Incredible game. I haven't seen a single sex scene during my unique playthrough (team Jamie \o/) and I don't regret a single minute I spent on it. It's subtle, deep, with some cool twists and good character development, and I've no idea how it will end (but I certainly hope Impious Monk does ^^). The in-game discussions, debates and situations about rape and incest are sensitive and well written. For someone like me who isn't at all into this stuff, it's really appreciated. Some interesting choices ahead for those on Emmeline's path.
One (very small) problem in my opinion: some choices aren't explicit enough. For example a scene towards the end of chapter 4 where you can chose between go see your sister, go to your office and work, or go with the girls. For me, going to the sister was dangerous to MC's career, to the sister's life and the ongoing investigation, so it was a no. And going with the girls was also a no for my "RP" path. But MC's thinking with the work choice was also a huge no. So I went back to chose the ssiter. It's the only time I had to go back to take another road.
Also, the "should I drink that glass of bourbon" situation could involve a player's choice : I don't know if there's a path to not drink alcohol at all and I certainly would have prefered that, considering the situation (in every first playthrough I do, in every game - even those you don't find on F95 - I always play the nicest / most hopeful / most trustworthy guy I can). So ideally, my MC shouldn't have drink those glasses. The fact that he did makes me think I didn't followed the "light" path as I thought I did. But I won't know until my second play, which won't occur before I finish my first. Patience.
So, anyway, great job Impious Monk, I can't wait for the next (final?) chapter. And now I 'll have to work this weekend as I spent my entire day playing your game instead...^^'