
Jun 4, 2017
Of course, Lovecraft Country, with black leads, was perhaps flipping a giant middle finger at HP's corpse.
The same would also apply to Wagner, but his association with "A Certain German Party" is fresher than HP's racism.

It's easier to separate the art from the artist when the artist is no longer around to make a profit from their work or use their fame to harm others (i.e. DEAD). HP Lovecraft, Richard Wagner, Robert E. Howard, Edgar Rice Burroughs, and the rest from the early 20th century are no longer here to stir up shit and vex us.

Living "Big Name" authors/artists, on the other hand, whether we're talking about JKR, "Ye," or others, do have the ability to use their money and influence to enable hate. Honestly, Selebus is not that influential outside of this small pond, his rage isn't really harming others that I can see, but money is energy, money is a transferrable form of our physical/intellectual labor. We all have to decide where we want our energy to go.

The worst thing Selly is going to do is put in more sadly toothless vitriol into his own game - like when his characters have said pirating something that's the price of a cup of coffee should be punishable by death, or the rant about Patreon. Everyone enjoys reading and potentially supporting that.

We'll also see if his supporters want to direct their energy at what's going to happen when he becomes the first Renpy game dev in its history to successfully incorporate DRM and it doesn't change anything :unsure:


Mar 19, 2020
did you seriously just compare your struggle to steal without being shamed to a black person enduring racism? lol. wat a clown. nice avatar. LOLOLOL. The guy hates you. the community hates you. i hope it ruins the game for you.

And you don't care about the game's quality? you're defending the act of stealing patron-only content. bro, the game is already free for those willing to wait two weeks. and sel is scrooge. lol. what a tool.
account made on Feb 7, 2023
Did Sel give you your annual pass discount yet?


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
We'll also see if his supporters want to direct their energy at what's going to happen when he becomes the first Renpy game dev in its history to successfully incorporate DRM and it doesn't change anything :unsure:
I don't see that happening.

If he had the skill for that, he'd also have procedurally-generated reset puzzles to prevent people from getting answers here.


Jun 4, 2017
I don't see that happening.

If he had the skill for that, he'd also have procedurally-generated reset puzzles to prevent people from getting answers here.
The website is serviceable enough, and he didn't do that either. It's pretty clear he has the spite to throw enough cash at it for a good attempt.

You know, instead of farming out a single thing that he hates doing and the game could really use, like more animations...

account made on Feb 7, 2023
Did Sel give you your annual pass discount yet?
And guaranteed to be using a VPN so their main doesn't get banned. I wonder why :unsure:
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Active Member
Aug 21, 2018
This is all fascinating.

Anyway, maybe by the time Sel gets back from his break I’ll have slogged through this god damn beach event. It’s definitely the longest VN ever… not that it needs to be, this story could probably be told better in 1/10th the verbiage. Dear god someone likes to read their own crap.

I remember liking this game at some point, but it’s wearing thin and dealing with the temper tantrums is adding to the tedious nature of it all.

No, I don’t care if it gets leaked day 1 or day 15 or whatever the gap is until the next release. It’s not particularly worth rushing too, but occasionally I feel an itch to see if anything advances.

I do find the bragging about the update schedule amusing. There is soo much content and it comes out soo fast! It’s a bunch of renders. It’s the lowest effort content you can reasonably put into a game, I would hope he could put out steady updates. He’s got it down to a science. Pose the girls tilt the camera to a Dutch angle. Save render. So yeah, it goes fast, but others occasionally try to add gameplay or art or at least an animation of some sort to the games and comparing those to a word firehose desperately in need of an editor feels a bit disingenuous.


New Member
Nov 14, 2022
does anyone know where the game creator took the music used ingame? I recognize some of them as free royalty music, but Im looking for the song titled "Good Morning" in game. I like listening to it, just letting the game run in the background just to listen to this one specific song.

Black Raven

May 4, 2020
does anyone know where the game creator took the music used ingame? I recognize some of them as free royalty music, but Im looking for the song titled "Good Morning" in game. I like listening to it, just letting the game run in the background just to listen to this one specific song.
Most of it is free royalty music. Some of it was licensed. "Hallelujah" was commissioned specifically for the game.

No idea about "Good Morning".
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
The current AI just forgets your earlyer prompts (in free versions), and if not, after each step of the story many scales shift here and there giving you this result. Like, if in the beginning of the story there was 0% chance to encounter necromancer, after, for example, step 1500 it will go up enough to be a possibility, since some of the relatable scales were touched. There was a corpse? +1. There was a cemetery? +1. Its currently night? Here, have a vampire. In non fantasy world. Ah, yes, there was a swamp somewhere, so, here some lizardmans. But they have guns. Since its non fantasy and all.
I could see it, it needs to be made to keep the previous prompts, but that would likely need to be fully free AI that aren't being paywalled in order to get that since no developer selling access is going to give the free versions enough useful functionality to take away from incentive to buy into the paid version.

AI finds a way. -- Ian Malcolm
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Jun 10, 2017
The website is serviceable enough, and he didn't do that either. It's pretty clear he has the spite to throw enough cash at it for a good attempt.
A website is pretty trivial to code compared to a DRM scheme, and a website isn't subject to the cat and mouse that DRM typically is. Sel isn't going to give someone a chunk of his proceeds every 2 weeks. And he doesn't have the skill to make a competent DRM scheme himself. This is the guy who's renpy project name is "test2" because he couldn't figure out how to rename it.


Jun 10, 2017
This is all fascinating.

Anyway, maybe by the time Sel gets back from his break I’ll have slogged through this god damn beach event. It’s definitely the longest VN ever… not that it needs to be, this story could probably be told better in 1/10th the verbiage. Dear god someone likes to read their own crap.

I remember liking this game at some point, but it’s wearing thin and dealing with the temper tantrums is adding to the tedious nature of it all.

No, I don’t care if it gets leaked day 1 or day 15 or whatever the gap is until the next release. It’s not particularly worth rushing too, but occasionally I feel an itch to see if anything advances.

I do find the bragging about the update schedule amusing. There is soo much content and it comes out soo fast! It’s a bunch of renders. It’s the lowest effort content you can reasonably put into a game, I would hope he could put out steady updates. He’s got it down to a science. Pose the girls tilt the camera to a Dutch angle. Save render. So yeah, it goes fast, but others occasionally try to add gameplay or art or at least an animation of some sort to the games and comparing those to a word firehose desperately in need of an editor feels a bit disingenuous.
This is pretty on point. Yes the game has frequent updates, but maybe 10% of the content actually notably moves the plot. Best comparison is probably old animes. They technically had new episodes every week nearly 52 weeks out of the year, but the plot would still barely move in that time. Few would consider that kind of thing superior to say HBO style shows that get 8-10 episodes every couple years.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
well then as no one has anything intelligent or depraved to say again or want to ground their minds in reality atm.
I say we talk about that fishnet with a knife nose or about raid shadow legends sponsered by coke
does that thing have a name


Active Member
Mar 29, 2020
I still can't understand why anyone would play such a long and emotionally draining game if they know the author of that game detests them.
I don't really see how that matters at all. First, the hate from his side isn't exactly personal, second - only thing that matters, in my opinion, is whatever u hate the creator or not.
And it isn't like he's demanding anything totally unreasonable. He saw a clever way to see if he could leverage the rules of the site to get the admins to enforce a demand of his. And my entire point, is that the demand is super reasonable.
I agree, I just don't understand why u think the pirate forum actually cares about his demands? I think that from a viewpoint of a leaker whatever it's a base game, or cp - it's all the same stuff. And this is the place to leak.
And I don't even want to talk, for n-th time, about the hypocrisy of being self-righteously mad and preachy at others stealing the game one made from stolen assets.
Mods and admins could fix this immediately by simply saying CP stuff was a bridge too far. Let's keep things civil between ourselves and the creator. Instead, they gave him the middle finger.
U keep saying like admins here have some sort of responsibility towards the guy. There only responsibility they have is to, broadly speaking, moderate the forums. Sel doesn't get special treatment. It's a pirate forum. They don't care.

It's not that you're wrong in your appeals, it's just that it's pointless to address them to a forum dedicated to piracy. People that had means and desire to support the game already did all they could or wanted to do. I supported the game, defended Sel's right to be reasonably upset at his game getting leaked early too, when others here were calling him greedy, and am perfectly fine witing two weeks for public release and with cp not being pirated. I was almost wholly in his camp until recent events and, still, more "in" then "out".

The reality is, the only person who can realistically do something about this situation is Sellebus himself.


Jun 10, 2017
But the guy's income was shrinking as his subscriber-only content started to get leaked ever-earlier.
This part is largely not true. I've been keeping track for a little while now out of curiosity. The only times his income has dropped more than a baseline level of fluctuation were when patreon dropped the hammer and whenever there's a >1 month break between updates. Even the latter barely has an effect. Otherwise for the most part every time you check, his subscribers are paying a little bit more.


Active Member
Aug 21, 2018
There's no way for them to come out of this looking any way but stupid.
So... they look the Same as the dev who uses tools he has no right to make a product from? Sel commits piracy to make his game, then rants about piracy.

Again, you can see my post above, I think this game is vastly over bloated and pick away at it when I'm bored between games I care about more when they're released. This drama is dumb, pirates gonna pirate. Pirates going to work around their own rules when they feel like it. Also, apparently pirates that make stuff from pirated good are going to whine about pirates. It's a vicious circle.

I still can't understand why anyone would play such a long and emotionally draining game if they know the author of that game detests them.
This one I can answer, at least for me... When I'm reading the umpteenth banal event of tedium that doesn't need to exist and apparently has no impact on the plot or the insufferable middle school level philosophy of sensei pondering existence, I can at least rest assured that the author I'm irritated with at the time hates the fact I'm seeing this at all.
Last edited:


Sep 15, 2020
This is pretty on point. Yes the game has frequent updates, but maybe 10% of the content actually notably moves the plot. Best comparison is probably old animes. They technically had new episodes every week nearly 52 weeks out of the year, but the plot would still barely move in that time. Few would consider that kind of thing superior to say HBO style shows that get 8-10 episodes every couple years.
While I do agree to some extent with the overall message, I think you miss a big chunk of audience for whom plot isn't the only thing that matters. Personally, I hated fillers in some 100+ series like Naruto, but in case of LiL (and some other games) I like the characters and interactions between them, hence for the most part I'm perfectly fine if the plot doesn't move much, but I get content for my favourite girls. So this critique is kinda subjective.


Jun 4, 2017
Look. Sorry for flipping on you. But the whole thing just sucks.
I take it this post was directed at me? If so, it's all good. The extent of my personal investment in this argument is $70 - not something that's going to affect my day.

[F95 admins] have to blatantly break their own rule now.
They're free to enforce whatever interpretation of their rules they like here. This isn't the only time they've made an exception, there's a loli game on the latest updates page right now. Just like Selly is free to do whatever the fuck he wants on his own Discord, like banning me there for posts I made here.

I still can't understand why anyone would play such a long and emotionally draining game if they know the author of that game detests them. And it's not for something you can't control. It's for an opinion you have about how much piracy is too much.
It is long, but I don't get "emotionally draining" nor what bearing those have on the feelings of the author.

Even if we accept at face value that "piracy bad," there are a number of people here who supported this game in the past, and may or may not in the future, who shouldn't feel bad about pirating it. He even refunded my last donation, so I'm personally never going to feel an iota of bad about it.

But in other games on this site, other mods have drawn far more reasonable lines. There is antipathy to the creator of the game.
What other games on this site, and what lines were drawn? Again, it's not personal - people were sharing the content in this thread before it was officially allowed. And again, the custom renders aren't being shared here. Why is that? If there truly was antipathy towards the creator of this game, wouldn't there have been more effort to ensure they were being shared here?

Would I support him even if I could get those for free? Sure. Would most of his supporters? Sure.
You and others like you are the only reliable means of support for a game like this. The content isn't worth $5/mo.

But the guy's income was shrinking as his subscriber-only content started to get leaked ever-earlier.
The amount of support on SS has been stagnant for the past 3 months, not shrinking, and he's well surpassed his Patreon numbers given a number of people got annual passes. The only problem is he's not growing as fast as he feels entitled to, and there are plenty of other reasons for that apart from mere piracy.

Weird analogies to racism (and yeah, I get what you were trying to say... and I *STILL* think that was a wildly unnecessary and out-of-touch metaphor you tried to use).
I apologize if I offended you. I couldn't think of any other time when an author blatantly hated large chunks of their audience for some weird reason other than JK Rowling, and since that TERF cunt is still alive, actively wants to melt trans kids, and Hogwarts Legacy just came out, I thought Lovecraft was the safer option as he's long dead.

Maybe Metallica was a better comparison, but I dunno if they merely hated the act of piracy or actively hated pirates personally like Selly does.

If he stopped making the game, would you just say he "didn't love doing it enough?" I mean come on dude. You have got to be able to see what I'm saying here.
If he stopped making the game at even half the income level he's at, he'd have to be a fucking idiot.

This game is doing great and has been doing great. There are dozens of games on here that are more popular but don't bring in the kind of support this one does, but only this dev is babyraging so publicly because he won't be able to afford a Lambo soon. It's not a good look. Luckily for him, most of his supporters probably aren't paying attention.


Jun 4, 2017
A website is pretty trivial to code compared to a DRM scheme, and a website isn't subject to the cat and mouse that DRM typically is. Sel isn't going to give someone a chunk of his proceeds every 2 weeks. And he doesn't have the skill to make a competent DRM scheme himself. This is the guy who's renpy project name is "test2" because he couldn't figure out how to rename it.
He already said he was doing it. He thinks it would bring in more money than it costs, so there's no reason not to. Even if he didn't think it would be profitable, he's certainly not lacking in spite to make up the difference.

We agree on everything else. It's not going to work. I'll break it myself if I have the time and no one gets to it first :KEK:


Jun 4, 2017
does anyone know where the game creator took the music used ingame? I recognize some of them as free royalty music, but Im looking for the song titled "Good Morning" in game. I like listening to it, just letting the game run in the background just to listen to this one specific song.
"On a Sailing Boat" from Nash Music Library. It's not on Youtube unfortunately.

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Sep 15, 2020
I promised not to discuss this subject anymore, but well... I am a master of my word, I can take it back :cool:

None of this happens if CP is outlawed.
But why should it be? What's the criterion?

The folks who are on here claiming to like the game, and at the same time aren't in favor of a simple middle-of-the-road solution like the one I've posed... That I can't understand. Just seems like lying to yourself.
I know, it's mental gymnastics, but you can look on it from the other persperctive. There WAS a "simple middle-of-the-road solution" - before the CPs. Then Selebus decides to break the status quo by inventing Care Packages, which inevitably get leaked. Who would've guessed? Point Zero again.

I mean, I certainly don't blame him, but was he really thinking that CPs couldn't get leaked? That's naive. And if he was doing them while bearing in mind the possibility of them getting leaked, than I guess this whole performance was pre-planned, just the outcome wasn't in his favor. But then again, whose fault is it?

I'll wrap up by once again saying that the refusal to find a middle ground of any kind is just stupid.
I don't think anybody argues about finding a middle ground, but the problem is - the views of the sides are too polar, and no one wishes to budge, because, mind you, it is two sides that must compromise for the middle ground, not only one (that's called something else). Can the intention (and actions too) to purge this thread really be called "the search for middle ground"?
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