Jul 23, 2021
Does anyone have the most painful thing i can ask for? That being a proper playlist of the LiL tracks.

I searched for the jukebox comparisons to the original songs and all i get is the 78? track list existing in Youtube but there are songs that don't line up with what exists.

Beyond the Way of time sounds like a mix of Xion theme + Blue Air? (Intrusive thought)

Songs like 10c, Close to Nothing, Gentle Theme, Good morning/Goodnight (God help us all for the track titled I Have to Love You feat. Maya Makinami), Just Lights, Kimi To Aki No Bouken, Little bunny, Memories
and so many others

It's genuinely difficult to listen to these songs without seeing the LiL textbox or models at this point? It's fair to say LiL as a story overtakes alot of precedent in these stories given Sel apparently writes around the music or finds music to play the scene out to?

I've been playing other VNS because my poor soul caught up to recent release and like even critically acclaimed releases like NUKITASHI cant fill the void of discovering more lessons in love events.

Christ. Everything I was saying and asking for made sense while i was writing things out but Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence started playing and now I'm a weeping mess because words have so much power you'd never expect.

I pray that Rin as best girl and true homie gets hurt the least.


Jul 18, 2022
I came across something while re-watching the happy events. specifically the 'Good boy' event.
During the event one of the background themes that play while sensei was sitting on a chair is called "maincharacter" which is just a deep pitched (dark?) version of "sidecharacter" theme that was played in one of sara's events. Why is that?

Normally with LIL soundtracks when there's a dark version of a theme it's supposed to be a sad or a bad version. in other words a (worse) version

Which means that sel is trying to say that being a main character is actually WORSE than being a side character.

the reason being that when you're THE main character you have the ability to do WHATEVER you want.. But of course there are always CONSEQUENCES and results of your actions. and in sensei's case.. he made a lot of wrong decisions and actions.

and the worst thing about these consequences is not how other people judge you and see you. but the constant judgment of your OWN mind that keeps tormenting you in every waking moment. (best example here is the molly halloween accident)

in conclusion :
The lesson here (because lessons in love heh) is that just because you can do something and get away with it because PrOtAgOnIsT. . You shouldn't do anything that can hurt others.
Because once you make that one mistake.. you'll start seeing yourself as a bad person. then a horrible person. then the literal scum of the earth.. and even if you got to correct every mistake. Even if you were forgiven. YOU WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOURSELF!

My interpretation is different. Personally, I believe "maincharacter" is a representation of Sara's despondence and loneliness. She always wanted to be truly loved, and no one really did. She wanted to be someone's main character and never was. So basically, it's a sadder version because her true feelings are coming through.

Whereas "sidecharacter", the original version, is more cheerful, even though it's still delicate and wistful because she's masking her feelings under a veneer of acceptance. You can see this clearly in more recent events.

Tell Me When;
The Place She Falls Asleep At Night;
Nicolas Cage.

"Which means that sel is trying to say that being a main character is actually WORSE than being a side character."
Mmm, possibly. Most of the main girls have suffered a lot from what we know. I'll try to assign grades of suffering, to simplify things (an assholish thing to do, but I'm in a hurry and these are fictional characters). This will be mostly a stream-of-consciousness thing because I must hurry

Sensei, a poor bastard. Grade S+(ensei) suffering.

Chika, B+ suffering, mother died, sister sick super sick possibly dead in a few

Yumi, A- suffering, mother is a junkie, father is a criminal pos, dogshit childhood etc

Ayane, C+ to B- suffering, wealthy dad but distant, mother left her

Sana, C+ to B- suffering, dead brother, mother is (was, things are looking up) floundering, probably inherited mental health issues

Makoto, C- to A suffering, decent-ish childhood, but recent events fucked her up real hard, bluejay amongst other things

Miku, unknown at minimum B+, has severe PTSD, something horrid must have happened to her.

Futaba, C+ to B- suffering, body dysmorphic disorder, eating disorders etc. Seems to have had good parents? I don't remember clearly actually
Rin, at minimum B-, self-harm, depression, etc. adoptive parents seem nice though. Biological parents are turbo fucked up (there's a theory here about them I think)

Ami, unknown really, but assuming she is a normal girl and not some demigod eldritch entity, A- at minimum. Dead parents, fucked up uncle, etc.

Maya, more or less the same as Ami, but A+ suffering because she has been looping for possibly millions of years (consciously). How her mind isn't shattered beyond recognition is one of the mysteries at play here (godly origin?). Or maybe her mind did shatter and she's not suffering outwardly because she's already broken beyond belief. There's that trope if I'm not wrong, called "Bored with Insanity".

Molly, C- suffering, good dad, seems to have had a decent childhood in Ireland, far from Kumon-mi. I think her mom died early? Has some issues (LiL-wise she's quite fortunate)

Tsuneyo, honestly no idea really.

Uta, at minimum B+, good family, but she got abused online etc. Caused severe mental health problems and a great deal of counseling.

Io, unknown but at minimum A+, in virtue of being worse off than Yumi. Abused, Raped?

Nodoka, no idea. She's clearly insane though and that must count for something, her mother was sick or something. Tentative A-

Otoha, D-. fairly-normal-upbringing-girl, it's unfortunate she got caught up in this mess.

Touka, E+ to D+, rich af, intelligent and athletic, beautiful and loved (by her mother and sister). father is a dipshit though. The pressure of her position must have caused some level of stress. Will suffer much more in the future because she got caught up in Sensei's mess.

Yasu, is in a similar position to Yumi, Maya and Io. One of the worst childhoods in the main cast. A-level suffering at minimum.

Noriko, C+ suffering. Loving parents and sister. Her great source of misfortune was falling for Sensei. Would have been successful because of her intelligence and work ethic. No health issues physically

Kirin, C+ suffering. Ordinary but seemingly stifling, straight-laced traditional (like Otoha) family. A plethora of mental health problems

Now for side girls:

Sara, A+ and beyond. ultra fucked up childhood, husband left, son died, hallucinations, poverty. In a similar boat to Sensei.
Haruka, unknown but doesn't seem that bad. Fairly ordinary life? She's a predator and deviant, that's on her though.

Kaori, grade unknown but most assuredly shitty. A and beyond.
Chinami, B+. Is ill, mom died, poverty. Has a loving, dedicated sister as a counterweight.

Karin, E. Seems to be one of the luckiest and most normal characters in LiL (if not the most). Possibly caused by her irrelevance. I wish she had more presence, but that would cause more suffering to her, so I'm torn.

Maki, childhood mostly unknown. Now she's suffering a lot now so B+.

Yuki, A. Went through horrid things.

Niki, B. Most of her suffering arose from Akira. Utinam Ne Illum Numquam Conspexissem. Had she never seen Akira, she would have been better off.
Wakana, unknown. High potential for suffering if the painkiller usage is any indication. I speculate B+ up.

Osako, unknown.

Tsubasa, mostly unknown.

Tsukasa, around the same as Touka, maybe a bit less.

Imani, minimum of B+, probably more.

Rika, unknown.

Nao? Well, at this point, I doubt she's even human so...


It doesn't really matter if you are a main or side character. Are you in LiL? You're going to suffer, friend.


Feb 19, 2019
We made it to one thousand, two hundred and fifty pages is just under three and a half years. I wonder what page number we will make it to by the end? If we are nearing the end of the first phase of three for the game then I suspect we should end up at around four thousand thread pages or so. I wonder how many nuts we will bust collectively to this game and if we might all develop the inability to debase ourselves with out a decent mix of arm chair psychology, depression, mental psychotropic delusions, 79 6f 75 64 69 64 69 74 giving us prostate exams with her long fingers and sexual parrales to birds?
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Feb 8, 2021
Right now, out of all of Sensei's real lovers (Maya, Sekai, Niki), only Niki remains in the dark about the other two and I wonder what her interaction and relationship with Maya will be like when she finds out everything about her.
I'm thinking of two possible scenarios.
first option ::mad:
Niki 1.jpeg

second option: :sneaky:
Niki 2 .jpeg
Which option do you think is closer to the truth?)


Active Member
Jan 14, 2021
My interpretation is different. Personally, I believe "maincharacter" is a representation of Sara's despondence and loneliness. She always wanted to be truly loved, and no one really did. She wanted to be someone's main character and never was. So basically, it's a sadder version because her true feelings are coming through.

Whereas "sidecharacter", the original version, is more cheerful, even though it's still delicate and wistful because she's masking her feelings under a veneer of acceptance. You can see this clearly in more recent events.

Tell Me When;
The Place She Falls Asleep At Night;
Nicolas Cage.

Mmm, possibly. Most of the main girls have suffered a lot from what we know. I'll try to assign grades of suffering, to simplify things (an assholish thing to do, but I'm in a hurry and these are fictional characters). This will be mostly a stream-of-consciousness thing because I must hurry

Sensei, a poor bastard. Grade S+(ensei) suffering.

Chika, B+ suffering, mother died, sister sick super sick possibly dead in a few

Yumi, A- suffering, mother is a junkie, father is a criminal pos, dogshit childhood etc

Ayane, C+ to B- suffering, wealthy dad but distant, mother left her

Sana, C+ to B- suffering, dead brother, mother is (was, things are looking up) floundering, probably inherited mental health issues

Makoto, C- to A suffering, decent-ish childhood, but recent events fucked her up real hard, bluejay amongst other things

Miku, unknown at minimum B+, has severe PTSD, something horrid must have happened to her.

Futaba, C+ to B- suffering, body dysmorphic disorder, eating disorders etc. Seems to have had good parents? I don't remember clearly actually
Rin, at minimum B-, self-harm, depression, etc. adoptive parents seem nice though. Biological parents are turbo fucked up (there's a theory here about them I think)

Ami, unknown really, but assuming she is a normal girl and not some demigod eldritch entity, A- at minimum. Dead parents, fucked up uncle, etc.

Maya, more or less the same as Ami, but A+ suffering because she has been looping for possibly millions of years (consciously). How her mind isn't shattered beyond recognition is one of the mysteries at play here (godly origin?). Or maybe her mind did shatter and she's not suffering outwardly because she's already broken beyond belief. There's that trope if I'm not wrong, called "Bored with Insanity".

Molly, C- suffering, good dad, seems to have had a decent childhood in Ireland, far from Kumon-mi. I think her mom died early? Has some issues (LiL-wise she's quite fortunate)

Tsuneyo, honestly no idea really.

Uta, at minimum B+, good family, but she got abused online etc. Caused severe mental health problems and a great deal of counseling.

Io, unknown but at minimum A+, in virtue of being worse off than Yumi. Abused, Raped?

Nodoka, no idea. She's clearly insane though and that must count for something, her mother was sick or something. Tentative A-

Otoha, D-. fairly-normal-upbringing-girl, it's unfortunate she got caught up in this mess.

Touka, E+ to D+, rich af, intelligent and athletic, beautiful and loved (by her mother and sister). father is a dipshit though. The pressure of her position must have caused some level of stress. Will suffer much more in the future because she got caught up in Sensei's mess.

Yasu, is in a similar position to Yumi, Maya and Io. One of the worst childhoods in the main cast. A-level suffering at minimum.

Noriko, C+ suffering. Loving parents and sister. Her great source of misfortune was falling for Sensei. Would have been successful because of her intelligence and work ethic. No health issues physically

Kirin, C+ suffering. Ordinary but seemingly stifling, straight-laced traditional (like Otoha) family. A plethora of mental health problems

Now for side girls:

Sara, A+ and beyond. ultra fucked up childhood, husband left, son died, hallucinations, poverty. In a similar boat to Sensei.
Haruka, unknown but doesn't seem that bad. Fairly ordinary life? She's a predator and deviant, that's on her though.

Kaori, grade unknown but most assuredly shitty. A and beyond.
Chinami, B+. Is ill, mom died, poverty. Has a loving, dedicated sister as a counterweight.

Karin, E. Seems to be one of the luckiest and most normal characters in LiL (if not the most). Possibly caused by her irrelevance. I wish she had more presence, but that would cause more suffering to her, so I'm torn.

Maki, childhood mostly unknown. Now she's suffering a lot now so B+.

Yuki, A. Went through horrid things.

Niki, B. Most of her suffering arose from Akira. Utinam Ne Illum Numquam Conspexissem. Had she never seen Akira, she would have been better off.
Wakana, unknown. High potential for suffering if the painkiller usage is any indication. I speculate B+ up.

Osako, unknown.

Tsubasa, mostly unknown.

Tsukasa, around the same as Touka, maybe a bit less.

Imani, minimum of B+, probably more.

Rika, unknown.

Nao? Well, at this point, I doubt she's even human so...


It doesn't really matter if you are a main or side character. Are you in LiL? You're going to suffer, friend.
"My dad died and the world won't even let me kill myself"
"I grade your suffering C- to A"

Mori Enjoyer

Apr 7, 2023
Right now, out of all of Sensei's real lovers (Maya, Sekai, Niki), only Niki remains in the dark about the other two and I wonder what her interaction and relationship with Maya will be like when she finds out everything about her.
I'm thinking of two possible scenarios.
first option ::mad:
View attachment 2793985

second option: :sneaky:
View attachment 2793993
Which option do you think is closer to the truth?)
you can post this also in the LIL art thread, so it doesn't get lost in this thread. That or these are new scenes as i stopped playing at 0.30.0

For everybody's information, we have created a dedicated fan-art thread.
Starting today future creations from you guys should be posted there: CLICK

Have fun!!


Jun 17, 2023
We made it to one thousand, two hundred and fifty pages is just under three and a half years. I wonder what page number we will make it to by the end? If we are nearing the end of the first phase of three for the game then I suspect we should end up at around four thousand thread pages or so. I wonder how many nuts we will bust collectively to this game and if we might all develop the inability to debase ourselves with out a decent mix of arm chair psychology, depression, mental psychotropic delusions, 79 6f 75 64 69 64 69 74 giving us prostate exams with her long fingers and sexual parrales to birds?
I KNEW I weren't the only one who was at least somewhat attracted to long maya!

I'm not only talking about how she looks but also her big wide smile AND how nice she is . I mean she's like maya but cooler.

Moyo is cool too i guess... she's like long maya's funny sidekick or something. i still can't believe she just drank all of sensei's PRECIOUS substance in a one go
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Kitty Hawk

Jul 8, 2020
Right now, out of all of Sensei's real lovers (Maya, Sekai, Niki), only Niki remains in the dark about the other two and I wonder what her interaction and relationship with Maya will be like when she finds out everything about her.
I'm thinking of two possible scenarios.
first option ::mad:
View attachment 2793985

second option: :sneaky:
View attachment 2793993
Which option do you think is closer to the truth?)
Niki will be kinda mad at Sensei considering Maya's age but will later forgive him. It is, however, Maya who will keep distance from her, and be passive-aggressive as she most of the time is, since she feels jealous about Niki, probably because Maya is their homewrecker in the first place, dislikes all Nakayamas, also is a narcissist and wants Sensei all to herself, so Niki is probably like wasted girlfriend material to her.


Active Member
Jun 20, 2018
Care Packages What is this?????
Small bonus and non-canon scenes, images with info and girls posing, pages of password locked coded messages that means absolute fuck all and pages of the Uta's Sensei love ranking diary.
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Aug 1, 2019
ok Thx You all so better not try it.... mhhh Was hard to not over see some in Game so far... Some how i did it... so hand are save and Care are off limitz to me. ThX


Active Member
Apr 24, 2021
Does anyone have the most painful thing i can ask for? That being a proper playlist of the LiL tracks.

I searched for the jukebox comparisons to the original songs and all i get is the 78? track list existing in Youtube but there are songs that don't line up with what exists.

Beyond the Way of time sounds like a mix of Xion theme + Blue Air? (Intrusive thought)

Songs like 10c, Close to Nothing, Gentle Theme, Good morning/Goodnight (God help us all for the track titled I Have to Love You feat. Maya Makinami), Just Lights, Kimi To Aki No Bouken, Little bunny, Memories
and so many others

It's genuinely difficult to listen to these songs without seeing the LiL textbox or models at this point? It's fair to say LiL as a story overtakes alot of precedent in these stories given Sel apparently writes around the music or finds music to play the scene out to?

I've been playing other VNS because my poor soul caught up to recent release and like even critically acclaimed releases like NUKITASHI cant fill the void of discovering more lessons in love events.

Christ. Everything I was saying and asking for made sense while i was writing things out but Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence started playing and now I'm a weeping mess because words have so much power you'd never expect.

I pray that Rin as best girl and true homie gets hurt the least.
I don't have all the answers, but I have some, both from reading old posts and stumbling upon them on spotify:
(There are also some other songs under the same creator Sharou that are featured in the game, including the "maincharater" that was brough up a few posts ago feel free to browse more)

Good morning: (On a sailing boat)
Good night: (Life is sweet)
I Have to Love You feat. Maya Makinami:
Little bunny:
Kimi To Aki No Bouken:
Beyond the ways of time:

Anyone who knows more pls most definitely share <3

Feel free to play them on speaker at MAX to find any local fellow Sensei near you
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New Member
Jul 4, 2020
Can't share full links due to not having 3 posts.
"Memories": watch?v=jYIoEP8lSJ0
"Just Lights" is listed under the name of "クリスマスの灯り" (Christmas' Lights) on the same site as the other song: watch?v=jYIoEP8lSJ0
You can also find both of those songs on Pocket sound's website.
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Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
My interpretation is different. Personally, I believe "maincharacter" is a representation of Sara's despondence and loneliness. She always wanted to be truly loved, and no one really did. She wanted to be someone's main character and never was. So basically, it's a sadder version because her true feelings are coming through.

Whereas "sidecharacter", the original version, is more cheerful, even though it's still delicate and wistful because she's masking her feelings under a veneer of acceptance. You can see this clearly in more recent events.

Tell Me When;
The Place She Falls Asleep At Night;
Nicolas Cage.

Mmm, possibly. Most of the main girls have suffered a lot from what we know. I'll try to assign grades of suffering, to simplify things (an assholish thing to do, but I'm in a hurry and these are fictional characters). This will be mostly a stream-of-consciousness thing because I must hurry

Sensei, a poor bastard. Grade S+(ensei) suffering.

Chika, B+ suffering, mother died, sister sick super sick possibly dead in a few

Yumi, A- suffering, mother is a junkie, father is a criminal pos, dogshit childhood etc

Ayane, C+ to B- suffering, wealthy dad but distant, mother left her

Sana, C+ to B- suffering, dead brother, mother is (was, things are looking up) floundering, probably inherited mental health issues

Makoto, C- to A suffering, decent-ish childhood, but recent events fucked her up real hard, bluejay amongst other things

Miku, unknown at minimum B+, has severe PTSD, something horrid must have happened to her.

Futaba, C+ to B- suffering, body dysmorphic disorder, eating disorders etc. Seems to have had good parents? I don't remember clearly actually
Rin, at minimum B-, self-harm, depression, etc. adoptive parents seem nice though. Biological parents are turbo fucked up (there's a theory here about them I think)

Ami, unknown really, but assuming she is a normal girl and not some demigod eldritch entity, A- at minimum. Dead parents, fucked up uncle, etc.

Maya, more or less the same as Ami, but A+ suffering because she has been looping for possibly millions of years (consciously). How her mind isn't shattered beyond recognition is one of the mysteries at play here (godly origin?). Or maybe her mind did shatter and she's not suffering outwardly because she's already broken beyond belief. There's that trope if I'm not wrong, called "Bored with Insanity".

Molly, C- suffering, good dad, seems to have had a decent childhood in Ireland, far from Kumon-mi. I think her mom died early? Has some issues (LiL-wise she's quite fortunate)

Tsuneyo, honestly no idea really.

Uta, at minimum B+, good family, but she got abused online etc. Caused severe mental health problems and a great deal of counseling.

Io, unknown but at minimum A+, in virtue of being worse off than Yumi. Abused, Raped?

Nodoka, no idea. She's clearly insane though and that must count for something, her mother was sick or something. Tentative A-

Otoha, D-. fairly-normal-upbringing-girl, it's unfortunate she got caught up in this mess.

Touka, E+ to D+, rich af, intelligent and athletic, beautiful and loved (by her mother and sister). father is a dipshit though. The pressure of her position must have caused some level of stress. Will suffer much more in the future because she got caught up in Sensei's mess.

Yasu, is in a similar position to Yumi, Maya and Io. One of the worst childhoods in the main cast. A-level suffering at minimum.

Noriko, C+ suffering. Loving parents and sister. Her great source of misfortune was falling for Sensei. Would have been successful because of her intelligence and work ethic. No health issues physically

Kirin, C+ suffering. Ordinary but seemingly stifling, straight-laced traditional (like Otoha) family. A plethora of mental health problems

Now for side girls:

Sara, A+ and beyond. ultra fucked up childhood, husband left, son died, hallucinations, poverty. In a similar boat to Sensei.
Haruka, unknown but doesn't seem that bad. Fairly ordinary life? She's a predator and deviant, that's on her though.

Kaori, grade unknown but most assuredly shitty. A and beyond.
Chinami, B+. Is ill, mom died, poverty. Has a loving, dedicated sister as a counterweight.

Karin, E. Seems to be one of the luckiest and most normal characters in LiL (if not the most). Possibly caused by her irrelevance. I wish she had more presence, but that would cause more suffering to her, so I'm torn.

Maki, childhood mostly unknown. Now she's suffering a lot now so B+.

Yuki, A. Went through horrid things.

Niki, B. Most of her suffering arose from Akira. Utinam Ne Illum Numquam Conspexissem. Had she never seen Akira, she would have been better off.
Wakana, unknown. High potential for suffering if the painkiller usage is any indication. I speculate B+ up.

Osako, unknown.

Tsubasa, mostly unknown.

Tsukasa, around the same as Touka, maybe a bit less.

Imani, minimum of B+, probably more.

Rika, unknown.

Nao? Well, at this point, I doubt she's even human so...


It doesn't really matter if you are a main or side character. Are you in LiL? You're going to suffer, friend.
I think Maya was effed up even before the resets. She implies that Sensei and her were "pretty fucked up" and that's why they got attached to eachother:
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There's also some implications that she may have been raped by a family member, and was homeless before meeting Sensei.

I think the "girl who never made it home" story told by Sekai in 'Something Everyone Knows and Ignores' may have been about Maya:
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Mostly due to the vending machines and running into a stranger parts:
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Which could be why Maya takes Sensei to a vending machine and buys him the drink that makes him nostalgic:
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There's also the implication that someone else took Maya's "purity" in 'The Room with Clocks':
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before Sensei could adopt her and show her "true love". (Unless that black figure is the old Sensei, but that seems unlikely)

I also think this is from Maya's pov due to the green scarf:
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The "finally be happy" and "finally knew what it meant to be loved" parts, makes me think something must have happened to her.

Nevertheless: Current Maya is considered "Broken beyond repair":
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New Member
Mar 27, 2022
Sorry for being annoying, but anyone got a completed .31 (or close) save file? Should've never touched the fucking care packages
4.20 star(s) 296 Votes