Oct 1, 2023
I mean, sure, but acting in bad faith towards someone's expectations is not the same as cheating. "this person is seeing me on the supposition that we can't have a relationship because she's my student, when in actual fact it's because I want to whore around" is definitely acting in bad faith, but it isn't cheating, because they don't have a relationship.
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Tbh imo what he's doing is much worse than cheating on them, because if he was, at the very least he'd be giving them a reason to hate him, and a kickstart for them to get away from him. Since he cleverly leaves it all undefined, then there's no real target to pin the blame of their hurting on but themselves and their unrealistic expectations. That he tried to give both Karin and Uta (to a lesser extent) the tools to never see him again really shows some growth.
I understand your point, he's a scumbag no matter how you look at it, we are just arguing about technicalities here :ROFLMAO:
Jan 1, 2024
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Damn, I probably didn't notice it before but Yasu is pretty taller than Molly, I wonder how tall she'll be in the future, I seriously wanna see Adult Yasu's height.

But I hope more than that to see more of
Wholesome/Cute Yasu she's ABSOLUTELY adorable when she's like that.
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Jan 24, 2022
Damn, I probably didn't notice it before but Yasu is pretty taller than Molly, I wonder how tall she'll be in the future, I seriously wanna see Adult Yasu's height.

But I hope more than that to see more of
Wholesome/Cute Yasu she's ABSOLUTELY adorable when she's like that.
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Yasu is an adorable, misunderstood little angel. Favorite scene in the game is getting to see Yasu sing and be a normal girl in The Color White. If she ever gets brain murdered or sausaged I'm going to punch someone in the fucking face, with my foot. Possibly my hand.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
Why do you say SeKaori helped Akira? My take on "Run, Rabbit, Run" was that Sekai was only able to possess Kaori because Akira brought SekaiDolia to her apartment. Akira claims he feels better afterwards, but that's because he's returning to his old numbness, which is not a good thing. In the next event he says that was a lie as well, and feelings are good.
Just that Akira went there looking for help. He mentions that since Kaori was sort of neutral ground to the whole Sekai thing he could distract himself there.

From this point is a bunch of random observations from rewatching, maybe one of them helps:

Since you mentioned the chain of events though, when Ami is on top of Akira's shoulders, he compares the two and how both of them served as barriers (which makes sense since both of them are sort of Sekai's body parts). Another point of interest is how Sekai says (between the Kaori scene and the Ami scene) that she's going back to her pool of darkness.
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This is followed later by the Ninth God saying it resides in the nothing. And we see that Pareidolia's home is the abyss (seen in "Abyss") - of course, from the disengage sequence of the auto-pilot, we had already learned that the Ninth God is in league with Pareidolia. But I thought I'd point this out anyway. Of course, Sekai could simply be lying there, but if she was not lying, then it would serve as evidence that they're different Sekais - since the memory Sekai went back to the darkness, while another is inside Ami.

What's inside Ami seems to also be related to Somnambula, so it could have always been there as well.
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Also, since whatever that is is inside Ami at the time "all for you" happens, it still remains a mystery to who's saying that. Himawari would be the obvious guess, but all for you narrator can rhyme better than Himawari's previous attempts. There is some likehood that what's inside Ami is USER4. When the scene goes blue after their confrontation, whoever that was asked Akira for a favor, and the screen says that there is only one god, and that you shouldn't listen to who says otherwise.

My last observation from rewatching is that in "all for you" it clearly stated that whatever comes out of the hole in the wall is unconscious, and its eyes are closed. It is disconnected from the orb meant to move it.
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That it is unconscious would be an evidence against it being the Sekai we know. Some other things that may relate to this are:
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at the end of fruits of torment, there is some possible reference to "the orb meant to move it"
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Kitty Hawk

Jul 8, 2020
Damn, I probably didn't notice it before but Yasu is pretty taller than Molly, I wonder how tall she'll be in the future, I seriously wanna see Adult Yasu's height.

But I hope more than that to see more of
Wholesome/Cute Yasu she's ABSOLUTELY adorable when she's like that.
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Jan 24, 2022

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange resets even death may die.
Someone caught it, let's fucking go

Also does Sekai count as undead and thus fill the fetishes of undead/necro? I need to know if people are jerking off specifically to dead Sekai.


Jun 28, 2019
My last observation from rewatching is that in "all for you" it clearly stated that whatever comes out of the hole in the wall is unconscious, and its eyes are closed. It is disconnected from the orb meant to move it.
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That it is unconscious would be an evidence against it being the Sekai we know. Some other things that may relate to this are:
One possible interpretation: Sekai is unconscious and covered in ash, i.e. darkness, because Pareidolia is controlling her. The eyes closed might also be a Pareidolia thing: HOPE/yasu talk about how Sensei needs to open his eyes, while the beach narrator and Makoto in "Bluejay" say that you can see more with your eyes closed. The orb that's supposed to move her could be "the moon", which is apparently missing and which Ami wants back more than anything. So maybe that's the "real Sekai".

All this is just pure speculation, though, and I'm still unsure whether it's talking about Sekai at all.
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I do think Wires sent this message, I wrote about some other reasons here:
Finally, the last time we saw Yasu (I don't think she's showed up since) in the dorm wars, she received some sort of divine message. The message seems to warn against "the ones you keep inside", with reference to Pareidolia (spiderwebs) and Sekai (a ghost, a moon). She finishes by saying that she needs to warn Sensei and save him.
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Interestingly, there are some indications that the message comes from Wires:
  • The title of the event (and Molly) refers to Yasu as "Priestess of Fallen Snow", connecting her to winter. I don't think this name has been used elsewhere.
  • HOPE has been MIA for awhile, whereas Wires just recently returned in "TH15 15NT M3". The eyes and the voice also don't match how HOPE has talked through Yasu before.
  • The message ends with some hex lines, including a Romeo and Juliet quote with the line "pay no worship to the garish sun". Sounds like a rejection of the light/HOPE.
  • The hex message has some language (e.g. "cursed be the gentiles") that is reminiscent of the Quran stuff from "TH15 15NT M3" when Wires probably possesses Tsuneyo.
I'm a bit disappointed that it didn't really come up in Yasu's 0.41 events, though it might be the reason that she's now aware of multiple voices in Sensei's head.
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Don't forget about Shiori.
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