
Active Member
Jan 14, 2021
Not that I recall. Ami just makes it clear over and over that she wants him to fuck her, but he consistently rejects her because of her blood.

Edit: I do wonder if another chance may be incoming, though.

Extra Edit: I also recommend playing both routes, as those actually seem to feel like different versions of Ami.

Good Uncle Ami is more broken, insane, and supernatural-ish, while Best Uncle Ami is less so, but more open, territorial, and well, obviously sexual.
"Best Uncle" lmao

Fire Lord Zuko

Active Member
Aug 20, 2021
God that's a lot of stuff I missed a result of that choice. Damn - I dunno if I can recover that and having to replay through the slog of that reset (seriously what even is that set of actions required bro holy hell) seems...oh boy.
Type ‘amilust50’ into the URM search bar. Set it to ‘True’ and set ‘amilust50skip’ to False. It should unlock for you.

I do recommend using the replay function to view the main event “For More Than Just Me” again, though, and utilizing the URM to view any setup for the lust event you may have missed out on. The replay function sets variables to False by default, but you can get past this by looking out for variable branches to pop up in the top left corner and just selecting the one you want to view moving forward in the script.

Hope this helps! :)


Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
"Best Uncle" lmao
That's what Ami seems to call the "BU" Route:
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And she seems to call the "GU" Route:
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So, "Best Uncle" and "Good Uncle" seems more fitting, imo. He's still a Bad Uncle no matter what. Might need to change them to Best Daddy and Good Daddy, though? Lmao.
Oct 1, 2023
The kiss is an important, but not the only reason why i would think that is more Sekai as Kaori's doing/feelings. I mean, i cant recal exactly what it was, but i am sure she got some
transplant after the accident. And while i am not sure if it was ever directly implied in the game, i did read that others also believe that it was from Sekai. So Sekai is a part of her for a long time.

And nothing of her personality ever did show her as a particularly sexual person. So she having as one of the first reactions one of been physically attraction to a man she didnt knew, doesnt strike you as strange? Or maybe even out of character? Because it does for me.
Technically you are correct and they are all adaults. Only that all except of Kaori know what they are doing. They are aware of what sex means. They made the conscious decision to engage with him, with all the consequences that would include. But Kaori is imo just technical an adult. The way she does see the world and reacts to it are quite often child like.
I never called her a literal child. But mentally she is not an adult who is fully there and in full possession of mental decision-making abilities. And that is my problem. The fact that there is another person inside of her that might take over just doesnt help. Reminds me a bit of a story of a women with another personality that sometimes takes over. And then gave control back after bringing her into a situation where... well lets just say for the men involved it wasnt rape because "she" gave full consent before putting the gag in "herself". It wasnt a story with a happy ending. At least not for the original personality.
Oh, you sweet summer child. I have trouble believing all on this page would agree. But my problem is, that currently as it is, i just cant see any scenario where he would not take advantage of her in some form. I know it will happen regardles of what wish for. But, doesnt mean i have to be happy with it.
I remember seeing a similiar discussion like this on the LiL discord where one guy got banned for saying that it was more immortal having sex with Sara than it was with Kirin because althought Kirin was underage, she wanted it, but with Sara you were emotionally manipulating her making her think you care for her and will eventually marry her when you're not. Most of the people argued that situation didn't matter if she was under the legal age of consent it will always be worse.

What is your opinion? is it more immortal to fuck Kirin or Sara?

One is completely fine with it but is young, the other is being misled but is an adult.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
I remember seeing a similiar discussion like this on the LiL discord where one guy got banned for saying that it was more immortal having sex with Sara than it was with Kirin because althought Kirin was underage, she wanted it, but with Sara you were emotionally manipulating her making her think you care for her and will eventually marry her when you're not. Most of the people argued that situation didn't matter if she was under the legal age of consent it will always be worse.

What is your opinion? is it more immortal to fuck Kirin or Sara?

One is completely fine with it but is young, the other is being misled but is an adult.
Immoral for whom? Cause, in general, if you were to equate general morality to socially agreed laws, then there isn't really a question there. Kirin would be considered incapable of making that decision because of her age.

If it is Akira's morality, I think Sara would be okay and Kirin not (he generally comments on how what he's doing with all his students is wrong). I don't really understand the being led angle, Sara is an adult that is single and consensually engaging in a sexual relationship. When she suggests they become a family he's not even opposed to considering it.

In a perfect world maybe adults would only interact romantically with people that are on the same page as them, but in my eyes both of these people are broken and using the other to cope with things they can't face.

That Akira is hiding what he's doing behind Sara's back is fucked, especially with her daughter, but if we were to consider that, then he's pretty much doing this to almost everyone in different degrees, Sara's not special in that regard.
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Active Member
Oct 25, 2018
I remember seeing a similiar discussion like this on the LiL discord where one guy got banned for saying that it was more immortal having sex with Sara than it was with Kirin because althought Kirin was underage, she wanted it, but with Sara you were emotionally manipulating her making her think you care for her and will eventually marry her when you're not. Most of the people argued that situation didn't matter if she was under the legal age of consent it will always be worse.

What is your opinion? is it more immortal to fuck Kirin or Sara?

One is completely fine with it but is young, the other is being misled but is an adult.
I bet people get banned from the LiL dicord every day for totally stupid reasons. So i am not even surprised.

I think people have a point, none of the two options are morally good. But when we look at how confused kirin is about her own feelings, especially that event -dont remember the name- where she and he were walking near a river or something and she i think did say something about running away with her or so, then i think it becomes quite obvious how young and immature she is. I mean it hasnt come up lately that i could remember, but when i made my list about how many of the girls/women had experienced looses/abandonment/neglect, i did remember again that her parents dont care about her as much as she would need.

So basically i think he already did manipulate her by just been there. Just been a man in her life that gave her some attention was enough to totally bind her young, neglect, hormon flooded mind to him, he should have known better, but he didnt do anything to prevent this. So in this specific case i would say that, yes, Kirin is worse, but it doesnt makes Sara any good imo. Because it is actually a similar story, another man she can have in her life to fill this teacher formed hole in her heart that she had since the teacher that fucked her in her youth left her.

And now i would like to read your thoughts on the matter.


Nov 18, 2023
I remember seeing a similiar discussion like this on the LiL discord where one guy got banned for saying that it was more immortal having sex with Sara than it was with Kirin because althought Kirin was underage, she wanted it, but with Sara you were emotionally manipulating her making her think you care for her and will eventually marry her when you're not. Most of the people argued that situation didn't matter if she was under the legal age of consent it will always be worse.

What is your opinion? is it more immortal to fuck Kirin or Sara?

One is completely fine with it but is young, the other is being misled but is an adult.
I agree with Moonflare's take that Sara isn't totally being misled as she seems to know they're not official. Maybe she is being led on a little but they're definitely not at the state where you could call it cheating or anything. Any expectations Sara has comes from herself. It still makes Sensei an asshole but shes not entitled to anything yet.

That aside, I don't like the angle of the question itself. Comparing them means that one is better than the other. Using any positive adjective just feels wrong when they're both just different amounts of bad. Arguing about that difference will only lead to softening criticisms that deserve to be harsh.
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Active Member
Oct 25, 2018
That aside, I don't like the angle of the question itself. Comparing them means that one is better than the other. Using any positive adjective just feels wrong when they're both just different amounts of bad. Arguing about that difference will only lead to softening criticisms that deserve to be harsh.
Yeah, pretty sure who ever did ask that question in the discord did it in bad faith.
Oct 1, 2023
I bet people get banned from the LiL dicord every day for totally stupid reasons. So i am not even surprised.

I think people have a point, none of the two options are morally good. But when we look at how confused kirin is about her own feelings, especially that event -dont remember the name- where she and he were walking near a river or something and she i think did say something about running away with her or so, then i think it becomes quite obvious how young and immature she is. I mean it hasnt come up lately that i could remember, but when i made my list about how many of the girls/women had experienced looses/abandonment/neglect, i did remember again that her parents dont care about her as much as she would need.

So basically i think he already did manipulate her by just been there. Just been a man in her life that gave her some attention was enough to totally bind her young, neglect, hormon flooded mind to him, he should have known better, but he didnt do anything to prevent this. So in this specific case i would say that, yes, Kirin is worse, but it doesnt makes Sara any good imo. Because it is actually a similar story, another man she can have in her life to fill this teacher formed hole in her heart that she had since the teacher that fucked her in her youth left her.

And now i would like to read your thoughts on the matter.
Whilst I do believe plaping Sara is done in a more conscious bad faith, she had a whole 30+ years and a previous, similiar bad experience already happen to her. If you've been alive this long and are still willing to get misled maybe it's your fault, but is it really her fault for being naive? is being naive a bad quality? I think being naive derives from purity which is a good character trait, it means you are deep down a good person which really shows in 0.40 how she wants to mommy Ami not out of a manipulative maneuver to get brownie points for Sensei, but because she genuinely wants to care for her.
Akira is taking advantage of her good heart and desire to have a father for her daughter.

As for Kirin, she hasn't had time to learn about life experiences. No matter how mature or emotionally tough you think you are, it's not enough time to really develop a definite vision. You might claim that she will regret having plapped with Sensei later, but so will Sara. Does Kirin get a pass for being younger even though (in my opinion) she is more manipulative and emotionally mature than Sara?

Yes she does, because she hadn't had the time to learn. The more I think about it the more fucked up it seems to plap Sara when you keep breaking down the layers, and still I can't bring myself to say that it's not worse than Plapping Kirin but I do understand where this vision comes from. Sara had the time, if she is still emotionally immature then it's her fault.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2018
Sara had the time, if she is still emotionally immature then it's her fault.
I dont know, people become the people they are for reasons, not because they choose to. Implying it is anyones own fault for who they became always feels off for me. Can we not instead blame Sel for her emotionally immatureness? :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
Who really is Sekai? Like she can't be normal...
tbf few adults in this game are normal. but if you mean the original alive Sekai, she was a deeply malevolent predator, and possibly broken person (we don't know her past or general life outside of Akira yet). The ghost/angel/god/something current Sekai we have no idea.

I currently debate with myself if it would be more interesting to find out that Sekai was a victim at one point too, or that she really just was this naturally fucked up individual. Hoping we find out one day.

Fire Lord Zuko

Active Member
Aug 20, 2021
I currently debate with myself if it would be more interesting to find out that Sekai was a victim at one point too, or that she really just was this naturally fucked up individual. Hoping we find out one day.
I believe that Sekai was a victim as well at one point. We don’t have evidence yet to support this, but I just have a feeling. Abuse is often part of a tragic cycle that is passed down from generation to generation, until someone is finally brave and strong enough to break out of its oppressive chains.

“It’s all part of a cycle.” That’s been quoted in the game on numerous occasions, right? Maybe there’s more to that than meets the eye. Maybe it represents not the cycle of the resets, but the cycle of abuse.


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
I believe that Sekai was a victim as well at one point. We don’t have evidence yet to support this, but I just have a feeling. Abuse is often part of a tragic cycle that is passed down from generation to generation, until someone is finally brave and strong enough to break out of its oppressive chains.
Sometimes, but not always. Sometimes, they're just a sociopath.

But I do suspect that we'll find that she was abused, likely by a religious figure, and that trauma will likely help explain why so much of the fuckery in this game is couched in divine terms.
Oct 1, 2023
tbf few adults in this game are normal. but if you mean the original alive Sekai, she was a deeply malevolent predator, and possibly broken person (we don't know her past or general life outside of Akira yet). The ghost/angel/god/something current Sekai we have no idea.

I currently debate with myself if it would be more interesting to find out that Sekai was a victim at one point too, or that she really just was this naturally fucked up individual. Hoping we find out one day.
I feel like Sekai is just part of Akira's imagination
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