
Jul 25, 2020
cant use the same thing everytime.
also the first one had the punch of being unexpected as it never was done before that
I imagine it will get less funny each time but I'm still going to enjoy doing it because of the personal entertainment value in making these responses that I get
sorry you didnt enjoy it as much, but I'm kinda doing those responses for me. though i do feel pretty good when others enjoy them too

also if you didnt laugh at the idea of sensei playing shoots and ladders with 6 girls or fighting them in a cage match and hitting them in the head with a ladder. I don't know man.
thought the cena to sensei pun was decent too
I was actually imagining Imani trying to convice Sensei to participate in a mud wreseling but your idea sounds good too
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Active Member
Jun 20, 2018
How to pass it?
book 1: 85
book 2: denim
book 3: judas
book 4: 18
book 5: find the phone number on the bulletin board (08023231234) to call tsuneyo after reading the book once then answer cofee
book 6: marsh warbler
book 7: 4863
book 8: 1788, green, 80, 4, 31, Magpie, perception
book 9: read through it then go to the laptop (pw is Boobies123) and click on unlock all answers each option has different results if you pick calm you will need to eat 10 live squid from the eat something menu. if you pick callous just read the book again

The last key piece from eating 23 bowls of rice

happy event from the laptop enter the lottery: 157842


Active Member
Mar 29, 2020
I would like to take a moment to share just how stupid I am... This whole time, throughout all 3 chapters, I have been reading Kumon-Mi as "Koo Moan Me" because that's how the vowels would be pronounced in Japanese. It wasn't until playing a different game (that clearly is taking inspiration from this one) that I realized that it actually is "CumOnMe".. I'm a moron lol
This realisation down on me somewhere at the end of 1 chapter, so don't too hard on yourself.
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Jun 12, 2022
Ok, so Sara's favorite nickname is Dad, Daddy, Father, Papa, etc. I thought her thing was for Teachers?

is there a list somewhere for the special nicknames for all the girls?


Oct 22, 2020
I would like to take a moment to share just how stupid I am... This whole time, throughout all 3 chapters, I have been reading Kumon-Mi as "Koo Moan Me" because that's how the vowels would be pronounced in Japanese. It wasn't until playing a different game (that clearly is taking inspiration from this one) that I realized that it actually is "CumOnMe".. I'm a moron lol
I just realized - as very much not a Japanese who would have very legit reasons to mispronounciating this - that I my unknown friend am way, way more stupid than you as this never occured to me either.

Hoh boi. Guess I am "mommas special boi" after all. Welp :')
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
Uhhhhhhhhh.......... Why do they look like dudes? Sorry if I'm obviously missing something here.
I think I actually know the answer to this, from an art perspective.
Men have longer arms than women relative to body size. its actually one of the things people pick up on almost immediately. and the girls in these pics have super long arms.
art history class. renaissance painters often got accused painting men in drag for no reason other than this but they couldn't pin point why till later. its like looking at a picture and knowing something is off but nothing really stands out
ami is the one I don't see any hint of this observation on because her arms are totally out of frame
at least from what i can tell
didn't even think that till your comment and went back to look at them
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Jun 12, 2022
Men have longer arms than women relative to body size.
You're forgetting that Moyo and Long Maya(I think that's her name) have really long arms.

Why do they look like dudes?
I meant their faces, sorry should've been more specific.

I hope we get some more Tsuneyo soon.
Please don't. She is terrifying and too versed in stand-up comedy.
I believe we do in the next (0.29) update. Release date has been pushed back to 03/15 from 03/01 though.

I've noticing a lot more of the foreshowing in my re-playthrough of the game.
Like this:
screenshot0002.png -> Nadoka's revenge on Yumi in the change room. Also sort of explains why Sensei just froze and let it happen.
screenshot0018.png screenshot0019.png -> Ayane's eventual becoming apart of the "End of the World" club.

So much content to go through, not even @ 1st in game reset, I'm sure I've missed a few as well.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
You're forgetting that Moyo and Long Maya(I think that's her name) have really long arms.
Eldritch horrors don't count when talking about HUMAN anatomy in regards to perspective

as for the faces looking male.. I dont really see it
maybe a tad chubbier/fuller than the baseline
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