The full game on Itch *should* be uncensored, I've seen a few people say this. Bit of a head scratcher. I'll look into it, and I'll try some things out that'll be in the next update that'll hopefully *ensure* uncensoring.
Honestly, the main reason why it's taking so long is because it's taken slightly lower priority over us working on the next update with things that we feel really should've been in the release (cough, gallery, cough). We've been just regrouping a little after the release. We've recently moved so we've taken a couple of days to move stuff from our old apartment, and cleaned up our workspace for the first time in... too long. We're just normal people with the same stuff going on like everyone else
If someone happens to share a pirated version before we do, we won't *endorse* it, but we certainly won't judge or go after anyone for merely sharing. Nothing shameful about it. I trust that if someone really liked the game and do have money to spare they'll contribute... and if they hate the game, it's better they keep the money rather than feel scammed. And if they cannot afford it, I don't want our game to contribute to a more stressful situation.
Our "pirated" version will be out soon enough, mostly as a guarantee that you don't have to hop through eight link shorteners to get an outdated version that suspiciously uses 100% of your GPU. Sorry for the delay, we're working hard. We'll experiment with finding a good devlog habit to not seem like we've disappeared too, we're gonna shoot for weekly.