont have it...


Mar 24, 2017
Do you firstly take off her from the special role?
i took her off and i lose 10% of reaserch every day now but i cant make new head reasercher.. even tried to get a new one with good stats but i still cant

ok.. i dont know what have i donr but now its working... :)


Active Member
Jul 6, 2018
----- Character and Leveling stats -----

On your character creation screen just start with raising each stat to 1 and the rest of the points into forplay. When you started the game go to your character sheet. Main stats and work skills will help you being more efficient in your business, but you should reach pretty fast a point where your business is more relient on the skills of the employees then on your own skill.
When the character sheet button turns green, you have reached a level. You can click on character sheet and click on reward then. Raising those skills balanced should do the job. With the main stat Charisma it's different, it gives you some advanteges talking to others, but at the beginning I wouldn't prefer Charisma over the other main stats when leveling, cause leveling stats should be pretty fast and you should get Charisma high enough fast enough. With sex skills, at the beginning just level stamina and foreplay are important, so you can raise them first before the others. If you see one of the goals is to difficult to solve just click on Replace goal.

----- Business -----

The first task is to get the serum created
Go to the R and D Division on the map
-> Do Something -> Asign Research Focus -> Basic Medical Application
-> Do Something -> Spend time researching in the lab
Repeat this step until Basic Medical Application is researched (4 times should do it)
If it is night, you may need to go to sleep and return to the R and D division the next day
-> Do Something -> Create New Serum Design -> Basic Medical Application -> Create Design
You can name the serum how you like to e. g. Test1
-> Do Something -> Asign Research Focus -> Test1 or however you called your serum
-> Do Something -> Spend time researching in the lab
Repeat until the serum is designed
-> Do Something -> Asign Research Focus -> (Whatever you like to research next)

Get the production running
Go to the production division
-> Do Something -> Review production settings
Click on Production Line 1 and Choose Test1 as the serum to produce
At the Auto-sell Threshold click +1 so the Auto-sell shows 0 instead of None so every serum you produce is automatically marked

for selling.
Go to the main office
If it's already evening -> Do Something -> Spend time ordering supplies until night
Now comes the tricky part it's best to save first
-> Do Something -> Hire someone new -> Yes, I'll pay ...
For the start 2 people should be sufficient, one with a good production value under expected production and one with a good supply production value under expected production. 30 or better. If you found the right people -> Hire -> Production or Supply Procurement. You might need to reload a few times before you find someone somewhat attractive with the right skillset
-> Do Something -> Purchase new business policies -> Serum Policies -> Batch Size Improvement 1

Now follows a bit of daily routine
Once a day you should get the paperwork done Main Office -> Do Something -> Spend time organizing your business (To keep Company efficiency high)
And probably once a day you should sell your serums (At Check Stock you can see how many you have) Marketing Division -> Do something -> Spend time shipping ...
In the remaining two timeslots either spend time getting some more supplies, if 'Current Raw Supplies' are low: Main office -> Do Something -> Spend time ordering supplies
Or help in production if 'Current Raw Supplies' are high: Production Division -> Do Something -> Spend time producing
If the lower left display shows 'Current Research: None!' go the the R and D division and asign a new research focus.
Do it a few das until you have enough money to be on the save side for hireing a second person for production and a second person for supply procurement.

Advanced Research
If you are done with all research options go to the Main office, you should have some serums in stock, if not proceed with your daily routine until you have some then do Do Something -> Mark Serums und more one serum from the marketing to the production pile. Go to the production divion Do Something -> Access the serum ... and move one serum from the business stockpile to your personel stockpile.
Now go to the R and D Division
-> Talk to someone -> Stephanie -> Special Role Actions -> Ask about advancing ... -> Assist ... -> ...
You should have access to the next level of research options now.
(Later in the game you need to talk to Stephanie again when you have reached all research options again to get to the next level. At the Special Role Action she will tell you what you have to do in order to advance the research again. Ad some point you may need to remore her from the position of head scientist and replace her with a scientist with intelligence 5 in order to proceed to the next level)

Proceed your daily routine until you can buy the next batch size improvent and the first employee count improvement for your business policies. Make sure you have some cash in reserve before doing each step.
After that you can hire one person for marketing and one person for HR. After that your business should run more or less automatically.

----- Leveling the girls -----

Produce an new serum
When your business is working better go to the R and D devision and create a new serum and add a trait with suggestibility and then reserch the serum and then research the serum. Then go to the production division and review the production settings. Reduce the serum in production line one to 90% or 80%, then add your new serum to Production Line 2 and increase the production to 10% or 20%. Keep the Auto-sell threshold at None. May take sone time till the new serum is produced, but you can acess the serum stockpile then and move the new serum to your inventory.

Talking to a person
You will see sluttiness with 5 hearts as progress bar, black is nothing, dark red is the max sluttiness, red the current sluttiness and yellow the core sluttiness. Your actions (Flirt with her, Complement ...) can increase the temporaty sluttiness. but not above the value of the max sluttiness, but with a serum you can increase the max sluttiness and temp sluttiness may become core sluttiness over time. Happiness and obedience can be increased by other dialog options like make small talk or insult her recent work. Keeping both high will make sure your employees don't want to leave the company. Seduing her requires 3 quartes of the first heart sluttiness. With low charisma it may take a while getting there with some employees. But there is no need to rush here, until the stamina is high enough your options are pretty limited.

After sucessfully seducing a person you get several sexual options. Some are unavailable because of the anount of clothing she is wearing. Each options shows how much sluttines she should should already have and the maximum value you can increase sluttiness by this action. You can undress her during one of these actions if sluttiness is high enough to enable the other sex options. The most reliable way to push the first 40 percent core sluttines was to level foreplay to 8 and grind kissing. Each time arousel is above 100 she will gain one point of core sluttiness. It takes some time till you will have the better serums.
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Active Member
Jul 6, 2018
even with the guide i always seem to be in the red and my business goes under any idea how to avoid that?
3.40 star(s) 127 Votes