Here we are again ... coming to a head about what was gamed here and what was said about it.
Trouble with cop stories or with lawyers/judges/paralegals or prosecutors in shows is that people who study law and have a lot of work related random or same people with whom they engage with on the regular, they tend to be presented on TV as absolute man eaters/gigolos, especially cops and mostly women lawyers or judges or court clerks if we are to look at hugely popular shows:
True detectile very first season with charismatic heart throbbs
Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey
who are cops that cheat on eachother and their life partners as a natural cop thing to do
Michelle Monaghan the wife of Woody cheats on him with Matthew after she finds out her husband has been cheating on her for years with the court clerk Alexandra Daddario so right off the bat - these profesions are portrayed constantly as phillandering assholes who burn their partners to the stake of jealousy and betrayal.
They do this by being close to the ”law” and practically falsifying the reports to hide their deed (the two leads kill the suspects in their investigation and forge their reports so that the whole story rests only with them, as they cannot point the finger officially on dead people that they themselves murdered in cold blood and never actually got to put evidence together against them before murdering them)
That is the running theme with all the seasons of that show, dirty cops who murder suspects as opposed to actually closing investigations on them and then go off falsifying their records to hide their murders so that never ever would the actual truth or the conclusions of the investigation come to light.
Should we look at Suits or The Good Game or any lawyer drama, women bosses are man eaters who do not care about loyalty or anything, they just bang their peers, employees, clients - a running theme also in Grey Anatomy or The Judge or any number of court dramas where clerks or judeges, especially women bang everything that moves and shows any skin - bayliffs, clerks, lawyers, fellow judges, cops, prosecutors - you name it people they come in contact with - because when they get to write the ”truth” - like the dirty cops in True Detective do all the time, they car not to fear anything or anyone who could be coming at them with a different narrative.
All of the above were seen as the best TV dramas you could find for the longest of times when they dominated the awards shows and were praised years on end - precisely for letting the rot and the bad behavior shine in them.
It becomes very easy to see why many players coming off such applauded shows with the subject matter in this game would expect a more laid back approach to MC engaging in phillandering, because many protagonists, men and women, in such shows are portrayed exactly like that. Seeing so many cops or lawyers or judges or prosecutors (Billions is great in that sense) who get shows to lead in and they would do gratuitous sex scenes with whomever they wanted to hook up with, whenever they felt the itch, like they were owed such treatment by everyone else or something for their ”public service”.
The thing is - usually female cops, judges or lawyers (prosecutors are lawyers working for the state) do not have moral boundries in many such shows.
This game majorly subverts our expercations with Jamie or Aghavny:
1- on the one hand, they are go getters as a way of life and profession- they play to win - to get their man or get their prosecution or dominate at trial;
2- on the other hand, they both are such morally strong and absolute gorgeous souls - Aghavny and Jamie - to the extent that they would go so far as to let MC go just like that - this feels contrarry to the programming of such goal oriented individuals.
- Harvey Specter, for instance, would make a tragedy for not getting the woman romantically or man professionally who were his targets and he would shut down into drinking or try his luck at rebound with some of his older flames still open to flings - as are shown to be both women and men - lawyers or cops or judges, they would be very interested in one night stands.