
Jul 18, 2022
My humble thoughts on the new designs:

I'm pretty sure Futaba is slightly slimmer.

This is why I believe we're heading to another world where everyone's happier, at least prima facie.

Chika is no longer subjected to the immense emotional pain her mother's death caused; effect: no longer bleaches her hair (as she did to resemble her mother and immerse herself in old memories [was this why she bleached her hair? Did she explain in detail any of this? I no longer remember.].)

Ami has a complete paradigm shift, no longer obsesses over her uncle, and likely developed healthy coping mechanisms; effect: cut her hair.

Futaba is slimmer and no longer has body dysmorphia; effect: she doesn't wear stripes; instead, she wears more revealing & comfortable clothing.

Sana is no longer super-shy; effect: not afraid to show her beautiful face, thus the new hairdo. Likely gregarious.

Rin once said Otoha was her "ideal" in coolness (might've misremembered). She's now more decisive and confident (hopefully won't take shit from Otoha any longer, that's if they haven't broken up yet in that world); effect: seems more expressive with her clothing and hair. "Chika-Otoha" syncretic design. Looks extremely hot as well.

Molly... can't say much for now, but I think she's cuter. I like her hair (presumably she doesn't have low self-esteem now, too); effect: became cuter. Already liked her quite a bit. Depending on her new personality, she might shoot up in my eyes.

Uta, no idea. Neutral; effect: no idea. Possibly more down-to-earth.

Kirin, likely a healthier mindset regarding relationships and social interactions; effect: what we saw.

Otoha is less self-obsessed and preoccupied with being "distinguished" or similar. Has been humbled when Rin became hotter than her (she already was) and is now a bit more lowkey. Much more chill and doesn't flip the fuck out when composing or writing lyrics or whatever; effect: muted palette, "normal" hair.

Doubtlessly, none of this will be the case. But it was a fun little write-up, for me at least. Sweet, sweet day off.

Noriko and Yasu have been posted while I was writing this.

Yasu is no longer a zealot and now interacts as a normal human being; effect: more expressive and fashion-oriented.

Noriko, hopefully, is less obsessed with Akira; effect: personally not a fan of the changes. They aren't that bad, though.
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Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
Overall: We might be entering the Ayaneverse.[/SPOILER]
Building on what you've been suggesting -- Ayane's vomiting during the reset wasn't just being overwhelmed with the horror of what she was experiencing. It was the realization that this is what she had asked for, or was at least the price of getting what she asked for. If she managed to sway the powers that be to reshape the world for her benefit, there had to be a price, and maybe what happened to Ami was part of it.

Because this kind of drastic change to the status quo requires a sacrifice.

And Ayane, being the eternal optimist she is, probably wanted a world that didn't just deliver Sensei to her and her alone on a silver platter, she'd also want her friends to be happy, and very likely even her enemies.

She'd go back and let Kirin win that science fair so Kirin could have a moment to shine for a change.
She'd make sure her roomate still had a brother.
She'd make sure Ami still had a mother -- and possibly a father -- so that she wouldn't become obsessed with sensei
She'd make sure that Futaba is comfortable in her own body.

This is the, at least initially, the good place. The place where Rin isn't cutting, the place where Otoha is proud to be gay (because that new look is %100 lesbian hotness), the place where Chika doesn't have to dye her hair in a desperate attempt to stay close to a dead parent.

It's going to be so wholesome.

And it's all going to go terribly, terribly wrong.


Active Member
Mar 15, 2023
Sreamed "I knew it" when i first saw new designs. They all looks like 1 more year old, aren't they?
This might actually be a whole new world. I wonder if they'll keep their names?
Overall: We might be entering the Ayaneverse.
Imagine how fucked up was Maya, if this is the difference. BTW I doubt on Ayaneverse because things intended to be much darker that they were and Ayaneverse seems bringhter than Mayaverse from my perception

Building on what you've been suggesting -- Ayane's vomiting during the reset wasn't just being overwhelmed with the horror of what she was experiencing. It was the realization that this is what she had asked for, or was at least the price of getting what she asked for. If she managed to sway the powers that be to reshape the world for her benefit, there had to be a price, and maybe what happened to Ami was part of it.
Can you please tell more of context? Last substantional info about this possibility was when Yasu offered it to Ayane before 5th reset, but it might be reasonal if Himawary can also make this offering. The more i think than better it sounds

Upd: Haven't preious world sound more like Amiworld? It would explain a lot, including murdered Ami and Maya's implications about Ami's reaction to reset-related information. In this case, new world might surprisingly be Mayaworld for symmetry reasons. Also, Maya going postal after hearing about resets is hillarious
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Active Member
Mar 11, 2019
I buy the idea. You know why?
Do you guys remember the second Matrix movie?
The Architect admits to Neo that the initial versions of The Matrix were actually an utopia.
Everybody was meant to be happy, everybody could have what they wanted.
And everytime it went wrong. Because people were unable to accept this "reality".

Its gonna happen here. Ayane with all her good intentions, made everybody jave a happy life. And at some point all the girls are gonna be unstable AF doubthing things are even real.


Sep 27, 2020
I was thinking the Rin Chika hair colour swap is just going to be something music club related. Plus a bit of a time skip.


Jan 30, 2021
Building on what you've been suggesting -- Ayane's vomiting during the reset wasn't just being overwhelmed with the horror of what she was experiencing. It was the realization that this is what she had asked for, or was at least the price of getting what she asked for. If she managed to sway the powers that be to reshape the world for her benefit, there had to be a price, and maybe what happened to Ami was part of it.

Because this kind of drastic change to the status quo requires a sacrifice.

And Ayane, being the eternal optimist she is, probably wanted a world that didn't just deliver Sensei to her and her alone on a silver platter, she'd also want her friends to be happy, and very likely even her enemies.

She'd go back and let Kirin win that science fair so Kirin could have a moment to shine for a change.
She'd make sure her roomate still had a brother.
She'd make sure Ami still had a mother -- and possibly a father -- so that she wouldn't become obsessed with sensei
She'd make sure that Futaba is comfortable in her own body.

This is the, at least initially, the good place. The place where Rin isn't cutting, the place where Otoha is proud to be gay (because that new look is %100 lesbian hotness), the place where Chika doesn't have to dye her hair in a desperate attempt to stay close to a dead parent.

It's going to be so wholesome.

And it's all going to go terribly, terribly wrong.
I kind of had a problem with the whole event.
Nah, i guess problem doesn't really fit but right now, i can't come up with a better term.

First of all, i did have to laugh when Ayane emptied the content of her stomach into her hands.
I don't know if that was Sel's intention, but the text alone (the puking stuff), was just hilarious.
It just dimnished the impact of (presumably) Ami's death.

There's something else. The possibility, that Himawari was involved in that event.
She already felt bad about taking "her mother's" shape.
So if she really was involved in setting up Ami's (fake) death, while knowing what impact it might have on her mother, i wonder how serious it must have been, that she was "ok" to do that.


Jan 30, 2021
Something else i'm wondering.

I agree with people here, that the updated girls seem more lively.
Like better versions of their prior selfes. Like, at leat most of them seem to be in a better mental state. Though, that might just be my subjective impression.

But we all know that there is "The Dark Route" ahead of us.
Do we really get a prolonged time of majorly, "everything goes right now"?
Or is Sel just setting up the stage for a major impact?
Giving his audience a short period of "almost everything feels nice and comfy", to brutally hammer it all down?

butterfly boy

Feb 13, 2023
God, how does she qualify as fat in anyone's head? She's got like 2 to 5 kilograms on her at most... i wouldn't even call her chubby.
She is fat by Asian standards. The only reason why she doesn't seem fat is because most of the time the camera points at her face and her face has perfect form.
You also have to consider her body when compared to her other classmates.


New Member
Jul 7, 2023
Commander One is a very good that I use. So you can try.
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Active Member
Jan 14, 2021
These new character designs are interesting, could be a whole new world, could just be how the girls dress in the spring.


Sep 28, 2022
Please, if you quote me, don't make it look like what i said was directed at JelF547, which it was not.
I assume that one was just a mistake.

You're right with what you say about forums, or conversations in general. That was also an aspect of what i tried to convey.
It just did not come out of nowhere. This was something going on for a longer time. But there's no use to go into detail.

Could it have gone better? Pretty much. Do i blame him all alone? Totally not, as we here say, it needs two for a fight.
Saying "This is so anoying", was a poor chose of wording. It wasn't directed at his post, but about how i felt about the whole situation and the need to say what i said.

And with that, i don't think there is anything more to add to the topic. That thing is done.
Yeah, sorry about that, it was a mistake. I just hit the reply and started typing so no idea how that happened lol. Also I like seeing all the theory crafting and conversation you guys have in here so as a person who mostly lurks in here I'd like to thank you and everyone else who invests all this time into putting out all this information. And again sorry for the mistake.
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