It is the first time that I see some characters from an adult game talking about incest in a realistic way, and it is from a game that is no incest in it! I thought about something like jamie being a sister start to have this kind of view then finally accept incest because of mc at the end but not like this(Actually I think it will be better than the original story if having such a story and turning, a incest game talking and showing about how incest in real world is very rare)! Somebody just make a "unofficial" mod to the game turn jamie to be a real "sister" to mc and make her experience how incest really feel please!

Personally, I partly agree to the point that jamie said about protecting children from incest by the law, what I dislike is her attitude about the correctness of incest. Incest is not only about the law aspect but also about society, religion, personal emotion, etc aspects, jamie's only law's point didn't convince me enough to support her view.
Also, her attitude about other country's law of incest correctness make me disgust. Judging other country's law by her own point of view but ignore other country's culture, form of society, history, etc is so arrogant, that's exactly how nowadays some people in North America/Europe be racist about the Mid-East people because they have different culture and religion. Are we going to have tenth crusade because they are different from us?
Besides, people also said that the story and characters some kind represent the writer's attitude. According to how detail the criticism attitude of mc and jamie to incest and the "defeated" attitude of ryan, may I assume that this is also the attitude of developer towards incest?