I got the ruler ending, here's how I managed:
First get at least 5 in Empathy, Will (with cold shower) and charm (barber for 20 bucks, and new clothe for 50) then ask Vittoria to make you evolve.
In the meantime finish the essay and progress with Christina (use charm and chatter first, then spend time with her when friendly). I strongly advise you to go hunt Jazz at least once or twice during the first week, because when the wolf arrives next week, you won't have many blood sources left. Oh and forget about homework for now: Teacher will check only at week 2. Spending time with Ellen and Christina will raise empathy which will come in handy.
The day Anita arrives, go see her in Christina's room ands read her mind.
If you manage to be good enough for promotion on day 12: go for it (Vittoria is in her house most evenings). Then go see Monica right away and use Oblivion on her to erase her memories of your assault. Now work on script with Angélique in order to get friendly with her.
Go hunt to meet the werewolf. The next day warn Luca if Christina is in love with you. Wait 1 day and return to their house, then go ask Christina to distract Luca, next go to Bosco's house once more and take the vial.
Once you are friend with Angélique, invite her to hunt. The night, go the park and spend 2 blood echoes to protect her. Now you can hunt again.
Raise your stats to at least 10 everywhere (it's enough to bite/fuck everyone) and make sure Angelique loves You (if you followed my instructions it shouldn't take long), then invite her home to become a Nosferatu. Also read her mind to know where Labelle's mansion is. Visit it in evening. Talk about vial to have Jean Bernard let you go.
Around day 16-20, you can have a conversation with Vittoria about your mother. Then ask Ellen about her. Next you need to mind control Ellen to give you Celeste's diary.
Ask Anita to hunt Jean Bernard, but she will refuse. If you're friendly with her, use false memories on her then ask her again. On the next day ask Angelique to open the mansion's door, but she will refuse. Use false memories on her and ask again. Then give Anita the key. Wait a few days until Angelique warns you that her father was killed. From this point onward, do whatever you like but at saturday, when Vittoria tells you about the oncoming ritual, go to your house and don't get out until the ending, otherwise, Luca will take back the vial.
When the ritual begins make sure to have sex with Angélique and use the Vial with her. That's it, you're the ruler of shadowspring.