
Active Member
Mar 7, 2018
I know atleast 1 person on a discord server that can be described as a "prolific" leaker (he's a patreon supporter for atleast--no joke--30 games) and he doesn't see what he's doing as bad or selfish, he rationalizes it as helping out those that can't afford it as well as spreading the word about the games he loves.
That stance would make sense, if there was either a major difference between Patron and Public versions, or if Public versions didn't come as often as Public ones.

Leaking something that everyone will get two weeks later for free isn't "helping" anyone.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2017
That stance would make sense, if there was either a major difference between Patron and Public versions, or if Public versions didn't come as often as Public ones.

Leaking something that everyone will get two weeks later for free isn't "helping" anyone.
Like i said, that's how he sees it, that's how a lot of people see it (rightly or wrongly) and that's the way it is. Complaining about leaks, while understandable, is ultimately pointless because it won't solve anything.

If this site imposed a 1-2 week "paywall" i'd be totally on board with it, because it ain't (and probably won't) the discussion is wasteful.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Technically speaking, yes: ver. 0.16 part 1 was released for public on Patreon only yesterday. But it has been accessible here since May 16. I have noticed that sometimes new public updates are accessible here earlier than on Patreon. Does anybody know what`s this about?
It was only accessible here that early because of a leak, the public builds are put up here before the release on Patreon and Subscribestar ONLY when they haven't already leaked.

This is a pirate site. Patreon only updates get leaked very often and Devs can't really do much against it, I think Sel couldn't even stop the first post being updated automatically with leaked updates.

That being said, most of the times for LiL the user base respects Sels decision to offer everything for free just with a 2 weeks delay. Honestly, I wish that would be the case always because I think it's a super fair deal for all parties involved (and secure funding for this masterpiece without sacrificing content from the public) but this here is a pirate site and on pirate site stuff gets pirated... So yeah

(Also fun fact: I wasn't even aware that most of the content here is not with the consent of the game devs. I was pretty naive and didn't question the stuff here XD)
This basically says it all. Selebus has no control here, but the players of this game more often than not respect him enough not to leak. Literally the only things we patrons get are a two week head start and our names on the boards in the dorms, at the right patron tier, of course. This is an extremely generous deal, I agree on that for sure. I'm not sure I could agree if there was exclusive content as I do tend to look unfavorably on that specific practice.

Yeah I'm more than happy to continue posting releases here as soon as they go public as I've demonstrated in the past. But that unfortunately isn't enough to repel the people who claim to like to the game only to actively beg others to steal it for them and post it online so they don't have to spend $5 to get early access to something they are literally going to get for free in two weeks anyway.

That's why I barely come here anymore. It's just depressing. I've been so much less stressed the past two weeks without having to participate in a forum where I'm expected to connect and communicate with people actively stealing from my supporters.
It does suck to deal with that kind of interaction, and I used to be one of them, though I never ask for a release unless I need an old copy not available outside a third party source like the F95 community, like on another game that got hit by Patreon for incest that I ended up having to go to an old version the developer does not provide and paying for would not get me. I feel for you and don't blame you for not wanting to be here anymore, though it would be a sad day if or when you ever decided to cut ties completely with the thread here.

Sigh, another good update but with no H-content. Don't get me wrong, still enjoyed it, and I know this game is not one that you fire up dick in hand for a quick wank, but at least one H scene an update would be nice...

Quick Edit: Seeing Sel's reponse above, just chiming in that I'm still a happy patron, just wish there were more lust scenes ;)
I'm not so sure the story would allow for that kind of scheduling of H content, have you seen Miku's event line yet? The only interactions so far haven't exactly been desired, she just seems to have issues saying no. The others only really got that kind of content once they were at a point where they were actually willing to go further with player Sensei.

Is there any pics that shows upcoming content for the next few patches? I remember you making a few before :p
Upcoming patches don't typically get preview pics, only a nice little 'title card' displaying any new characters and such. What you might have seen were the gravure sets, which aren't actually part of the game.

Didn't think I'd like rich girl and weird girl as much as I did. Looking forward to more with them.
I typically DON'T like rich girls, especially anime style rich girls, because they typically come with a stuck up, better than anyone else personality that just gets on my nerves and a laugh that makes me want to pull my hair out every time I hear it. I don't mind Touka as much since she seems to be less stuck up and more naive about the lower classes than normal, like a middle ground between the stuck up rich girls and the ones I DO like, which are the gentle ones who remain friendly with the lower classes and treat them with at least some respect.

This is a pirate site, you know this and we know this. Don't forget that many of your supporters were gained from this site, so i don't know why you're so downbeat about it.

So people steal, who doesn't? Everyone on this site has pirated something in the past, i think as long as people spread the word about this game then there should be no problem.

It's an inevitability, i actually do think there should be an obligatory "grace period" of atleast 1 week for every patron release on this site, but that's just me.
Just because he got support from us doesn't mean people still actively stealing the game doesn't get him down, of course it would. I agree on the grace period, but I think it should be 2 weeks of no uploading of patron versions.

That's all I ask for. I'm even on record saying I'd be fine with a 3 day grace period in the past. I just want the people paying me money every month to have early access for more than just a handful of hours.

I get that piracy is a focus of the site but to sit there and say something like "As long as people spread the word there's no problem," is just straight up nonsensical. If I go to a local food stand and steal a freshly baked loaf of bread and then proceed to brag to my friends about the bread I stole, even if one of those friends goes and buys that bread, there's still a loss of profit.

Of course people are going to steal shit. That's life. But don't pretend that it's an okay thing to do. Know you're being a fucking cock and keep to yourself while doing it. Don't steal and then talk about how it's okay because someone will spend money.
Exactly, I for one know it is not okay and don't pretend it is. I know doing it is wrong, so I only limit it to times where it is my only option, such as games uploaded here that aren't even available to me legally in the first place. It's a shitty practice, but it is the only way I would ever get to play games like that.

I'm a patreon supporter btw, i'm just saying that most people don't care about your concerns. "As long as people spread the word there's no problem" is how most people will react to your concerns, when they're not being straight up hostile about it.

To make a game nowadays, more than ever before, is too know you're gonna get mugged from every angle, as long as you're a nice and respectful dev (which you are) you'll earn the respect from those that mug you, and maybe they'll even donate to you in the long run.
Very true, handling the situation in a respectful way goes a long way toward gaining the support of those who once stole from you in the past. It wasn't what won me, an admitted past thief of this game, over, but it might have even if the writing hadn't.

They should make it so that active devs in the community can request that their game isn't released until a certain time. To have a few days, weeks, or whatever else where it isn't updated here. I emphasise the word active, because obviously a lot of games posted here are already finished, and so those devs probably haven't even heard of this site, nevermind use it. But regardless, they should be able to request that it isn't leaked until they are happier for it to be released. Otherwise active devs like Sel that don't want it released too early, they wont be happy
As for myself, I had no idea this was a piracy site for a long time myself. I was just looking for adult games, everywhere else was badly made games or in different languages that I didn't understand
That's actually a great idea, though like some of the tag ideas that the user base has thrown toward the staff, it is unlikely to get a positive response. This would also curb issues with bugs since some developers use the public release method Selebus does as a beta test period, where leaks would likely lead to bugs and ruined saves. That's happened A LOT over in the Harem Hotel thread.

If I had money I would pay just to get access to patreon's discord role priviliges, actually. Sadly where I live 5$ is quite a lot T-T
For those alone, I would not since I don't really go on Discord all that much, but I have the development of this and possibly future games to look forward to that gives me all the reason I need to pay Selebus.

Agree, devs should have at least a month's worth of protection from leaks, and then after that, it's all up grabs. I just feel so bad when the devs who consistently update suffer from their game being leaked the next day by fuckers.
Or worse, the same day, sometimes as little as within an hour.

The headpat system is the best feature in a VN ever. Change my mind.
It will be once it has my best girl in the system.

I also think they should have a grace period (maybe not as long as you say but that's just my opinion imo), i just think devs should be grounded in their expectations, there's no honor among thieves in the pirating community, the more popular a certain game is, the more likely it's going to leak.

That's not necessarily a bad thing, it means more people are likely to see what all the fuss is about and become donors themselves in the future.

It is what it is, and what it is, is not gonna change in the foreseeable future.
Agreed, a month is a bit long.

That's kinda one sided, no? Hey these people will treat you like shit, but if you're nice to them they might like you someday!

Honestly Selebus, take Sensei's view on friendship. If you don't feel like there's anything to gain by hanging around here then don't. You're making close to 10k a month just on patreon right now, it's not like you need this site. Personally I like this thread and I like having access to the creator through it and I stick to the public downloads through patreon, but if you feel like this place is bad for your mental health, then go spend time in better places.

If I find a board that offers the level of access to new games this one does without the piracy that goes with it, I'd be out of here yesterday. Unfortunately F95 is kind of necessary to indie adult games right now but personally I only follow download links posted by the game authors.
Agreed, if nothing is left to gain, Selebus, it isn't worth sticking around. Your health and well being is absolute top priority even above the game itself, so if getting away from here is necessary to keep that in check, know that we will miss your interactions, but please do it for your own sake.

That's such a defeatist outlook.
There is literally zero harm in people standing up for what they think is right.
Agreed, but he does have a point. Especially with how things have been over the last couple years, where getting an income capable of supporting that kind of monthly payment is harder than normal. Things are getting better, but we aren't there yet.

That's not reality though in this case, there's no reason for him to be nice to people stealing from him, maybe early on that was true but at this point the game would do just fine if he never posted here again.
It would and he would possibly suffer less emotionally and mentally. It does still pay to be nice because becoming known as a bad developer for any reason would damage the game's standing as well, however. Any negativity that spreads out from here threatens to stall any increase in patrons on reputation alone and may even begin to decrease patrons. One thing I have noticed is that people don't like to support developers who act terribly toward their players and potential patrons, that goes on the same level as developers who are slow or don't develop much at all in order milk patrons as far as what developers become known for. You can have a fantastic game, but the second your reputation becomes that of a developer who treats people with disrespect or milks patrons, you're out.

People can have those reasons not to support a developer. But people in financial difficulty, like me, aren't leaking someone else's game. There's a difference between not being able to support a dev, and then actively leaking their content. Besides there is no benefit to that person leaking the game early anyway, what do they get from it? They get nothing
I think you have a bleak perspective on people. Not everyone is so selfish. People who can't support, and people who leak are not the same
No, no we are not. I once stole this game before becoming a patron, I'm going to be beating myself over that for a while, but I NEVER would have distributed what I stole.

Maybe they see it in a different light? Maybe they see it as "helping the little guy out" as opposed to stealing?

I know atleast 1 person on a discord server that can be described as a "prolific" leaker (he's a patreon supporter for atleast--no joke--30 games) and he doesn't see what he's doing as bad or selfish, he rationalizes it as helping out those that can't afford it as well as spreading the word about the games he loves.

It's a fundamental difference of divergent philosophies that's at play here, but this site manages to bring people from all sides together into a neat little community, and i think, at the end of the day, that's pretty great.
It does bring people together and it is great that it does, at least as long as we don't all get caught up in some sort of law enforcement sting op, as unlikely as that is. What you're describing sounds a lot like an internet Robin Hood.

In this case though that's just a rationalization, since the public version is only 2 weeks behind the patreon one.
It is

That stance would make sense, if there was either a major difference between Patron and Public versions, or if Public versions didn't come as often as Public ones.

Leaking something that everyone will get two weeks later for free isn't "helping" anyone.
No, no it is not. If there was exclusive content, sure, but not when everyone gets everything on a delay.

Like i said, that's how he sees it, that's how a lot of people see it (rightly or wrongly) and that's the way it is. Complaining about leaks, while understandable, is ultimately pointless because it won't solve anything.

If this site imposed a 1-2 week "paywall" i'd be totally on board with it, because it ain't (and probably won't) the discussion is wasteful.
Indeed, a paywall period would be of benefit even if it ultimately still leaves a period of piracy, just not as much, by a large margin, as completely cutting off piracy, which is just not in the cards.


Aug 13, 2017
Oh boy, I know I'm gonna stir up a hornet's nest here but I feel this needs to be stated:

1) This is a site where piracy is common. (Officially, it's an adult games community)

2) The keynote behind recurring crowd funding or early access is that a project is able to be financed. So you technically don't pay for the whole product rather than the possibility that the product will eventually be finished, which wouldn't be possible otherwise.

So, why am I writing this? Because I hate seeing a dev guilt tripping the community into forced obedience. Especially when the guilt tripper's first post on this site was literally a support to pirate .
And yes, it has been discussed already. Many times. But it's still relevant that this site is an absolute goldmine to advertise your game.
In case of Selebus, targeting a group of that size (Members: 3,692,022) would propably his entire income. You know, targeted advertising and stuff.

Now onto the next thing. It also has been discussed on this page but adult game devs using Illusion's games to create their assets are, at best, operating in a grey zone. You know, the same grey zone pirating these games is in. (More or less. Pirating Mangagamer stuff is obviously another story. I'm relating to Patreon/SS funded games)

So yeah, Selebus. In my eyes, you shouldn't be throwing infantile tantrums everytime someone asks for it to be leaked. You are making close to 10k/month and a leak won't change that. And no, I don't play your game, I didn't play it since 0.2 because I can't get behind the fact that the MC is named Sensei.

This is, obviously, just my humble, semi-objective opinion because I saw your fit of rage in the game request section. You shouldn't point your finger at others if you're not free of any guilt.
Last edited:


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Oh boy, I know I'm gonna stir up a hornet's nest here but I feel this needs to be stated:

1) This is a site where piracy is common. (Officially, it's an adult games community)

2) The keynote behind recurring crowd funding or early access is that a project is able to be financed. So you technically don't pay for the whole product rather than the possibility that the product will eventually be finished, which wouldn't be possible otherwise.

So, why am I writing this? Because I hate seeing a dev guilt tripping the community into forced obedience. Especially when the guilt tripper's first post on this site was literally a support to pirate .
And yes, it has been discussed already. Many times. But it's still relevant that this site is an absolute goldmine to advertise your game.
In case of Selebus, targeting a group of that size (Members: 3,692,022) would propably his entire income. You know, targeted advertising and stuff.

Now onto the next thing. It also has been discussed on this page but adult game devs using Illusion's games to create their assets are, at best, operating in a grey zone. You know, the same grey zone pirating these games is in. (More or less. Pirating Mangagamer stuff is obviously another story. I'm relating to Patreon/SS funded games)

So yeah, Selebus. In my eyes, you shouldn't be throwing infantile tantrums everytime someone asks for it to be leaked. You are making close to 10k/month and a leak won't change that. And no, I don't play your game, I didn't play it since 0.2 because I can't get behind the fact that the MC is named Sensei.

This is, obviously, just my humble, semi-objective opinion because I saw your fit of rage in the game request section. You shouldn't point your finger at others if you're not free of any guilt.
Forced? We're obeying willingly out of respect, there is no guilt tripping. Nobody here is forcing anybody else to do anything they don't already want to do. Everyone here who has chosen to wait until the actual public release has done so of their own free will as has anyone here who is actively supporting Selebus.

Illusion has always taken an 'it's fine to make other games with our software' stance, that's literally what the studio was made for. The only people who ever rose a stink about piracy over Illusion assets was Fakku and they have been real quiet on the subject for a while now, probably told to knock it off by Illusion because they only have distribution rights to one version of one game. No, pirating these games is NOT in a grey zone at all, it is very much illegal as is ALL piracy. Selebus would actually have every right as the developer of HIS game to go to the police if he wanted, the only thing stopping us from being arrested is a lack of identification on this site. He is gracious enough to not even attempt it even though he is the one losing out if he does not.

Infantile tantrums? I see no such thing here. A developer has every right to complain about piracy of THEIR game, I would be doing the same thing if I were being pirated from, and Selebus isn't really even doing that much, he's been very nice about the subject. This is one reason I don't openly develop games on the internet, but choose instead to keep all assets on local storage until completion, though I also didn't have any compulsion to release a game for myself until this game inspired me to do it over the last few updates, I've only ever developed for myself.

You would be wrong about how quickly people converting their source of a project like this from the actual developer's official links to pirate links can cut into profits, it is actually VERY easy to make Selebus's income from this game completely flatline. It doesn't actually matter how much he makes, the threat of the game completely dying because of a lack of income is always there. He doesn't even have to lose the entire 10k, he only has to drop below making enough to support his expenses, then development is on the chopping block under the immediate threat of termination because he has to find one or more jobs to support himself, which means far less time to work on the game. You don't seem to understand that game development isn't just some monetary commitment and doesn't just take minutes out of his day, he literally spends hours a day working on this, most, if not all, developers do. Hours he wouldn't have without that 10k.

I'll end this response with an extremely valid question. If you don't play, why are you even here? You've said yourself you found a reason to stop playing and it sounds very much like there is no chance you will return, so why even bother commenting? I'm not telling you to leave, which is a valid option by the way, I'm just curious why you still hang around a thread for a game you will never pick back up. It's not like Sensei is ever going to get a name change, that would be WAY too much work at this point. There have to be at least a thousand references to that name by now.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2021
Hi, I'm Selebus and I am here to guilt trip people into paying $5 for the game I add three hours of content to every month all by my infantile self. You should all feel very bad and you should all empty your wallets into my crib.
3 (2*1.5h?)? That's at least 20 hours (1.5h => 10h?) for me. Am i the only one? Don't know if i should question my ability to focus or be proud i try to read consume very carefully.


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
3 (2*1.5h?)? That's at least 20 hours (1.5h => 10h?) for me. Am i the only one? Don't know if i should question my ability to focus or be proud i try to read consume very carefully.
Some updates can take longer than others to find all the event triggers, certainly, but a single update has never taken me more than 4 hours to consume, except maybe the giant head-pat update, because I had to take breaks from all the pat-clicking.
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Reactions: alex2011


Sep 16, 2019
Oh boy, I know I'm gonna stir up a hornet's nest here but I feel this needs to be stated:

1) This is a site where piracy is common. (Officially, it's an adult games community)

2) The keynote behind recurring crowd funding or early access is that a project is able to be financed. So you technically don't pay for the whole product rather than the possibility that the product will eventually be finished, which wouldn't be possible otherwise.

So, why am I writing this? Because I hate seeing a dev guilt tripping the community into forced obedience. Especially when the guilt tripper's first post on this site was literally a support to pirate .
And yes, it has been discussed already. Many times. But it's still relevant that this site is an absolute goldmine to advertise your game.
In case of Selebus, targeting a group of that size (Members: 3,692,022) would propably his entire income. You know, targeted advertising and stuff.

Now onto the next thing. It also has been discussed on this page but adult game devs using Illusion's games to create their assets are, at best, operating in a grey zone. You know, the same grey zone pirating these games is in. (More or less. Pirating Mangagamer stuff is obviously another story. I'm relating to Patreon/SS funded games)

So yeah, Selebus. In my eyes, you shouldn't be throwing infantile tantrums everytime someone asks for it to be leaked. You are making close to 10k/month and a leak won't change that. And no, I don't play your game, I didn't play it since 0.2 because I can't get behind the fact that the MC is named Sensei.

This is, obviously, just my humble, semi-objective opinion because I saw your fit of rage in the game request section. You shouldn't point your finger at others if you're not free of any guilt.
Alright... Wow, can't believe I'm wading into this, because yeah, hornet's nest. I think even Selebus agrees with your basic point, but what you're missing, is that Selebus offers this game, completely free, just 2 weeks delayed, so that he can incentivize Patreon support. He isn't against the free distribution of his hard work, because he gets that he's earning a living developing this game now, and I'm sure he's grateful of the opportunity. Imagine however, that every other week you took all the product in your store and gave it away for free, then restocked the shelves with new product, and people continued to vandalize your store and steal your products... That would be a big bummer.

To Selebus, please keep heart. "The only thing necessary for the Triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." I wish people wouldn't leak the Patreon version of this game, but sites like F95zone are necessary to navigate the works of other devs that aren't as good as you. We all know that there are devs that don't release free versions on their works, and then just disappear with thousands of dollars in funding. Vaporware was an issue for a long time, and it still is, and sites like this combat that. Unfortunately, that promotes opinions of entitlement, and good people, good devs, get abused by those with a devil-may-care attitude. I hope you know that this community does support you, and we hope you'll continue to join us in discussion of your masterful work of art.

Deleted member 1697433

Lessons in Love
Game Developer
Oct 8, 2019
Alright... Wow, can't believe I'm wading into this, because yeah, hornet's nest. I think even Selebus agrees with your basic point, but what you're missing, is that Selebus offers this game, completely free, just 2 weeks delayed, so that he can incentivize Patreon support. He isn't against the free distribution of his hard work, because he gets that he's earning a living developing this game now, and I'm sure he's grateful of the opportunity. Imagine however, that every other week you took all the product in your store and gave it away for free, then restocked the shelves with new product, and people continued to vandalize your store and steal your products... That would be a big bummer.

To Selebus, please keep heart. "The only thing necessary for the Triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." I wish people wouldn't leak the Patreon version of this game, but sites like F95zone are necessary to navigate the works of other devs that aren't as good as you. We all know that there are devs that don't release free versions on their works, and then just disappear with thousands of dollars in funding. Vaporware was an issue for a long time, and it still is, and sites like this combat that. Unfortunately, that promotes opinions of entitlement, and good people, good devs, get abused by those with a devil-may-care attitude. I hope you know that this community does support you, and we hope you'll continue to join us in discussion of your masterful work of art.
Thanks so much dude! I really appreciate that. And yup, you hit the nail on the head with your entire explanation.

It's just interesting how I can literally say "I don't really mind the people who pirate the game" and DONATE MONEY TO THIS WEBSITE and still have keyboard warriors who don't even play the game show up and try to call me a child for sticking up for my consumers. Shit's wack, yo.


Aug 13, 2017
I'll end this response with an extremely valid question. If you don't play, why are you even here?
Ok, I'll start by answering this first. I did mention that I saw the game request thread. That's it.

Forced? We're obeying willingly out of respect, there is no guilt tripping.
You and I can only speak for ourselves. If you don't feel pressured, that's good. But there may be people who feel guilt tripped but I probably went to far there. But look at the request. It's radio silent there. It seems to me that everyone feels guilty, can wait for the free release or the game isn't that popular, but the activity in this thread paints a different picture. I could dig out some old request threads and compare them but I really don't want to.

Illusion has always taken an 'it's fine to make other games with our software' stance, that's literally what the studio was made for. The only people who ever rose a stink about piracy over Illusion assets was Fakku and they have been real quiet on the subject for a while now, probably told to knock it off by Illusion because they only have distribution rights to one version of one game. No, pirating these games is NOT in a grey zone at all, it is very much illegal as is ALL piracy. Selebus would actually have every right as the developer of HIS game to go to the police if he wanted, the only thing stopping us from being arrested is a lack of identification on this site.
Just because Illusion won't sue anyone does not mean it's legal now. I didn't follow the whole developments regarding Fakku's attempts, but i wouldn't go there saying that Illusion told them to 'knock it off'. Their still state that any other use than playing is prohibited. That's why I said 'grey zone', making a game out of 'stolen' assets won't protect it from piracy. But that's an assumption, the topic is too complex and I'm not a lawyer. And even if you are one, I don't think that you're authorized in every country.

Infantile tantrums? I see no such thing here.
Yeah, I may have exaggerated there. But I think getting snappy at everyone isn't the right way. It's not the wrong either, especially trying to protect your work.

He doesn't even have to lose the entire 10k, he only has to drop below making enough to support his expenses, then development is on the chopping block under the immediate threat of termination because he has to find one or more jobs to support himself, which means far less time to work on the game.
I didn't say that he doesn't deserve this nor that he doesn't work his ass off.

Anyway, I said what I had to say. You did aswell. As I mentioned the whole thing is rather complex, so I tried to keep it simple. My point is, for me, it feels wrong to lunge at anyone requesting things on a site where requesting things is a core feature. Legality aside, we have quite the nice ecosystem here and I hope it stays that way.


Sep 16, 2019
Anyway, I said what I had to say. You did aswell. As I mentioned the whole thing is rather complex, so I tried to keep it simple. My point is, for me, it feels wrong to lunge at anyone requesting things on a site where requesting things is a core feature. Legality aside, we have quite the nice ecosystem here and I hope it stays that way.
This is where I agree with you. I think it was a bit out of line to say Selebus has childish tantrums, but you already acknowledged that. And I get what you're saying. Nobody wants to think that them requesting a game because they can't afford it will be the straw that kills off a great game early, and too many devs have already wielded that excuse like a 2 ton warhammer.

To be clear though, I don't think that's what Selebus is doing, and they have every right to feel how they feel, and to voice those feelings, I simply hope that they don't lose sight of all the love and support available here, because it does come with a dose of depression and hate from an ugly side of this community that we sometimes like to ignore a bit too much.


Aug 13, 2017
View attachment 1225437

You're a funny guy. You should try making a game, it will probably be very good
Fuck, overlooked that, my bad. And yeah, maybe I should so I can relate better to this stuff.

Hi, I'm Selebus and I am here to guilt trip people into paying $5 for the game I add three hours of content to every month all by my infantile self. You should all feel very bad and you should all empty your wallets into my crib.
I wouldn't call that mature, bro. But yeah, I said I may have exaggerated but instantly calling me a keyboard warrior for stating some stuff (with sources) isn't really legit either. But that depends on the definition of keyboard warrior.

Deleted member 1697433

Lessons in Love
Game Developer
Oct 8, 2019
Fuck, overlooked that, my bad. And yeah, maybe I should so I can relate better to this stuff.

I wouldn't call that mature, bro. But yeah, I said I may have exaggerated but instantly calling me a keyboard warrior for stating some stuff (with sources) isn't really legit either. But that depends on the definition of keyboard warrior.
Yeah I'm getting called out for my fast food tier list on the Discord rn so I'm a little heated and took it out on you, I'm sorry


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
Yeah I'm getting called out for my fast food tier list on the Discord rn so I'm a little heated and took it out on you, I'm sorry
I'm reading this as "people upset I ranked Whataburger over In n Out" or "people upset I ranked In n Out over Whataburger."

Probably because 9 out of 10 conversations involving fast food and Texans wind up being exactly this argument in my experience.
  • Haha
Reactions: Savec and alex2011

Deleted member 1697433

Lessons in Love
Game Developer
Oct 8, 2019
I'm reading this as "people upset I ranked Whataburger over In n Out" or "people upset I ranked In n Out over Whataburger."

Probably because 9 out of 10 conversations involving fast food and Texans wind up being exactly this argument in my experience.
Nah they all trippin' because I put White Castle in S Tier


Aug 13, 2017
To be clear though, I don't think that's what Selebus is doing, and they have every right to feel how they feel, and to voice those feelings, I simply hope that they don't lose sight of all the love and support available here, because it does come with a dose of depression and hate from an ugly side of this community that we sometimes like to ignore a bit too much.
I see where you're coming from and I do think that Selebus has every right to voice but the tone was rather harsh. And as i mentioned I am glad for what we all have here. People made dreams possible after all. But please don't put people in the ugliest corner for voicing there opinion on something controversial. I mean I said it, at least, more or less polite.

Yeah I'm getting called out for my fast food tier list on the Discord rn so I'm a little heated and took it out on you, I'm sorry
I'm actually staring at your reply for 5 minutes and try to put my finger on if you're sincere or not. :LUL:
But if you are, all good man, thanks for at least reading my rant.
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