
Active Member
Mar 29, 2020
Also love how there’s an actual button in the game now that tells you how to trigger everything and there are some people who still click the same button for 800+ days expecting something different to happen. Pure gold
Man, I've notice you get too defensive sometimes. I get it, and would feel the same in your place, but I'd suggest to chill on that a bit, for your mental health. Not literally chill, of course. You have enoth of that, I imagine. I live in Russia and it constantly negative 16-30 celsius the last couple of month and my freaking window have a poor isolation.

Deleted member 1697433

Lessons in Love
Game Developer
Oct 8, 2019
Man, I've notice you get too defensive sometimes. I get it, and would feel the same in your place, but I'd suggest to chill on that a bit, for your mental health. Not literally chill, of course. You have enoth of that, I imagine. I live in Russia and it constantly negative 16-30 celsius the last couple of month and my freaking window have a poor isolation.
Pfffffft I gave up on mental health years ago. Now I’m just a toxic ass millennial who survives off of caffeine and takis
Sep 16, 2018
It kills me to see what's happening to Texas right now, it's one of my favorite states I've been to. Keep safe and hopefully they'll be able to get things relatively back to normal soon.


New Member
Jun 23, 2017
The android version makes the home screen of my phone repeatedly crash until i uninstall it. Anyone know why?
It does the same on my phone. LG V40, Android 10. I can even run the game no probs but the home screen crashes until it is uninstalled


Active Member
Mar 7, 2018
Pfffffft I gave up on mental health years ago. Now I’m just a toxic ass millennial who survives off of caffeine and takis
Mmm... Takis.

But bruh, if I could send you some electricity from all the way over here in Alabama, I would.
Nov 21, 2020
So I just finished 0.13.0 part 2 and oh my god.

Molly's last chapter in the update just about made me cry. What made it even worse was I played the girl's chapters in order from Molly -> Rin -> Tsuneyo -> Sana, so I felt extra shitty at the end when Sensei kissed Molly. I just feel vile. I can't help but feel like this is going to come back to bite me in the ass later too.

Sana is so adorable and I couldn't help but share Sensei's feelings when she invited him into her dorm room in her last chapter. It felt like part of her innocence died right before my very eyes. Also, I hope everybody else made note of the promise Sensei makes to Sana. Poor girl is stuck in such a shitty spot with the 3 people she cares most about. Sensei also almost remembered a past memory and I am now excited for when/if it finally does happen.

Also, the Tsuneyo scene where the power goes out - good shit. Loved it, especially the wire references.
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Reactions: anon670-1


Active Member
Oct 15, 2019
I should obtain affection until it unlocks lust, then collect 15 lust, then repeat that on everyone before actually starting pursuing the one I want to, if I want to get every event?


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
alex2011, you nuts! This game has a serious damn tracker issue! EVERY SINGLE damn girl that I have seen has nearly 75 affection points and NOTHING new fucking happens because the damn tracker doesn't even give you a damn clue what you need to do! If I had played this game from day 1 I would been up to date and been able to do all the damn events but come into the game at this release with a shit tracker that does not give any damn clues it's IMPOSSIBLE!

This game has TOO MANY events when it has a useless tracker! All other games I play give some sort of clue at least but this one has a horrible UI management. Click on girl.. check stat.. go back.. click on girl.. check on stat go back. It has girls that you have not even seen in the game yet in the tracker! No simple next/previous buttons to check on girls stats.

The grind as you do not even KNOW how much affection or lust you need is RIDICULOUS! No damn clues for anything in this game it becomes a pointless repeat everything and HOPE you get somewheres! The game is not possible at this stage without a tracker that provides clues or gives suggestions! Well maybe I need 50 lust.. get there nothing new.. let me try 75.. get there nothing new. Let's try 100 affection get there nothing new. This game has NO GOALS for you to proceed! No suggestions.. it's all random.

1. Art 5/5
2. Sound 4/5
3. Gameplay 1/5

Gameplay is 1/5 because you have no clues or suggestions on how to proceed. If your just playing this game for the first time forget it. Only that have been playing since day 1 has any clue as they have already done all the past events but for someone that is just starting forget it! It's not possible unless you want to spend days and days in a single game when there is better games out there with goals built into the game. This is just a random guessing game that ends up no fun after hours of repetitive tasks.
There is no tracker issue, the ONLY issue is that you focused way too much on grinding. You SHOULD NOT have 75 points in the affection of ANY girl at this point, that's literally begging the game to throw you into an automatic missed/red event in the future like some people, myself included, did with the beach event.

The tracker isn't supposed to give you clues except puzzle clues that are in past events using the replay function.

What happened to you is you didn't unlock necessary events, some of which DO NOT trigger on their own, you have to go to the location they trigger at, locations which are obvious because those events are ALL character specific and ALL characters have only one location to go to at any given time period.

Nothing new happens because you didn't go to the place where new events are set to trigger from. You locked yourself into a perpetual cycle of grind until an event happens when grinding isn't the trigger for the event you need to trigger to proceed. The game literally told you at the beginning about how the end of weekdays and how weekends work, you have to go places as well. Events DO NOT always trigger automatically.

If the game is not possible, please explain how multiple people, myself included, have completed it all the way up to the final event of 0.13.0 part 2 with absolutely no red marked events. I shall await your answer in detail.

I do apologize if this comes off heated, in all honesty it actually is, but I am trying to maintain a helpful tone.

Literally nothing in this game requires > 40 affection yet, and I think the highest lust you need for anything is like 10, maybe 15. Basically, either you have a glitched version of the game (maybe from extracting one version over another? it's a common that that can cause fuckups) or you simply aren't trying things, maybe you're stuck on one particular "happy" event that requires you to do something unintuitive (go to the dorms in the evening then select "go home" or maybe the one that requires you to check the "invite over" menu long before you actually unlock the ability to do that with anyone) or maybe you're constantly visiting the girls in one location when you need to visit them in another to trigger an event.

This game isn't really meant to be intuitive, but it's also not meant to be grindy. If you're encountering excessive grind, either you're doing something wrong, something's gone wrong, or you're simply not experimenting enough.

edit: also, the tracker is experimental, it even says so right there at the top of the screen
Based on his previous comments including the one you replied to, his issue isn't a missed event, it's that he ground stats expecting every event to automatically trigger when that isn't how every event in the game works. If that were the case, there would be no reason to have the weekend and night visit mechanics allowing you to go to the workplaces, hang out spots, or dorms of the girls depending on the time period and day.

Man, I don't know how did you get to this point. Literally no idea. It must be a glitch at this point.
I honestly don't know either, it sounds like all he did was grind, but grinding only gets you so far and can actually be a bad thing if overdone.

I only use the tracker to see what I haven't completed, then I work from there.

You can kinda figure out what you need to do by reading patch notes, that aside the wiki does exist, and can help lead you into events.

Currently, the girls with the highest affection are:
Ami at 76 (because she's somewhat fun to hang out with between events)
Rin at 75 (because Rin; and that I'm weirdly attracted to girls with "problems")
Makoto at 74 (because bullying her is so much fun)
Maya at 72 (you will love me, damnit)

All that is from just playing the game with nothing else to do but wait until the next update.

You have to think about things as if the girls were real, and had lives; you're not going to be able to do everything at one time or back-to-back with each girl, sometimes, you just gotta wait and/or go mess with someone else.

The tracker works, as it's purpose is just to tell you what you have completed, and what you have yet to complete; it's not there to tell you how to complete things, as that really would be pointless.
That and to review previous events for info you might not remember during puzzles, assuming you know where to look, of course.

Tbh you really don't need to do a lot of grinding, it's easy to miss a step and then not trigger any events but then when you find the missing piece of the puzzle, it all falls into place. Use the wiki if it helps you, I used it for the second half of the current game and it saved me a lot of time. And affection doesn't have to be anywhere near 70 by the way, and I don't think lust has to be over 15 for anyone yet, never mind 50 you just have to be precise in order to trigger the events
Like I said, if you're getting stuck just use the wiki, it's what it's there for, and it'll save you time
Nope, grinding is actually going to end up biting him sooner rather than later, especially if he isn't passed the beach.

This game (and everyone in this thread, really) tells you straight up that it works off 5 multiplayer. In other words, every 5 points of stat something happens. That was enough of a clue for me. My guess, you've zeroed in on a couple of girls and stuck there, because some events are shared and require multiple girls to have affection "up to date".

Tracker is experimental, my dude. And it does what it is designed to do: straight up tells you you still got events. "Progress" button is good enough to check stats. Works for me.

You have more than enough clues. You can tell which girls still have events for you. You can check what events you've seen or yet to see. There are only so much places you can meet a girl to start the event. Kirin is the only girl you can meet three times a day, twice a week. I think dev specifically designed events so they don't trigger the same place for a girl twice in a row. If one place didn't work - check the other.

All the clues are there. People, me including, been playing this game without a tracker. If you think it's grindy, you either never played really grindy games, or your save is fundamentally broken somehow.
That is true to an extent, but there are other requirements like a certain number of days total, being on a specific day, or being in a specific place, usually character events.

I heard what you guys are going through on the news, sorry that's going on and hope it passes as quickly and painlessly as possible. We're here for you if you need us, at least I am and I MIGHT be able to vouch for a few others, not sure. I was really hoping it was something less disastrous and not something natural like this or the recent magnitude 7+ earthquake in Japan, but it was.

Man, I've notice you get too defensive sometimes. I get it, and would feel the same in your place, but I'd suggest to chill on that a bit, for your mental health. Not literally chill, of course. You have enoth of that, I imagine. I live in Russia and it constantly negative 16-30 celsius the last couple of month and my freaking window have a poor isolation.
I don't know on this one, I'm normally perfectly calm, but this is a case where it has been explained and the person came back complaining when someone who is literally one of the first players to play the game and has the most player side experience with it outright explained what was wrong with their situation.

I specifically told him in no uncertain terms exactly what his issue was and he came back with a 'no, you're wrong' kind of response. Even someone with skin as thick as mine gets testy when someone does something like this with nothing to validate their claim. He literally told me I was wrong when I told him he focused too much on grinding stats yet, out of the two of us, I am the one who has finished all currently released events up to the end of the current patron build with no red events and I am the one who has been around this game the longest between the two of us.

I cannot fault Selebus for getting defensive in this case, even I'm getting to that point.

Pfffffft I gave up on mental health years ago. Now I’m just a toxic ass millennial who survives off of caffeine and takis
Aren't we all sometimes, though. Toxic, I mean, not the millennial part. :p

It kills me to see what's happening to Texas right now, it's one of my favorite states I've been to. Keep safe and hopefully they'll be able to get things relatively back to normal soon.
I've been only one time, a trip through several western states that took me into Houston and Abilene mostly, oh boy will I never forget Abilene, stupid wind made sleeping in a trailer impossible with the wind shaking it like a high magnitude earthquake on top of the fact that we were directly under the approach area for the runway of the local Air Force base. Had bombers and cargo aircraft flying low above our heads all night. On the way out along Interstate 10, windmills, windmills everywhere.

So I just finished 0.13.0 part 2 and oh my god.

Molly's last chapter in the update just about made me cry. What made it even worse was I played the girl's chapters in order from Molly -> Rin -> Tsuneyo -> Sana, so I felt extra shitty at the end when Sensei kissed Molly. I just feel vile. I can't help but feel like this is going to come back to bite me in the ass later too.

Sana is so adorable and I couldn't help but share Sensei's feelings when she invited him into her dorm room in her last chapter. It felt like part of her innocence died right before my very eyes. Also, I hope everybody else made note of the promise Sensei makes to Sana. Poor girl is stuck in such a shitty spot with the 3 people she cares most about. Sensei also almost remembered a past memory and I am now excited for when/if it finally does happen.

Also, the Tsuneyo scene where the power goes out - good shit. Loved it, especially the wire references.
Oh yeah, I could see consequences in his future, major ones.

I should obtain affection until it unlocks lust, then collect 15 lust, then repeat that on everyone before actually starting pursuing the one I want to, if I want to get every event?
Grind them all as equally as possible, don't just favor one girl or you will end up either stuck or, worse yet, locking yourself out of affection with one or more.

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I also don't remember this, I do remember that action, but not with that girl.
Last edited:


New Member
Jun 23, 2017
Can anyone help? I'm having problems installing this game on android. It installs and then the home screen on my phone crashes until I uninstall the game. I can even play the game but when I return to the home screen it crashes until the game is uninstalled. I have the LG v40 on android 10 with 6 gigs of ram and over 80gb of free space.
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