
Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
An Interesting thing that I don't think was ever brought up about the 'Mother May I' Chapter 3 Main Event; Nodoka seemed to notice Sensei's sudden change:
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Watch her natural smirk disappear.
I mean, given that she knows what she knows - could be less supernatural and just that she understands why Ami won. Or maybe she realised just then (and the whole Sekai, Akira being the Boy, this fucking blanket, and Ami's relationship with him clicked).

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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
Honestly? What about half of the cast needs more than anything is serious, professional clinical help. The girls are dealing with loss/abandonment, sexual assault (not all of it from Sensei), and various forms of PTSD. None of the adult women (excepting maybe Tsubasa) is exactly sane -- with reason. And some of the characters... Ami? Yasu? Miku? Io? Sensei? These people are not capable of caring for themselves. I'm not going to say that psychiatry offers any kind of guarantee, but aside from Io's overflowing pharmacopeia, we don't see any sign that any of the grieving, fucked up women (and one man) are getting any help at all.

Which, I don't know, may be the point? I mean, this is a horror AVN. And what's scarier than a broken mind?
Imo this cycle specifically could very well be the therapy they all need. Just a very unconventional and extreme one where you simply will learn because we won't let you die nor break until you get better. Mysterious narrator says at the start of the game that this place is one where, from time to time, mysery will seep in - and you'll learn to notice beauty in spite of it (or maybe even because of it).

I mean, Akira's whole thing is that he didn't learn how to properly deal with what happened to him. Maybe that's what "remember to smile" is after all. In a more positive interpretation, it could be "face all this shit, but learn that even then you could still smile." of course, even in this positive interpretation, it's only a few of the people that seem engaged in this idea (like Himawari), and it seems like a new one.

Like they had this torture chamber all set up, and used for torture for a thousand cycles, and then this is the first time when an intern shows up and says "hey, maybe we could use it to help people instead", and is one of the few people working there that believes that or knows about this new initiative lol
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Apr 27, 2021
As someone else said, the only main characters who haven't dealt with some major mind-fuckery are Otoha and Touka.
I'm not 100% on Otoha not having something weird going on. Not as much as everyone else, but I get a slightly strange vibe off how she apparently has people falling in love with her left and right for no ostensible reason. I mean she's cute and definitely the "popular girl" type,, I dunno, feels off considering the game we're talking about. Touka has the whole "raised to be the family heir and in an arranged marriage" thing going on too, plus being absurdly sheltered - I think she's just handling it better.

...and god dammit, it might just be an archetype thing, but I just realized Otoha reminds me a lot of the girl I had a crush on the whole time I was in high school.
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May 30, 2018
Yeah. I get what you're all saying, absolutely. When the Nodokathon started, I had to walk away for a couple of days. It really wasn't something I was in the mood for at all when it first happened -- and I couldn't imagine most of the girls going along with it after what Nodoka did to Io. Noriko especially, but most of the others seem as if the last thing they'd have wanted to do was be anywhere near Nodoka, let alone agree to play one of her... games.
Not just hanging out with someone that cruel, which I feel like Noriko would bring up, but it also demonstrated that she really doesn't care about confidentiality. Why would you trust her word in a contract?The whole thing is gonna be in a book by next week.

None of the adult women (excepting maybe Tsubasa) is exactly sane -- with reason. And some of the characters... Ami? Yasu? Miku? Io? Sensei? These people are not capable of caring for themselves. I'm not going to say that psychiatry offers any kind of guarantee, but aside from Io's overflowing pharmacopeia, we don't see any sign that any of the grieving, fucked up women (and one man) are getting any help at all.
Lol at Tsubasa being the sane adult. The others are at least trying to deal with their issues, she's literally serving up her children to a pedophile.

Which, I don't know, may be the point? I mean, this is a horror AVN. And what's scarier than a broken mind?


Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Honesty, I don't have a single clue on how she could've noticed in like, under half a second to everyone but the entire memory to Sensei making it longer, and Nodoka somehow noticing (maybe something else than noticing) during that.
Nodoka seems very observant, so even something like Sensei's eyes glazing over would have probably been enough for her to get an idea that his mind went somewhere.

She later seems to be considerate enough to save something about Ami, that she thinks will affect Sensei, for when she thinks he can handle it:
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So, she at least thinks she's got a grasp on Sensei's mentality.

The future Nodoka Ami plot is something I'm definitely looking forward to. She seems to be waiting for Ami to return to school and for Sensei to return to "normal", then she'll probably continue stalking Ami:
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I mean, given that she knows what she knows - could be less supernatural and just that she understands why Ami won. Or maybe she realised just then (and the whole Sekai, Akira being the Boy, this fucking blanket, and Ami's relationship with him clicked).

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Nodoka was probably around since she hung around Futaba, but like quite a few of the girls, she was going to the school that got swallowed at the beginning of Chapter 2, which is definitely something that hadn't happened before from Maya Prime's point of view.

If that never happened, Nodoka, Noriko, and Touka, etc, all wouldn't be in Sensei's class. Neither would Yasu. So, it's likely something supernatural was involved in that, and them being where they are, now. Something seemed to want the Nakayamas and Tsukiokas around Sensei.

Yasu also seems to be getting interferences and manipulated by something other than HOPE:
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Frankly, Pareidolia sucks, but this "the world itself" seems to be the thing to watch out for. It may be manipulating Yasu, Makoto, and Nodoka at least:
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"The world itself" also does not seem nice:
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World also translates to Sekai, btw. So, the main Sekai roaming around, may be this thing, and Sekai seemed to imply she was up to something, back in Chapter 2:
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There's also how Maya Prime was apparently experiencing, right from the start, Upside Down dreams:
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Which were apparently strange to her, implying they were different than usual, and would imply something has been altering this timeline since the start.

Overall, some main notable differences in Chapter 1 before the school was swallowed, seem to be:
  • Yumi stopped Sensei from erasing himself in static.
  • Ami was convinced to become a Maid.
  • Maya was given that green scarf.
Sekai's shadow showed up in the event that led Ami to becoming a maid:
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(Ami's Chapter 1 'Cute Girls and Stuff' Event. Which led to her next Event 'Divergence')

And The Shapeshifter/Himawari was the one who sold Sensei the scarves:
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(Chapter 1 'Stray Cat' Main Event, and Chika's Chapter 3 'Rough Cuts' Event, revealed the Shapeshifter's involvement.)

These events also took place at the Mall which seems to be Pareidolia's territory based off the 'Amy' Happy Event mentioning the Pareidolia Mall, and the Mall suddenly being renovated in Spring/Currently.

Something has definitely been manipulating things in the background.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
Possibly another box tidbit.
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There are many references to the attic on Akira's current home, but we never get to see it either. Could be related or not.

Also, we joke all the time about how Chika is beyond believable levels of denial, but Akira literally spends the entire beginning of the game with Niki staring at him and not even once he's like "yep, that's Niki right there". I mean, there's enough to suggest there's something going on, but his levels of denial are off the charts as to where Chika's don't even compare lol
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Apr 27, 2021
Also, we joke all the time about how Chika is beyond believable levels of denial, but Akira literally spends the entire beginning of the game with Niki staring at him and not even once he's like "yep, that's Niki right there". I mean, there's enough to suggest there's something going on, but his levels of denial are off the charts as to where Chika's don't even compare lol
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I mean, that scene is Act 1 and at that point his memories are still totally shot - he's got no recollection of Niki or Noriko until Noriko joins the class, and even then he doesn't really remember much until the next Christmas Party when Noriko gives him the box of letters Niki wrote.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
I mean, that scene is Act 1 and at that point his memories are still totally shot - he's got no recollection of Niki or Noriko until Noriko joins the class, and even then he doesn't really remember much until the next Christmas Party when Noriko gives him the box of letters Niki wrote.
I mean, yes, but also no. You're correct on his memory being shot. But it's not like it's a supernatural block or something preventing him from remembering, more like he's forcing himself not to.

In the first Chika bedroom event he glimpses at Niki's face on posters as he's about to leave, and a thought crosses his mind, he just dismisses it. When Ami first tries to seduce him and it's Niki's song playing, he begins comtemplating who the owner of that voice is, and if she's pretty. On the date with Makoto late at night, he says that he can't stand the billboards with Niki anymore, probably cause he's tired of having to actively blocking it out, but admits he probably just doesn't like pop music.

All this blocking is pretty much denial. When Sekai is involved he breaks down, or gods get involved. With Niki is just his hard denial at least as far as I have replayed it (before first reset).


Jun 1, 2023
btw, does anyone know where I can find the feminine tts used in the soundtrack? I know it's like the generic feminine tts but I don't even know where to start with finding it, especially since most search results in the modern age are about AI voice stuff.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
I... I never thought I would be like this, but... I got new PC. And I forgot to transfer my saves.........................
Laugh at me, humilate me, I deserve it. But share the saves, my bros...
which ones do you need? 0.40 bad uncle good homie all events route?


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
Full save 0.40, bad uncle, good homie, all events route, ayane threesome, all cellphone images, tsukasa route chosen, affection >70 for almost everyone, lust >100 when grindable, headpats >500.

(guide mod was activated, and it will probably crash on loading if you don't have it too - why would anyone play without it is beyong me, so do yourself a favor and install it if you haven't)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
So... apparently Kaori has been posting lingerie pictures of herself and she became super famous for it, and aditionally she was attracted to Akira from the start - and yet I had no recollection of this, nor do I remember this becoming a thing ever again (all before the first reset)
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First, where are those pictures, queen of spiders? second, was Kaori doing this or is this Sekai or Pareidolia stuff so early in the game?
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