
Mar 19, 2020
It's a dark themed deconstruction of the harem genre, it can be done without the side content.
It's not side content. Porn is an element of the game's design as much as the puzzles, hence the lust meter and why some events, which have lore implications, are entirely missable if you haven't got the lust meter high enough.

Yes, puzzles can't because they have both an in game and a development reason, to make people pay attention or subject those who don't to the consequence that is getting stuck (it works quite well in that second part judging by how often people get stuck in the resets), making it vital.
Again, so does the porn. The porn is another layer to add investment to the characters and strengthen the tie-in between player and Sensei.

I don't disagree on puzzles being vital, I think they could be done different but I agree on the resistance being an important part of the experience. I just don't see how all your arguments for the puzzles don't also apply to the porn.

Kaiser Crab

New Member
Aug 5, 2022
This is so ironic, but I think my game glitched for real. Like, during the in-universe glitch. When everyone vanishes, I think I had read you had to get 10 "affection" with god, right? I'm at 15 and it still keeps looping. What do I do?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2019
It's not side content. Porn is an element of the game's design as much as the puzzles, hence the lust meter and why some events, which have lore implications, are entirely missable if you haven't got the lust meter high enough.

Again, so does the porn. The porn is another layer to add investment to the characters and strengthen the tie-in between player and Sensei.

I don't disagree on puzzles being vital, I think they could be done different but I agree on the resistance being an important part of the experience. I just don't see how all your arguments for the puzzles don't also apply to the porn.
Wait a second, I remember the lust meter being necessary to unlockcertain events...
But were those events also necessary to continue the main story?
I fucking forgot, but I'm pretty sure they fucking were necessary.

"Secondary content" argument blown the fuck up.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
You keep calling it side content and ignoring that there is plenty of mandatory porn in the game. And many of the porn scenes are pretty strongly tied to the larger narrative.

Again your mental gymnastics are very impressive, kudos.

"Look at the Yumi accusations of sexual crimes committed on her by Sensei since basically the beginning of the game, that is a good example of how it can be done without showing the action."

And yet somehow that doesn't apply to the puzzles. Lmao.

Pray tell, what do you think the dark route will entail? The one thing sensei has not yet done but the gods are trying to force him to is rape. That's going to involve plenty of mandatory sexual content.
I keep calling it that because that's the official word on it. The side content being mandatory is just not the case despite being unavoidable. To make it NOT be side content, it has to be vital to the story, but it is not. The narrative can go without them and remain the same because the narrative is about the events taking place, the sex just happens to be featured in those events unnecessarily.

There are no mental gymnastics, it can't be applied to the puzzles because there is a development reason for the puzzles that is actually good enough to keep them, the attempt to get people to pay attention and to punish those who do not with getting stuck.

Oh no, Denpa games typically get MUCH darker than anything we've seen or been given hints to so far. The dark route is where we could very easily be seeing things as dark as character deaths, especially ones committed through the will of the driving factor of the events getting darker, which is the gods, but also including the potential for characters to go full psycho, especially Ami. Doki Doki Literature Club, while lighter than most Denpa games, is a good example of how the dark route could go.

Let's ignore the mandatory sex scenes for a second:
Even if you basically go past them and write "and so we fucked" specifically showing Sensei having sex with his students...
It won't be the same.
Afair, tHere's a fuck ton of monologues that Sensei has during these sex scenes that show his character in ways that can't be shown in others, like in the "happy event" in the clock room.
That shit wouldn't be nearly as impactful without the scene of sensei "nailing" "Maya".
It would need to be altered a bit visually, but the impact would be there. The sex isn't as integrated as you think.

It's not side content. Porn is an element of the game's design as much as the puzzles, hence the lust meter and why some events, which have lore implications, are entirely missable if you haven't got the lust meter high enough.

Again, so does the porn. The porn is another layer to add investment to the characters and strengthen the tie-in between player and Sensei.

I don't disagree on puzzles being vital, I think they could be done different but I agree on the resistance being an important part of the experience. I just don't see how all your arguments for the puzzles don't also apply to the porn.
Sel said it is, so it is side content, a developer's word on their own work is essentially law on the project. It can be removed with little impact, the puzzles cannot because they serve a purpose outside the story, punishing those who do not pay attention in the hope that people will learn to do so through getting stuck. Notice how that lust meter is completely optional, you can go the entire game without even once incrementing it and the missable aspect is part of them being side content, they wouldn't be missable if they weren't side content, they were designed so that they can be skipped for anyone who has no interest in them and is in it for the story. Also, of course the scenes have lore implications, he's not going to throw sex scenes into the game if they aren't tied into the story, that's not how an adult VN with side content porn works, that's how a porn game works.

This strengthening of tie-ins can be done without the porn, making the porn an unnecessary extra only used as side content.

They don't apply because the puzzles have a development reason that is still just as important today as it was the first time they came in, keeping the player paying attention. Think of it like a teacher coming over to a student sleeping in class and whacking them with a book, not common in the real world these days, but not an uncommon scene in fiction. The sleeping student is the player, the sleeping is not paying attention to the text, and the whack is getting stuck.

Wait a second, I remember the lust meter being necessary to unlockcertain events...
But were those events also necessary to continue the main story?
I fucking forgot, but I'm pretty sure they fucking were necessary.

"Secondary content" argument blown the fuck up.
The parts that the meter is needed for are skipped over if the meter is not incremented (or in the case of lust events tied to main events incremented before the main event happens). This is why you can go through a main event that has a lust event tied to it and not even know there was a lust event tied to it until you notice the event tracker shows a missed event. The Halloween events for example, you can totally miss the Sara/Haruka scenes. This happened quite a bit back when the first Halloween event came in.
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Jul 18, 2022
I can't believe what I'm reading. The sexual content in LiL is paramount for the thematic integrity of the game. Honestly, I find most sex scenes in this game shit (not fap-worthy). Hell, I've never even touched my dick while playing this game. But I recognize their importance in the narrative.

For example, while I read the last sex scene with Niki, I was focused on absorbing the bits and pieces of lore sprinkled in the dialogue. Mostly ignoring the act itself. Consider the last event with Miku, Sensei's deviancy and thoughts are made clear. His perversion wholly manifested for the audience. He seemed exactly like Sekai. Most of them are nice, in that way. I'd be perfectly okay with all the sex scenes that don't add anything lorewise being cut from the game. I'd be delighted with that, in fact.

But if this game skipped all sex scenes and abstracted them away like: and so they fucked. It would make for an exceedingly dry and lifeless piece. Huggy Boy would like a word with you (and before anyone says: "Oh no, but Huggy Boy was an entirely different beast. It isn't a fair comparison". Yes, I am aware & I agree. This was mostly a quip).

So yes. LiL is unmistakably a porn game. A well-written one. One that has built fantastic, authentic characters. Its atmosphere is unique.

Yet one, nonetheless. These qualities are not mutually exclusive. Maybe not a porn game in the strictest sense, but at that point, I'd classify it as a shitty porn game anyway, as no one would read LiL for the porn. There are much better things out there in that sense.

Concerning the "DRM" affair, I'm not angry at the dev or that dude who made it (who promptly got banned?). That my saves were deleted—and promptly restored—thankfully, I know how to do that; was entirely on me for my carelessness. As a pirate, I'm way past caring about his morality, or the lack thereof. I do not believe that his actions are inherently justified (Illusion and everything), notwithstanding in the same vein as how I'm not personally concerned in explaining myself or justifying my piracy; I wouldn't expect the dev to be morally justified in his attempts at preventing my access to the game.

I do think, however, that he screwed the pooch only by fucking up the game for some of his subscribers and seemingly being okay with putting untested junk inside his software. Bad optics.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2019
It would need to be altered a bit visually, but the impact would be there. The sex isn't as integrated as you think.
I'll leave it at fundamentally disagreeing with what you just wrote in this sentence.
This is a VN, not a book, and visuals are important.
I agree on the lust events in-between the main events, but you can't deny that there are some routes necessary to progress the main story, and in all of them afair Sensei ends up having sex, Ayane being just the first one, again, afair.


Active Member
Apr 24, 2021
This drama again o_O

None of us really cares if he profits from using authorized or unauthorized assets. None of us really cares if this game is porn/NSFW/questionable/whatever you want to call it. None of us really cares if imaginary characters involved in sexual acts are underage and if the material is illegal in whatever part of the world you're in. And none of us definitely doesn't care if this game is law-abiding under TOS of any platform. All of them, fake issues.

If you did care and were in fact a true supporter of any rule listed above, you should have freaked out a long long time ago and have taken actions (and to be a consistent person, you would have to do this to a shit load of other 18+ VN games out there as well), rather than playing the game and pirating it to help it spread this whole time.

Same goes for porn being a main material or not, simply another segue into legality issue regarding distributing (but if it's just about how everyone sees this game differently in terms of structure, theme and what is important, then by all means please continue)

So why are we talking about legality? (Illusion studio assets, underage adult content, distribution platform rules, porn or not porn, etc)
→"Since you're not on solid ground, it's fine that I do the same by pirating and you are in no position to say and do shit to me"

Why are we talking about his profit model?
→ "If he drowned me, he might drown the innocent others then himself as well. So he won't do anything stupid and he better not!"

Why are we talking about any of it now?
→ "OMG he actually took actions HOW DARE"

This is some people here, bearing the core concept of "I want free stuff without consequence and I want it now!", either trying to find bargaining chips to leverage the act of piracy or reasons to convince themselves that even dev has no right to tilt this strange balance.

If you are truly concerned about whether the files are safe to download or not, don't download CP or just simply wait for two weeks and get any material from there. People say the suspending is killing me but really it won't kill.

---The following is my half ass understanding about game files; please point out anything outright incorrect---

Doesn't leaked content have to come from someone with legit source? So that would mean if Sel really wants to brick your system he would need to pinpoint the leakers and individually and purposefully provide a copy of malware-containing copy via the same downloading website that all other subscribers use. So unless this technicality can be easily figured out, otherwise I don't this malware is something people need to lose sleep about. It's not some sketchy crack files you use to overwrite something, it's the same script file that chronologically shouldn't be there.


If you truly despise dev because of his behaviors, don't support him or simply don't play the game. Let his issues get to him rather than us exerting ourselves to fuck him up solely because you can't pirate here anymore (unless you had been extremely offended by him before, in that case I am not in position to tell anyone not to be offended and/or to gauge their grudges). If you feel like teaching him a lesson this way, then what you are doing is not boycotting and you seriously need a hobby.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2019
This drama again o_O

None of us really cares if he profits from using authorized or unauthorized assets. None of us really cares if this game is porn/NSFW/questionable/whatever you want to call it. None of us really cares if imaginary characters involved in sexual acts are underage and if the material is illegal in whatever part of the world you're in. And none of us definitely doesn't care if this game is law-abiding under TOS of any platform. All of them, fake issues.

If you did care and were in fact a true supporter of any rule listed above, you should have freaked out a long long time ago and have taken actions (and to be a consistent person, you would have to do this to a shit load of other 18+ VN games out there as well), rather than playing the game and pirating it to help it spread this whole time.

Same goes for porn being a main material or not, simply another segue into legality issue regarding distributing (but if it's just about how everyone sees this game differently in terms of structure, theme and what is important, then by all means please continue)

So why are we talking about legality? (Illusion studio assets, underage adult content, distribution platform rules, porn or not porn, etc)
→"Since you're not on solid ground, it's fine that I do the same by pirating and you are in no position to say and do shit to me"

Why are we talking about his profit model?
→ "If he drowned me, he might drown the innocent others then himself as well. So he won't do anything stupid and he better not!"

Why are we talking about any of it now?
→ "OMG he actually took actions HOW DARE"

This is some people here, bearing the core concept of "I want free stuff without consequence and I want it now!", either trying to find bargaining chips to leverage the act of piracy or reasons to convince themselves that even dev has no right to tilt this strange balance.

If you are truly concerned about whether the files are safe to download or not, don't download CP or just simply wait for two weeks and get any material from there. People say the suspending is killing me but really it won't kill.

---The following is my half ass understanding about game files; please point out anything outright incorrect---

Doesn't leaked content have to come from someone with legit source? So that would mean if Sel really wants to brick your system he would need to pinpoint the leakers and individually and purposefully provide a copy of malware-containing copy via the same downloading website that all other subscribers use. So unless this technicality can be easily figured out, otherwise I don't this malware is something people need to lose sleep about. It's not some sketchy crack files you use to overwrite something, it's the same script file that chronologically shouldn't be there.


If you truly despise dev because of his behaviors, don't support him or simply don't play the game. Let his issues get to him rather than us exerting ourselves to fuck him up solely because you can't pirate here anymore (unless you had been extremely offended by him before, in that case I am not in position to tell anyone not to be offended and/or to gauge their grudges). If you feel like teaching him a lesson this way, then what you are doing is not boycotting and you seriously need a hobby.
Man, with so many walls of text, I wonder who's the obsessed one with who.

We're literally just typing on keyboards, discussing a bit of what's a "porn game" and people bringup again the piracy issue like that's all you can think of. Rent free, I tell you.

Can't we just go back to talk about the game itself, as so many would prefer?

Or would you rather continue being angry at the very existence of this pirate site, and want to virtue-signal about all this bs?


Active Member
Aug 21, 2018
The idea that the puzzles cannot be rewritten in a way to just be long, boring stalls like the rest of the game, and not fit the exact same function of delaying the user from reaching the roof, if not more so, is hilarious.

If you pay attention to the nonsense blather during a season then the puzzles don’t delay you at all, thus breaking the whole theme of them. Where as you could just write lame stalls to replace the lame puzzles and it will universally fit the theme of the gods trying to stop sensei from reaching the roof.


Active Member
Apr 24, 2021
Man, with so many walls of text, I wonder who's the obsessed one with who.

We're literally just typing on keyboards, discussing a bit of what's a "porn game" and people bringup again the piracy issue like that's all you can think of. Rent free, I tell you.

Can't we just go back to talk about the game itself, as so many would prefer?

Or would you rather continue being angry at the very existence of this pirate site, and want to virtue-signal about all this bs?
Nah, like I said if it's just about how everyone sees this game differently in terms of structure, theme and what is important, then by all means please go ahead. It's just a bit upsetting (not to your discussion) that this drama comes back every once in a while but that's all.


Mar 19, 2020
I keep calling it that because that's the official word on it. The side content being mandatory is just not the case despite being unavoidable. To make it NOT be side content, it has to be vital to the story, but it is not. The narrative can go without them and remain the same because the narrative is about the events taking place, the sex just happens to be featured in those events unnecessarily.

There are no mental gymnastics, it can't be applied to the puzzles because there is a development reason for the puzzles that is actually good enough to keep them, the attempt to get people to pay attention and to punish those who do not with getting stuck.

It would need to be altered a bit visually, but the impact would be there. The sex isn't as integrated as you think.

Sel said it is, so it is side content, a developer's word on their own work is essentially law on the project. It can be removed with little impact, the puzzles cannot because they serve a purpose outside the story, punishing those who do not pay attention in the hope that people will learn to do so through getting stuck. Notice how that lust meter is completely optional, you can go the entire game without even once incrementing it and the missable aspect is part of them being side content, they wouldn't be missable if they weren't side content, they were designed so that they can be skipped for anyone who has no interest in them and is in it for the story. Also, of course the scenes have lore implications, he's not going to throw sex scenes into the game if they aren't tied into the story, that's not how an adult VN with side content porn works, that's how a porn game works.

This strengthening of tie-ins can be done without the porn, making the porn an unnecessary extra only used as side content.
Okay, well I raise my developer's law against your law (see attached images). I hate being this dude but I rejoined the discord because I remembered Sel having a 'debate' with a user over the sexual content of the game some time back.

From his words, it sounds like the sexual content is vital to the narrative, like the puzzles. He even calls it an 'HVN'.

And the content being missable doesn't make it non-integral. Especially in a VN where the player can make choices, if anything the missable/ignorable aspect solidifies it's importance given the medium. Good Uncle and Bad Uncle are an aspect of the game and offer valid insight to Ami's character as a whole; is the bad uncle route unnecessary because you have to engage in "side content"?

I fucking despise food analogies, but if you go to a buffet and only choose certain foods, that doesn't make the other foods unnecessary.

Man, with so many walls of text, I wonder who's the obsessed one with who.

We're literally just typing on keyboards, discussing a bit of what's a "porn game" and people bringup again the piracy issue like that's all you can think of. Rent free, I tell you.

Can't we just go back to talk about the game itself, as so many would prefer?

Or would you rather continue being angry at the very existence of this pirate site, and want to virtue-signal about all this bs?
For real. The last couple pages are us debating the themes and design of the game. I'll never understand the mindset of someone claiming to be tired of 'the drama' as they proceed to dig it back up.


Mar 19, 2020
The idea that the puzzles cannot be rewritten in a way to just be long, boring stalls like the rest of the game, and not fit the exact same function of delaying the user from reaching the roof, if not more so, is hilarious.

If you pay attention to the nonsense blather during a season then the puzzles don’t delay you at all, thus breaking the whole theme of them. Where as you could just write lame stalls to replace the lame puzzles and it will universally fit the theme of the gods trying to stop sensei from reaching the roof.
I like the approach Silent Hill has with puzzles. They can be solved independent of whether you understand the lore or story, but if you do then the puzzles have a deeper and more cerebral meaning.


Active Member
Aug 21, 2018
I like the approach Silent Hill has with puzzles. They can be solved independent of whether you understand the lore or story, but if you do then the puzzles have a deeper and more cerebral meaning.
But how would players get to feel unbearably smug when someone else asks a question? It’s the closest they get to feeling like they are their idol.

And before someone accuses me of being bitter about not being able to solve them. I was translating his dumb hex crap by copypasta’ing it from the game code and since he mixes it in at puzzle time the puzzle answers are all right there. So no, I never had any issues with puzzles as far as I remember.
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
I can't believe what I'm reading. The sexual content in LiL is paramount for the thematic integrity of the game. Honestly, I find most sex scenes in this game shit (not fap-worthy). Hell, I've never even touched my dick while playing this game. But I recognize their importance in the narrative.

For example, while I read the last sex scene with Niki, I was focused on absorbing the bits and pieces of lore sprinkled in the dialogue. Mostly ignoring the act itself. Consider the last event with Miku, Sensei's deviancy and thoughts are made clear. His perversion wholly manifested for the audience. He seemed exactly like Sekai. Most of them are nice, in that way. I'd be perfectly okay with all the sex scenes that don't add anything lorewise being cut from the game. I'd be delighted with that, in fact.

But if this game skipped all sex scenes and abstracted them away like: and so they fucked. It would make for an exceedingly dry and lifeless piece. Huggy Boy would like a word with you (and before anyone says: "Oh no, but Huggy Boy was an entirely different beast. It isn't a fair comparison". Yes, I am aware & I agree. This was mostly a quip).

So yes. LiL is unmistakably a porn game. A well-written one. One that has built fantastic, authentic characters. Its atmosphere is unique.

Yet one, nonetheless. These qualities are not mutually exclusive. Maybe not a porn game in the strictest sense, but at that point, I'd classify it as a shitty porn game anyway, as no one would read LiL for the porn. There are much better things out there in that sense.

Concerning the "DRM" affair, I'm not angry at the dev or that dude who made it (who promptly got banned?). That my saves were deleted—and promptly restored—thankfully, I know how to do that; was entirely on me for my carelessness. As a pirate, I'm way past caring about his morality, or the lack thereof. I do not believe that his actions are inherently justified (Illusion and everything), notwithstanding in the same vein as how I'm not personally concerned in explaining myself or justifying my piracy; I wouldn't expect the dev to be morally justified in his attempts at preventing my access to the game.

I do think, however, that he screwed the pooch only by fucking up the game for some of his subscribers and seemingly being okay with putting untested junk inside his software. Bad optics.
Paramount and yet skippable simply by not incrementing the lust meter. It was never paramount, it has always been considered side content by the developer himself. You don't make paramount events skippable, that's a big no no. To make them skippable is to invite people to skip them, to invite people to skip them leads to players doing just that and then any actual paramount point in the event is missed.

Huggy boy was lifeless because it was born out of an unwanted need to replace the main version on Patreon, he didn't want to make that version, Patreon forced his hand by not allowing the main version. Had it been made with intention, it would not have been lifeless and would have served as a good example of my point about the porn in the main version.

I'll leave it at fundamentally disagreeing with what you just wrote in this sentence.
This is a VN, not a book, and visuals are important.
I agree on the lust events in-between the main events, but you can't deny that there are some routes necessary to progress the main story, and in all of them afair Sensei ends up having sex, Ayane being just the first one, again, afair.
Visuals are important, sexual content is not. SFW visuals can be substituted.

As far as lust events within main events, not between, they are completely skippable. For example, the first beach event has lust events that don't interrupt the flow of the beach event with their absence if you don't have the lust for them.

Man, with so many walls of text, I wonder who's the obsessed one with who.

We're literally just typing on keyboards, discussing a bit of what's a "porn game" and people bringup again the piracy issue like that's all you can think of. Rent free, I tell you.

Can't we just go back to talk about the game itself, as so many would prefer?

Or would you rather continue being angry at the very existence of this pirate site, and want to virtue-signal about all this bs?
This is the LiL thread, a thread for a game with a developer that has no issue with keeping drama on piracy going. This has been an ongoing argument for years at this point, I doubt it will end regardless of anyone here, someone else will eventually step forward and bring it up again.

The idea that the puzzles cannot be rewritten in a way to just be long, boring stalls like the rest of the game, and not fit the exact same function of delaying the user from reaching the roof, if not more so, is hilarious.

If you pay attention to the nonsense blather during a season then the puzzles don’t delay you at all, thus breaking the whole theme of them. Where as you could just write lame stalls to replace the lame puzzles and it will universally fit the theme of the gods trying to stop sensei from reaching the roof.
They can be, but this would only serve one of the purposes for the current puzzles, the purpose of punishing the players who do not pay attention for important details would go unfulfilled while the purpose of serving as a way to visualize the resistance to Sensei reaching the roof would be served.

Okay, well I raise my developer's law against your law (see attached images). I hate being this dude but I rejoined the discord because I remembered Sel having a 'debate' with a user over the sexual content of the game some time back.

From his words, it sounds like the sexual content is vital to the narrative, like the puzzles. He even calls it an 'HVN'.

And the content being missable doesn't make it non-integral. Especially in a VN where the player can make choices, if anything the missable/ignorable aspect solidifies it's importance given the medium. Good Uncle and Bad Uncle are an aspect of the game and offer valid insight to Ami's character as a whole; is the bad uncle route unnecessary because you have to engage in "side content"?

I fucking despise food analogies, but if you go to a buffet and only choose certain foods, that doesn't make the other foods unnecessary.

For real. The last couple pages are us debating the themes and design of the game. I'll never understand the mindset of someone claiming to be tired of 'the drama' as they proceed to dig it back up.
Notice how absolutely nowhere in your images does he say anything about porn or sex, sexual contact is not the only form of "intimacy" there is. As far as 'my law,' I'm just echoing what Sel himself said repeatedly in this thread while he was here, so my law is his by association.

You don't make integral things skippable, that's bad design. Anything made skippable is to be considered non-integral by default as the ability to skip is absolutely going to be used.

If you go to a buffet at all, any food is unnecessary, but the point is the ability to just get what you want. That is basically what Sel did here to a degree, he gave an adult VN with the option of porn on the side, a buffet that serves both porn and non-porn adult content.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2019
You don't make integral things skippable, that's bad design. Anything made skippable is to be considered non-integral by default as the ability to skip is absolutely going to be used.
Man,dunno about this, at all, either. Like how much the content changes depending on the good uncle bad uncle choice.
Bad uncle even has an event that's entirely sex and the simple title of it is already a huge red flag.
Missable? Yes. Not integral? Dunno man, I think the very act of the choices is integral to it, and so is some of the missable content.
Again, agree to disagree.

To me it's just a bunch of pretentiousness and ego talking by some authors not wanting to be associated with what's essentially nukige, , games where porn's the main dish and purpose, but that's it.
Has porn in it, it's a porn game.
F/SN is a porn game with mostly story.

Edit: WIll this be solved if we call this "erotic" game?
That's what eroge stands for anyway, and "erotica" is basically book porn for women anyway.
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Jun 12, 2022
Could be the update where we finally get the final side character, currently marked like that as a fancy spoiler tag.
This dumb bitch probably.

View attachment 2481033
Probably a good call, since she was sent back to the beginning of it all in last reset event. The Daughter of Ayane and Sensei/Akira lost to the 2nd reset, maybe, who "got lucky and skipped living through the whole 'infinite high school' thing". Named after his favorite flower or so she tells him. What's the consensus name for her? I went with Daisy since that's the flower on her head.

Edit: I meant to say 3rd reset not 2nd reset.

I have a suspicion that Tsuenyo is already capable of crossing over to the end of the world and doesn't disappear like the other girls or changes like Ami does. Also that she has been able to for a long time but isn't aware that she crosses over probably because she might be always @ the Ramen shop looking after her dad. While she is doing that, because of her sheltered life, she has no inclination to go outside and see no one or wonder why there is no business. Her Dad might have something to do with it, in the sense that he dies, maybe?, at the moment the end of the world begins or is the cause of it. I say this because of what she said at the Ferris Wheel (Event "Sudden Light") in where she doesn't remember doing or talking about certain things but has a vague feeling like she has. Also how at the start End of the World (Event "December 28, 2020") she is leaving and saying bye to Akira you can see the shadow of one of the other girls already in doll form. She also sees them in that form and thinks nothing of it, again probably due to sheltered life. So its probably safe to say that in the 3rd reset "Word of the Day" when you call her it is actually her at the Ramen Shop.
Last edited:
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Mar 19, 2020
Paramount and yet skippable simply by not incrementing the lust meter. It was never paramount, it has always been considered side content by the developer himself. You don't make paramount events skippable, that's a big no no. To make them skippable is to invite people to skip them, to invite people to skip them leads to players doing just that and then any actual paramount point in the event is missed.

Huggy boy was lifeless because it was born out of an unwanted need to replace the main version on Patreon, he didn't want to make that version, Patreon forced his hand by not allowing the main version. Had it been made with intention, it would not have been lifeless and would have served as a good example of my point about the porn in the main version.

Visuals are important, sexual content is not. SFW visuals can be substituted.

As far as lust events within main events, not between, they are completely skippable. For example, the first beach event has lust events that don't interrupt the flow of the beach event with their absence if you don't have the lust for them.

This is the LiL thread, a thread for a game with a developer that has no issue with keeping drama on piracy going. This has been an ongoing argument for years at this point, I doubt it will end regardless of anyone here, someone else will eventually step forward and bring it up again.

They can be, but this would only serve one of the purposes for the current puzzles, the purpose of punishing the players who do not pay attention for important details would go unfulfilled while the purpose of serving as a way to visualize the resistance to Sensei reaching the roof would be served.

Notice how absolutely nowhere in your images does he say anything about porn or sex, sexual contact is not the only form of "intimacy" there is. As far as 'my law,' I'm just echoing what Sel himself said repeatedly in this thread while he was here, so my law is his by association.
He calls it intimacy but he's referring to sex, I'll attach another cap but you can literally search the conversation on discord if you don't believe me, it was in response to someone that had a similar viewpoint to you on porn in LiL.

And if you would notice in one of screencaps, he says HVN, hentai visual novel. Again, search the discord if you don't believe me or that it was referencing LiL. I'm not sure how you'll acrobat this one around but I honestly can't wait to see.

You don't make integral things skippable, that's bad design. Anything made skippable is to be considered non-integral by default as the ability to skip is absolutely going to be used.

If you go to a buffet at all, any food is unnecessary, but the point is the ability to just get what you want. That is basically what Sel did here to a degree, he gave an adult VN with the option of porn on the side, a buffet that serves both porn and non-porn adult content.

Does this mean the story and plot aren't integral since I can just enable 'skip through unseen text'? Are the hexadecimal sidecontent since I can play through the game never knowing what it meant?

And Alex if you say the story and plot are integral because you can't skip the puzzle sections I'm going to commit larceny since you can't avoid NSFW scenes entirely either.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2019
Probably a good call, since she was sent back to the beginning of it all in last reset event. The Daughter of Ayane and Sensei/Akira lost to the 2nd reset, maybe, who "got lucky and skipped living through the whole 'infinite high school' thing". Named after his favorite flower or so she tells him. What's the consensus name for her? I went with Daisy since that's the flower on her head.

I have a suspicion that Tsuenyo is already capable of crossing over to the end of the world and doesn't disappear like the other girls or changes like Ami does. Also that she has been able to for a long time but isn't aware that she crosses over probably because she might be always @ the Ramen shop looking after her dad. While she is doing that, because of her sheltered life, she has no inclination to go outside and see no one or wonder why there is no business. Her Dad might have something to do with it, in the sense that he dies, maybe?, at the moment the end of the world begins or is the cause of it. I say this because of what she said at the Ferris Wheel (Event "Sudden Light") in where she doesn't remember doing or talking about certain things but has a vague feeling like she has. Also how at the start End of the World (Event "December 28, 2020") she is leaving and saying bye to Akira you can see the shadow of one of the other girls already in doll form. She also sees them in that form and thinks nothing of it, again probably due to sheltered life. So its probably safe to say that in the 3rd reset "Word of the Day" when you call her it is actually her at the Ramen Shop.
Daisy is pretty high up there, but "Himawari" is the most likely, Sel being a weeb.
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