I just played the latest version and I'd say it shows.I'm not sure exactly but I would say around two years at this point
I can tell you guys had some decent ideas and you executed them well enough. While I wouldn't call it perfect by any means, I immensely appreciate the amount of attention to detail this game has.
I do of course have few things I disliked, as well. And a few that I even hated.
If I had to write the shortest review about it ever:
I loved how creative the story was. It explored the space theme well enough and made excuses based on that.
I hated how there is only 3 characters to play with in game when you could stand to have at least one or two more and I felt like this was quite limiting. I would have enjoyed it a lot more if there was one more character to mesh with.
I loved how you can mess with the store girl. I didn't expect it to happen and it got a good chuckle out of me.
I hated how all three characters have cow boobs in the game. Just why? It looks more back breakingly ugly and less sexy if anything. A little smaller and more realistic would be better. Bigger isn't better if it is way too big..
I loved the fact you had to figure out what works for each character. Each of t em feel more like a person and less like whatever they actually are this way. Not everything player does work, which is brilliant.
I hated using the drone to get cash. I mean, it sounds brilliant on paper, but I found it to be annoying at best. My main beef with it was the controls. I found them to be mostly confusing. "W" to fire and left mouse button to move? Again, just why? It feels so backwards and confusing. Also the upgrades for it feel worthless. Things you can get from the store you can get are quite limited already (which is another thing I strongly disliked) and by the time I got upgrades for the drone I had already bought everything I could buy from the store which made the drone useless to me. If we at least had some more expensive stuff to buy, it would have been worthwhile.
I loved the fact you could say no at the beginning and game will shut itself down. It was hilarious!
I hated how the game was confused about ranks. Adriana is the captain, but it almost looks like Natasha has a higher rank, even though she is just a pilot. It is already a small ship, Natasha's huge living space doesn't make any sense whatsoever. There should have been at least one more bedroom connected to Natasha's quarters (so it isn't just her living quarters). Her living space and her room is bigger than the captains, which just seems silly overall.
I hated the fact they do exact the same events each day. It is like a purgatory. Captain never does any captain related stuff, pilot never does any pilot related stuff and each day is absolutely the same. It gets boring fast. They all have their workstations, as stated in the beginning of the game, but no one except the player ever goes near their workstation. (And player only goes near his workstation to get extra money) Pilot could sit on the pilot seat and do calibrations and what not sometimes instead of fixing same stuff each day. Captain could look over star charts every now and then. They could have formal space related clothing that they wear while on mission. (Maybe they normally wear it and they only stopped wearing it when ships broke down. This would make a lot more sense. They could be wearing that when player first arrives, up until ship breaks down)
I hated the fact there is no voice acting. What a missed opportunity. This game has potential to be amazing. Even bad voice acting is better than no voice acting.
I loved the dream sequences. I absolutely loved them. I really wish there were more of them.
I disliked all three faces and hair this game has to offer. They look too funny up close. Hair looks low poly and without much effort to hide that fact. Faces aren't very detailed.
I hated how small the ship is. It is simply way too small and one area (storage) is never even used by anyone. If you moved the 3d printer to some other location, this area would never be visited ever. What a waste.
I hated how weird and difficult Natasha is. She appears to be sluttiest of them all, but she is the most difficult character to do it with. Most difficult character to do it with should have been Adriana, since she is married and she is the captain. If anyone should act professionally in the ship, it is her because she is the boss. It would feel a lot more rewarding if everyone acted a little more professionally at the beginning.
I hated the fact you could fill it up to 450 rather easily and nothing happens at all. No one even acknowledges it. It would have been a lot better if that number was 600 instead of 450 and just when you come close to filling it, another accident happens. If you manage to fill it up to 600 after that game should just end. (player should be warned this would happen if you fill it up. Lockdown would be lifted after all.)
I had hoped there would be more positions, more kinky stuff hidden in the game, but no matter what I did, I couldn't find it. A four way should have been a possibility. Also, I found fake pills and scissors, but I couldn't figure out what to do with them. (you use scissors to unscrew something, but they stay in your inventory after that, so I thought there should be more to do, but couldn't figure it out)
Alright, this didn't end up being short, but I really liked this game and I really think it could be a lot better. Please don't abandon it.
Lastly, thanks for reading and sorry for the wall of text. I wasn't able to stop myself.