
Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
I've been stewing on possibly my crackpottiest crackpot theory yet, but there was actually a second line in Something Everyone Knows and Ignores that stuck out to me;
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We know Akira's mom probably abused him, I'm pretty sure it was said somewhere she was very religious (might be misremembering something else), and there were a weird amount of jokes about Akira sleeping with guys between resets 2 and 3, and I'm pretty sure it's pretty sparse in the entire rest of the game after that. And then this line drops. I could totally be misinterpreting what "his true sexuality" means, and "he" might not even be Akira (but in the context the story is about a guy trampling flowers so he can keep them to himself and it reads as a metaphor for Akira pretty strongly to me) but at the end of the day this kinda sounds like Akira might be bi and was beaten (and maybe sexually abused? Not totally sold on that without more evidence frankly) into supressing his sexuality.

As further evidence I provide:
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also, in reply to deskel (couldn't figure out how to tack my reply onto the end here lmao):
I totally forgot about the scene where Wakana just out and tells Akira she's bi and I feel a little silly. I think my point still stands about Osako's part in it (also it was a poem she memorized for Wakana, not a book she got for her as a gift but that's a minor thing) but it's still very funny I thought I discovered this hint at something to come in the future but it was already outright stated and I just spaced it.
That's something I had trouble understanding as well, and I think there is a lot to endorse it and also a lot against it.

Saki was very religious, that's pointed out by both Yasu and the previous game. And she didn't like Akira very much, why him though, and not Nozomu?

Now, for the Akira was gay theory, he used to pray every night while stuck in his bedroom, which probably means that he was suffering some sort of abuse, and it would make sense for a religious parent to not accept him being gay. This would double down if Nozomu was "normal", and already married with a woman - and maybe that would also fuel resentment between the brothers. And lastly the thing with the flowers is that "he" would destroy every flower so that no one could be happy either or that he'd destroy others as he was destroyed or something - and that fits very much with this background. Gay dude has his sexuality beaten out of him and develops an over macho persona to compensate.

Akira is also very against any idea of another dude being involved in his sexual acts, he threatens violence when Maki and Haruka suggests pegging him, and there are almost NO DUDES in this game, except for the fact that there are many of them (like the principal, Ayane's father, Touka's father, old man Tojo, Noriko's father, Kirin's father) he just blocks them all out.

Now for the against theory - first of all, it's very hard to not assign any reference to a "him" to Akira because he's the only real dude in the game. Maybe the reference here is to Nozomu, or even his own father. IF the Nozomu being the father of half the class holds water, then he'd be more likely to fit that description. After all, in terms of hiding his sexuality, Nozomu married Sekai, how exactly did Akira hide anything? Maybe they were pissed at each other because Nozomu's marriage was fake and Akira was the man he was supposed to fake himself as, including having his wife fall in love with (a wild twist would be if Nozomu actually was in love with Akira and jealous of Sekai for having her way with him).

The strongest piece of evidence however is that Akira already has a very strong background without it. Kid gets sort of assaulted by some random girl that asks to see his penis, goes on to be molested by his sister-in-law, eventually falls in love with her, she replaces his every value and becomes his world, he is broken when she's gone (cause he didn't create a persona to deal with his mother trauma, only relied on Sekai) - then Maya comes along and breaks him forever by having him "replicate" with her what Sekai did to him (Noriko seems to imply this by saying that in Maya's effort to fix him she instead broke him even more - during the 3rd DormWars) - all of this already seems like a lot without the gay angle.

Anyway, I still don't know how to take that piece of info but that's the same for a lot of LiL - I would say however that I don't think it's that relevant. If Akira ever had an interest in men that was before Sekai, and that would make him incredibly young. And if he had been assaulted by a man, I think the flashbacks we have from Sekai's first experiences with him would be different.

Sooooooo, what I think it means is that if it refers to Akira then it's some other stuff. Or maybe it refers to Nozomu who knows.
This reminded me that Niki joked(?) about Sensei liking dick:
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And Ami suggested "Boys Love" to him because she thought it'd be hot:
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Considering they probably know Sensei better than he knows himself, this could be suggesting something. Probably just that they think him having sex with a dude would be hot, but who knows, lmao.
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Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Regarding Io, obviously one of the themes of the game is all of the girls getting "fixed" = learning how to better deal with their traumas, but do you guys think Io will ever actually get over her sexual block at least regarding Akira? (honestly I struggle with how realistic that would be if she did)
Considering Io also probably sees him as a creepy pedo now, I don't really see how Sel plans on simply rewriting her sexuality on top of that, in any reasonable way.

Kind of hard to see Io not getting raped until she just becomes free use, at this point.


Active Member
Jan 14, 2021
Regarding Io, obviously one of the themes of the game is all of the girls getting "fixed" = learning how to better deal with their traumas, but do you guys think Io will ever actually get over her sexual block at least regarding Akira? (honestly I struggle with how realistic that would be if she did)
Well considering every girl is going to get a sex scene at some point she will either get over it or she will get the Molly Halloween treatment. I really hope it's the former.


Active Member
Jan 14, 2021
Considering Io also probably sees him as a creepy pedo now, I don't really see how Sel plans on simply rewriting her sexuality on top of that, in any reasonable way.

Kind of hard to see Io not getting raped until she just becomes free use, at this point.
I still think she may get a consensual encounter. Assuming she hasn't gone off him after the Uta pic she could potentially choose to bite the bullet and sleep with Akira to get him to fall for her and finally take her to that theme park. That's the only third option I can think of after a complete personality shift and her getting graped.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
I still think she may get a consensual encounter. Assuming she hasn't gone off him after the Uta pic she could potentially choose to bite the bullet and sleep with Akira to get him to fall for her and finally take her to that theme park. That's the only third option I can think of after a complete personality shift or her getting graped.
I personally don't think Io getting assaulted would add anything to her character or the overall story - she's already so fucked that if that happened the character would either have to be reset or that's it, world's broken.

Maybe Selebus chose for her abuser to be a woman exactly so she could have a "clean" retry with Akira, who's a man? idk. That could be weak in many ways, but he's a good writer so what do I know.

The thing is, Io has SO MANY things to work out before going straight to "I'm okay to have sex now" (she throws up just thinking about it - her reaction after leaving Akira's house was literally to keep throwing up under some bridge), the way Selebus wrote her is so hardcore trauma victim that I find it hard picturing her recovering from it enough to engage in it herself.


Jan 10, 2024
Regarding Io, obviously one of the themes of the game is all of the girls getting "fixed" = learning how to better deal with their traumas, but do you guys think Io will ever actually get over her sexual block at least regarding Akira? (honestly I struggle with how realistic that would be if she did)
The only way I can see her growing closer and more comfortable with Akira is if she learns more about his past and how he was sexually abused by Sekai. Io was either rescued or she managed to escape before it was too late. She was forever mentally scarred, and broken, but at least she was able of picking up the pieces and build her self up. It ain't pretty and with some patchwork here and there, but at least she came out as her own persona.

Looking at Akira would be like looking at a version of herself that gave up and decided to just drown in pleasure, shattered and rebuilt in the image of his abuser. I don't really know how that would lead to them having sex, but at least it could help mend some of the fractures in their friendship.

The problem is, I don't see a way for Io to naturally learn about his past, since he will never openly talk about it to anyone.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
The only way I can see her growing closer and more comfortable with Akira is if she learns more about his past and how he was sexually abused by Sekai. Io was either rescued or she managed to escape before it was too late. She was forever mentally scarred, and broken, but at least she was able of picking up the pieces and build her self up. It ain't pretty and with some patchwork here and there, but at least she came out as her own persona.

Looking at Akira would be like looking at a version of herself that gave up and decided to just drown in pleasure, shattered and rebuilt in the image of his abuser. I don't really know how that would lead to them having sex, but at least it could help mend some of the fractures in their friendship.

The problem is, I don't see a way for Io to naturally learn about his past, since he will never openly talk about it to anyone.
... Akira is seems to be slowly opening up ...
... And Io seems to be one of the prospects to whom he'll open ...
... or Pareidolia will take control of his body, rape Io...
... and Karin scene will happen again ...
... I can't wait ...
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Active Member
Jan 14, 2021
... Akira is seems to be slowly opening up ...
... And Io seems to be one of the prospects to whom he'll open ...
... or Pareidolia will take control of his body, rape Io...
... and Karin scene will happen again ...
... I can't wait ...
He's slowly opening up but he still refuses to talk about Sekai, as Osako and Wakana's attempts crashed and burned like... well like Sekai I guess.


Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
For those who may not remember, I doubt it's simply Io's trauma that has made her Anti-sex. As she's pointed out, even without her trauma, things wouldn't work out with Sensei:
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Presumably, Io is anti-female due to trauma, but also asexual anyway, so sex itself isn't romanticized by her like it is by most. She just sees it as repulsive and unnecessary:
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The reasoning behind the throuple is more or less that she wants nothing to do with sex:
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Realistically, this isn't changing anytime soon:
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It'd probably be easier to make Osako straight or Sensei homosexual.

There is always the possibility that Io gets desperate enough to just drug herself unconscious, then let Sensei do whatever, as long as he cleans up his meat juice, or something, but yeah, if Io just starts wanting sex, she's probably been replaced by an alien or a meat puppet.
Jan 1, 2024
Speaking of gay Sensei, remember this?

While scrolling through I thought I saw Sensei and thought Sel updated the game on But what I saw was a gay visual novel with a protag that looks scary similiar to Sensei and its the funniest thing as a LIL fan :KEK:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
He's slowly opening up but he still refuses to talk about Sekai, as Osako and Wakana's attempts crashed and burned like... well like Sekai I guess.
I think it was more like Sekai getting her head split open, which is an image that opened a new tier of tragedy in my brain so yeah.

But tbf, their "attempts" were bad at best, Wakana was just using his trauma for her curiosity (which granted she did apologise for), and Osako is just a fucking idiot. I think Ami has a real chance of talking to Akira about Sekai (she already has after all, straight up told him about him having sex with her mom), and even Niki and Nodoka could too.

Which, by the way, it's sort of implied Nodoka could already have and yet NODOKA had more tact than Wakana in that regard (during the Haruka threesome). So credit where its due.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
For those who may not remember, I doubt it's simply Io's trauma that has made her Anti-sex. As she's pointed out, even without her trauma, things wouldn't work out with Sensei:
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Presumably, Io is anti-female due to trauma, but also asexual anyway, so sex itself isn't romanticized by her like it is by most. She just sees it as repulsive and unnecessary:
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The reasoning behind the throuple is more or less that she wants nothing to do with sex:
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Realistically, this isn't changing anytime soon:
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It'd probably be easier to make Osako straight or Sensei homosexual.

There is always the possibility that Io gets desperate enough to just drug herself unconscious, then let Sensei do whatever, as long as he cleans up his meat juice, or something, but yeah, if Io just starts wanting sex, she's probably been replaced by an alien or a meat puppet.
... So Sensei won't get pegged by Sana...?
... What a bummer ...

I think it was more like Sekai getting her head split open, which is an image that opened a new tier of tragedy in my brain so yeah.

But tbf, their "attempts" were bad at best, Wakana was just using his trauma for her curiosity (which granted she did apologise for), and Osako is just a fucking idiot. I think Ami has a real chance of talking to Akira about Sekai (she already has after all, straight up told him about him having sex with her mom), and even Niki and Nodoka could too.

Which, by the way, it's sort of implied Nodoka could already have and yet NODOKA had more tact than Wakana in that regard (during the Haruka threesome). So credit where its due.
Yumi also has pretty high chance of learning that about him...

Chika... I don't think she even knows Sensei got the blue t-shirt from Molly...

He's slowly opening up but he still refuses to talk about Sekai, as Osako and Wakana's attempts crashed and burned like... well like Sekai I guess.
... I hope we get renders of that scene...
... I am very much excited about that ...
  • Haha
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Active Member
Jan 14, 2021
I think it was more like Sekai getting her head split open, which is an image that opened a new tier of tragedy in my brain so yeah.

But tbf, their "attempts" were bad at best, Wakana was just using his trauma for her curiosity (which granted she did apologise for), and Osako is just a fucking idiot. I think Ami has a real chance of talking to Akira about Sekai (she already has after all, straight up told him about him having sex with her mom), and even Niki and Nodoka could too.

Which, by the way, it's sort of implied Nodoka could already have and yet NODOKA had more tact than Wakana in that regard (during the Haruka threesome). So credit where its due.
The Ami thing is a sign that's he's getting better, his mind doesn't seem to break when Ami mentions Sekai anymore, it's not much but baby steps. On Nodoka, that actually implies to me she knows better than to bring up people's trauma and what she did to Io was straight up malicious. I actually hate her even more now and I don't even like Io.
Actually, could Nodoka have overheard Io and Otoha talking about Io laughing at people's trauma and decided to teach the bitch a lesson? I might hate her less if that's the case.


Jan 10, 2024
Which, by the way, it's sort of implied Nodoka could already have and yet NODOKA had more tact than Wakana in that regard (during the Haruka threesome). So credit where its due.
I'm not really willing to give Nodoka the benefit of the doubt. She has already proven many times she has not qualms about airing someone's trauma as long as she truly believes it will eventually serve to benefit the person in question. She would throw a child into the ocean until it learns how to swim.

"Sometimes, forcing people to do things they're not comfortable with is the best way to move them forward" While that's Prime Maya's sentence and her beliefs, Nodoka is probably the closest person to being the physical embodiment of that. With Rin & Otoha at the hotel, with the book about Sensei and their classmates (and more specifically Futaba), and more recently with Io. While Nodoka is very much a psychopath who deserves a couple more slaps, I have trouble considering her truly "evil" since she believes that what she is doing is the best for the person. The only ocassion I remember in which she did something out of pure malice was against Yumi.

All of this to say, I can totally imagine Nodoka using Sekai's poems and her supernatural analytical powers to reconstruct Akira's past into paper and publishing it as a prequel or chapter 0 of her book, just because she thinks that would be the way to move him forward. As much of a stretch as that could be, she even knows about the room with clocks, so now I just assume that she has some access to the game's replay mechanic (library? recollection?), which includes even Happy Events


Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
The Ami thing is a sign that's he's getting better, his mind doesn't seem to break when Ami mentions Sekai anymore, it's not much but baby steps. On Nodoka, that actually implies to me she knows better than to bring up people's trauma and what she did to Io was straight up malicious. I actually hate her even more now and I don't even like Io.
Actually, could Nodoka have overheard Io and Otoha talking about Io laughing at people's trauma and decided to teach the bitch a lesson? I might hate her less if that's the case.
Nodoka literally pointed out that what she was about to do to Io was pointless:
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She was fully aware of what she was doing, but apparently considered it worth it to accomplish her goals, which apparently involve taking over reality.

I doubt she actually intended to hurt Io, as she tried to make it private, but she simply decided that doing this, in public, was necessary in the grand scheme of things. Definitely a shitty move, though.

Io seemed to be an acceptable casualty of Nodoka's war.
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Active Member
Jan 14, 2021
Nodoka literally pointed out that what she was about to do to Io was pointless:
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She was fully aware of what she was doing, but apparently considered it worth it to accomplish her goals, which apparently involve taking over reality.

I doubt she actually intended to hurt Io, as she tried to make it private, but she simply decided that doing this in public was necessary in the grand scheme of things. Definitely a shitty move, though.
Ohh, so the Io thing was her trying to push the boundaries of reality like she was doing with Nodokathon? That actually makes more sense than Nodokathon if she's actively testing how accurate her intuitions are, still a bitch move as you said. That said, I wouldn't put it past her to keep her true motives a secret and my theory could still explain why she chose to do that to Io specifically.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
I'm not really willing to give Nodoka the benefit of the doubt. She has already proven many times she has not qualms about airing someone's trauma as long as she truly believes it will eventually serve to benefit the person in question. She would throw a child into the ocean until it learns how to swim.

"Sometimes, forcing people to do things they're not comfortable with is the best way to move them forward" While that's Prime Maya's sentence and her beliefs, Nodoka is probably the closest person to being the physical embodiment of that. With Rin & Otoha at the hotel, with the book about Sensei and their classmates (and more specifically Futaba), and more recently with Io. While Nodoka is very much a psychopath who deserves a couple more slaps, I have trouble considering her truly "evil" since she believes that what she is doing is the best for the person. The only ocassion I remember in which she did something out of pure malice was against Yumi.

All of this to say, I can totally imagine Nodoka using Sekai's poems and her supernatural analytical powers to reconstruct Akira's past into paper and publishing it as a prequel or chapter 0 of her book, just because she thinks that would be the way to move him forward. As much of a stretch as that could be, she even knows about the room with clocks, so now I just assume that she has some access to the game's replay mechanic (library? recollection?), which includes even Happy Events
I don't know about Nodoka *knowing* stuff exactly, as she seems to be less in control of what she knows than say Yasu. She also seems to genuinely care for Akira (not that it matters much since she also "cares" about Futaba) - thing is though, as AmIOkay pointed out during that one event I'm yet to figure out what she meant (in which she calls Akira Sekai), Nodoka cares for the Akira that is a product of Sekai. I get the feeling that she respects and cares for him insofar that he is a sprouted seed of that which she wants to be as well.

Regarding my Nodoka and Wakana comparison though, I'm not suggesting anyone give her the benefit of the doubt. I'm pointing out that she could have touched upon the Sekai issue with him, and chose not to out of care for a proper time to do so, whereas Wakana didn't even consider him at all, there wasn't even consideration about the time in which to do it, he was literally just a means to an end.

So yeah, things are pretty clear on that first round to me. Regarding how it developed, Wakana has apologised and yet keeps planning to bother him directly (through Ami) or indirectly (through Osako) - so as Nodoka also plans to eventually gain something out of this, I still think she approached the issue in a better fashion.
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