
Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
-uta and io met via online support group for sexual abuse (it's not been confirmed in game but i'm told it was in the stupid care packages)
After their heart to heart scene, where they literally talk it out 1) using chatroom jargon and 2) with all the coaxing words therapists use to make people open up, this is confirmed through subtext.


Active Member
Apr 24, 2021
At this point, it's safe to assume that most, if not all, of the characters are connected to one another in some way beyond just being classmates or related to one of the girls in the classroom. There are connections that aren't immediately apparent, like how Ami, Akira, Miku, and Kaori's lives were all disrupted heavily by vehicle collisions that may or may not be the same accident, or how Akira's brother may be Sana's father.

Lately, we've seen conjecture that he might also be Chika's father.....but who else? We have a lot of girls who seem disconnected, how do they tie in?

Bold Theory That Might Be Full of Shit(tm) #1 -- Maki and Nozomu were lovers. She was in an open marriage, he fucked around, and there's a massive amount of tragic irony in Makoto's mental health being invested in "making Daddy proud of me" when the man she was trying to please isn't actually her father. Liklihood of actuality: 3/10. One would think Maki would mention that she had fooled around in the past with an Arikawa Teacher in the past.

Bold Theory That Might Be Full of Shit(tm) #2 -- Nozomu was Rin's sperm donor. There had to be one, right? Actually, I can't recall if Rin is fully adopted or was donor-conceived, but either way, there's a mystery dad. Liklihood of actuality: 5/10. There's no reason to believe this is true, but there is exactly as much evidence to believe that it is.

Bold Theory that Might Be Full of Shit(tm)# 3 -- Chinami's benefactor -- the wealthier woman who looks nothing at all like anyone in Chika's family who took Chinami to her doctor appointments was.....either the mother of another one of the girls, or one of the adult women in the game. I'm not sure who. We know it wasn't Tsubasa, as she would have said something during her story. Could it have been a pre-addiction Yuki? I'd think that'd be brought up. Sekai? Very possible -- she looks nothing at all like Chika's family. Likelihood of Actuality: 7/10 -- it feels like too big of a reveal to siimply leave as "mystery woman," but I think we'll eventually get more information about this down the line.

More as they poop into my brain.

That was supposed to be "pop," but I'm leaving the typo because these are probably all shit.
At this rate it won't be Main Girls but Main Nieces :LUL: (teaching a classroom full of nieces sounds absolutely hilarious), but it probably wouldn't be impossible considering Nozomu's nature.

I also hope one day Chinami's benefactor would have her grand entry to the story so that I can scream THANK YOU MA'AM; for now I am rooting for Rin's other mom who Chiaki might come to befriend because Chika and Rin were classmates prior.
(but I am not 100% sure if she was still alive around that time; plus the fact that the mysterious woman had been doing this for two years, and it doesn't seem that Rika knows this, so still a wild guess)
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Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
i mean fair enough i guess, i took it as she was kinda tricked into a relationship with him where she got drugged up and she got her virginity taken from her and then she was in a position of having to choose to leave and be on the streets and pregnant or stay in a toxic relationship and put out, which I dont really associate with 'whore'.
the honor thing vs prostitution isn't me putting my own views into it, but observation that some people hold those views. she doesnt seem the type to look down on the profession but she seemed like the type to avoid it. (why else would she build a rep as a fighter chick no one wants to approach that beats the shit out of thugs, most people were to scared of her to even approach her while she lived with the yakuza, from her memory the only guy she slept with was yumi's dad but she has no recollection of anyone else but admits someone could have just fucked her while she was drugged up, hard to call her a whore if that is the case imo... but her extremly low oppinion of herself easily shows she thinks of herself in such a way, (she low key and high key hates herself)
which event is the one we have a flashback of yuki beating the shit out of yakuza and meeting them for the first time?
It seems more like sucking a dick seemed worth it for living the easy life, to me. It wasn't until after she got knocked up while drugged out, then had Yumi, that she decided to leave, years down the line, while keeping his name just in case. I also don't recall it actually being said to be her virginity, just what knocked her up.

"why else would she build a rep as a fighter chick no one wants to approach that beats the shit out of thugs", likely to avoid being raped, like what would have probably happened if she didn't fight back against Yumi's father's goons back when they met.

Her also not remembering but thinking it's possible she's been fucked by others, kind of implies how she was getting drugs in the first place. The whole every guy she met trying to get in her pants line also implies she was used to stuff like it. It also could explain why she hates herself beyond just the drug abuse and doesn't see why Sensei wants to be with her. Not to mention, she never said she never sucked any other guy off, just that she doesn't remember having a thing with others. I think she was meaning in terms of getting fucked by them or maybe just simply dating. I'm also not sure how else she's been able to pay for stuff since she's never had a job prior to the bar.

As for the prostitution, I definitely get that it depends on what one finds "honorable", but still, I think I explained my reasonings. Also the whole meeting Yumi's dad thing was mentioned in Yuki's second event.


Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Just a theory, but Sana's brother getting shanked might be more of a cover story like the entire space war thing. People might just think these things due to mental alteration. Something actually may have just wiped out most of the males, and created this loop so that Sensei could knock up the class and feed it his children indefinitely. Or perhaps teach the being responsible for everything; "love".

Might explain the whole "Lessons in Love" name. Sensei (along with everyone else) could have been chosen to teach/show some eldritch being what Love is.

I still think this game will go the Black Souls route, though, tbh, and the thing taking Sekai's form might actually be some kind of crawling chaos from lovecraftian horror. So, that's probably influencing me somewhat.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
Just a theory, but Sana's brother getting shanked might be more of a cover story like the entire space war thing. People might just think these things due to mental alteration. Something actually may have just wiped out most of the men, and created this loop so that Sensei could knock up the class and feed it his children. Or perhaps teach the being responsible for everything; "love".

Might explain the whole "Lessons in Love" name. Sensei (along with everyone else) could have been chosen to teach/show some eldritch being what Love is.

I still think this game will go the Black Souls route, though, tbh, and the thing taking Sekai's form might actually be some kind of crawling chaos from lovecraftian horror. So, that's probably influencing me somewhat.
yeah there is the ... homeless theory.
the extreme level of homeless people are actually the people that were summoned off to 'space war' and are stuck in a schizophrenic daze preventing them from going back home to interfere with the world whoever is doing this wants. its also kind of weird that there are this many visually identifiable homeless people (by character conversation) when we have events directly mentioning sleeping in internet cafe's implying sel knows about the actual homless rate in japan and how it is a reportable (roundable) 0% and how the japanese for the most part would rather kill themselves than to even look homeless. (not an exaggeration)
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Active Member
Apr 24, 2021
Replayed some Sara's events to refresh my memory about her story and her ex teacher, and found some subtle foreshadowing about her blackouts in Tell Me When.

But, I still feel kinda odd that her ex teacher didn't leave the picture right when Sana's older brother was born; no he stuck around and knocked her up the second time, then he left; having bastard kids wasn't what drove him away?
(I was thinking perhaps it was not like he ended the relationship with her, but was actually dead because he was assumed to be Nozomu, but timeframe-wise this wasn't coherent)

Maybe Sara brought up the possibility of settling down with him only when she got knocked up the second time; and this would mean before that this asshole was completely fine with keep having sex with Sara despite already giving her one child :unsure:.

Then again if blackouts continuously happened during Sara's high school year then probably the whole story needs to be taken with a grain of salt (almost everything with this game is I suppose)
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Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
Might explain the whole "Lessons in Love" name. Sensei (along with everyone else) could have been chosen to teach/show some eldritch being what Love is.
I suspect that it's more lucky the student of the lessons implied in the title is Akira himself, and that the girls teach him, because that's been a running internal dialogue since the beginning. Initially, he wanted to defile them, destroy them, corrupt them, but over time, he's started acknowledging his feelings, and is starting to outright accept them. He's the one learning to love.


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
not really definitive like what i'm told was in the care package.
this is a difference in suggestive possibility that gave the idea in the first place vs outright confirmation
If them literally using the coaxing words therapists use in group therapy to get people who don't want to talk at all to open up isn't explicit enough for you, you're going to be really angry when the game is done and many things are still left unanswered because it was left for you to figure out from the subtext.

Because there's likely to be a LOT of it.
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Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Isn't he like, the absolute worst person to pick for that?
He's definitely up there on the worst possible chosen ones ever.

Nevertheless, some being that doesn't understand things like "love" wouldn't really know he'd be a bad choice. Just that there seems to be a lot of little girls that want to be with him, and even as a kid, he was "loved" by his sister in law, who he never stopped loving, then later on he was loved by a certain pink haired girl who nearly killed herself after he dumped her. After that he was loved by his Niece, Ayane, Maya, Etc.

I suspect that it's more lucky the student of the lessons implied in the title is Akira himself, and that the girls teach him, because that's been a running internal dialogue since the beginning. Initially, he wanted to defile them, destroy them, corrupt them, but over time, he's started acknowledging his feelings, and is starting to outright accept them. He's the one learning to love.
I can definitely see that, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the being isn't learning the same lessons through him. Watching him develop over and over. Take Maya for example, she might just be the one he usually fell for, so now, she's been taken off the board to give the other girls a chance at "love", and give the being more experience.

It also fits the whole "using" Sensei thing that's apparently going on with the gods/beings/users.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
If them literally using the coaxing words therapists use in group therapy to get people who don't want to talk at all to open up isn't explicit enough for you, you're going to be really angry when the game is done and many things are still left unanswered because it was left for you to figure out from the subtext.

Because there's likely to be a LOT of it.
like...dude. i was one of the people that claimed it from that one scene from the start
I'm saying in the damn CP its not subtext. that's all I'm saying and with a mystery based game subtext is good for theory and if the game ended on an open note people can and do choose to interpret stories how they want but its not the same thing as outright confirmation
i'm fine with both, i'm just distinguishing between the two
  • Thinking Face
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Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Replayed some Sara's events to refresh my memory about her story and her ex teacher, and found some subtle foreshadowing about her blackouts in Tell Me When.

But, I still feel kinda odd that her ex teacher didn't leave the picture right when Sana's older brother was born; no he stuck around and knocked her up the second time, then he left; having bastard kids wasn't what drove him away?
(I was thinking perhaps it was not like he ended the relationship with her, but was actually dead because he was assumed to be Nozomu, but timeframe-wise this wasn't coherent)

Maybe Sara brought up the possibility of settling down with him only when she got knocked up the second time; and this would mean before that this asshole was completely fine with keep having sex with Sara despite already giving her one child :unsure:.

Then again if blackouts continuously happened during Sara's high school year then probably the whole story needs to be taken with a grain of salt (almost everything with this game is I suppose)
It seemed more like she found out he was either actually cheating on her or likely doing so, and he decided that he didn't want to hear it, then went out for milk and never came back.

Not to mention, apparently Sara lost her virginity at 13, so I don't think the teacher actually wanted to ever be with her beyond the sex at any point. In other words; it sounds like she got used until he decided she wasn't worth the trouble.

Also yeah, it could simply be a mental alteration to explain why Sana's father isn't around, when what ever actually took the men, took him as well. Hard to tell since blacking out and altered memories are common place.


Active Member
Apr 24, 2021
Might explain the whole "Lessons in Love" name. Sensei (along with everyone else) could have been chosen to teach/show some eldritch being what Love is.
It would be Lessons in Making Love if Sensei is chosen to teach anything :BootyTime:

But I think observing Sensei learning love might really be the key concept here; a person who claims to have trouble comprehending what love means is now experiencing all kinds of love from all his relationship with everyone and learning them: pure, unconditional, unrequited, codependent, obsessive, manipulative, adulterous, forbidden, and incestuous.

It's just who actually is observing is still up in the air (maybe it's all those supernatural BS beings perhaps?)
  • Thinking Face
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May 30, 2018
He's definitely up there on the worst possible chosen ones ever.

Nevertheless, some being that doesn't understand things like "love" wouldn't really know he'd be a bad choice. Just that there seems to be a lot of little girls that want to be with him, and even as a kid, he was "loved" by his sister in law, who he never stopped loving, then later on he was loved by a certain pink haired girl who nearly killed herself after he dumped her. After that he was loved by his Niece, Ayane, Maya, Etc.

I can definitely see that, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the being isn't learning the same lessons through him. Watching him develop over and over. Take Maya for example, she might just be the one he usually fell for, so now, she's been taken off the board to give the other girls a chance at "love", and give the being more experience.

It also fits the whole "using" Sensei thing that's apparently going on with the gods/beings/users.
HOPE at least seems to have a clear idea of what "love" means. The other two aren't as clear, but they seem to be competing over Akira rather than trying to learn from him. Maybe they're all using him as proof of their view to some fourth entity(fifth really, I don't think the entity could be Nao). Long Maya keeps doing television show bits with Akira, maybe she really is showing that to somebody?

Also, we the players are that entity, and the true meaning of love is not pirating video games.
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