
New Member
Mar 22, 2020
im stuck at 'There is nothing" event
my version is 15.1 and update 15.2 and 16.1
when I open the game its still stuck. last scane is "the end" and smile face emoji.
ho to progres this event?


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2017
IIRC, on his Discord Selebus has made it pretty clear this is not a narrative mistake. There are all sorts of problems in the chronology...... I think of them as glitches in the matrix. This game rewards you for paying attention, and you just found one of them.

One of the things that makes me really, really like this game is that you don't have to be afraid to think too hard about it. Ever read a book and there is a glaring plot hole, and you get excited and start thinking about what could explain that, and it could mean that a lot of things aren't as they seem, and ...... it turns out the writer was just fucking lazy. Well, this is not one of those stories. It's like reading Ian Banks, you can drill down as hard as you want and you're not going to go deeper than the author himself. (And along those lines-- yes, I am aware I just compared the writing in an eroge game to a guy who has been a finalist for a Campbell, a Clarke, and a Hugo.)
I've been meaning to ask what was up with the latest Ami event, one of the questions i have (several really but anyway) is--how did Ami force you to keep the door closed?

Maya has showcased something similar in the past, but not Ami.


Active Member
Dec 16, 2019
That's a good point, and the reason I qualified it as borderline assault. But really that just goes to show how badly Sensei's views are warped and how manipulative his behavior has been with Miku. She knows almost nothing of sex and at least in the early parts of the game I don't think she's sexually interested in Sensei or anyone. Sensei convinces himself that she wants him by either:
  1. Just repeatedly telling her she wants to have sex with him, even when she clearly says she doesn't
  2. Touching her in ways she asked him not to and then using involuntary responses (moaning, orgasm, etc) to convince himself that she had wanted to be touched like that from the start, even when she said she didn't
By the end of 16p1 it seems clear that she is at least somewhat sexually interested in Sensei, but doesn't want to hurt Makoto...but she only got to that point by being repeatedly groped against her wishes, and that's pretty messed up.
I think the "waking up sensei" event is also a big part of why Sensei is able to justify his behaviour to himself. Or at least, the effect it had on Miku.


Aug 25, 2017
im stuck at 'There is nothing" event
my version is 15.1 and update 15.2 and 16.1
when I open the game its still stuck. last scane is "the end" and smile face emoji.
ho to progres this event?
I'm not sure what you mean by "when I open the game its still stuck"
Are you:
A) Not sure how to trigger the event
B) Not sure what to do during the event
C) Done the event but it's not progressing onto the next one (which should be automatic)
If it's C) upload your save file so someone can take a look at it, cause either your game or your save is bugged.


New Member
Mar 22, 2020
I'm not sure what you mean by "when I open the game its still stuck"
Are you:
A) Not sure how to trigger the event
B) Not sure what to do during the event
C) Done the event but it's not progressing onto the next one (which should be automatic)
If it's C) upload your save file so someone can take a look at it, cause either your game or your save is bugged.
Thankyou for reply....
i think its C, im done with the event but not progressing...
here the save file


Aug 25, 2017
Thankyou for reply....
i think its C, im done with the event but not progressing...
here the save file
When I open that save it gives me the option to "jump to" IP Address, Port Number, and Username, but not Password.
Meaning you've entered the correct IP Address and Port Number, but not the correct Username. Putting in the correct Username and Password works fine for me.
Let me guess did you put HOPE for the Username? Cause that's just a bonus scene, not the correct one to progress, there's another one that's been mentioned before.
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New Member
Mar 22, 2020
When I open that save it gives me the option to "jump to" IP Address, Port Number, and Username, but not Password.
Meaning you've entered the correct IP Address and Port Number, but not the correct Username. Putting in the correct Username and Password works fine for me.
Let me guess did you put HOPE for the Username? Cause that's just a bonus scene, not the correct one to progress, there's another one that's been mentioned before.
Thankyouuuu, you save me.... im bad at english so i bad at following instruction.
bro thankyou very much


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Yeah this is the vibe I'm getting too, except that there are things like... well lets leave it at Bluejay and everything that happens surrounding that. I mean it's hard to argue that that didn't happen, or happened a different way. It really seems like that happened and then got reset. Honestly, at this point, my biggest gripe of the game though is Sensei's age. It doesn't work with Niki and Noriko. I think it was kind of a mistake for Selebus to say his age, but he definitely threw out too high a number. I mean, Noriko has said as young as 3 he was around her, but it has been implied maybe since birth. He dated Niki for 5 years, and he started tutoring Maya and Noriko at age 6, and continued until at least age 10, when he taught them about Orwell. A couple issues with that, first being that that makes all of those events only about 5 years ago, but Ami has been living with him pretty much forever. Secondly, Niki became a pop star after Sensei, but around 18, which would mean about 11 years ago. This is MUCH more consistent with when it is implied Ami would have started living with Sensei, but would mean Sensie disappeared when Noriko was like 7, being REALLY generous with her age and pretending all the girls are 18+, or 5000 year old wizards, however most likely she would have been younger than that. Anyway, only reason I bring this up, is that either Selebus maybe needs to look at how the game has evolved due to stretch goals on Patreon and double check the cohesiveness of his story, OR these inconsistencies aren't inconsistencies, and they're stand-ins for various psychological issues, so there can be inconsistencies, like going to the beach last summer, except that they wouldn't have been in his class then, except they were because reset. I dunno... it's a lot to try to consider, and I can't wait for more.

Edit: grammar
Edit2: doh, added reason #2 for my issue with Sensei's age.
Late reply, but the last days i underwent throwing myself into the abyss of replaying, pinning down and remarking alot of the latest events and even beyond. While i know that this is about Noriko and Nikki events and main events from "What could have been" to "What was" i dont know which girl related events where there too. I guess Maya but dont know the exact ones atm.

Oh and please consider this a "Hope we can get on the same page" rather than a "i know better than you" stuff.

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And a different thing for anyone interested. Besides the whole vibe im getting from the secret happy scene "The room with clocks", does anyone besides me see a bird in the clock on the door behind the smiley too? :)
Last edited:


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
After playing 16p1 I really hope there is more comeuppance for the way Sensei has been treating Miku. Personality wise she is one of my favorite characters and I wanted Sensei to get closer to her, but every h-scene so far (if you can call them that) has been borderline assault, and it doesn't seem like sensei is taking it seriously at all.

After the forced kiss with Yumi, Yumi frequently calls sensei out (as she should) and sensei appears to genuinely feel bad about it (as he should) even though he wasn't really in control of his actions. I think every h-scene with Miku has been worse than the forced kiss, but sensei doesn't seem to feel bad about it at all, and when Miku is reduced to crying, begging sensei to stop touching her, or leaving the room to get away, he just thinks "that sucks, guess I'll have to try even harder to get her to do those things she repeatedly says she doesn't want to do."

IIRC, the plan is for a dark ending to the game before better endings are possible. I hope the treatment of Miku partially contributes to this. She's one of the most innocent girls in the game, and thus far sensei has been remorselessly treating her like crap every time he tries to make a move on her.
He's not taking it seriously, if he was, he wouldn't be going after every girl in his class just to get laid by all of them. As for that borderline assault part, literally the only time he has actively forced himself on a girl, and this wasn't by his own will, was the Yumi forced kiss and Miku's one event. All others were with the girl's consent or even actively requested or started by the girl.

Yumi's been calling him out since day one, the forced kiss simply gave her more ammo. He does feel bad in this case, and I honestly think this case is warranted that he should not, because he himself was forced to do it. He did not have control of himself and could not have prevented the kiss, so there is no reason to be sorry. If he had forced the kiss under his own power, then I would agree. Player Sensei really jumped the gun with Miku and tried to rush her into accepting him sexually, unlike his previous attempts with other girls. In this case, he was in the wrong and it was definitely worse in terms of morality. However, this only applies to the latest event where he does something. Of course he doesn't feel bad, it was all a part of his plan, only the Yumi kiss was not.

As for the dark route, they will likely all be part of it in the way you mentioned.

Sensei is absolutely more aggressive with Miku than he should be, and it makes him a bad person. However, I do want to point out that the reason Miku keeps giving for saying no, isn't that she doesn't want to. It's because she doesn't want to hurt Makoto. I think this is the reason Sensei's behaviour is different than it is with Yumi. If Miku claimed to not want the attention at all, I think that he'd act differently. He's under the impression Miku does want the attention, she's just afraid of consequences to her friendship and friend.
Especially in the later events, he really jumped the gun with her and it almost seems like he's losing his patience, which could very well spell an end to his plan entirely if he isn't careful. It doesn't help that she is using Makoto as her reason, but when a girl says no, you drop it, it doesn't matter why they said no. I fully believe the latest Miku events would not have played out like they did without the Makoto reason for her denials. That is not to say this is her fault, it isn't.

That's a good point, and the reason I qualified it as borderline assault. But really that just goes to show how badly Sensei's views are warped and how manipulative his behavior has been with Miku. She knows almost nothing of sex and at least in the early parts of the game I don't think she's sexually interested in Sensei or anyone. Sensei convinces himself that she wants him by either:
  1. Just repeatedly telling her she wants to have sex with him, even when she clearly says she doesn't
  2. Touching her in ways she asked him not to and then using involuntary responses (moaning, orgasm, etc) to convince himself that she had wanted to be touched like that from the start, even when she said she didn't
By the end of 16p1 it seems clear that she is at least somewhat sexually interested in Sensei, but doesn't want to hurt Makoto...but she only got to that point by being repeatedly groped against her wishes, and that's pretty messed up.
I mean, granted the lack of other men and any interest in girls would also eventually drive her toward player Sensei, but yeah, he does try to convince himself, and her, that his advances are being answered positively and that she does desire him, which is likely what led to him jumping the gun with the later events in combination with Miku's reason for not accepting.

I think the "waking up sensei" event is also a big part of why Sensei is able to justify his behaviour to himself. Or at least, the effect it had on Miku.


Sep 16, 2019
So I was going to try to type up a cohesive theory, but honestly, it keeps changing too quickly. Anytime I go to pin down any part of what I'm thinking I find something that morphs it, so instead I'm going to reply to BlackDays' post and explain some of what I'm thinking, and then maybe post some way out there stuff that I think might be true, finally finish with some stuff that I thought, but is both supported and contradicted by the game simultaneously.

"Noriko has said as young as 3 (can you please tell me where she says that? i mean the exact number) he was around her, but it has been implied maybe since birth"
New Shoes: Noriko says they were neighbors her entire life. So he was always around and they knew each other.
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"He dated Niki for 5 years, and he started tutoring Maya and Noriko at age 6, and continued until at least age 10, when he taught them about Orwell."
Only thing i saw was that Noriko started admiring (Nakayarakawayama)(not loving yet (even if she first says so in what could have been)) Sensei at age 6. Tutoring started after Sensei disapeared for the first time (after accident) and Norikos parents called him for tutoring because Noriko liked him and Niki told them he was a tutor. (Funny thing here is, why Norikos parents were so insensitive to Niki. Though Noriko never got tutored at home but at Sensei's place)
Dating length (5 years "what was") and Orwell stuff at age 10 (Semi Constructive Criticism)

"A couple issues with that, first being that that makes all of those events only about 5 years ago"
I thought that too, but where is that said?
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"but Ami has been living with him pretty much forever."
No. Either starting from "car crash" or soon after. She just visited him from time to time.
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"Niki became a pop star after Sensei, but around 18, which would mean about 11 years ago. "
It's only said that she was doing anime doodles,what ever, till that age. Or is it stated that she exactly went the idol route at 18?

"disappeared when Noriko was like 7"
Just means he did not see Niki anymore. But he tutored Noriko and Maya at his home after disappearing on Niki.

So yeah this whole stuff is somehow confusing because there are some missing information.
What i got though is that Sensei says Noriko seems to be roughly 15 years younger (what is). So if Niki says in Like it’s Any other Day Sensei is 31 (and her 29) that would make Noriko ~16. And maybe we have a problem here. Unless roughly 15 translates to ~ 13.
And Noriko has'nt seen Sensei for 3 years. But it was not the first time he disappeared. Only the first time he disappeared on Noriko. I guess he was tutoring her until 3 years ago?
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On a side note, Selebus has, for sure, made one mistake, and I don't know if it is intentional or not, but the Japanese school year starts in April, and summer break is the first break of the year, not the end of the school year like in the U.S. so it wouldn't be weird at all for them to have been in his class during the last summer break, and thus had the beach trip. Still, I don't know if this mistake was intentional, since I'm sure most of the players of LiL wouldn't know this, so maybe he's trying to make it relatable, and maybe he's just trying to sneak one past everyone, and there is a deeper meaning to the students acting more like they're on a U.S. style school system. Food for thought definitely.

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Alright, that is really long, and I have way too much ADHD for it to make sense, so please forgive me if you made it this far, because this took like 5 hours, and I'm sure it makes little sense.


Active Member
Dec 16, 2019
On a side note, Selebus has, for sure, made one mistake, and I don't know if it is intentional or not, but the Japanese school year starts in April, and summer break is the first break of the year, not the end of the school year like in the U.S. so it wouldn't be weird at all for them to have been in his class during the last summer break, and thus had the beach trip. Still, I don't know if this mistake was intentional, since I'm sure most of the players of LiL wouldn't know this, so maybe he's trying to make it relatable, and maybe he's just trying to sneak one past everyone, and there is a deeper meaning to the students acting more like they're on a U.S. style school system. Food for thought definitely.
I think this is about how the memories work after a reset. It sort of changes when the school year started, I think, depending on when the reset happens, to make sure that they don't think they're supposed to graduate before the next one. Thus, the school is on a weird rotating start of the year, and it's only weird about the summer break because of when the last reset occurred.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2017
This game is reminding me a bit of CROSS†CHANNEL in some ways (what with the multitude of psychological issues that both Sensei and the girls have), needless to say, there won't be a harem nor a happy ending.

Indeed, this game comes off as a dark parody of harem games; if you just slept around and treated girls as mere toys (which Sensei has been doing quite a bit lately, just look at Makoto and Rin), well yeah, they would start snapping eventually.

(Ayane seems to be hinting at telling something important to Sensei recently, just hope it doesn't involve pregnancy or yandere tendencies).
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Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
I'll keep looking for the event, but I thought there was one where Noriko was saying she's not a 3 year old following him around anymore or something like that, but I can't find it, and don't remember which one off the top of my head, so maybe I'm confusing it with one of the other girls, or maybe I hallucinated the whole thing.
That's ok, i guess thats one of the least important details anyway. I just thought better ask, because a thing i realised recently is that whenever i come up with something, i cant remember the exact event and others here do that too. So i thought i better write those things down in the future and ask people if they remember the event they are refering to when they post something, so i can double check and dont get too confused.

It isn't stated outright, but we know all the girls are 1st year high school students, and thus would be 15 at the start of the Japanese school year. What is interesting is that the Japanese school year starts in April, but Makoto thinks that the class couldn't have been together during summer break for the beach trip. This could be a mistake by Selebus, but it could also just be a Kumon-mi has a weird school schedule just like they only have Winter/Summer and everyone just accepts that. Either way, that means that Noriko was 15 when the school year started, and if that was in April, she's now 16, or the school year started in the fall, which seems to be what is implied, and so she's still 15, making it roughly 5-6 years after Sensei had her and Maya start reading Orwell.
Ok, again i think i saw the same thing that they are 1st year students. But i dont know where that was or, more important if i havent, if they really are 1st year students.
The thing with Makoto and Ami later on is to show us that people start to remember things they should'nt and that this induces glitches. Because if their current school year, which started in winter after reset, is their first school year together, there couldnt have been a beach trip.

The big issue here, is where did she live after the accident but before Sensei, if the accident was incident #1, which I think it was. This is the hardest question to answer, because either the accident happened, and Sensei dumped Niki because he was depressed, but simultaneously started tutoring Niki and Maya, all while Ami and him put each other back together. Ami and Ayane do talk about the odd timeline, so it really seems like maybe Sensei was tutoring Maya and Noriko while Ami lived with him in the Old District. Ami admits her memories of that time are bad and Sensei did start tutoring more around when Sensei met Ayane, which might be when Ami moved in with him. Especially if this was directly after the accident, Ami wouldn't want to remember things in terms of around the accident, and would probably not have paid much attention to who he was tutoring. Problem here is that he was also tutoring Maya, and since Noriko and Maya know each other, it really stands to reason that Ami would know Noriko.
Yeah this is a tough nut. Maybe ill come back to this because i have to replay .16 Ami events i guess.
Because, if he tutored Maya and Noriko after the car crash, where would Ami have been, as you said.
I thought he moved into her parents house right after, or couple weeks after.
Leaving her at her parents house without any family left for god knows how long while he tutored, would have been bad.
Her moving to him would make her remembe Sensei tutoring Maya and Noriko.
But maybe maybe... what if he moved to Ami (new district) but went back to his old house (old district) for some hours a day for tutoring and never told Ami about it? Would that make sense?

So I tried to break this into parts and answer, but my thoughts don't come out coherent, because this is all interlocked. So the crux of it is that in What Was Noriko says she would feel bad hiding Sensei from Niki, so I find it REALLY hard to believe that for 5 years, a younger Noriko just left her sister in the dark about Sensei while being tutored by him. I sill say that this does make for a 13 year timeline that actually really works for the Niki/Noriko aspect of the story, but the biggest issue is that there has to be a bigger gap the 3 years since the accident, unless I'm just really misreading everything about the Ami/Ayane/Maya/Sensei dynamic. They don't act like Ami has only been living with Sensei for 3 years, and it states explicitly that Ami doesn't remember ever really seeing Noriko, except a vague recollection of a play date when she was younger. However, this can be attributed to Ami's bad memory around the time of the accident.

Also, Niki doesn't act like her and Sensei broke up 8 years ago, hell, she says she wasted MOST of her 20's on him, but if they dated when she was in highschool, which she says they did, then they broke up with her no older than 23 at the extreme, and more likely something like 21, neither of which could be considered most of your 20's. Now she could also be talking about the era of depression/sadness she experienced after the break up, but therein lies another issue, she says she couldn't be mad at him because he just went through something tragic. I really think the accident happened 8 years ago, and Noriko was tutored before the accident while Sensei and Niki were dating. Then he broke up with Niki when the accident happened, but still had his apartment next door. Then, 3 years ago, something else happened and he moved into his current house, or nothing happened and he just didn't tell them and he moved. My theory here, though, is something did happen, but it wasn't bad. I think Sensei started dating Maya when she was in Junior High. I think both Maya and Noriko liked Sensei, and they both know that they both liked him, and he started a relationship with Maya, and moved. Then I think something happened, maybe he was caught and fired because Maya became his student? Maybe, as others have theorized, something happened with Maya, possibly a miscarriage. But I think he dated Maya for about 3 years, something happened, and he tried to kill himself, maybe even by jumping off the school roof. I think this is why Selebus insists that Sensei is bad, because let's face it, a 28 year old getting into a relationship with a 12/13 year old is just... well, let's leave it at I don't think there is any culture where that is acceptable. This is of course, above and beyond what he's been doing in LiL up to this point, which is also highly questionable, but obviously wouldn't have been quite as bad.
You'd be surprised with the cultural acceptence thing... But yeah, that age thing would be really bad.

Noriko not telling Niki is a thing i thought about too. But for her that could have just meant one competitor less.
Question is also why Niki's parents, as initiators, didn't tell Niki?

Finally, some stuff that the game supports and contradicts at the same time. First and foremost is that this is all a psychological breakdown of Sensei's and nothing is real. Obviously that line is all over the game, but it could be true if Sensei has had a major psyche break and is in a padded room. This could be the room with clocks, which also has Sensei in an aquarium, which could indicate that he is contained/locked up. In that case, this could all be a mix of memories and hallucinations all of which are just him being crazy as all hell. The only problem I really have with this theory is that it doesn't explain at all what caused the break, and maybe Selebus just hasn't gotten there yet, and that will be the big reveal, and we'll all love it, but I prefer to think that, like any good puzzle, we have the pieces to at least construct the border/outline of this puzzle, and so while we don't have the whole picture, we should be able to start figuring out what it is, and my other theories support that way more. That said, this is easily the best explanation for the time loops that I've got, because everything else is either Religious/Sci-fi and/or Aliens, and I think that Selebus is purposely trying to tell us it isn't any of those things by having: the 3 god's origin stories(well 2 so far, but I expect a third, probably in chapter 3); and the space war, which is so over the top as to make the idea of advanced technology and aliens seem comical.
Didn't notice the Aquarium. Thanks for that. Did you see the bird too? In the clock on the door.

Alright, that is really long, and I have way too much ADHD for it to make sense, so please forgive me if you made it this far, because this took like 5 hours, and I'm sure it makes little sense.
I wouldnt say thats an exclusively ADHD thing. Sometimes i take hours for things like that too. I'd rather say thats a sign of putting some more effort into the thought process. And this particular part of the story really is confusing and i really hope it gets at least explained so far, in the future, that it makes some more sense. But at least we'll have some common ground to relate back to if we get more hints.
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
So I was going to try to type up a cohesive theory, but honestly, it keeps changing too quickly. Anytime I go to pin down any part of what I'm thinking I find something that morphs it, so instead I'm going to reply to BlackDays' post and explain some of what I'm thinking, and then maybe post some way out there stuff that I think might be true, finally finish with some stuff that I thought, but is both supported and contradicted by the game simultaneously.

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On a side note, Selebus has, for sure, made one mistake, and I don't know if it is intentional or not, but the Japanese school year starts in April, and summer break is the first break of the year, not the end of the school year like in the U.S. so it wouldn't be weird at all for them to have been in his class during the last summer break, and thus had the beach trip. Still, I don't know if this mistake was intentional, since I'm sure most of the players of LiL wouldn't know this, so maybe he's trying to make it relatable, and maybe he's just trying to sneak one past everyone, and there is a deeper meaning to the students acting more like they're on a U.S. style school system. Food for thought definitely.

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Alright, that is really long, and I have way too much ADHD for it to make sense, so please forgive me if you made it this far, because this took like 5 hours, and I'm sure it makes little sense.
Knowing how this story is written now and that Selebus has confirmed inconsistencies to be intentional before, I would say that most, if not all, mistakes are actually part of his plan for the game. There is something VERY strange going on, likely a result of Sensei's issues, and that does seem to mess with all sorts of time related things.

This game is reminding me a bit of CROSS†CHANNEL in some ways (what with the multitude of psychological issues that both Sensei and the girls have), needless to say, there won't be a harem nor a happy ending.

Indeed, this game comes off as a dark parody of harem games; if you just slept around and treated girls as mere toys (which Sensei has been doing quite a bit lately, just look at Makoto and Rin), well yeah, they would start snapping eventually.

(Ayane seems to be hinting at telling something important to Sensei recently, just hope it doesn't involve pregnancy or yandere tendencies).
I do believe Selebus has mentioned that game specifically as an inspiration, of which there are several. I used to think Ayane was an extreme threat in the yandere department, but I don't think she actually has those tendencies, just uses them as a front that she has been dropping slowly for a while now. It could VERY easily be pregnancy, though why she wouldn't just tell him the next chance she got to be alone is unknown and very odd considering she's head over heels for him and hasn't been known to keep secrets from him.

That's ok, i guess thats one of the least important details anyway. I just thought better ask, because a thing i realised recently is that whenever i come up with something, i cant remember the exact event and others here do that too. So i thought i better write those things down in the future and ask people if they remember the event they are refering to when they post something, so i can double check and dont get too confused.

Ok, again i think i saw the same thing that they are 1st year students. But i dont know where that was or, more important if i havent, if they really are 1st year students.
The thing with Makoto and Ami later on is to show us that people start to remember things they should'nt and that this induces glitches. Because if their current school year, which started in winter after reset, is their first school year together, there couldnt have been a beach trip.

Yeah this is a tough nut. Maybe ill come back to this because i have to replay .16 Ami events i guess.
Because, if he tutored Maya and Noriko after the car crash, where would Ami have been, as you said.
I thought he moved into her parents house right after, or couple weeks after.
Leaving her at her parents house without any family left for god knows how long while he tutored, would have been bad.
Her moving to him would make her remembe Sensei tutoring Maya and Noriko.
But maybe maybe... what if he moved to Ami (new district) but went back to his old house (old district) for some hours a day for tutoring and never told Ami about it? Would that make sense?

You'd be surprised with the cultural acceptence thing... But yeah, that age thing would be really bad.

Noriko not telling Niki is a thing i thought about too. But for her that could have just meant one competitor less.
Question is also why Niki's parents, as initiators, didn't tell Niki?

Didn't notice the Aquarium. Thanks for that. Did you see the bird too? In the clock on the door.

I wouldnt say thats an exclusively ADHD thing. Sometimes i take hours for things like that too. I'd rather say thats a sign of putting some more effort into the thought process. And this particular part of the story really is confusing and i really hope it gets at least explained so far, in the future, that it makes some more sense. But at least we'll have some common ground to relate back to if we get more hints.
Same, I put some serious thought into my theories for this game and I can spend hours just randomly considering things that could and have happened and how it affects the potential futures ahead. I figured a great effort should be rewarded with a great effort in return, so that means both doing the absolute best I can to piece together what has been presented and doing the best I can on my own in game.


Sep 16, 2019
I think this is about how the memories work after a reset. It sort of changes when the school year started, I think, depending on when the reset happens, to make sure that they don't think they're supposed to graduate before the next one. Thus, the school is on a weird rotating start of the year, and it's only weird about the summer break because of when the last reset occurred.
Yeah, this is what I'm assuming at this point. Still, it would, to me, make more sense if she took this thought 1 step further and was like, why would I think that class started in Fall/Winter, when the school year starts in April. Either way, I trust Selebus has a plan, and mostly just point out "inconsistencies" like this on the off chance that Selebus DID make a mistake, and then they read this and are like, "Doh! Need to explain that now! Thanks forums!" Being an awesome writer(or whatever really) doesn't mean you never make mistakes, and everyone can use help sometimes, so I figure I'll point out what I feel are mistakes/inconsistencies in the sincere hope that I'm wrong, or that if I am right, I never find out because Selebus fixes it behind the scenes.

Yeah this is a tough nut. Maybe ill come back to this because i have to replay .16 Ami events i guess.
Because, if he tutored Maya and Noriko after the car crash, where would Ami have been, as you said.
I thought he moved into her parents house right after, or couple weeks after.
Leaving her at her parents house without any family left for god knows how long while he tutored, would have been bad.
Her moving to him would make her remember Sensei tutoring Maya and Noriko.
But maybe maybe... what if he moved to Ami (new district) but went back to his old house (old district) for some hours a day for tutoring and never told Ami about it? Would that make sense?
Yeah, I was thinking that... and more sinisterly, assuming that Sensei really is a BAD guy, maybe he kept the apartment specifically so that he could have a place to try to do stuff with Noriko/Maya/Other girls without Ami knowing. I don't really think that though. I think, if anything, maybe he had started to tutor Noriko slightly before the breakup/accident, and thus disappeared the first time by moving into the house with Ami, but keeping the apartment to continue to tutor Noriko and Maya until they got into junior high school, and then he stopped tutoring them and got rid of the apartment.

Didn't notice the Aquarium. Thanks for that. Did you see the bird too? In the clock on the door.
I didn't until you pointed it out a few posts ago, but I did mean to say something about it during my last reply, and I just forgot. I actually started with this bit of my theory in the last post, mostly because it was the easiest to form, as it really is just wild food for thought.

Same, I put some serious thought into my theories for this game and I can spend hours just randomly considering things that could and have happened and how it affects the potential futures ahead. I figured a great effort should be rewarded with a great effort in return, so that means both doing the absolute best I can to piece together what has been presented and doing the best I can on my own in game.
Thanks guys, but I really do have major ADHD, and what I meant is that big, complicated theories like this are hard for me to hold all the pieces. I at one point had 15 sheets of graph paper with scribbles, it was like a half step from the crazy person with the cork board and pictures with strings you see in movies! I have a very disorganized mind and when I get into stuff like this it takes an extreme amount of effort to focus, and after 5ish hours of that last night, I just couldn't focus anymore and it was too late to take any of my medicine for it. I'm serious, I had thoughts about Yumi and Miku. How Makoto could tie in. Who Sekai really is, and what is meant by Nozomu and Sekai. But they're not really coherent thoughts, or at least I can't get them to line up enough to actually put them to words, and hours of trying, and then deleting entire paragraphs from my post later, I was just expressing my hope that what made it to my last post was semi cohesive.


Sep 16, 2019
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Also, does anyone have a link to a resource where I can learn how to extract the images from the scenes. I want to start checking the static jumps for single frame images and stuff, but I'm no computer programmer, and have no idea how Ren'py works, but I wouldn't mind learning to dig into this game. If it is easy enough to do that you can just PM me an explanation, or post it here for anyone else who's curious, feel free, but a link to another forum post, or some other guide would work too. I would appreciate it greatly, because I've no idea where/how to start.

Edit: doh, this was supposed to be tacked onto my other post, sorry for the double post! Also, added some more to my thoughts about the 3 year gap.
Last edited:


Aug 25, 2017
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Also, does anyone have a link to a resource where I can learn how to extract the images from the scenes. I want to start checking the static jumps for single frame images and stuff, but I'm no computer programmer, and have no idea how Ren'py works, but I wouldn't mind learning to dig into this game. If it is easy enough to do that you can just PM me an explanation, or post it here for anyone else who's curious, feel free, but a link to another forum post, or some other guide would work too. I would appreciate it greatly, because I've no idea where/how to start.

Edit: doh, this was supposed to be tacked onto my other post, sorry for the double post! Also, added some more to my thoughts about the 3 year gap.
You can start by just looking in the "game" folder, you can also just end there cause the images aren't in anything that they would need to be extracted from, they're all just there.


Sep 16, 2019
You can start by just looking in the "game" folder, you can also just end there cause the images aren't in anything that they would need to be extracted from, they're all just there.
View attachment 1218329
Really? Nice, I had no idea, I figured they'd be packed away somewhere. Guess that's why it was so hard to find what I was looking for, since you don't need to extract Ren'py anything then it makes sense nobody has a tutorial on how to do so! Thank you.
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