
May 27, 2019
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Interesting perspective, I've been wondering whether he suffers from dissociative identity disorder myself, the lapses, and the completely different behavior patterns just strike me as D.I.D., and if that's the case, then we could well have an entire arc, where "good" sensei is the one barely creeping through the cracks and affecting the storyline, whilst the bad one rampages, perhaps forcing good sensei to yeet himself off the roof to force a reset.

We keep seeing all these horrific flashes now and then, what if those are what "bad" sensei fantasizes about? There could be multiple different personalities, and the different names we're seeing pop up are those.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2022
Interesting perspective, I've been wondering whether he suffers from dissociative identity disorder myself, the lapses, and the completely different behavior patterns just strike me as D.I.D., and if that's the case, then we could well have an entire arc, where "good" sensei is the one barely creeping through the cracks and affecting the storyline, whilst the bad one rampages, perhaps forcing good sensei to yeet himself off the roof to force a reset.

We keep seeing all these horrific flashes now and then, what if those are what "bad" sensei fantasizes about? There could be multiple different personalities, and the different names we're seeing pop up are those.
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Oct 1, 2023
... We've got wiki ...
... ...
I have already seen the wiki, I was talking more about details and possible plans/predictions for the future, I am very interested in pareidolia and hope and would like to know more, I like reading all the theories but I was hoping there was a more resumed lore somewhere
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Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Do we have any guide that tells us everything we know about all the gods? I am really interested in knowing more
I have tried summing them up a few times in the past:
The first god is mentioned in the 'Rewrite' main event back in Chapter 1, the Narrator called it Nozomu, and a horny ball of light. Nozomu translates to "To Hope" or "Hope" in Japanese. HOPE just so happens to help Sensei to the roof during this Reset. It is also Summer at this point.

The second god is mentioned in 'There is Nothing' at the end of Chapter 1. The Narrator called it Calm (while the first is Callous), tree like and computer like, with wires, etc. Sensei also has to connect to USER2 who helps him get to the roof during this Reset. The third god is mentioned but only that it was Concerned. It is turning Winter around this time.

It's also revealed that there are 4 USERs. USER1 to USER4, which you can try connecting to. Only USER2 connects though.

By this point 'The Room With Clocks' Happy Event had occured, and in it, USER2 shows up:
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and with this, that purple smily face, computer, Ramen bowl, and bird (probably Noodles), are inferred to be related to USER2, and by context, it also seems to be The Second god aka The Wire god (this name shows up later).

By the 'Word of The Day' Main Event in Chapter 2, not only do we have Tsuneyo showing up with this shirt from her father:
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But we also have USER2 showing up talking to Sensei with this "face":
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We also have what appears to be USER2 showing up and talking about remaining Calm in it's unique way it communicates:
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So, yeah, it's heavily implied Tsuneyo is related to USER2 who seems at least related to the Wire/Calm god.

In the Trinity Happy Events there are loads of god lore. Most notably in the Trinity p2 one, a voice says Kill the Callous, Kill the Calm, Kill the Concerned. In Trinity p3, we have USER1 messing with Sensei, USER2 trying to connect, and USER3 then shows up:
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With a male voice, talking in lower case, and noting it was "very concerned".

Later on in Sana's 'Ad Infinitum', this same USER3 seems to appear and name itself Pareidolia:
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By the end of Chapter 2, Sensei ends up back in HOPE's world in 'The Light of Last Summer', and notably refers to callousness:
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Then depending whether you chose Callous, Calm, or Concerned in a survey earlier, the 'Life of Prizes' Event will show you different books, which will talk to Sensei differently in this order:
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Btw, I should mention that HOPE refers to itself as "The thing with Feathers":
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Most notably in the Trinity p3 Happy Event.

Anyway, just to sum it up, since there are dozens of events by this point in the game intended to give you an idea of the gods, one can Infer:
  1. First god is Callous, likely HOPE and The Lust Eater, and related to Yasu as even her church is known as the New Hope Church. Extra stuff that seems related: Birds, Light, TALKING IN CAPS, USER1, Summer, The Bottom of Everything, Angels, etc. Probably related to Ami.
  2. Second god is Calm, likely The Wire god, and related to Tsuneyo as her shirt, "son" Noodles, and Ramen itself seems related to this god, who seems heavily implied to be USER2. Extra stuff that seems related: Being in Darkness (confusingly), The Old District, visual changes, slanted all caps like this: "////CALM", Winter, Affection points, etc. Also Resets, and this is the one that made Maya think she'd be Reset during the 'Scary Room'. Probably related to Maya.
  3. Third god is Concerned, virtually guaranteed to be Pareidolia, USER3, and "The Dark". Extra Stuff that seems related: Spiders, Perception, Spring, talking in lower case, Kaori (Mistress of The Dark, and Queen of Spiders), etc. It also seems likely that The Shapeshifter and Ayane are related to this god. Maybe Sana and Yumi as well.
Beyond these 3 gods there also seems to be The Old One:
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And The World Itself:
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The World Itself seemingly being the most malicious of the bunch:
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It's likely related to Nodoka:
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And the Scary Sekai. Also seemed to be what fucked with Makoto:
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Btw, I should mention that like how Nozomu can translate to "Hope". Sekai can translate to "World". USER3/Pareidolia even seems to refer to Sekai as The World:
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It isn't clear who or what USER4:
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is yet, as far as I can tell.

Overall: This is a summarization. If you want specifics, I'll try to show what I can. There's still a lot of unknowns though.
I've talked about the gods a few times before, if you want to use the search bar, you can probably find my past posts.

Anyway, the gods and users seem connected:
  • USER1 seems to be the First god mentioned, aka The Callous, The Lust Eater, Nozomu, and likely HOPE. Tends to talk in all caps "LIKE THIS". It's season is Summer.
  • USER2 is likely the Second god mentioned, aka The Calm, and The Wire god. Tends to talk in all caps with slants "/////LIKE THIS". It's season is Winter.
  • USER3 is the Third god mentioned, aka The Concerned, The Dark, and later on calls itself Pareidolia. Tends to talk in lower case, but can change it up whenever apparently. This is likely the one you saw talking in lower case. It's season is Spring.
Terminal 23 seems to be this World, but it isn't exactly clear yet. USERS and gods are somewhat interchangeable.

Why the First god aka The Callous shares a name with Sensei's brother isn't clear, but it's possible that it is simply the name the Narrator chose to give it. Nozomu can translate to Hope. Not to mention, who the Narrator telling us about the gods, is, also isn't clear. Also, probably should mention that USER1 has apparently account shared before, which makes things even more confusing.

As for what USER2/The Second god seems to want? Well, presumably it wants order:
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Out of all of the gods and USERS, this one seems be the one behind the resets, memory alteration, and perception alteration that's likely going on. It's been noted that this god can:
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At least alter visuals, and certain events like 'The Scary Room' Main Event, show that Maya at least thinks it could reset her. Not to mention, stuff like affection points seem to be it's thing. The game parts of this game seems to be it's domain.

Overall: It's not impossible that The Second god may be the system itself, or at least has control over it.

The First god seems to want this power, hence HOPE being implied to want something to do with wires and Sensei's special ability. Ironically, this Callous god may be the only one that's actually on Sensei's side, at least in theory, whether that's a "good" thing is up to you.

The Third god on the other hand seems to just want to make things how it thinks things should be.

Also some notable spoilers are that all 3 of these gods apparently gave Sensei his body, can't feel on their own, and require sacrifices that more or less translate to Sensei taking things that don't belong to him. They seem to need Sensei to fuck specific girls to maintain their power.
So, I'm assuming you're at least around a chapter behind right? You seem unaware of Pareidolia and stuff in Chapter 3, so I recommend getting caught up. You're missing a lot of info and it's impossible to explain some things without spoiling them if you're behind. If you continue reading, then, well, you've been warned.

Your HOPE/Nozomu/Callous god speculation seems to be missing that he's likely asleep or at least weak in Winter, when the John stuff happens:
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We also have HOPE noting that he will be gone for quite some time in the Trinity p3 Happy Event:
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And it doesn't seem to truly return until 'The Light of Last Summer' Main Event:
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Chapter 1 is in Summer. HOPE'S season. Chapter 2 is in Winter. USER2/The Wire god's season. Chapter 3 is in Summer again. Chapter 4 is now Spring. USER3/Pareidolia's season.

The John stuff and most Chapter 2 stuff, happened when HOPE wasn't really around much. (More about John and The World Itself in a bit)

You also seem to be confusing talking Normally:
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With talking in Lowercase as USER3 did:
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Both of which happened in that Trinity p3 Happy Event you've been referring to. Notice how the Concerned god talking in lower case doesn't even capitalize the first letter of a sentence.

In Chapter 3, during Sana's 'Ad Infinitum', this Concerned god reveals itself and chooses the name Pareidolia:
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As for the Tendrils, If you haven't got caught up yet, you're probably unaware of Sekai and The World Itself stuff. I've already shown Yasu talking about Tendrils, but I should also point out that John mentions a festival before Sensei loses the ability to understand it:
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Before the end of Chapter 2, during Maya's bday, Sensei and Maya come across an abandoned shrine near the festival they were at:
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We also had John mentioning the World before this:
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Taking into account that a Festival, the World, an Abandoned shrine, and Tendrils all seem related, it seems like an outside force affected John, and this force seems to be the one Yasu referred to as the World itself.

Now, things might get a little confusing. The Tendrils, I've mentioned prior, are things both the World Itself and HOPE seem to have. Note however that John mentions blood on the Tendrils it's referring to. Blood of its brothers. Chickens. In HOPE's faith, Birds are Sacred:
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The Callous god is even "The Thing with Feathers":
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It seems unlikely that HOPE would be the one murdering chickens/birds. The World Itself has no such implication though. If anything, based off Yasu implying that the World cannibalizes itself:
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Murdering Chickens, could be a way the World grows stronger. Killing and recycling energy from that which is Sacred to HOPE.

Pareidolia has also implied that something else is growing stronger:
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This is perhaps the World itself.

I've mentioned prior, that the World Itself seems kind of like HOPE's opposite, if not it's Devil, so I might as well explain why. Seeing as how World can translate to Sekai, and HOPE to Nozomu, and both of these beings seem related to these translations, it's a theme they both share. They also both have tendrils, they both seem to like Summer with Sekai/The World Itself being restored in Summer:
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They both use Angels, White vs Black:
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They also seem to have different colored Rabbit Watchers, but in reverse order with HOPE's being Black, and World's being White, but I'm not entirely sure on that front.

Anyway, with all these similarities in mind, we should also keep in mind that Yasu says Red is Bad:
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With Sekai and The World Itself seemingly being Red, and Yasu seems to think that her god wouldn't want her to speak with the World Itself:
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We've also had an interference messing with Yasu:
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I do think it's plausible that Yasu is being deceived, but I don't think it's HOPE, Nozomu, or her god, etc that's doing it. It might be The World Itself. If so, it might explain Yasu's recent persona:
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Overall: HOPE and Pareidolia still don't seem related, and the Tendrils that John mentions, that both HOPE and The World Itself seem to have, were likely the World's in that case.

Btw, USER2 has lost connection elsewhere, like when Sensei reached the roof in the third reset in Chapter 2:
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It seems to also have maintenance issues:
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In theory, one of the gods, possibly HOPE, is messing it up, but it's not entirely clear yet.

As for it's relation to John, It's possible that something messed with it, which messed up Sensei being able to comprehend John at the time (Hence USER2 going offline temporarily), not entirely sure just yet.

Btw, The Old District seems to be the second god's territory. USER2's/The Wire god's. Not Nozomu's.

The Bottom of Everything seems to be HOPE's/USER1's/Nozomu's territory and is perhaps related to Dreams and Nightmares.

The Mall and The Dark seems to be Pareidolia's/USER3's territory.

The World Itself might claim the sky (perhaps even Kumon-mi?), as it's territory, and if so, to add to how it seems to be the opposite of HOPE, the sky seems to have the opposite of HOPE's upside down smile:
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Oh, and Kaori may be possessed by the World Itself currently:
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With John seemingly having Nozomu/HOPE in him, and Kaori having Sekai/World Itself in her, and the recent addition of Nao-chan, who may be a replacement Ami, it almost seems like Ami's and Sensei's family is resurrecting. Things are getting interesting.
Although, a lot of what we "know" is more along the lines of implications and speculation.

Yasu's god is probably the one god that we know the most about, due to it basically being her job to tell everyone, who will listen, about Him. He actually being HOPE or USER1, is technically speculation though.

Yasu has also recently been seemingly severed from her god:
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So, I'm somewhat curious if it'll either be taking a more active role itself, or is simply sitting out Spring, which seems implied.
Oct 1, 2023
I have tried summing them up a few times in the past:

Although, a lot of what we "know" is more along the lines of implications and speculation.

Yasu's god is probably the one god that we know the most about, due to it basically being her job to tell everyone, who will listen, about Him. He actually being HOPE or USER1, is technically speculation though.

Yasu has also recently been seemingly severed from her god:
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So, I'm somewhat curious if it'll either be taking a more active role itself, or is simply sitting out Spring, which seems implied.
I don't like Hope, he is lying. Knowing selebus he will probably put an option to side with either of the gods, just don't choose Hope. Getting some more clues about his behaviour will be key to uncover his deceptions, that's why I want to know more.
That's a very nice recopilation so far, I really like how dedicated some of you are and very helpful to stay informed. Getting a full gallery on a single save might be impossible because of how much the game is going to branch out eventually, it's already happening with the Chika threesome choice, so best to get informed early on


Jan 2, 2020
I don't like Hope, he is lying. Knowing selebus he will probably put an option to side with either of the gods, just don't choose Hope. Getting some more clues about his behaviour will be key to uncover his deceptions, that's why I want to know more.
That's a very nice recopilation so far, I really like how dedicated some of you are and very helpful to stay informed. Getting a full gallery on a single save might be impossible because of how much the game is going to branch out eventually, it's already happening with the Chika threesome choice, so best to get informed early on
Fuck all of the gods. To quote Sensei from a scene with Touka "I will find them and destroy them. Violently. With my penis."

Fire Lord Zuko

Active Member
Aug 20, 2021
I don't like Hope, he is lying. Knowing selebus he will probably put an option to side with either of the gods, just don't choose Hope.
Assuming we get an actual choice in the end, I’m choosing none of them. Trusting gods in fiction is usually a horrible idea due to the caveats it brings.

Edit: We’re on the same wavelength, Seedy lol
Oct 1, 2023
Fuck all of the gods. To quote Sensei from a scene with Touka "I will find them and destroy them. Violently. With my penis."
But imagine you HAD to choose, who would you go for? I would choose Wires because he is pretty cool, he wants to help Akira for real, without Wires how would you even be able to access your computer ?
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Fire Lord Zuko

Active Member
Aug 20, 2021
But imagine you HAD to choose, who would you go for? I would choose Wires because he is pretty cool, he wants to help Akira for real, without Wires how would you even be able to access your computer ?
Hmmmmm… Fuck it! I’m choosing USER4! No risk, no reward! They could either be the best or worst thing imaginable. But that’s gods for you…


Mar 13, 2020
If I've missed like 5-6 updates, is there an easy place to grab historic "update only" patches, or do I pretty much have to download the entire game again to catch up?


Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
I don't like Hope, he is lying. Knowing selebus he will probably put an option to side with either of the gods, just don't choose Hope. Getting some more clues about his behaviour will be key to uncover his deceptions, that's why I want to know more.
That's a very nice recopilation so far, I really like how dedicated some of you are and very helpful to stay informed. Getting a full gallery on a single save might be impossible because of how much the game is going to branch out eventually, it's already happening with the Chika threesome choice, so best to get informed early on
The interesting thing about HOPE (Assuming it's Yasu's god), is that it actually seems childish and young (for a god):
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(Yasu's Chapter 2 'Armor of Older Gods' Event)

Yet wants to fix Sensei and everything:
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(Chapter 2 Main Event 'Lavender's Blue')
It also seems to heal Sensei when he's hurt, and makes him feel safe:
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(Happy Event Trinity p2 'Hell is Empty')

Whether or not any of the gods are actually villains or are simply trying to appease a villain (or simply survive), is something I’ve been wondering more and more.

Seeing as how HOPE apparently can't exist outside Kumon-Mi:
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I wonder if whatever is outside Kumon-Mi may be the real threat in this game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2023
Fuck all of the gods. To quote Sensei from a scene with Touka "I will find them and destroy them. Violently. With my penis."
Assuming we get an actual choice in the end, I’m choosing none of them. Trusting gods in fiction is usually a horrible idea due to the caveats it brings.
I don't see the game ending in any other way:
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Also, important to remember that all gods are one thing. Restoration doesn't mean to choose a season, but for a world to have all four of them - all four gods put back together again.
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