
Active Member
Apr 24, 2021
Does Akira even remember/grasp the fact that she groomed him? Like we found out during the Happy scenes but I can’t even tell if he actually remembers what happens during those or if he’s blacked out and he’s just as oblivious as everyone else.
Right there isn’t a clear indicate if he has figured out this part of his past or not, considering how his brain censored her existence all the time when mentioned. But I think he always has a hunch.

I wanted to say that he finally knew or caught up after the latest happy scene because he’s surprisingly sentient throughout, but I am not 100% sure


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
While I like this, we don't really have any evidence about this having happened to either Maya or Ayane, plus Todd wasn't on the roof with us :unsure:
tod was an animal for one (does he even have a soul/consciousness capable of being brought back)... and for another we have not had a reset since tod died... he might be there next time, who knows.
the evidence we do have is circumstantial. ayane wants to tell ami 'something important and about her and sensei' while also wanting to tell sensei 'something important' before backing down. that something important was that ayane was pregnant. last time we see ayane before the reset she shows up in, she was going off to spend time with... ami...
bonus edit:
ami has killed maya for sleeping with sensei... decades ago starting this time loop to happen till sensei would love her like he loved maya, only making some changes to his memory every now and again to make him... ami finally killed sensei after decades of getting 'shafted' instead of getting the shaft and outright wiped all his memories to see if that worked any better... ami was also the only person that didn't believe maya hated him in the start of the game.
she knows
edit again:
also if this is in anyway true, in the good uncle route ami implies sensei has already banged his relatives which means she either knows about her mom and him already (japanese view of relatives are a bit different from western ones) or she is talking about the only other people she knows for a fact had sex with him... ayane and maya... lets just say I highly doubt it is ayane... and we have no background on maya's origin as of now. :KEK:
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Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Does Akira even remember/grasp the fact that she groomed him? Like we found out during the Happy scenes but I can’t even tell if he actually remembers what happens during those or if he’s blacked out and he’s just as oblivious as everyone else.
Not entirely sure. I think he's remembering her, but really doesn't want to. It's too painful to think about. Not because she groomed him, but because he loved her and she died. His world was gone. His world is gone or so he thinks.

He's just now remembering his name, so that Happy Scene where she uses it a lot, might be coming back to him as well. He actually might have forgotten his name because she used it so often and his name reminds him of her. I'm sure he'll remember her and what they did rather soon, if he hasn't yet.

As for Happy Scenes, they tend to be comparable to dreams or nightmares. He sometimes recalls bits of them, but it depends on their impact. He likely tries to ignore them eitherway.


Active Member
Apr 24, 2021
my favorite ones are the silly ones
like the ami's favorite blanket one... the blanket akira was on the reg jerked off on by his sister in law became ami's favorite blanket because its covered in his jizz stains...also the fact maya grabbed and had a picnic on it with him is hilarious.

my fav srs theory i guess is the one I made about having to be killed by Ami to get to the roof and that ultimatly is the reason why tod the chicken is dead.
Oh Todd :( I wasn’t unbelievably sad when that scene played (if that chicken was John I would definitely freak out)


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
Does Akira even remember/grasp the fact that she groomed him? Like we found out during the Happy scenes but I can’t even tell if he actually remembers what happens during those or if he’s blacked out and he’s just as oblivious as everyone else.

I get the sense that every flashback we get in game is really Akira going through the process of recovering a lost memory. So Akira probably remembers how things went in the early days with Sekai now (because we see him remember it), but may not consider it grooming because he has no "normal" to reference it with.


Dec 8, 2018
Was the game supposed to reset everyone's affection and then jack Ami's up to like a million? Seems really weird, especially as Nikis was the only one not affected.


Dec 8, 2018
Trying to get the set affection mod but the link seems broken. Any other options to fix my save, or does someone have a save I can use?


Sep 27, 2020
I wanted to do a different route to see how some of the story changes. I came to weird change.

Why was "homies" changed to "bros" (at least it was changed in Girl Talk PT. II, not sure about earlier or later yet)? Even if Rin never had any attraction towards Sensei, saying "bros" instead of "homies" just seems weird to me.
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