@Freki, I'm not telling you it's my way or the highway, you can voice your opinions about the game as did I. If you are happy with the way things are are going, that is all well and good! I merely spoke to what it meant to me. I got different kinks to other peeps as I am sure you do too. The long & the short is, keep it about the game. I didn't do the I'm a mod so you better bow down at my feet thing or attack you with some sort of site discipline, but don't tell me how I'm supposed to feel, cause you think differently from me, as does @SolarEclipsed and @Robert Johannesson and probably many other members. Literally we should all be able to talk about a game we like or liked without taking shots at each other. Some like minded individuals will agree with you and some that think differently from your viewpoint won't. The trick is to not make it personal. Quite a number of threads on this site are wargrounds over NTR discussions when they should't be, if we respect other peoples thoughts and they respected ours then my Mod job would be easy...