
Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Not everyone wants to spoil themselves. I do it in a regular basis, but others go in blind, and don't rely on guides or walkthroughs.
And don't compare it to the horror parts of the game. There is a warning in the very game's start about disturbing stuff images and what not.
And if not, the horror tag is there for everyone to see. Hypothetical player-kun doesn't need to read the entire thread at all.
Then they have themselves to blame when they inevitably run across content they don't want to see. I didn't compare it to the horror elements, I stated a simple fact. The horror elements are the single biggest reason people drop the game and half the comments announcing a drop state it was because they ran face first into a horror element and got scared by it too much to continue. The people that did run into these elements would not have if they read the thread first as they should have done to see if the game contains anything they don't like unless the decided to chance it after reading. The same applies to the Cafe Mocha warning/beach event betrayal situation except there is no chancing it. If the player reads the thread, they will see the single most talked about topic in the entire game and avoid doing Schadenfreude before the beach event.

The promise is in effect by the time of the beach event, because you have to clear Cafe Mocha by then. But it's not in effect before Cafe Mocha, for obvious reasons.
It is in effect regardless of actually triggering Cafe Mocha as long as the beach event has not been triggered. There is no flag in Cafe Mocha that states 'If $Cafe15 = 1 then $Rinpromise = 1' or something along those lines, so it is triggered by the time of the beach event regardless of actually seeing Cafe Mocha. That was a very rough exxample of an if/then statement that could be used as such a flag, but it gets my point across.

Ok, a sudden realization. The text about the girl with the green scarf: I am now thinking it could be Ami instead of Maya. Think about it, Ami ALSO got a green scarf, specifically to match Maya's.
And the text said the girl confessed -> cried of happiness when she was accepted -> felt loved "for the first time" after fingered.

Now, we have been talking about how Maya is just putting a stoic front to avoid getting attached.
But doesn't this description fit Ami more than it does Maya? Ami's need for love has been more than transparent through the game so far.
As a side note, I got some of the hexa in the 2nd reset:
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Oh well.
It is possible, your comment also mentions the word fingered, which tells me it isn't Maya because she has no events with player Sensei in that regard.

All these people talking about what constitutes "betrayal", and I'm just sitting here hoping my niece doesn't kill me in my sleep.
Might want to sleep with your eyes open, she's not the only one who is a potential threat thanks to certain happenings at the beach event.

Also it's a betrayal because Rin shouldn't have to ask her teacher, no matter how chummy he is with his students, not to finger her best friend who is also her age.

Sensei is an adult teacher. If you were a teenager who was into someone and you found out your friend was already with that person, that's shitty but ultimately you probably both get over it after some yelling and/or ghosting. If you found out your teacher who you had opened up to about your mental illness was with that person it's a completely different level of emotional response.

Rin has no reason to believe Sensei would actually have any sort of sexual relations with a student, so even if she doesn't specifically ask you not to go after Chika she has every right to feel upset, furious, even disgusted (and yes, especially betrayed!) if and when she finds out he did. Because of his position and age there is no reason she should specifically have to ask Sensei to stay away from her crush until she gets a shot.

That's why she doesn't seem to know how to react when she does find out. She's completely blindsided. The one advantage she had in confessing to Chika was that there wasn't supposed to be any competition, then she finds out the one adult she trusted with her mental illness and sexual identity didn't trust her enough to at least give her the heads up that he was interested in Chika.

Yes it's a game and the gameplay loop pushes us to sleep with the students to unlock more scenes, but this genre uses that inherent reward loop of nonsensical behavior as a trap by introducing real world consequences (which as I said before, Sensei has gotten off extremely lightly for his behavior so far).

If you want to follow the "best" route then keep multiple saves and be more careful in the future, it isn't the last trap Selebus is going to lay by a long shot.

Personally I like it. I usually don't have the stones to play as anything but the (horny) goody two shoes so I miss out on this sort of content. I love that Selebus uses gameplay reward loops to trap us into negative scenes because they end up being brilliantly written.
Not really on the teacher justification, I mean what else is going to happen when that one teacher is practically the only guy in town and teaches at an all girls school. However, this is literally her confidant on her feelings, the one person she trusted with what could be her biggest secret. Yeah, if you have knowledge of a secret crush and then romace the target of that crush, it is betrayal. She's blindsided not just because player Sensei broke his promise, but by the combination of that and the realization Chika doesn't feel the same toward Rin as Rin does toward Chika because of him, because he went and did the one thing she asked him not to. He is the sole cause of her rejection regardless of the promise being broken or not, but it becomes betrayal when his role goes from passive in that Chika's feelings for player Sensei develop on their own to active in that player Sensei actively helps push her twoard him by going into the Schadenfreude event. The gameplay loop trap is something that I've seen multiple games promise, real consequences, but never deliver until this game. This is the one time I have seen what could be irreversible damage as a result of player action or inaction. This means players can't just put off a girl for later and expect her to be obtainable in the same way or on the same level as if you go for her from the start, at least not those with lockouts, because another girl might just trigger that lockout like with Schadenfreude. You have to play smart with this game, I like that.

I wanna preface this by saying that I think your game is great. I love your writing and humor and the little touches of darkness here and there are creepy and uncomfortable at the right moments exactly because they can appear at any time. I also didn't read the tags, so the first time I got a happy event I was very scared(so cool). I also unfortunately spoiled Doki Doki for myself so this was a very nice surprise.

But I feel like the way you have to wait so long for the normal events is very annoying, I mean I guess you could say that's the point but I feel like you got that across fairly well with the individual events with the girls taking so long to unlock(I didn't mind grinding that much because the skip button exists and doing it for your writing was worth it)so it felt somewhat unnecessary.

And the other thing is that even though the character you play isn't a self insert ,the game tries to guilt about your actions even though(so it seems to me)they are the only way to advance the story and unlock the other girls .At the start I just wanted to do Miku's story but I looked it up here and it seems I need some normal event to get more of her scenes(its kabiliontrilion I think). So I just started to do the other girls storyline and now then the game starts judging you for playing the game the only way it can be played and it doesn't really feel genuine to me and that's kind of a shame .I'm at the beach event currently so I'm sorry if I'm bringing up problems that get resolved after that.

I guess I can bring up a lack of individual scenes on some girls but with the game still being in development and having so many girls that is totally excusable(though I myself would prefer more events for existing girls rather than new characters being added)
There actually isn't that big a wait between scenes. I actually have the opposite issue, too much affection leading me into a near constant flow of scenes and very little actual control. If you're having to wait for a scene, you probably need to unlock a prerequisite. There is a trigger list in the thread here that will tell you what scene is needed for what other scene and I'm sure some here could help. When I do run into a point where I can choose things like going to the different locations, I often end up just stumbling into scenes, so I am not one of those people because I don't see what triggers what when I do stumble into scenes.

The guilt you talk about is the gameplay loop trap talked about just above you. This is intentional. Often times, a player can just justify actions by using the 'it's just a game' logic, but this game uses that against you. This leads to very real consequences if you choose wrong, which is something not a lot of games do.

Agreed on your last point, this is literally on its 11th release and only the 4th? since the schedule opened up to twice a month. There is a LONG way to go and the way it plays now won't be the only way to play in the future. Selebus has stated we may not even be 5% done as of 0.11.0.

Just remember it's still extremely early in development and the story is essentially being unveiled through development. As I understand, purity routes (the kind of route where you focus entirely on one girl) won't be implemented until after the main story is done, probably over a year from now before we see the start of the first one.

Miku specifically doesn't have a ton of content yet.
Nope, she literally just started her sexual development and not much has been done otherwise. We still don't even know what her issue is or what caused it. I'm still theorizing some sort of PTSD or other trauma from a previous incident in her life.

First time posting on this site, never have commented much on forums but felt the need to this time. I liked this game at first the psychological aspect was interesting and the comedy was actually funny, but after this latest update and it's "puzzle" that's changed.

The "happy" events have always had pointlessly(and often meaninglessly) narrow windows with zero hints; going so far as to not even be necessary(until they are and grind the game to a halt). For the most part these events have meandering trains of thought masquerading as meaningful, often repeating themselves endlessly, as well as some semi-weird imagery(and let's not forget the hex-code for everyone who wants to breakout the calculator). That is until they have information that is REQUIRED to progress, information you have no reason to write down because honestly most of these events are gibberish unless you want to breakout a fucking cypher, so much gibberish in fact that I would often hold down skip because I got the point in the first 5 lines and didn't need the repetition. But what am I saying that accounts for only half of the puzzle, the other half requires sound(great accessibility concern there buddy I'm not deaf but I mute my porn because moans only have so many variations) and a near blind guess(unless you happen to exist in the developers head). I know people on this forum will yell that I should "just pay attention" but no happy event 10 I got literally months ago, I may have even copied the IP at that time and then erased it because IT WASN'T USED ANYWHERE IN THAT UPDATE, and then promptly forgot that line ever existed(just one more bit of gibberish in the mountain of it).

So if you're looking for simple answers to this game just open the guide, the developer or his rabid fanbase seem determined to keep information about the puzzle a secret out of some misguided sense that the player hasn't EARNED IT yet, you know the usual gamer gatekeeping bullshit.

And to the dev, I understand you have your rabid fans and mostly likely don't give a shit about anything resembling meaningful feedback, but clean up your fucking puzzles and take peoples preferences and limitations into account. If I find another puzzle like this in future versions I'm out, and yes I'm aware you probably don't care.
Actually, the 'happy' events are plot essential, so calling them unnecessary is incorrect. In fact, the 'happy' events are where a lot of important information is found. Also, NEVER assume information doesn't need to be written down in ANY game like this and NEVER erase it if you do write it down unless it has been used in game. I made that mistake in 0.11.0 and spent several hours trying to figure out a certain 0.11.0 main event because of it.

We aren't spoonfeeding answers because we would rather players actually try to play. It's the same logic as the people who pop in and ask for a save the second they download a game. Also, we are not rabid, but some of us will defend Selebus and the game when it is deemed necessary. Also, there is typically a period in which no answers are given in this thread for a specific update, that being the month in which that update is patron only. Some of us refuse to help anyone who cannot be confirmed a patron in this case, some of us simply keep our mouths shut to anyone until the update is in its public phase. I, for example, am among the latter. I have no problem helping in public update events, but I keep my mouth shut for anything in the current patron only update.

Selebus actually cares A LOT about feedback, as long as it doesn't directly oppose his vision, of course. What you consider meaningful may actually be in opposition to what Selebus has planned. Sound plays an essential role in the game, so accessibility issues involving it are a no play situation in this game. I hate to say this because I would rather welcome all into the player base, but you might as well drop now, a new puzzle is a guarantee, the only question is when, and there will be no change to the difficulty. If you can't figure it out, you lack the information necessary to solve it either because you failed to gather it or you failed to keep it somewhere accessible. It isn't Selebus's problem if you can't solve something you should have gotten all the answers to by that point. Every puzzle has had its answers readily available within other events. If you skipped through them, it is your own fault if you get stuck in a puzzle. Not trying to be mean, I'm just telling it like it is.

as far as I know game lacks animations, huge turn off. will they ever be added?
Lust events only and only after seeing them once so that the animations don't distract from the writing.

I don't think it's anyone's responsibility to tell you the answers to puzzles. It's not really "gatekeeping" to avoid spoiling the answers in casual conversation.

It's also hard when people ask about puzzles to know whether they are looking for a hint or the actual answer - some people do like to solve stuff themselves.

Given that there is a fan made guide - which you directly refer to - I'm not sure what we have done wrong.

I guess I can play it for you if you want...


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Despite my rabies I suspect that will only be amusing maybe one more time.
Damn right, the whole point of a puzzle is to figure it out, not to be spoon fed answers.

Fair enough...I like this game a lot, so I just want it to be the best it can I guess(I wish I had money to give...)
It'll get there, this is Selebus we're talking about.

Oh boy, now I'm scared I missed something
That depends, did you make sure not to take certain actions when told not to? Did you take every opportunity presented when nothing else is in your way? If the answer to both is yes, you probably didn't miss anything. Also, if the event tracker shows green on every event in every category, then yes, you got it all correctly.

Repeatable sex scenes do have animations. Although, I'm going to let you in a little secret: sex scenes are probably at the end of the list of reasons to play this game.
Probably? No, they are at the end, in dead last. That's not to say the scenes are bad, just that they are the least focused on element in the game.

are they not in the repeatable list of the gallery unlocker? mm.. I must be blind then.
No, they are only repeatable in game with animation. They are static in all other situations.

Selebus, since you are in the thread, where did you get the music from? I very much enjoyed most of the tracks, like AsobeatSex2 and beginningoftheend.
Have a favorite track?
The one labeled "backwardsdancing.mp3" which is just "Retrospect" in reverse. Only shows up during Everything is Connected.
I know you were asking Selebus, but I figured I would chime in on that as well. For me, the main menu track and the one in the third Chapter 2 event. It hits the Christmas vibe really well, yet it has that modern feel as well and the main menu track gives me this physical reaction like my body knows I'm starting Lessons in Love, my ears have been trained to the point of immediate recognition, though I don't react unless I hear it from the game, oddly enough. Both of those are my favorites.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2020
Oh, man, we can always count on alex2011 to compose a terrifyingly overwhelming wall of text. I despise emojis with passion, but for the sake of demonstrating that I mean no ill will and just poking fun at you::D. I hope you appreciate the anguish I had to go through to insert this abomination.

I know you were asking Selebus, but I figured I would chime in on that as well. For me, the main menu track and the one in the third Chapter 2 event. It hits the Christmas vibe really well, yet it has that modern feel as well and the main menu track gives me this physical reaction like my body knows I'm starting Lessons in Love, my ears have been trained to the point of immediate recognition, though I don't react unless I hear it from the game, oddly enough. Both of those are my favorites.
Main menu music had me cringing and second guessing my decision to play this game at first, but definitely grew on me since. AsobeatSex2 I like because it has a "twist" to it, like a hint that "something's wrong". beginningoftheend and BlueAir have feels to it and are vaguely associated with some "revelations". I even had them in my dreams once or twice.
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Sep 6, 2018
It is in effect regardless of actually triggering Cafe Mocha as long as the beach event has not been triggered. There is no flag in Cafe Mocha that states 'If $Cafe15 = 1 then $Rinpromise = 1' or something along those lines, so it is triggered by the time of the beach event regardless of actually seeing Cafe Mocha. That was a very rough exxample of an if/then statement that could be used as such a flag, but it gets my point across.
There is no if/then statement in the code because there isn't any need for it, since you can't actually reach the beach event without triggering Cafe Mocha. But you don't need an if/then statement to understand that an event didn't happen before it happened.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Oh, man, we can always count on alex2011 to compose a terrifyingly overwhelming wall of text. I despise emojis with passion, but for the sake of demonstrating that I mean no ill will and just poking fun at you::D. I hope you appreciate the anguish I had to go through to insert this abomination.

Main menu music had me cringing and second guessing my decision to play this game at first, but definitely grew on me since. AsobeatSex2 I like because it has a "twist" to it, like a hint that "something's wrong". beginningoftheend and BlueAir have feels to it and are vaguely associated with some "revelations". I even had them in my dreams once or twice.
I get that a lot and I do try to at least make it easier to read, but sometimes I forget to format it since I'm a little more relaxed on here with that.

There is no if/then statement in the code because there isn't any need for it, since you can't actually reach the beach event without triggering Cafe Mocha. But you don't need an if/then statement to understand that an event didn't happen before it happened.
Actually, yes, you can trigger the beach event without Cafe Mocha having been seen. It is not listed on the trigger list for the very first event that takes place during the beach trip, a group of events that trigger back to back that are collectively called the beach event as they all take place during this trip at the beach that serves as the destination for said trip. The promise is in effect regardless and Schadenfreude having been triggered before this trip is a betrayal.


Sep 6, 2018
Actually, yes, you can trigger the beach event without Cafe Mocha having been seen.
It's not directly stated in the event list, but I am fairly sure you can't get Sock Fetish without going through Missing plotline first, and you can't get that without triggering Cafe Mocha.


Jun 12, 2017
Given that there is a fan made guide - which you directly refer to - I'm not sure what we have done wrong.
The only change in this area that I would like to see Selebus make in this area would be adding something to the game's introductory text saying that sound is not optional.
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
It's not directly stated in the event list, but I am fairly sure you can't get Sock Fetish without going through Missing plotline first, and you can't get that without triggering Cafe Mocha.
Sock Fetish is 25+ affection with Rin and is player triggered at the dorm, no mention of any other event, however, you are correct on Missing, it requires Cafe Mocha. That said, the Missing plotline is not required for the beach event. Sock Fetish is required, but it is the only Rin specific event required.

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I'll pop over to my SubscribeStar tab in a second and take a look, but you might already be able to guess my choice already. Hint, my sadistic side is piqued by her mere presence in this picture. Gee, where have I mentioned becoming sadistic before and to what kind of character? :devilish:

Man all this back and forth about puzzles while I'm just asking "who is best girl and why is it Chika?"
I'm sorry, but I think you misspelled Rin. :p Seriously though, my own personal bias on best girl aside, Chika's a good girl, a little too good for her own good sometimes. I like that about her. It tells me she's the type who would do literally anything necessary within her power at the time to help when someone is in need. She'd probably sell her own immune system to cure Chinami if that would help. She knows she can trust Yumi to take care of Chinami if something happens, so that probably isn't an issue. The only real issue stopping her is that it wouldn't help since that's just not how current medical tech works.

The only change in this area that I would like to see Selebus make in this area would be adding something to the game's introductory text saying that sound is not optional.
I mean, that applies to everything except playing the game, so it is kind of redundant.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2019
First time posting on this site, never have commented much on forums but felt the need to this time. I liked this game at first the psychological aspect was interesting and the comedy was actually funny, but after this latest update and it's "puzzle" that's changed.

The "happy" events have always had pointlessly(and often meaninglessly) narrow windows with zero hints; going so far as to not even be necessary(until they are and grind the game to a halt). For the most part these events have meandering trains of thought masquerading as meaningful, often repeating themselves endlessly, as well as some semi-weird imagery(and let's not forget the hex-code for everyone who wants to breakout the calculator). That is until they have information that is REQUIRED to progress, information you have no reason to write down because honestly most of these events are gibberish unless you want to breakout a fucking cypher, so much gibberish in fact that I would often hold down skip because I got the point in the first 5 lines and didn't need the repetition. But what am I saying that accounts for only half of the puzzle, the other half requires sound(great accessibility concern there buddy I'm not deaf but I mute my porn because moans only have so many variations) and a near blind guess(unless you happen to exist in the developers head). I know people on this forum will yell that I should "just pay attention" but no happy event 10 I got literally months ago, I may have even copied the IP at that time and then erased it because IT WASN'T USED ANYWHERE IN THAT UPDATE, and then promptly forgot that line ever existed(just one more bit of gibberish in the mountain of it).

So if you're looking for simple answers to this game just open the guide, the developer or his rabid fanbase seem determined to keep information about the puzzle a secret out of some misguided sense that the player hasn't EARNED IT yet, you know the usual gamer gatekeeping bullshit.

And to the dev, I understand you have your rabid fans and mostly likely don't give a shit about anything resembling meaningful feedback, but clean up your fucking puzzles and take peoples preferences and limitations into account. If I find another puzzle like this in future versions I'm out, and yes I'm aware you probably don't care.
Bro, first you say its just unnecessary gibberish, then say they gave you info you will need later.
Which one is it?
Also, they downright told you to remember and not share it in more than one event.

-A rabid fan that has criticized the secret events.

"Muh gatekeeping" all that is asked is to fucking read. How are we gatekeeping you? Sorry not everything is handed to you on a silver plate.
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Jun 12, 2017
I mean, that applies to everything except playing the game, so it is kind of redundant.
It really isn't. Many players of the games on here mute everything by default and should be explicitly told that it's a bad idea. Up until the current update, it might have meant a sub-optimal experience from Selebus' perspective, but it was still optional. It is now required to progress.

I've played at least a hundred games here and it's the first time I've encountered anything of the kind. It is not reasonable to assume players understand the importance of sound in the game.


Sep 6, 2018
Sock Fetish is 25+ affection with Rin and is player triggered at the dorm, no mention of any other event, however, you are correct on Missing, it requires Cafe Mocha. That said, the Missing plotline is not required for the beach event. Sock Fetish is required, but it is the only Rin specific event required.
Well, I checked the script, and here's a direct quote:
if rin_love >= 25 and rindorm20 == True and rindorm25 == False:
jump rindorm25
Since rindorm25 is Sock Fetish, rindorm20 is Delirium, and you can't trigger that without starting Missing plotline, I am pretty sure you do need Cafe Mocha to get to Sock Fetish and, consequentially, to beach event.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2019
It really isn't. Many players of the games on here mute everything by default and should be explicitly told that it's a bad idea. Up until the current update, it might have meant a sub-optimal experience from Selebus' perspective, but it was still optional. It is now required to progress.

I've played at least a hundred games here and it's the first time I've encountered anything of the kind. It is not reasonable to assume players understand the importance of sound in the game.
I kind of agree. I started playing with music on because, A-after checking with headphones, there are no moans and B-I love the music.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
It’s just funny how I released something to intentionally punish people who aren’t paying attention and then they get mad because they weren’t able to cruise through. Like yes, that is the point.
I was only mildly upset i had to have the audio on high enough to make out the words...ear issues and living with other people means you got to play when alone... also the start menu is to damn loud, like stun protestors with a sonic gun loud when the speakers are at 5%. Not really complaints I guess... I have panic attacks caused by starting the game on the home screen more than the game play itself
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Bro, first you say its just unnecessary gibberish, then say they gave you info you will need later.
Which one is it?
Also, they downright told you to remember and not share it in more than one event.

-A rabid fan that has criticized the secret events.

"Muh gatekeeping" all that is asked is to fucking read. How are we gatekeeping you? Sorry not everything is handed to you on a silver plate.
Exactly, all we ask is that an effort is made to complete the game using the tools provided by said game.

It really isn't. Many players of the games on here mute everything by default and should be explicitly told that it's a bad idea. Up until the current update, it might have meant a sub-optimal experience from Selebus' perspective, but it was still optional. It is now required to progress.

I've played at least a hundred games here and it's the first time I've encountered anything of the kind. It is not reasonable to assume players understand the importance of sound in the game.
I kind of agree. I started playing with music on because, A-after checking with headphones, there are no moans and B-I love the music.
I've played games that require or use sound in some way to assist the player. That's what audio cues in shooters and similar game types do. We're all gamers here to one extent or another, some obviously more so, no offense to those who aren't, and we should know better than to take away any of our senses in the middle of a game. Not to mention the music, they're missing out on some good stuff if they mute. I actually just recently discovered which track had my favorite in game music and I've had it on loop all night out of the game. Not quite the same, but it is good for the creative flow.

Well, I checked the script, and here's a direct quote:

Since rindorm25 is Sock Fetish, rindorm20 is Delirium, and you can't trigger that without starting Missing plotline, I am pretty sure you do need Cafe Mocha to get to Sock Fetish and, consequentially, to beach event.
Ah, now we're getting deeper into the web, I would love to know how Selebus keeps track of all this for reference because this is not the only case where there is an entire web of events connected in one way or another. I see where you're going with this now. This leaves no excuse for the betrayal of Rin, then, since Cafe Mocha is a distantly required event and contains two warnings not to go after Chika.

Rin's into Otoha. We must choose her dorm to steal Rin back help Rin out.
I'm not so sure she sees Otoha that way, it seems more like a musician/fan relationship than anything else. Plus we have no confirmation she's actually moved on from Chika yet. That stuff needs time and she got it worse than most with her mental illness and the way things played out.

I'm more interested in finding out how the umbrella girl, as I like to call her, knows about things.:oops:
Umbrella girl?

God told her, probably.
Maybe it was HOPE-Sama, maybe she is connected to him.

I was only mildly upset i had to have the audio on high enough to make out the words...ear issues and living with other people means you got to play when alone... also the start menu is to damn loud, like stun protestors with a sonic gun loud when the speakers are at 5%. Not really complaints I guess... I have panic attacks caused by starting the game on the home screen more than the game play itself
It does make me jump occasionally around the system audio 45% range and game audio at default, especially since it loves to not open the game on top of my other open windows. I always use headphones, so privacy isn't an issue, but I might lose an eardrum if this keeps up. Then there was that loud bang that triggered Miku's first panic attack. That made me jump about ten feet, my heart beat like I just got done running a mile, and my ears ring for about five minutes. I learned my lesson after that, NEVER have the system volume above 40% at default game volume levels.
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