which since i cant move the game window without even option to put game into windowed mode is a real pain in the arse.
Btw, control + enter is the universal toggle between windowed and fullscreen modes. I have a similar annoyance with the lack of settings menu, and certain Unity games will launch to monitor 1 even if my primary is monitor 0 (also, this is something the game designer can change in the Unity project settings, so there's plenty of Unity games out there which don't behave this way).
As for my thoughts on the demo...the camera needs a lot of work, as it is very jarring the way it moves when you dash, attack, get attacked, or when it's doing the "enemy about to cum" quick zooming in and out. The voice lines seem very out of place at times, and the lack of an in-game audio mixer (or settings menu in general) doesn't help that fact. The game appears to run at vsync, and the ingame time is one minute per 60 frames, so you can very easily get a popup twice in a second and it will be over a minute apart at higher refresh rates. The lack of transparency or any kind of visual indicator when mobs are obscured behind trees isn't very fun either. The art isn't too bad all things considered, though the side display when sexing the two available enemies in the game seems to only have one available design, which is the "already full of cum" display. That, and when the slug things cum you get a cut-in of a human doing it lol.
That said; the premise of the game seems straight-forward enough. If there are post-release updates to expand a bit of the content and adding in the much needed QOL devices, it might be worth considering watching it.